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IP: Military Perspective on Afghanistan

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 04:56:50 -0400

From: "Fred Bothwell" <fredboth () texas net>
To: "David Farber" <dave () farber net>
Subject: Military Perspective on Afghanistan
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 21:19:22 -0500

 The following post was forwarded to me by the Assoc. of Graduates, USMA.
It was written by a West Point graduate stationed in Afganistan
 from 1998-1999 as part of the UN mine clearing operation.

  [written by Richard Kidd, West Point '86]
  Many of you are probably not aware that I was one of the last
  American citizens to have spent a great deal of time in Afghanistan.
  I was first there in 1993 providing relief and assistance to refugees
  along the Tajik border and in this capacity have traveled all along
  the border region between the two countries. In 1998 and 1999 I was
  the Deputy Program Manager for the UN's mine action program in
  Afghanistan. This program is the largest civilian employer in the
  country with over 5,000 persons clearing mines and UXO. In this later
  capacity, I was somewhat ironically engaged in a "Holy War" as
  decreed by the Taliban, against the evil of landmines, and by a
  special proclamation of Mullah Omar, all those who might have died in
  this effort were considered to "martyrs" even an "infidel" like
  myself. The mine action program is the most respected relief effort
  in the country and because of this I had the opportunity to travel
  extensively, without too much interference or restriction. I still
  have extensive contacts in the area and among the Afghan community
  and read a great deal on the subject.

  I had wanted to write earlier and share some of my perspectives, but
  quite frankly I have been a bit too popular in DC this past week and
  have not had time. Dr. Tony Kern's comments were excellent and I
  would like to use them as a basis for sharing some observations.

  First, he is absolutely correct. This war is about will, resolve and
  character. I want to touch on that later, but first I want to share
  some comments about our "enemy."

  Our enemy is not the people of Afghanistan. The country is devastated
  beyond what most of us can imagine. The vast majority of the people
  live day-to-day, hand to mouth in abject conditions of poverty,
  misery and deprivation. Less than 30% of the men are literate, the
  women even less. The country is exhausted, and desperately wants
  something like peace. They know very little of the world at large,
  and have no access to information or knowledge that would counter
  what they are being told by the Taliban. They have nothing left,
  nothing that is except for their pride.

  Who is our enemy? Well, our enemy is a group of non-Afghans, often
  referred to by the Afghans as "Arabs" and a fanatical group of
  religious leaders and their military cohort, the Taliban. The
  non-Afghan contingent came from all over the Islamic world to fight
  in the war against the Russians. Many came using a covert network
  created with assistance by our own government. OBL (as Osama bin
  Laden was referred to by us in the country at the time) restored this
  network to bring in more fighters, this time to support the Taliban
  in their civil war against the former Mujehdeen. Over time this
  military support along with financial support has allowed OBL and his
  "Arabs" to co-opt significant government activities and leaders. OBL
  is the "inspector general" of Taliban armed forces, his bodyguards
  protect senior Talib leaders and he has built a system of deep
  bunkers for the Taliban, which were designed to withstand cruise
  missile strikes (uhm, where did he learn to do that?). His forces
  basically rule the southern city of Kandahar. This high-profile
  presence of OBL and his "Arabs" has, in the last 2 years or so,
  started to generate a great deal of resentment on the part of the
  local Afghans. At the same time the legitimacy of the Taliban regime
  has started to decrease as it has failed to end the war, as local
  humanitarian conditions have worsened and as "cultural" restrictions
  have become even harsher. It is my assessment that most Afghans no
  longer support the Taliban. Indeed the Taliban have recently had a
  very difficult time getting recruits for their forces and have had to
  rely more and more on non-Afghans, either from Pushtun tribes in
  Pakistan or from OBL. OBL and the Taliban, absent any US action were
  probably on their way to sharing the same fate that all other
  outsiders and outside doctrines have experienced in
  Afghanistan-defeat and dismemberment. During the Afghan war with the
  Soviets much attention was paid to the martial prowess of the
  Afghans. We were all at West Point at the time and most of us had
  high-minded idealistic thoughts about how we would all want to go
  help the brave "freedom fighters" in their struggle against the
  Soviets. Those concepts were naive to the extreme. The Afghans, while
  never conquered as a nation, are not invincible in battle. A "good"

  Afghan battle is one that makes a lot of noise and light. Basic
  military skills are rudimentary and clouded by cultural constraints
  that no matter what, a warrior should never lose his honor. Indeed,
  firing from the prone is considered distasteful (but still done).
  Traditionally, the Afghan order of battle is very feudal in nature,
  with fighters owing allegiance to a "commander" and this person owing
  allegiance upwards and so on and so on. Often such allegiance is
  secured by payment. And while the Taliban forces have changed this
  somewhat, many of the units in the Taliban army are there because
  they are being paid to be there. All such groups have very strong
  loyalties along ethnic and tribal lines. Again, the concept of having
  a place of "honor" and "respect" is of paramount importance and blood
  feuds between families and tribes can last for generations over a
  perceived or actual slight. That is one reason why there were 7
  groups of Mujehdeen fighting the Russians. It is a very difficult
  task to form and keep united a large bunch of Afghans into a military
  formation. The "real" stories that have come out of the war against
  the Soviets are very enlightening and a lot different from our
  fantastic visions as cadets. When the first batch of Stingers came in
  and were given to one Mujehdeen group, another group-supposedly on
  the same side, attacked the first group and stole the Stingers, not
  so much because they wanted to use them, but because having them was
  a matter of prestige. Many larger coordinated attacks that advisers
  tried to conduct failed when all the various Afghan fighting groups
  would give up their assigned tasks (such as blocking or overwatch)
  and instead would join the assault group in order to seek glory. In
  comparison to Vietnam, the intensity of combat and the rate of
  fatalities were lower for all involved.

  As you can tell from above, it is my assessment that these guys are
  not THAT good in a purely military sense and the "Arabs" probably
  even less so than the Afghans. So why is it that they have never been
  conquered? It goes back to Dr. Kern's point about will. During their
  history the only events that have managed to form any semblance of
  unity among the Afghans, is the desire to fight foreign invaders. And
  in doing this the Afghans have been fanatical. The Afghans' greatest
  military strength is the ability to endure hardships that would, in
  all probability, kill most Americans and enervate the resolve of all
  but the most elite military units. The physical difficulties of
  fighting in Afghanistan, the terrain, the weather and the harshness
  are all weapons that our enemies will use to their advantage and use
  well. (NOTE: For you military planner types and armchair
  generals--around November 1st most road movement is impossible, in
  part because all the roads used by the Russians have been destroyed
  and air movement will be problematic at best). Also, those fighting
  us are not afraid to fight. OBL and others do not think the US has
  the will or the stomach for a fight. Indeed after the absolutely
  inane missile strikes of 1998, the overwhelming consensus was that we
  were cowards, who would not risk one life in face to face combat.
  Rather than demonstrating our might and acting as a deterrent, that
  action and others of the not so recent past, have reinforced the
  perception that the US does not have any "will" and that were are
  morally and spiritually corrupt.

  Our challenge is to play to the weaknesses of our enemy, notably
  their propensity for internal struggles, the distrust between the
  extremists/Arabs and the majority of Afghans, their limited ability
  to fight coordinated battles and their lack of external support. More
  importantly though is that we have to take steps not to play to their
  strengths, which would be to unite the entire population against us
  by increasing their suffering or killing innocents, to get bogged
  down trying to hold terrain, or to get into a battle of attrition
  chasing up and down mountain valleys.

  I have been asked how I would fight the war. This is a big question
  and well beyond my pay grade or expertise. And while I do not want to
  second guess current plans or start an academic debate I would share
  the following from what I know about Afghanistan and the Afghans.
  First, I would give the Northern Alliance a big wad of cash so that
  they can buy off a chunk of the Taliban army before winter. Second,
  also with this cash I would pay some guys to kill some of the Taliban
  leadership making it look like an inside job to spread distrust and
  build on existing discord. Third I would support the Northern
  alliance with military assets, but not take it over or adopt so high
  a profile as to undermine its legitimacy in the eyes of most Afghans.
  Fourth would be to give massive amounts of humanitarian aid and
  assistance to the Afghans in Pakistan in order to demonstrate our
  goodwill and to give these guys a reason to live rather than the
  choice between dying of starvation or dying fighting the "infidel."
  Fifth, start a series of public works projects in areas of the
  country not under Taliban control (these are much more than the press
  reports) again to demonstrate goodwill and that improvements come
  with peace. Sixth, I would consider vary carefully putting any female
  service members into Afghanistan proper-sorry to the females of our
  class but within that culture a man who allows a women to fight for
  him has zero respect, and we will need respect to gain the
  cooperation of Afghan allies. No Afghan will work with a man who
  fights with women. I would hold off from doing anything too dramatic
  in the near term, keeping a low level of covert action and pressure
  up over the winter, allowing this pressure to force open the fissions
  around the Taliban that were already developing. I expect that they
  will quickly turn on themselves and on OBL. We can pick up the pieces
  next summer, or the summer after. When we do "pick-up" the pieces I
  would make sure that we do so on the ground, "man to man." While I
  would never want to advocate American causalities, it is essential
  that we communicate to OBL and all others watching that we can and
  will "engage and destroy the enemy in close combat." As mentioned
  above, we should not try to gain or hold terrain, but Infantry
  operations against the enemy are essential. There can be no excuses
  after the defeat or lingering doubts in the minds of our enemies
  regarding American resolve and nothing, nothing will communicate this
  except for ground combat. And once this is all over, unlike in 1989
  the US must provide continued long-term economic assistance to
  rebuild the country.

 While I have written too much already, I think it is also important

 to share a few things on the subject of brutality. Our opponents will
 not abide by the Geneva conventions. There will be no prisoners
 unless there is a chance that they can be ransomed or made part of a
 local prisoner exchange. During the war with the Soviets, videotapes
 were made of communist prisoners having their throats slit. Indeed,
 there did exist a "trade" in prisoners so that souvenir videos could
 be made by outsiders to take home with them. This practice has spread
  to the Philippines, Bosnia and Chechnya were similar videos are being
  made today and can be found on the web for those so inclined. We can
  expect our soldiers to be treated the same way.

  Sometime during this war I expect that we will see videos of US
  prisoners having their heads cut off. Our enemies will do this not
  only to demonstrate their "strength" to their followers, but also to
  cause us to overreact, to seek wholesale revenge against civilian
  populations and to turn this into the world wide religious war that
  they desperately want. This will be a test of our will and of our
  character. (For further collaboration of this type of activity please
  read Kipling).

  This will not be a pretty war; it will be a war of wills, of resolve
  and somewhat conversely of compassion and of a character. Towards our
  enemies, we must show a level of ruthlessness that has not been part
  of our military character for a long time. But to those who are not
  our enemies we must show a level of compassion probably unheard of
  during war. We should do this not for humanitarian reasons, even
  though there are many, but for shrewd military logic. For anyone who
  is still reading this way to long note, thanks for your patience. I
  will try to answer any questions that may arise in a more concise

  Thanks, Richard Kidd


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