Interesting People: by author

456 messages starting Sep 15 01 and ending Sep 18 01
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David Farber

IP: 50 yr old tech to check bags? David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: America: The Good Neighbor. David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: For shame!!!!!! David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Good to see it is business as usual in DCland -- Airlines Seek to Limit Lawsuits Over Attacks David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: TIME AND TIMING Commentary by Esther Dyson David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Re: Cries of Holy War Echo in Mideast David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Apology -- Re: Personal experiences with the infrastructure under load David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: All-but-secret battle rages over fate of airwaves David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Re: What Does "Nail the Bastards" Teach Children? David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Washington Post: Liberty at Risk David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Journalism's Moral Responsibility: Three Questions David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Judge dismisses 290 red light camera tickets in San Diego David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Even dead people use Microsoft software [maybe only dead people enjoy it ]: [risks] Risks Digest 21.63 David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: Re: Washington's racism and the Islamist trap -- not pleasant reading but .. David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: cellular in planes David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: I AGREE !! CNN attacks Networks on International News Coverage David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Re: one more RE: interesting point on the DMCA also David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Majority of Americans want anti-encryption laws, poll says David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: - Satellites, space station crew watch horror below - September 12, 2001 David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Explaining Arab anger David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: SWEDEN WILL CREATE A VIRTUAL INSTITUTION: Edupage, September 21, 2001 David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Two guesses why djf -- US bans ships from 24 nations David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Re: UA #93 vote: fractal democracy in action David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Don’t Press the Panic Button from the National review (not exactly a left wing pub) David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Saturday in Manhattan David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Glorious hopes on a trillion-dollar scrapheap David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Shutting down for a sabbatic -- well at least a day David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: "U.S. Could Use Cybertactics to Seize Bin Laden's Assets" David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Moto does BT in cellphone David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA AND IT AIN'T GOOD David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: two on -- : you will bail out airlines so they can continue give you bad service and endanger you David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: lots of neat new gadgets on this url David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: From the WSJ -- whose site is now free David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: FCC Clears the Way for 700 MHz Transition David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: enlightened approach to intellectual property and product development David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Claim: The terrorists were not fundamentalists like bin Laden David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Seems to me I have read about this stuff before, many years ago ... David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Zimmerman and others being blamed for 9/11 and A simple observation about encryption David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Don't Rush Stimulus, Greenspan and O'Neill Warn David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Arline Bailouts David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Patents and the W3C David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Request for help for a friend David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: EFFector Bills Target Hackers Not Terrorists David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: The risks of key recovery ... by an all star cast 1998 Key escow paper David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Strikes may have been planned online David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: on air travel security David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: [ I take it back djf ] U.S. Intelligence Gathering Reviewed David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: National ID system - courtesy of Oracle David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Two notes on The tragedy in NYC David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Politcal article / Food for thought (fwd) David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: O'Connor Foresees Limits on Freedom David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: honorary consul David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: What Does "Nail the Bastards" Teach Children? David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: trial balloon for special military tribunals David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: RE: interesting point on the DMCA also David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: RE: WTC - restrictions on taking photos?! David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: reassurance through fear David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Intel, IBM & Others Demo Coast-To-Coast IP Storage Network David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Brisbane Diary AU#2 David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: EU trying to distance itself from Italian PM's [stupid djf]comments David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Music Share-in Festival in Golden Gate Park David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Re: perhaps a better explanation why Bush's DOJ bent over for Microsoft David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Netanyahu speech to Congressional Committee David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: RE: interview censored by U.S. State Dept., published in the UK David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: important WP news analysis David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Campus Culture Wars... David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: NYC and Ricochet David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Dark Fiber Optics Under the All Highways Disclosed ; End of the NTT dominance? David Farber (Sep 09)
IP: Forgotten victims David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: The Shareholder Value Trap David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Colonialism? Exploitation? Get real! David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: New technology to track cell phones in rubble David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: ICANN assumes control of all country codes Fwd:Froomkin's take on .au matter David Farber (Sep 05)
IP: A real story from a real person: federal bailout or tax payer robbery David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: \Response to first WSJ Excerpt David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: More on Singapore may block overseas sites that don't register David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Fwd: misunderstanding the threat David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Powerful solor flare Alert David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: Y2K and the WTC David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Edging Qualcomm Out of CDMA Equation? By Kristy Bassuener David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: Lucky to be home David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Last month Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: 'New Economy' Is a Thing of the Past David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: two " right" wing reactions to WTC and Bush's speech I recommend reading for balance David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: The new reality of air travel David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: War to set up a military presence? from the Independent UK David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: New anti-American mass-mailing worm David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: Sad but no doubt true (last para ) djf -- Life vs. liberty David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: useless information ( for fun) on my usage of email David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Two comments , one from the UK and one from a friend you all should know David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Harry Browne on attacks: A response to "insane" foreign policy David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: SpectruCell Takes on Qualcomm, Part I David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Saudis and Indians Cast Doubts on Identities of Accused David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: ways to prevent an airliner from being used a weapon David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: The Life of Compaq David Farber (Sep 04)
IP: F.A.A. Announces Stricter Rules; Knives No Longer Allowed -- get out your dull chopsticks David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Liberty and safety in conflict David Farber (Sep 03)
IP: Interesting note on the press post twc... David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: Re:4th plane crashed after passenger revolt? David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: some thoughts on yesterday and liberty David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: \What fueled the anger? David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Re:WTC - restrictions on taking photos?! -- best reason I have heard David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Massive deployment of face recognition systems promoted David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: excerpt from transcript of The National, CBC-TV, Sept 11, 2001 David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Re: No free speech for animal rights Web sites David Farber (Aug 31)
IP: Imagining the Next War: -- Infrastructural Warfare and the Conditions of Democra David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Firsthand reports from NYC and Washington DC after attacks David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Advise people to stay away if this is the norm David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: German cops reportedly raid PDF pirate for copyright infringement David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: air travel David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: One Action Taken David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Important: Don't open email enclosures David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Re: Rocky Start to Debate Over Public Role in Internet David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: what the (SOME) Arabs think happened or at least wish it was true AND DON'T yell at me. Don't read if you don't want to know what the arab public is being fed David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: "Rallying Cry in Open-Source War": ACM TechNews - Friday, August 31, 2001 David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: FCC Chairman Powell's Photos of Visit to WTC and Verizon CO David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: 1929 Radio / 2001 Internet David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Article: After the Horror by By PAUL KRUGMAN David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Vodafone says its 3G services will fall short David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn ivore us e David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Business jets pose a little-regulated attack opportunity David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Prepare ... David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: God Gave U.S. 'What We Deserve,' Falwell David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Brisbane Diary #2 AU#3 David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: the article I said I would resend --- Sun Setting On Uncle Sam's IT Empire David Farber (Sep 14)
Re: IP: Prepare ... David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: a quote from your editor David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: this is [could be djf] remarkably bad....... David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: High Speed Access has pulled out : THE WEEK IN REVIEW: All together now David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Sun Setting On Uncle Sam's IT Empire David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Microsoft may become the first regulated software monopoly David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Last one RE: What you see on CNN is not what you thought -- BBC on CNN David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Sen. Ron Wyden calls for "Emergency Technology Corps" David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: Alternate view of Arab anger David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Two sources for more reading David Farber (Sep 24)
re: IP: Australia Diary -- some very good comments on what the problems are for Australia and what the future holds [...] David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Good important reading "The Clamor of a Free People" David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: IEEE SPectrum Opinion: Speakout: An Engineer's view of VCs David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: Frank Sudia's proposal: Let's revive encryption key escrow David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Congress mulls crypto restrictions in response to attacks David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: `Old Glory' over Iolani Palace [ read the text after the main article. The Dole was the fruit person I assume :-) djf] David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: A query for IP readers on resistance, and a possibly novel observation David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Cockpit safety and air pressure David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Responses to Terrorism - The View from West Point -- read especially the last paragraph djf David Farber (Sep 30)
Re: IP: air travel David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: RE: Against hate David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Rocky Start to Debate Over Public Role in Internet David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: Re: What you see on CNN is not what you thought -- BBC on CNN David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore us e David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: from Boston Glove: "America's arrogance of power" David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: SSSCA is no Mickey Mouse David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: re What you see on CNN is not what you thought -- BBC on CNN David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: EFF: Proposed Law Treats All Computer Trespass as Terrorism David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Say Goodbye to AT&T David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: WTC - restrictions on taking photos?! David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: More on Reason's Cathy Young column on encryption, wiretapping David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Warfare trial-balloons David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore use David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Americans Still Guard Telephone, E-mail Privacy - Study David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Line of U.S. Bailout Supplicants Grows -- feed bin is open David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Re: Quick look at new Sony stuff David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Disaster stats David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Humorless Comedy Central show demands domain David Farber (Aug 31)
IP: NYC Blood Donation Location / 2:34 PM EST Sep 11] David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: A simple tech fix to suicide hijacking David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Hague Convention, Intellectual Property Control David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Richard Dawkins: Religion's Misguided Missiles David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: nukes in NYC David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Re: Arianna's Latest Column [on the Bill Maher flap] David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: The Big Picture? David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Muslims in U.S. Considering Lawsuits David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: re: IEEE SPectrum Opinion: Speakout: An Engineer's view of VCs David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: Nimda: [Lockergnome Windows Daily] Infected Menace David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Resilience! David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Concern Over Proposed Changes in Internet Surveillance David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Good article by Dvorak... on Islam David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Fwd: RE: interesting point on the DMCA also David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: a couple of things David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: *Everybody* is getting into the act! David Farber (Aug 31)
IP: LITTLE BROTHER MAY BE WATCHING YOU (WITH X10 VIDEOCAMS): from newsscan daily David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: Greenspan's New Deal David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Re: Bush Ordered Downing of Planes That Ignored Warnings, Cheney David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: ex-admin of DOJ Nat'l Drug "Intelligence" Ctr becomes White Haus CIO David Farber (Sep 09)
IP: Lots of people don't "get it" -- Crusade David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Finally, some good news: Two airlines to stop serving bad meals: [wonder what they will do with the 5 billion, award the management better bonuses djf] David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: And sometimes, banging on drums is better than the Net. David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: re freedom David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: This is war, and it will demand our steel: London Times David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: BBC Online 28/9/2001: "FIPR - Net surveillance 'fatally flawed'" David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Disconnect the Dots -- Maybe We Can't Cut Off Terror's Head, but We Can Take Out Its Nodes David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Died Prof. Bob Floyd -- a great man and a gentleman David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Darn editors David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: 2 on StarWars TNG: [risks] Risks Digest 21.63 David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: Airlines Seek Assurances From Federal Government David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: from a near miss this Tuesday David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Russia Warns Computer Experts on U.S. Travel (fwd) David Farber (Aug 31)
IP: Re: a couple of things David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: more on : Seems to me I have read about this stuff before, many years ago ... David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Dan Gilmor take on HP acquisition -- I agree David Farber (Sep 04)
IP: Military Perspective on Afghanistan David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Foreign Policy: Rational Fanatics David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Television, speeches, etc. David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: American Freedom David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: A Quick Reaction By Noam Chomsky David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Steganography and bin Laden David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Cries of Holy War Echo in Mideast David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Re: Steganography and bin Laden David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: How the world caught third-generation fever David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Re: Journalism's Moral Responsibility: Three Questions David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Dertouzos David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: re: another aspect of the Palestinian response David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: A different slant David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Watchdog group rips financial firms on privacy practices David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: out of time order read this first RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore us e David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Hama Rule David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: The Digital Car David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: photos from around the world David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: The Wireless Week in Review David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Commission warned Bush David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Re: F.A.A. Announces Stricter Rules; Knives No Longer Allowed -- get out your dull chopsticks David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: A question from Oz David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: not-terrorism -- worth thinking about David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Getting the Facts Out - Announcing "FACT SQUAD" David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Vodafone says its 3G services will fall short] - Don't believe all you read in the press ... David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: a story - would be nice if it is true David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: We need the courage to look beyond abstractions David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: War against terror is not, and should not become, a crusade David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Two articles on yesterday and implications from UPenn's Daily Pennsylvanian David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: to add to the facade of airport security improvements David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: a game David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Sun setting on Uncle Sam's IT empire -- request for help David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Thoughts on this morning's events -- from someone who passed through the WTC 45 minutes David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: I lied , here is the LAST LAST one on this -- What you see on CNN is not what you thought -- BBC on CNN David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: AOL Time Warner Said to Be Pursuing AT&T's Cable Unit David Farber (Sep 09)
IP: Freedom vs. Safety poll on Excite David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Mixed Signals On 3G Phones David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: lawsuits David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: SPOT infrared satellite image of Manhattan David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: PATH -- no victims David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Technology has potential to spread freedom in Africa David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Ain't only liberals who worry about our freedoms -- sounds like old Ben Franklin David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Why liberty suffers during wartime -- a historical view David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Lessons on how to fight terror David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Air Marshalls job posting David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Re: Rocky Start to Debate Over Public Role in Internet David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: Distinguished Lecture Series on Large Scale Networking David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: teleportation? David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: DOJ and MS and what is best for all David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: visa for China - anonymous David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: New York Red Cross Needs Tech David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: wrestle the stegnography boogeyman to the ground David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Crusade David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: you will bail out airlines so they can continue give you bad service and endanger you David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: "hanks for your effort!" David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Charles Platt: The Enduring Power of Stupidity David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Blame the victim: vandalized Web sites may be liable for damages: [risks] Risks Digest 21.64 David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: The National Defense New York Times Editorial David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: on standards and intellectual property David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Video Downloads Swamp Computer Network in U. of Delaware's Dorms David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: New Looks at a Clumsy Conspiracy David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: fro author left this critical paragraph out of the Globe article on Afghan drugs David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Info from Paris. David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Re: the Net needs to be public safety friendly, now David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: NEC Develops Handset Battery From Nanotubes David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: Smoking or Non-Smoking? David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Jihad vs. Crusade David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: AOL Is Still Selling Ads (To Itself) David Farber (Sep 08)
IP: New CDs designed to end 'ripping.' (featuring MS Media formats) David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Privacy coalition names crypto-enemies "Villians of the Week" David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Fueling Bigotry David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: For NYC and also to perhaps give some historical prospective to your list David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Do read -- EFF statement on opposition to MATA/ATA David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Spectrum off-limits after attack David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Code Rainbow Loose In The Wild David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Re: Alternate view of Arab anger David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Re: Washington's racism and the Islamist trap David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Hoax or Not? You Can Check: IHT Tech Alert for September 10 David Farber (Sep 09)
IP: Re: Ellison's Identity Cards David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: ADVANCED BULL -- you know what -- Hollywood lobbyists laud SSSCA as "exceedingly reasonable" bill David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Canadian "DMCA" in the Works - Short Deadline David Farber (Sep 08)
IP: Read it and if you don't like it act now !!! Text of draft Security Systems Standards and Certification Act David Farber (Sep 08)
IP: Government caves as monopolist thrives : Mercury News Front Page Fri Sep 07 07:30:32 EDT 2001 David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Armed guards get go-ahead on US flights David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: SHARE BANDWIDTH, FREE-WIRELESS ADVOCATES SAY: Edupage, September 7, 2001 David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: US terror claims may hit $100bn David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: RE: interview censored by U.S. State Dept., published in the UK David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: FYI, use of wireless in NY David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Justice Department Will Not Seek to Break Up Microsoft David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: Founder of Akamai among those on downed flight David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Privacy Flaw Found at Verizon Wireless Site David Farber (Sep 05)
IP: Imagining the Law of the Future David Farber (Sep 10)
IP: Hewlett-Packard to Acquire Compaq in $25 Billion Deal David Farber (Sep 04)
IP: Quick look at new Sony stuff : THE ASIABIZTECH NEWS FILE: Volume 208.4:09/20/01 David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: NIPC DDOS Warning David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: cowardice and strategy David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Now what does curbside luggage checking have to do with today??? David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: UA #93 vote: fractal democracy in action David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: a note from your editor David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Re: Prepare ... David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: RE: Richard Dawkins: Religion's Misguided Missiles David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Mir Tamim Ansary on Afghanistan David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Bush Ordered Downing of Planes That Ignored Warnings, Cheney Says David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: national ID card David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: World's biggest war games still on schedule despite attacks in US David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: perhaps a better explanation why Bush's DOJ bent over for Microsoft David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: re: IEEE SPectrum Opinion: Speakout: An Engineer's view of VCs David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: A big story, I think: "Single-Number Plan Raises Privacy Fears" David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: re Dept of Energy: "A little radiation is OK" David Farber (Sep 04)
IP: FCC approves weather-balloon wireless technology David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Bin Laden British cell planned gas attack on European Parliament his David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Re:NYC Blood Donation Location / 2:34 PM EST Sep 11] David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: another view -- The Goals of Terrorism David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Status of anonymous remailer network -- a week after attack David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Real are holding their 5th annual conference next week in Seattle (Sept 24-25th) and it is going online also David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Arianna's Latest Column [on the Bill Maher flap] David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: re NIPC DDOS Warning David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: What you see on CNN is not what you thought -- BBC on CNN David Farber (Sep 19)
IP: Feds nab two PC crypto-exporters allegedly shipping to China David Farber (Aug 31)
IP: Funding of terrorism? David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: yet more amazing gall David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: U.S. puts new restrictions on e-tickets David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Thoughts and fears David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: fundamentalism David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Re: lawsuits David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Osama bin Laden and crypto David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Airline responsibility.... David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Liberty Alliance Project? David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Crackdown on hazmat-licensed truckers, esp Arabs David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: 11 September 2001: CRYPTO-GRAM, September 15, 2001 David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: USACM against SSSCA David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Apologies to the US Air Force from me -- from the Straits Times SG David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Columnist calls for Draconian Net-crackdown after attacks David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: the law of unexpected consequences, part 2 David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Personal experiences with the infrastructure under load David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: RE: Thoughts on this morning's events -- from someone who passed through the WTC 45 minutes David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Terrorism escape clause in World Trade Center lease David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Pentagon document: Essentials of Post-Cold War Deterrence David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: re: teleportation? David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: Re: Richard Forno on ICANN and Net-stability against terrorists David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: Russia: U.S. Retaliation Could Be Bad For Russia, FSB Director Says: 13 Sept 01 David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Re: Seems to me I have read about this stuff before, many years ago ... David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Fwd: Bush is walking into a trap David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Interesting article on American ignorance of world affairs David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Re: the Net needs to be public safety friendly, now David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Encryption Schemes Aimed at Film Piracy [and the right to make a copy for your own use djf] David Farber (Sep 01)
IP: RE: Two notes on The tragedy in NYC David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: Stop that Osama David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: from the WSJ David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Expert says Hold, don't Buy small share lots tomorrow David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: On request -- One more quote that will be in the Philadelphia Magazine Nov issue. Rest when it goes to press David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Strongly recommend reading -- Democracy held hostage David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: They can't see why they are hated David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: RE: We need the courage to look beyond abstractions David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: a view on Advise people to stay away if this is the norm David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: This is a good week to hug an Arab, hug a Moslem, AND salute a soldier. We are in this together, or it won't work. David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Australia Diary # 4 of 4 David Farber (Sep 05)
IP: money and politics... David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: WIPO goes for the gold David Farber (Sep 04)
IP: US Govt IT failures David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Some Aircraft to Move from Reagan National David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Re: 'New Economy' Is a Thing of the Past David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: another issue Airline security and bailouts [ I am also a member of AOPA djf] David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: To understand Afganistan read Engels [seems the Russians did not, hmm djf] David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: RE: interview censored by U.S. State Dept., published in the UK David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Zimmerman on PGP David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: British Telecom raises concerns on 3G technology David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: When intelligence fails from Online Asia Times David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: RE: We need the courage to look beyond abstractions David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Free conf tix for IPers (Communities 2001 Sep 11 San Fran) David Farber (Sep 09)
IP: This needs to be refuted David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: I wonder how sleep deprivation may be affecting our gov't/country David Farber (Sep 28)
IP: True encroachment on liberty David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: MI6 claims to have found bin Laden David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Do read djf: Against hate David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: interview censored by U.S. State Dept., published in the UK David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Ellison's Identity Cards David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: Shameful behavior by those who should know better (from NYT) David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: Airline security and bailouts David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: I second Lauren's comments -- Re F.A.A. Announces Stricter Rules; Knives No Longer Allowed -- get out your dull chopsticks David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Sudan Bank Hacked, Bin Laden Info Found David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: Re: A billion seconds of Unix David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: On the other hand -- maybe it is wise -- Airlines Seek to Limit Lawsuits Over Attacks David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Reflections on the events of September 11 by Scott Simon, host of National Public Radio's Weekend Edition David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Trial where? David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Dalai Lama's reaction David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Re: Richard Dawkins: Religion's Misguided Missiles David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: two on A big story, I think: "Single-Number Plan Raises Privacy Fears" David Farber (Sep 02)
IP: Dept of Energy: "A little radiation is OK" David Farber (Sep 03)
IP: RE: Against hate David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Re: Funding of terrorism? David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Re: EFF: Proposed Law Treats All Computer Trespass as Terrorism David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Washington's racism and the Islamist trap -- not pleasant reading but .. David Farber (Sep 23)
IP: airline shutdowns imminent? David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: More on DMCA sequel: Security Systems Standards and Certif. Act David Farber (Sep 08)
IP: 4th plane crashed after passenger revolt? David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: I Strongly recommend all read this djf -- If we kill the Constitution the criminals win David Farber (Sep 11)
IP: The Next Wireless Stock Boom David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Some good news out of New York City :-) :-) Please just a small joke David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: BBC on low-tech terrorism -- very interesting sources & leads herein David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: interesting point on the DMCA also David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: Fed Cuts Rates 1/2 Point David Farber (Sep 17)
IP: Washington May Be Missing the Real Culprit: Saddam David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: Lawsuit targets copy-protected CDs David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: Airline economics David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: what I [he]saw 911 20001 nyc David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Richard Forno on ICANN and Net-stability against terrorists David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: "thanks for your effort!" David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Maybe not Re: Sudan Bank Hacked, Bin Laden Info Found David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: Whooping It Up -- In Beirut, even Christians celebrated the atrocity. - wsj opinion journal David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: from your editor PLEASE READ David Farber (Sep 12)
IP: Who did it? Foreign Report presents an alternative view: From Janes Security David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Congress works through weekend on anti-terrorism bill David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: The Jewish New Years David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: FOR SILICON VALLEY IPers -- Larry Leifer * Distributed Design Team Innovation * Wednesday 4:14 Gates B03 David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: there is no Keyser Soze David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: When the FBI Guys Come Knocking... David Farber (Sep 25)
IP: Rethinking pilots' reactions to skyjacking David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Webloggers offer views media can't David Farber (Sep 29)
IP: More tax breaks for rich should be last on agenda David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Body of Secrets - Book review David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: anyone got a clearly articulated business case for 3G? David Farber (Sep 03)
IP: Re: Internet Wiretapping (fwd) David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: Meek and stammering [worth reading djf] David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: DMCA, SSSCA, and the Copy Machine Control Act David Farber (Sep 08)
IP: Internet Wiretapping (fwd) David Farber (Sep 27)
IP: More on Air Travel David Farber (Sep 22)
IP: airline bailout David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: BA Carry-On Restrictions David Farber (Sep 18)
IP: Analysis by Former Director of Military History, USAF Academy David Farber (Sep 21)
IP: Getting a grip on encryption realities David Farber (Sep 16)
IP: Read it and be real worried -- [And we need a missile shield !! ]-- Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet but Found No Way to Stop It David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: one more RE: interesting point on the DMCA also David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: Your mileage may vary -- Guardian Unlimited Observer Observer site US and Britain to strike terror cam David Farber (Sep 30)
IP: Re: Read it and be real worried -- [And we need a missile shield !! ]-- Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet but Found No Way to Stop It David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: GAO -- Today's Reports - September 20, 2001 David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: Four paragraphs from the Guardian -- Cracks appear in coalition David Farber (Sep 15)
IP: RE: DOJ and MS and what is best for all David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: still relevant David Farber (Sep 13)
IP: RE: True encroachment on liberty David Farber (Sep 20)
IP: lose IIS says Gartner David Farber (Sep 24)
IP: U Delaware: the entire Library of Congress, or just 12 movies? David Farber (Sep 07)
IP: [OpenDTV] Lessons for Broadcasters from the WTC/Pentagon Bombings David Farber (Sep 26)
IP: Please read -- I am going to cut back mailings for a spell David Farber (Sep 14)
IP: interesting testimony to House Committee on Government Reform David Farber (Sep 25)
A billion seconds of Unix (Re: IP: Music Share-in Festival in Golden Gate Park) David Farber (Sep 06)
IP: RE: Richard Dawkins: Religion's Misguided Missiles David Farber (Sep 18)