Interesting People: by author

483 messages starting Oct 23 01 and ending Oct 23 01
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David Farber

IP: absolutist ideology David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: more on -- Do read -- Tony Blair's speech David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: end of thread -- comment from an old right wing friend David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: revised FAA order on 1 bag plus David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Fox News goes overboard David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax -- 2 items worth reading David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Executive Order: Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age David Farber (Oct 18)
IP: re: ACLU Calls New Senate Terrorism Bill.. David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Senate approves USA Act, sends to Bush, Ashcroft vows "new era" David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: I feel good!!! David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Richard Stallman on civil liberties and terrorism David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Russia Prepares 1-Million Man Army for Afghanistan - David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: Smallpox War Game - NEWS Report - WP - 24OCT01 David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: The White House Press Office put out with some statistics today. David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Backyard terrorism David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: A chuckler: Patenter of the wheel awarded (Ig) Nobel Prize from Harvard David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: ICANN's new role: It's about keeping people from being killed by terrorist plots hatched over the net says Mike Roberts David Farber (Oct 27)
Fwd: no end possible, was Re: IP: New CDs designed to end 'ripping.' (featuring MS Media formats) David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Disconnect: How Bush and Michael Powell are killing the New Economy David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Correction -- added pointer to story -- Satellite TV deal would be sad sign for telecom industry David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: 2 from THE ASIABIZTECH NEWS FILE: Volume 211.1:10/09/01 David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Re -- the warmth, generosity, and quiet support our good neighbors in Canada have provided to us, not only in recent weeks, but over the long haul. David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Good Question re Experts explain terrorist training David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: ICANN replies to post about anti-terrorist Net-cop David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: We have been here before David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: EFF: Debuts "Radio EFF" on Live365 David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Just what we need: more handouts for the rich: Dan Gillmor on Technology Mon Oct 29 13:15:16 EST 2001 David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: CUNY condemns professors David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: "Brain fingerprinting" David Farber (Oct 02)
IP-FLASH A test of the new IP-Flash -- step 1 in change of IP David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: NSF -- Dave Farber's Presentation: Oct 9 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: FBI Warns Of Increased Hacktivism, Cyber Protests David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: more on ABC News says hijackers "may" have communicated using steganography David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Cheney predicts permanent, "never-ending" war David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: TCMHC presents Dan Ingalls: "From Smalltalk to Squeak" David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: RIAA WANTS TO HACK YOUR PC: Edupage, October 15, 2001 David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: book review 'Germs': The Troubling Story of Biological Weapons David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Re: Philip Wilcox on U.S. strategic response to terrorism David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Carnivore (fwd) David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Loose lips sink civilizations David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: The view from the ACLU -- Congress drafts new "anti-terror" bill -- with expiration date David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Caught in a Web of Terror [and a climate of fear and uneasiness] David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: Pentagon buys war satellite pictures David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: For Any of Your IP readers who are interested David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Interesting news source -- Pravda David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: re: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: John Gilmore on ICANN, Net-stability, and response to terrorism David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: A must read article from Ha'aretz - Israel David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: more on Additive Made Spores Deadlier -- then there was 1 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Life during wartime David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: ACLU Calls New Senate Terrorism Bill Significantly Worse; Says Long-Term Impact on Freedom Cannot Be Justified David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Anthrax misinformation flourishes David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Dave Farber on the radio today David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: RE: ICANN's new role: It's about keeping people from being killed by terrorist plots hatched over the net says Mike Roberts David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Microsoft's digital rights management scheme reportedly cracked David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Time to Look at Stock Options' Real Cost David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Re: Iridium wants to provide real time airline "Black Box"services David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: UN Wire Launches Redesigned News Service (fwd) David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: LA Times: The Lessons of Blowback David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: re -- Nimda E Windows Virus -- a different problem entirely David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: SANS NewsBites Vol. 3 Num. 42 David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Rethinking the design of the Internet: The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Does sound like Nam all over again David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: A look at Peer-to-Peer for academia David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: more on Ham radios in the aftermath of 11 September 2001: [risks] Risks Digest 21.68 David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: PGP on the block David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: So much for interoperability David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: more on READ -- "Your Paper Please" say Ashcroft and Ellison, coming soon: Your Assets please? David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: "Real Security, Not Eye-Wash" David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Revamped anti-terrorism bill to go to House -- keep away from the keyboard who knows what hacking is ? David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: R&D Shortfall Increases Cyber Risks, Experts Say David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: House votes 339-79 to approve USA Act v2.0 "anti-terror" bill David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: "Privacy laws are our biggest impediment to us obtaining our objectives" Eisner : Good Morning Silicon Valley Mon Oct 08 12:00:25 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: How to Lose a War: scathing NYT Op-Ed David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: Re: "we closed our societies, ... to freedom and knowledge" David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: help on Californians can see the Space Station tonight! David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Why Anthrax Vaccine Is Scarce David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Re Two points of View from Down Under -- one pro, one con David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Cellphones Spook Ghosts, Expert Says David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Callers to wireless phones abroad discover hefty surcharges attached David Farber (Oct 14)
IP: Remembering Canada's 1970 "October Crisis" and the War Measures Act David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Letter asks Congress to nix "secret searches" from USA Act David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Next steps in W3C Patent Policy process David Farber (Oct 14)
IP: drug-resistant infections... David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: NERF-Based Security: Reassurance Through Illusion, Rhetoric, and Fear-Mongering David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Re: new terrorist threat David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: NYT: Video Surveillance in the UK David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Furchtgott-Roth Speaks Out on Policy, Markets David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: New class of wireless attacks: [risks] Risks Digest 21.69 David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: War and culture David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Hijackers' e-mails were unencrypted David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: Re: GovNet, per FOS Newsletter David Farber (Oct 14)
IP: Some cell phone stuff: IHT Tech Alert for October 29 David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: 4 on : How to Lose a War: scathing NYT Op-Ed David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: here we go.... David Farber (Oct 07)
IP: What's next, loyalty oaths? David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: DOJ "field guidance" David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Not Anthrax: - Californians can see the Space Station tonight! David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: House Nears Vote on Anti-Terrorism Bill David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: telecom red-baiting David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: previous screed.... David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Web defacement and cyberattacks: [risks] Risks Digest 21.71 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: "Iron your letters" or use gamma radiation David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Is this how the police state begins? David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: how crazy 'security' has become David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Re: Free software to get a voice in patent, Software David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: Technology Daily David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: AT&T Wireless Exits Fixed Arena David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Ted Rall on Central Asia and the new war for oil ... David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Cold War civil Defense Museum... David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Survey: Wireless Surpasses Wireline in 3 Years David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: MS Front Page 2002 Licence Agreement: [risks] Risks Digest 21.68 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: a warning from the past David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Iranian-born researcher studies WTC collapse David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: The Iranian By Afsaneh Najmabadi David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: Blair produces Bin Laden evidence David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: censored Linux change logs David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: ABC News says hijackers "may" have communicated using steganography David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Four very useful notes between Bob Frankston and Vint Cerf re the message -- ICANN's new role: It's about keeping people from being killed by terrorist plots hatched over the net says Mike Roberts David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Experienced Israel Shrugs Off Anthrax Letter Fears David Farber (Oct 14)
IP: Two points of View from Down Under -- one pro, one con David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Big fans, insufficient wind David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: Herblock on Liberty David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: On centralized, distributed and absolutism David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Venture Capital, Withering and Dying David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Beyond Carnivore: FBI Eyes Packet Taps David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: The "traitor" fires back David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Re: Memo to America: Get a grip! David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Documentation of Thousands of Sites Wrongly Blocked by Filtering Programs David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: In-Depth: Home Networking: A bright spot in a down market David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: The New Economy's First War? David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: query re Moscow Times: A Bit of History of US/Middle East Despot relationships David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Guide to the Surveillance Provisions in the Anti-terrorism Bills David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: "No friends of liberty in foxholes?" -- a reply to Reason column David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: CNN Chief Orders 'Balance' in War News David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: social network analysis (fyi) David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: GOVNET: A secure telecom network for government use. David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Special Advisor to the President for Cyberspace Security David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: - Penn experts say U.S. can expect more terrorism David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: GOVNET redux David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Transcript of DOD meeting with media over war censorship rules David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: more on Oil, Afghanistan and America's pipe dream -- note this comes from Par... David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: re: The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Bin Laden/Hanssen : Excerpt of Fox News Special Report with Brit Hume of October 16, 2001 David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: a perfect example of fuzzy internet-think that got us into this mess... David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Your mileage may vary: Osama digs himself in David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Anti-Terrorism Bill "Compromises" Only Civil Liberties David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: will the anthrax "terror" disappear like the power "shortage"? David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: re: Anthrax Case Six Steps to Take When Envelope is Opened and the Powder Is Found David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: :The Day The World Came To Its Senses? David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Re: Profiling, from the front lines David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: BELIEVE ME OR NOT---IT'S UP TO YOU: a MUST read David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Ham radios in the aftermath of 11 Sep 2001 (Murnane, R-21.68): [risks] Risks Digest 21.70 David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: In memory of September 11 David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Fox News breaks story of Hanssen/bin Laden connection vis- à-vis PROMIS software David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Wireless Week in Review David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Outside View: Blowback David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Ricochet rebounds at WTC ground zero David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: Nature articles bioterrorism David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Reduce the danger David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Phony Pacifists Wash Post David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Bell Labs Develops Global Roaming Software David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: torture for al Qaeda suspects? David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Congress scrutinizes computer security, by CQ's Derek Willis David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Boehlert, others on cyber security David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: 'Govnet' would be costly, prone to failure-experts David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Re Herblock on Liberty David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: Re: CUNY condemns professors David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Re: An editorial comment David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Prof. Sir Michael Howard David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: United States Response to CBW Terrorism and Domestic Preparedness David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: P.S. Re: MSN.COM turns away non-MS browsers, appears to violate ADA David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: more from the Bechtel crew at the WTC David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: They Rule, real fun to look at and informative: Yahoo!'s Picks of the Week (October 22, 2001) David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: TRANSCRIPTS, FLIGHT CENTERS SHED LIGHT ON FINAL MOMENTS: Telecommunications Review - October 16, 2001 David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: Re: John Gilmore on ICANN, Net-stability, and response to terrori David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: FCC Turns Away Mail Amid Anthrax Fears David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: more on " I read this article and I can't help wondering." Beyond Carnivore: FBI Eyes Packet Taps David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Future of the Internet and ICANN David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: two on Re: Good Question re Experts explain terrorist training David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: more AIC David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: RE: ACLU "Bitterly Disappointed" in House-Senate Joint Passage of Anti-Terrorism Legislation David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: "we wouldn't do that" (nationalize patents) David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: re: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Australian cyber workers of the world wide web unite David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: Negroponte speaks! David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: ] Some articles to keep you scared David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Lax security eases access to lethal strains David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Update on anti-terror bill: House about to vote on a *new* bill David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: CDT Calls on Internet Activists to Urge Support for Feingold Amendments to Anti-Terrorism Bills David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Local FBI changes response policy. David Farber (Oct 18)
IP: Experts explain terrorist training David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Computer hacking and jail for life David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Cipro, other antibiotics overuse much more dangerous than anthrax David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: This one is worth pointing out - How the terror trail went unseen David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Re Two points of View from Down Under -- one pro, one con David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Ohio Connection: FBI and CIA Suspect Domestic Extremists David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: Security == Permanent tax David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Briton sends Web SOS to US David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: The full Howard Speech David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: We are Pretty Proud of this one David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Information sites David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Cutting through hype, spin, and propaganda - "Fact Squad Radio" David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: read it and weep FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: decontamination -- : congress online???? David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: "Anti-terrorist" hackers reportedly target mirror David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Farber on Future of Optical Networks David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Look at the Defense of Freedom statement. and endorse (sign) if you agree David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Re: "Maybe we should brand all babies." -- our national ID #'s David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Resent Laubach * Wavelet Modulation for Broadband * W4:15 B03 CSL Colloq. David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Nokia debuts world's most unwieldy cell phone: Good Morning Silicon Valley Fri Oct 12 12:15:17 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Project eLiza (yes this is Mark . . . <g>) David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Re: Intel and Broadband Deregulation .. David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: "Maybe we should brand all babies." David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Cipro Shortage: An Invented Scarcity (fwd) David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: could be a connection -- drug companies and campaign funding David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: What info does Zero Knowledge collect on users of Freedom 3.0? David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: From your Editor -- proposed changes in IP distribution David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: An editorial comment David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Buyer: Ground troops too risky; small, nuclear device an option David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Re: - Tony Blair's speech David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: a parable on the seeds of war David Farber (Oct 07)
IP: VoiceStream's GPRS Launches In Stealth Mode David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Anti-Terrorism Bill and the Judiciary David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: copyright idiocy STUPID SILLY ... djf David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: more on DO READ -- On centralized, distributed and absolutism -- and the thermodynamics of terrorism David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Re: CUNY condemns professors David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Giving From the Heart David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: two more on " I read this article and I can't help wondering." Beyond Carnivore: FBI Eyes Packet Taps David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Web consortium follies David Farber (Oct 03)
Re: IP: Eye on Emerson law suit David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: article to come in 1 hour -- NERF-Based Security: Reassurance Through Illusion, Rhetoric, and Fear-Mongering David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: North Californias -- EFF Holds BOF (Birds of a Feather) Session at ALS Conference David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: READ -- "Your Paper Please" say Ashcroft and Ellison, coming soon: Your Assets please? David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: new terrorist threat David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: No Guarantee on Mail Safety, U.S. Warns: IHT News Alert for October 25 David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: more on -- RAND and W3C David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Re: dejavu -- Hijackers' e-mails were unencrypted David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Re: Intel and Broadband Deregulation .. David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: more on Some articles to keep you scared David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Cold War II: America needs you, Harry Truman David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Censorware Article In November Playboy David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: re A difficult problem: Another Jerusalem bomb today David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: CPSR-GLOBAL Digest Number 238 David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Companies rethink Net privacy after attacks David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: 4,000 Jews, 1 Lie  - Tracking an Internethoax .  by Bryan Curtis David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Planned Parenthood and powdery substances David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Re: Outlook 2000 -- we aren't told and cannot peek David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: Pork with our liberty David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: More on GOVNET David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: the final exam David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: A difficult problem: Another Jerusalem bomb today David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: more on Correction sought (`Secrets concealed by software' London Times) David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Conservatives Sound Refrain: It's Clinton's Fault David Farber (Oct 07)
IP: Do read -- Tony Blair's speech David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Eye on Emerson law suit David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: After the tragedy, don't forget key business, technology issues: Mercury Center First Edition Mon Oct 08 07:30:34 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Powell Outlines FCC Reform David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: How to botch a crisis David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Laubach * Wavelet Modulation for Broadband * W4:15 B03 CSL Colloq. David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Oakland to be first U.S. airport to use face-recognition ID system : Mercury Center First Edition Thu Oct 18 07:30:09 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 18)
IP: Talking points on Cipro patent dispute David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Homegrown anthrax? David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Brock Meeks: First, brand all the children David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: CIPRO Patent David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: RE: Do read -- Tony Blair's speech David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Re: Time to Look at Stock Options' Real Cost David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: The thermodynamics of terrorism David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Concerns raised by new patent policy David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: FBI's NIPC on "cyber protests" and political hacking David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Remember not to believe everything you read in this pile of links. BE CAREFUL IF YOU DECIDE TO EXPLORE David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: One toy I will have to have... (how do I get it djf) David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Query Airline bailout and debt service David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Newsweek: FBI had one hijacker before Sept 11th and Justice Dept Bumbled David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: FCC Chairman Named to TDF Board David Farber (Oct 18)
IP: Privacy villain of the week: California's Dianne Feinstein David Farber (Oct 25)
Fwd: Re: IP: The next wave of terror - Scenario planners trying to predict the unthinkable David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: USSID 18 - Procedures on NSA collection data on "U.S. persons" David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: Note what the FAA really said re security restrictions David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Euphoria Lost - Where next for the "kineticists"? David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: congress online???? David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Smart use of tax dollars best boost for national security by Dab Gilmor David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Cipro Handling May Haunt Pharmas David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: "apocalypse now?" David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: We Are All Alone - nasty but maybe correct op-ed David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: 'This is a Religious War' David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: I lied -- one more -- Re: CUNY condemns professors David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Could the failed e-commerce plans be the end of epidemics? David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Re: Time to Look at Stock Options' Real Cost David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: READ -- Nimda E Windows Virus -- a different problem entirely David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Re: dejavu -- Hijackers' e-mails were unencrypted David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: death in detention David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Bin Laden's Grand Miscalculation by Tom Grant David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: Software patents in Europe looking limited... David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Peter Swire op-ed on anti-terrorism bill: Power may be abused David Farber (Oct 24)
Re: IP: Re: -RE: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Oil, Afghanistan and America's pipe dream -- note this comes from Paristan David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Cipro Handling May Haunt Pharmas David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: Re: Intel and Broadband Deregulation .. David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: shuts out non-Microsoft browsers David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Do read -- Fighting the Forces of Invisibility .. By Salman Rushdie David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Re: Iridium wants to provide real time airline "Black Box"services David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: RE: Experts explain terrorist training David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: There hasn't been a more dangerous time in global economic affairs in decades, Dan Gillmor David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: some scientific readings on anthrax and smallpox as bio weapons David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: RE: AISPA Weekly: Intel and Broadband Deregulation David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Chairman Sees No Intelligence Failure (or you got to e kidding djf) David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Anthrax Case Six Steps to Take When Envelope is Opened and the Powder Is Found David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: re: Death and terrorism, some data and questions David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Chemical Neutralizes Anthrax Toxin David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Worth reading -- Richard Garwin and Stanley Hoffmann on the war David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Wiretaps unravel networks David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Additive Made Spores Deadlier -- then there was 1 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Correction sought (`Secrets concealed by software' London Times) David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Microsoft Responds to Browser Issue David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Wired News :FBI Warns of 'Skyfall' Attack David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Death and terrorism, some data and questions David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Satellite TV deal would be sad sign for telecom industry David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: No hiding place for anyone David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Free software to get a voice in patent issue:, Software David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: Airline Security Regulations and Biometrics in Airports: CRYPTO-GRAM SPECIAL ISSUE, September 30, 2001 David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax -- 2 items worth reading David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: The next wave of terror - Scenario planners trying to predict the unthinkable David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Profiling, from the front lines David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Redesi virus: [risks] Risks Digest 21.71 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Man catches anthrax from WWW page!!! Elvis and UFOs involved!! David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: dejavu -- Hijackers' e-mails were unencrypted David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: For some, bin Laden will be neither friend nor foe David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Already, Loss of Civil Rights David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Registration for .Biz Is Delayed David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Red Cross Double Cross David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: FBI To Require ISPs To Reconfigure E-mail Systems (fwd) David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: PBS - frontline: trail of a terrorist David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Pakistani general linked to Mohammed Atta David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Risks of bogus e-mail addresses "FROM: ObL": [risks] Risks Digest 21.68 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: RE: Size made Spores Dead-er (...Questionable data alert...) David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Re: Life during wartime David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Terrorists find unlikely allies in USA neo-Nazis from Sydney newspaper Mileage may vary David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Caution on "Privacy laws are our biggest impediment to us obtaining our objectives" Eisner : Good Morning Silicon Valley Mon Oct 08 12:00:25 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: For a fast view of what the World Press is saying look at: David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: READ IT Why the world needs America to cheer up: From the London times David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Roger Clarke on FBI wanting to cast aside civil liberties David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: more on In memory of September 11 David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: NEC display saves squints David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: Re: Iridium wants to provide real time airline "Black Box"services David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: And you thought a book was a problem at an airport David Farber (Oct 28)
Fwd: Re: IP: Re: -RE: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Eisner privacy quote a hoax David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: RAND and W3C David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: ANTHRAX impact on e-commerce David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Brilliant parody or wacky .mil expert? Bert is back, you decide David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: ... and will we have to worry about defending ourselves against our defenses? : Mercury Center First Edition Wed Oct 10 08:00:31 EDT 2001 David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: International update: Germany, Switzerland, France, China, Canada David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Project Liberty: [risks] Risks Digest 21.72 David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: "Networking has changed a lot" David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: reporters in N. Afganistan] David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: The U.S. military's new warfare technology David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: UCLAer suspended for writing email criticizing Israel David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Re: -RE: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Internet radios aid Africa David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Building coalitions against terrorism David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: Fwd: AT&T Wireless Prepaid -- a warning TO NON USA CARD HOLDERS David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Keeping Panic at Bay David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Watchdog Sites Shut Down in Interest of National Security David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Amazing article David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Re Additive Made Spores Deadlier -- then there was 1 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: The War: Politics not going as planned David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Iridium wants to provide real time airline "Black Box"services David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: educating the public about risk and uncertainty David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: How to build your own community fiber network David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: This Modern World We must dismantle our democracy in order to save it! David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Pentagon Fishes for Good Ideas to Thwart Terror David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Gore Vidal David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: sorry, found it - can post to IP list so others can respond too - : pentagon 'out of box' idea solicitation, David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Communications Processors: Ready or Not Here They Come David Farber (Oct 27)
IP: Ham radios in the aftermath of 11 September 2001: [risks] Risks Digest 21.68 David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Microsoft Rallies Industry Against Bug Anarchy David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Canada's justice minister preparing bill to limit encryption David Farber (Oct 11)
IP: US Senate's Anti-Terrorist Forfeiture Rules of Evidence David Farber (Oct 15)
Re: IP: ICANN's new role: It's about keeping people from being killed by terrorist plots hatched over the net says Mike Roberts David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: how not to handle a crisis part 2! David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: ACLU "Bitterly Disappointed" in House-Senate Joint Passage of Anti-Terrorism Legislation David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: RE: Callers to wireless phones abroad discover hefty surcharges attached David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Congress Moving Towards Expanded Internet Surveillance David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: EFF: Protects Scientists' Speech While Government, Record Industry Disagree David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Philip Wilcox on U.S. strategic response to terrorism David Farber (Oct 04)
Re: IP: Microsoft Rallies Industry Against Bug Anarchy David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: CDC on Bio Threat David Farber (Oct 14)
IP: Technology Daily David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: John Dean: 'Liberties lost: unintended consequences of the anti-terror law' David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: A report from the plan David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: Dynamic Spectrum David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: AOL to Use Cookies and bugs to Target Ads David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: DoJ (Ashcroft) Motion to Dismiss in Felten v. RIAA (Sep. 25, 2001) David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Re: Tony Blair's speech David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: cdc guidlines on package handling David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: 2 questioning Prof. Sir Michael Howard [said I do all sides] David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: NATIONAL ID CARD FAILING TO ATTRACT SUPPORTERS: Edupage, October 24, 2001 David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Who us!!! -- RIAA claims it never wanted to hack PCs, was misunderstood David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: DSL HITS A SPEED BUMP David Farber (Oct 31)
IP: ACM Forum on Legal Regulation of Technology: [risks] Risks Digest 21.70 David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: E-mail pamphleteer shines during crisis David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: Novel Security Measures (soon what are your dreams about djf) David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: from a friend who works with one of the contractors dismantling the WTC complex David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: Democrats' new "bio" bill links police to SABRE, Amtrak systems David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: Gov. Gilmore calls for secret 'Cyber Court' modeled after FISA David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Re Implications of 9/11 David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: A novel way to combat terrorists: Letters of marque and reprisal David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: "we closed our societies, ... to freedom and knowledge" David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Change of archive location for IP David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: A Japanese Writer Analyzes Terrorists and Their Victims David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: Where's The Wireless Revolution? David Farber (Oct 02)
IP: National Doctoral Program Survey results David Farber (Oct 22)
IP: "U.S. On Verge of 'Electronic Martial Law' David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Reasons for Taliban Defiance David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Re -- the warmth, generosity, and quiet support our good neighbors in Canada have provided to us, not only in recent weeks, but over the long haul. David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Maryland Space Station View David Farber (Oct 23)
IP: `No for an Answer' Begs Questions David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Memo warns against use of profiling as defense David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Nice one pager on Tokyo Akihabara David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: Control of Central Asia's oil is the real goal David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Another Thought of the Day David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: We're more nuts than you, and it should scare you s***less. David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: A Sad State of Affairs David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: more on -- RAND and W3C (for IP if you like) David Farber (Oct 09)
IP: Re: Strongly recommend reading -- Democracy held hostage David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: The Limits of Military Action David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax -- 2 items worth reading David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Re: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax -- 2 items worth reading David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Russian Concerns David Farber (Oct 10)
IP: -RE: GOVNET? Not the brightest idea. David Farber (Oct 12)
IP: It's an ill wind... David Farber (Oct 13)
IP: Memo to America: Get a grip! David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Moscow Times: A Bit of History of US/Middle East Despot relationships David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: You'll love this David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: Infectious Diseases Society of America conference: Mercury Center First Edition Mon Oct 29 01:30:29 EST 2001 David Farber (Oct 29)
IP: Hate groups applaud terror attacks, watch reaction warily David Farber (Oct 28)
IP: Re: Does sound like Nam all over again David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: AISPA Weekly: Intel and Broadband Deregulation David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Re: Powell Outlines FCC Reform David Farber (Oct 24)
IP: Mark Morford: 'I'm patriotic, but not the slightest bit reassured by Bush' David Farber (Oct 20)
IP: Blame Warren Harding...! David Farber (Oct 08)
IP: Plan to Expand U.S. Powers Alarming Some in Colorado David Farber (Oct 03)
IP: answer to query query re Moscow Times: A Bit of History of US/Middle East Despot relationships David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: New Slogan in Washington: Watch What You Say David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Re: Richard Forno on ICANN and Net-stability against terrorists David Farber (Oct 01)
IP: Web Sites Pull Intelligence Data David Farber (Oct 04)
IP: Implications of 9/11 David Farber (Oct 06)
IP: Florida Community Can't Shut Down 'Voyeur Dorm' David Farber (Oct 05)
IP: re: "we wouldn't do that" (nationalize patents) -- Fulton & RCA set straight David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Mail Culture -- includes Farber quotes David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Comcast launches HDTV [ comcast does not reach Landenberg PA djf] David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: What ever happened to ... David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: " I read this article and I can't help wondering." Beyond Carnivore: FBI Eyes Packet Taps David Farber (Oct 21)
IP: Generic alternative to Cipro - - at less than 10% of the price David Farber (Oct 19)
IP: Correction on link What ever happened to ... David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: Canada Overrides Patent for Cipro to Treat Anthrax David Farber (Oct 18)
IP: Re: MSN.COM turns away non-MS browsers, appears to violate ADA David Farber (Oct 26)
IP: re: Peter Swire op-ed on anti-terrorism bill: Power may be abused David Farber (Oct 24)
Re: IP: US Senate's Anti-Terrorist Forfeiture Rules of Evidence David Farber (Oct 15)
IP: New Cyberterrosim Advisory Board David Farber (Oct 17)
IP: Bush Confirms Attacks on Afghanista David Farber (Oct 07)
IP: Uncomfortable questions need to be asked David Farber (Oct 16)
IP: Outlook 2000 -- we aren't told and cannot peek David Farber (Oct 30)
IP: The resilience of networks David Farber (Oct 25)
IP: The Biological Rubicon David Farber (Oct 23)