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IP: from a friend who works with one of the contractors dismantling the WTC complex

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 18:35:00 -0400

Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 15:42:57 -0400
To: dave () farber net

From: Richard Jay Solomon <rsolomon () dsl cis upenn edu>
Subject: from a friend who works with one of the contractors dismantling
 the WTC complex

 >  -----Original Message-----
 From:  Leunig, William  Sent:  01 October 2001 23:42
 Subject:       World Trade Center Chronicles 25 Sept 2001

 Just about the entire world knows of the tragic events in New York and
 Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001. Many, even in the Bechtel family of
 employees, may not know of Bechtel's involvement in the search and rescue,
 and clean-up work. We, as a Bechtel Family, are involved.
 Here are a series of ongoing "WTC Chronicles" from Charlie Cappello, one
 of our team members in New York, at the site, at "ground zero". We hope
 that you find these interesting and moving.

        Bill Leunig
        Bechtel Infrastructure Inc.     415 768 2632 Tel Direct
        415 768 8822 Fax or
        801 992 8859 Fax confidential
        415 254 6417 Cell
         wgleunig () bechtel com
 WTC Chronicles
 I know that everyone in the country wants to know what is going on here,
 so I decided to send you an ongoing chronicle to let you share in the
 effort underway here in NY. If you think anyone else would be interested
 in this, please feel free to forward it on.
 Yesterday, 24 September 2001 was my first day onsite. Thirteen days since
 the attack. It is not what I had expected.
 Chris Dixon, a Bechtel guy working on the East Access Project has been
 coordinating our work. I met him and another new guy, Terry Crabtree,
 first thing. We then went to lower Manhattan to meet two other guys
 working day shift for us (Bechtel).
 There is no civilian traffic, including mass transit, within four or five
 blocks of the perimeter of the restricted work area. We took the subway to
 Franklin Station and then walked to the Command Center at West Broadway
 and Chambers. The smell and haze of smoke is still very heavy. Lots of
 agencies are working out of this facility, which is still several blocks
 outside the restricted work area - Ground Hero, including the agency that
 is directing the demolition of the site. This is The Department of Design
 and Construction (DDC) and we work for them. Once inside we met Dan Louis
 and Alan Todd. Terry and I spent the day shadowing them. After being
 fitted with respirators, we headed in.
 Both the NYPD and the National Guard secure the perimeter. Although we had
 all required access ID, we had a hard time getting in. Curiously annoying
 and reassuring at the same time. In spite of the security throughout the
 day, we often saw people who obviously had no business in the area dressed
 in civvies, shorts, etc. We later discovered they were family members
 coming to get closure. A strange feeling that knowledge gives you.
 Once inside there is a sight. In overview: the WTC complex, not counting
 the World Financial Center and other peripheral buildings, consisted of 7
 buildings. The towers WTC 1 & 2, building 3 and 7 are totally collapsed.
 Building 4, 5, and 6 are gutting by fire and damaged be the collapse of
 the other buildings. Other buildings for at least two blocks in all
 directions are damaged to varying degrees. These building are having their
 exteriors netted to prevent glass and facades that comes loose, from
 falling away from them.
 Entering the north end, along Barclay St. you see WTC 7. It is just a pile
 of rubble. Since that building was effectively evacuated before it
 collapsed, there is no rescue or recovery work going on there. Heavy
 equipment, excavators with hydraulic clamshells, are simply pulling the
 pile (which is the only way to describe it) down and loading it on a long
 line of sanitation department trucks.
 Heading down the east side, along Church Street you have WTC 4 & 5. Both
 are still standing, but both are gutted by fire, with #5 still smoldering
 > quite severely. Water is still applied regularly. They are also partially
 collapsed and severely damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 & 2. Between the
 WTC 4 & 5 is, or was, a plaza. A large crane is set up there and after
 walking onto the plaza a very sobering sight awaits. From the plaza, you
 look out over the huge pile of rubble that was WTC 1 & 2. In the rubble,
 still working by hand, are Search and Rescue (S&R) Teams. The crane feeds
 them dumpsters and pulls what material they can feed it. But they are
 clearly working in this area looking for fallen comrades...and they are so
 very dedicated and relentless and - hopeful. One team will be working (10
 -15 people) with a dog or two. Waiting in the plaza is the next team
 waiting to relieve them and right behind them is another. The work is not
 feverish, but steady and professional. The tone, much to my surprise is
 not grim, but rather dominated by comradery, not the kind you would find
 among athletes, but more like what you would find among neighbors
 rebuilding the a barn of one of their number.
 Heading further south is Liberty Street. It borders the south side of WTC
 2 & 5. The rubble pile at the SE corner, behind WTC 5 is being attacked
 much like WTC 7. Using heavy equipment, a lot of progress is being made.
 Heading west, the situation changes. A large finger of the WTC 2 facade
 stands about 20 stories tall (you have seen picture of it). On either side
 of that facade are huge piles of debris from the tower. Because of the
 facade is still standing, no rescue or recovery has yet been attempted in
 this area.
 Across Liberty Street, in the Bankers Trust Building a huge piece of the
 WTC facade sliced right though the building and is now hanging out of the
 building about 15 stories above the sidewalk, thus closing access all
 around that side of the building.
 Heading up the west side the remains of WTC 1 & 2 lay in smoldering piles.
 Piles about 8 stories tall. No work is being done to WTC 2 but a heavy
 equipment has started removing the debris from WTC 1, in spite of the fact
 that it is visibly smoldering and still on fire within. On the corner is
 WTC 6. Just like WTC 4 & 5, it is charred by fire and scarred by pieces of
 the towers falling all around and over it.
 Across, the street is the damaged World Financial Centers (WFC) 1 though
 3. WTC 1 is southern most and least damaged. WFC 2 & 3 have been riddled
 by the debris from WTC 1 & 2 being blown against the. Windows and facades
 are seriously damaged, and the Winter Garden between them (it is like a
 huge glass atrium) is totally destroyed along the one side facing the WTC.
 The area has been divided among four NY contractors. They are Turner,
 Amec, Bovis, and Tully. Tully has about 1/3 of the work, basically the
 east side of the site including WTC 4 & 5. Bovis has the southeast area
 including WTC 2 & 3. Amec has WTC 1 & 6. Turner has WTC 7. I am not sure
 that secondary work in the perimeter areas has been assigned. I think it
 is just being netted and put on hold for now.
 Currently all efforts are under the control of the fire department and
 will remain so until all S&R efforts complete. I am sure they will
 maintain a significant presence even then. The fire chiefs are it...the
 bottom line. And there are more chiefs in NY than Carter has liver pills.
 They are great guys. Whenever a major activity is planned, they need to
 buy off on it. That means the contractor has to communicate the plan,
 structural engineers provided by Thronton-Tomasetti and/or Mueser Rutledge
 have to approve it along with the DDC. Then it goes to the chief who
 approves it and then, and most importantly, supports with S&R teams and
 fire fighters. On the flip side, a chief may want something done to
 support his efforts. Those requests get top priority. But again, the
 atmosphere around this is different than anything I have ever been
 involved with. There is no power plays or turf wars. It is all for a
 common goal. Because of the number of players, and shifts, the messages
 > can change and that is something we need to improve i.e., shift
 communication and turnover, but everything works out in the end.
 Now our day. We are working most closely with Tully and their demolition
 sub, CDI. The first thing that came up was a request from the chief on the
 previous shift to pull down the facade hanging out of the Bankers Trust
 building and to remove the canopy below. This to allow access to the
 building and to expand the safe zone below. In conflict with that request,
 there is an open basement in front of the building with a ruptured 10K
 gallon diesel tank. After multiple meetings it was decided to tackle the
 tank first then the building. It was also recognized that if the
 protruding facade were to fall, it would land in an active thoroughfare.
 This became painfully clear as while we were standing in front of the
 building, a file cabinet from about the 20th floor fell out of the
 building, for no apparent reason. Action to that was amazingly quick. The
 chiefs immediately mobilized national guards who formed a human barricade
 until new hard barricades could be established to keep people further from
 the front of the building.
 The next thing that came up was some investigative work. CDI has to demo
 WTC 4 & 5. Once the S&R is complete in front of the plaza, they also need
 to get heavy equipment in to remove debris. What they want to do is demo
 the buildings from the north and south extremes, while simultaneously
 backing the crane out of the plaza, collapsing the plaza and building an
 access ramp into the middle of the east side of the site. So we decided we
 needed to get into the basements below. Naturally, we went to find the
 chief for that area. He went to research access and came back telling us
 it was still an FBI crime scene and they did not want us in. Without
 missing a beat though, he said he would fix that. He did. Shortly he was
 back and assigned us to a Search and Rescue Team from Miami Florida. With
 protective gear, respirators and flashlights, we followed them out and
 onto the rubble and down into the wreckage.
 The level of destruction is nothing short of total. There is nothing to
 betray what this "stuff" once was. There are really only two substances in
 the rubble. Steel and dust. No furniture, no concrete, no is all
 pulverized into dust held in a suspension with twisted steel and light
 After climbed through passages in the rubble we came out on the mall level
 below the plaza. This is where there were stores, Coach, Warner Bros.
 Chase Bank. Here, with the exception of a few holes through the roof, the
 area is fairly intact but full of debris that was blown into the mall when
 the towers collapsed. From there, we went into the levels of basements
 below. Except for dust and water, they were fairly intact, but very eerie
 and pitch black. Cars in the parking lots, offices empty. Tunnels leading
 down and under the collapsed towers, blocked with the hundreds of tons of
 building that had fallen into them. It was very disorienting and even with
 plans and drawings, it was verify difficult to orient our location with
 the streets and plaza above. As we tried to find our way to the last
 basement we wandered into an the abandoned subway station. Very weird as
 while it was completely cut-off, it still had power and the lights were
 In the final basement, we found a security command center, looking like
 the bridge from the enterprise. We also found a huge, and open bank vault.
 Obviously, the police had been there ahead of us, helping to secure and
 empty the vault.
 All this time the S&R team supported our desire to go anywhere. They
 staged people all along our path to maintain communication all the way
 out, as the forward radios could not communicate directly with the
 surface. Another great bunch of people. The team, of both men and women,
 were the ultimate professionals, planning and adjusting their plan as we
 wandered throughout trying to understand what we were seeing and where we
> were. It reminded me of a planning a night dive, but into a place where no
 one had been before.
 With that data, plans for the ramp are now under development. The basic
 plan is to collapse the plaza, the good news being that there are only
 three levels about 60 feet deep.. Then we will fill with rubble about half
 way up and bridge that with clean fill. At the same time, the eastern most
 wall of the basement must be braced as subway tunnels exist just beyond
 the walls.
 That moving forward a chief came to us wanting access to the rubble around
 WTC 2. That was the first tower to fall, but it has been not accessed
 because the remaining structure still looms ominously overhead. There is a
 general belief that there are many souls in that area, and the great
 respect for those remains will result in a prolonged recovery effort that
 can not start until the structure is removed. Again meetings and a plan to
 clear the area south of it, which involves relocating a lot of equipment,
 and then pulling it down. That should happen Tuesday, as they will place
 the lines Monday night.
 The support systems are unbelievable. In the abandoned store fronts on
 Liberty Street there are lunch rooms with anything and everything you
 could want to eat or drink. There is a triage center for first aid and
 personal protective supplies. Volunteer chiropractors have adjustment
 tables on the sidewalks for those who need them. Masseuses have tables to
 help with the stress and strains. Then there is the wall, with pictures of
 the hard to look at.
 These facilities border the site on all sides. There is also a local
 cruise liner docked just outside the area that has food, beds, massages
 etc. This is also where you find celebrities doing their part. Signing
 autographs and thanking the workers. Olivia Newton John and Brook Shield s
 were there when I had lunch.
 As the shifts end, people straggle out of the zone. Bedraggled and
 exhausted, they hug their comrades goodbye for the day and head out. Even
 the dogs are spent as I watched one two tired to do more then place has
 front legs in a panel truck he was gently lifted in by his handler. And as
 you leave you meet more volunteers willing do anything. Even down to
 washing your boots as you leave the area. Everyone wants to help...willing
 and to do things they would never even consider in saner times.

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