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IP: Do read djf: Against hate

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 04:06:40 -0400

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 01:47:23 -0400
To: farber () cis upenn edu
From: Dave Burstein <daveb () dslprime com>
Subject: Against hate


The IP list this week has been extraordinarily helpful, with more solid information than some major newspapers. I particularly appreciate the views from other cultures, and the practical comments on the futility of a violent response. A few thoughts, perhaps to include with a related email.

Wider stairs, a low tech improvement, probably could have saved many lives. Many did not make it out, because the exits were too limited to get everybody out in the 40 minutes or so people had.

Returning violence for violence only multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

My brother, an emergency medical physician brought in from Boston, tells me the situation in the hospitals is very stable, with few new admissions, mostly minor injuries of the rescue crews. There are no surprises coming - but no good news either. Very few "John Does" to identify, no survivors coming in. The 5,000 missing number will soon rise, as they report the number of bodies that are not "missing" because identified. Most people died almost instantly in the collapse, with only a relative few in the hospitals.

"The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking,
and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe." Albert Einstein

What's been remarkable about the IP list is the difference compared to American media. I have been sickened by U.S. TV, with military and security types calling for blood. What could Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz mean when he spoke of "ending states who sponsor terrorism." Ending states, spoken by a man with enough weaponry to do just that? I am Jewish, knowing what the "ending" of the Jewish race in Europe entailed. I pray he, and Crusader George Bush, do not mean what they say.

"He who saves a life, shall as though he had saved all mankind alive" Koran

My father smuggled guns to Israel as a teenager in 1948; his older brother was an Israeli pilot. I'm sure either would have freely given their lives flying a military plane into the opposition headquarters, or the Pentagon if they thought that would protect Israel. I would like to think they would not have used a civilian jet with passengers, or attacked the World Trade Center. People they knew bombed the King David Hotel in 1946, resulting in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58. I not know what I would have done, with a chance to strike at Adolf Hitler and his entourage. True pacifism may take more courage than I have.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."

I came of age in another generation, shaped by the war in Vietnam, in which I would not have fought, learning from people of peace. I've become convinced that the only true hope for Israel is to make peace with the Palestinians, and that no military solution will ever bring Israel security. If the people of Palestine do not today have the arms to fight back, their children will, or their children's children. Technology is advancing; I am one of millions with enough computer power to design a nuclear weapon, or to master the biology of devastation. Fighting the sources of hate, beginning by respecting all human rights, is the only rational response today. I've spoken before of Israel's reliance on force as "suicidal lunacy" - so is any response to this crisis that merely makes more enemies, who one day will strike back.

"We urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their purposes cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them." Einstein

In elementary school, they taught me that Nathan's Hale was a hero, proclaiming "I regret I have but one life to give for my country". The Afgans, Iraqis, Palestinians and Libyans are as dedicated to their countries, and religions. Killing Afganis already broken by the Taliban will accomplish little - but the children and brothers of those who die will provide the sources for the next generation of "holy martyrs."

"There is no way to peaceĀ—peace is the way" A.J. Muste

Fifty years after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, I met Hiroshima's Mayor, Takashi Hiraoka, traveling the world in the name of peace. We introduced him to Ted Taylor, a nuclear weapons designer who had renounced his trade. "Can you ever forgive me?" Taylor asked.

"This is an era in which we must think of global security. It is a time to foster human solidarity transcending national borders, to pool our wisdom, and to work together to establish world peace. " Takashi Hiraoka, Mayor of Hiroshima

The Doomsday Clock stands at 9 minutes to midnight, and now may be advanced. The clock is the symbol of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. "The American people," said the Bulletin's first editorial, must work "unceasingly for the establishment of international control of atomic weapons, as a first step toward permanent peace." Among the sponsors of the Bulletin were Hans Bethe, S. Chandrasekhar, A. H. Compton, Robert Oppenheimer, Abdus Salam, Leon Lederman, Andrei Sakharov, David Baltimore,Julian Schwinger , Carl Djerassi, Freeman Dyson, Joseph Rotblat, Sheldon Glashow, V.F. Weisskopf, Rudolf Peierls,Leo Szilard, Robert Wilson and 75 more of the most distinguished scientists of the century.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
Jesus of Nazereth

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori may have been a fine call to sacrifice in Roman days - technology today spreads weapons so widely, we must do better.

Dave Burstein

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