Interesting People: by author

385 messages starting Nov 14 01 and ending Nov 15 01
Date index | Thread index | Author index

David Farber

IP: Wireless networked world David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: re The Little Engine That Could Be: button size micro gas turbin e David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Washington DC ipers query re Dullas Airport David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Olympus DSS file to wave or mp3 David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: COMDEX bans bags, laptops; requires ID at all times David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Boston area IPers -- DCSB: Chuck Wade; New Authentication Services--A pending train wreck? David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: Departure from Dullas -- data point David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: You decide who to believe djf: more on Oden David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Thought Police David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: more on : Dead Education Dots becoming Porn sites David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Patriot Act would make watchdogs of firms David Farber (Nov 18)
IP-FLASH Not really -- MSFT deal dead? David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Re:A bit of "humor" -- Really Weird Lawsuits David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: Time to do this in the USA : CANADA LEADS THE WAY IN SMS COMPATIBILITY David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: The Internet Under Siege David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Cybersecurity czar frowns on national ID card proposal David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: bin laden: spinmeister David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: SCREENING FREE SPEECH? and UNIVERSITIES MANDATE MOBILE USE : Edupage, November 19, 2001 David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: Motorola shows new, daring phone [for Asian market initially] David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Fwd: Any more spin, and I'm going to throw up David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Tauzin-Dingell being pushed forward David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: RE: Rule of law David Farber (Nov 26)
IP: Re: New law contains ID-card proposal David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Unintended Consequences and a Nation Made Weaker (fwd) David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: NYTimes editorial today David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Fwd: I-P: Splits open in UK-US alliance David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Re:ICANN to levie fees, for reduced influence. David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Magic Lantern and Carnivore can unscramble encryption David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: ICANN to levie fees, for reduced influence. David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: 800 directory "assistance" redirecting calls David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: Good Urban legend site David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: Kangaroo Courts -- please remember Safire is not exactly a liberal :-) David Farber (Nov 26)
IP: Sharp shipping almost-done Linux PDA David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Librarians can't tell patrons of USA PATRIOT Act surveillance David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: passport hacked David Farber (Nov 02)
IP-FLASH Site-stealing program answers WTO crackdown David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Re: PRAVDA can see the disaster of the PATRIOT Act? David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: 30th anniversary of Norjak David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Re:The cure is only slightly worse than the disease...: [risks] David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: tax Internet for benefit of Postal Service? William F. Buckley, Jr. David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Re: Wireless networked world David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: re U.S. Tech Firms Abusing Visa Program David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Re: Cisco closes out on their WT-2700 Fixed Wireless Product Line David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Rising Fears That What We Do Know Can Hurt Us David Farber (Nov 18)
IP: RE: Bayer's bad behavior raises larger questions: Dan Gillmor on Technology Mon Nov 05 16:45:11 EST 2001 David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: THERE'S ROOM FOR BOTH BLUETOOTH AND W-LAN and WIRELESS NETWORKS GO WIDE: Edupage, November 2, 2001 David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Usurping democracy, in your wallet -- from the Daily Pennsylvanian David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Remember ITAR? David Farber (Nov 26)
IP: Cyberspace Security Czar Worries About 'Digital Pearl Harbor' David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: John le Carré -- A War We Cannot Win David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Fwd: badtrans 2 virus Outlook strrikes yet aagain David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: two RE: American Council of Trustees and Alumni David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Britain placed under state of emergency David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Rule of law David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Learning From Israel and Its Mistakes David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: "'White Hat' Hackers Threaten Information Anarchy" David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: First class conference travel David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Encryption: How Prevalent Is It? David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Some badly needed humor, such as it is - Fwd: Apple Breakup David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Bailout Bill full of Pork [why am I not surprised djf] David Farber (Nov 10)
IP: L.A. Times - U.S. Tech Firms Abusing Visa Program David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Schneier on full disclosure David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: RE: 'Lantern' Backdoor Flap Rages David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Metricom assets sold for $8.25 million David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Microsoft leaves its Wallet wide open David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Potential of genetically Engineered Viruses and Bacteria David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: NE Journal of Medicine issues anthrax treatment guidelines David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: EDUCATORS TO OPPOSE MICROSOFT'S DEAL: Edupage, November 28, 2001 David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Internet as online community David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Re: Bailout Bill full of Pork [why am I not surprised djf] David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Misreading and Misleading David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: FCC Votes to Abolish Spectrum Limits David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: US humility will speak volumes David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Bush Order: terrorists trials by military commission David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: Torture Seeps Into Discussion by News Media David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: BIOTERRORISM: ALTERNATIVE RESPONSES TO EXPOSURE. : What's New for Nov 16, 2001 David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: one more interesting thing -- Muslim Life in America David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: "Black Blocs for Dummies" website gets lawyer nastygram David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Re: We're From the Government. We're Here to Help.: David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: 'get off our sovereign soil'. David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: a comment on : Gingrich says National ID card won't fly David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: An interview with John Dean David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Fox TV: The scapegoat channel David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Calls for a new draft begin... David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Safire accuses Bush of seizing "dictatorial power" David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Beijing produces videos glorifying terrorist attacks on 'arrogant' US David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: UK students use research telescope in Hawaii over Internet David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: NYT on MS (with Farber Quote) David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: The Secret Warrior David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Expert Links anthrax, Hijackings David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Cables: Anyone home? David Farber (Nov 29)
IP-FLASH ICANN replies to ACLU protest of $5,000 leafleting charge David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: good analysis Re: Unintended Consequences and a Nation Made Weaker (fwd) David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Two comments on the FCC lifting spectrum caps David Farber (Nov 10)
IP: Better Gas Mileage, Greater Security David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Two US citizens -- Falsely accused of passport alteration -- held for two months David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Gingrich says National ID card won't fly David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: New law contains ID-card proposal David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: RE: Two items -- please read and reply if you care to David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Dmitry Sklyarov prosecution update: Hearing set for early 2002 David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: comment on A bit of "humor" David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: From Toronto Star: Did bin Laden have help from U.S. friends? David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: GPRS, etc... David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: New York Observer: Bye Bye Birdie David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: re U.S. Tech Firms Abusing Visa Program David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Re ACTA "Defending Civilization" David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: A Quiz David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Space Data Wins FCC Narrowband Auction David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Re: watchdog group listing government information removed frompublic access David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: From the USS WINSTON CHURCHILL at sea. David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Routes of Least Surveillance David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Ex-FBI officials critical of Ashcroft's anti-terror efforts David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: The Digital Beat: The Debate Over Online Steganography David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Re: Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: ATM encryption cracked David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: AP on ICANN David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Outlook 2002 -- we ARE told and CAN peek David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: PATRIOT Act creates Intelligence Behemoth David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: COMDEX relents on laptop computers David Farber (Nov 06)
IP-FLASH MSFT deal dead? David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Legal Powers Are Expanded in Bush Plan David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: re Detecting Magic Lantern? David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Ex-FBI officials critical of Ashcroft's anti-terror efforts David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: NYT on executive powers - rego etc David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: A bit of "humor" -- Really Weird Lawsuits David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: 11-06-01 -- Keep Customs Officers Accountable David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Canadian Law Could Define Protesters as Terrorists David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: what they're thinking in Britain David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: 'Lantern' Backdoor Flap Rages David Farber (Nov 27)
IP-FLASH from bbc David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Re: Good question RE: Iridium Satellite Emerges from the Ashes David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Walter Karplus of UCLA dies David Farber (Nov 18)
IP: Techies vs. Telcos David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Gates' mansion overrun by incontinent geese ( a bit of smile for the day -- djf) David Farber (Nov 18)
IP: State Dept. Web: new movie, report on terror David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Answers to quiz David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Forward into the past: "securing the phone system" David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Sweden's public radio reportedly bans SETI from office computers David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Bush supressing presidential papers David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever 5.0] David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Interview of Nancy Oden by Declan McCullagh David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Global support for U.S. bombing campaign slipping David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Is ICANN a trade show? David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: U.S. engaging in massive "preventive detention" policy David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Bush seizing massive power David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: Official US position on nuclear attack David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Re:CANN to levie fees, for reduced influence. David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Behind the USA Patriot Act David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: RE: ICANN replies to ACLU protest of $5,000 leafleting charge David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: latest revelation from The Department of Truth Management David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Iridium Satellite Emerges from the Ashes David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Possibly the smallest digicam in the world?: Digital Photography Review Newsletter: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Steganogaphy 101 David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: High School uses polygraph to find partygoers David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Risks of belief in identities: [risks] Risks Digest 21.74 David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: HP board veteran Hackborn is key in fate of Compaq deal David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: End of thread : Re: Outlook 2002 -- we ARE told and CAN peek David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: The Real War David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Security, Fear, and National ID Cards David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: NOVA Presents "Bioterror" David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Engineers Test Wright Glider Replica in Wind Tunnel David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Acoustic Kitty David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Bin Laden: Yes, I did it (London Telegraph 11/11/01) David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: re: Here comes the propaganda David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Red Cross will burn blood, can't store surplus collected David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Re: Bin Laden's relatives made a first-class escape David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: For PA area people: Robert Kennedy * A Deep-Space Fix for Global Warming * CSL Colloq. W4:15 Gates B03 David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Palo Alto area -- Stanford : Detecting Steganogaphic Content on the Internet * Niels Provos, UMich * W4:15 David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Re: epidemiology of terrorism David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Microbes were mail-ordered David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: U.K. police "anti-terrorism" spy powers extend to minor crimes (next the USA djf) David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: comment on -- Time to do this in the USA : CANADA LEADS THE WAY IN SMS COMPATIBILITY David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: ipv6 adoption.... David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: Portland police refuse to cooperate with U.S. questioning David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: New OECD study on Broadband Acces David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: FBI, Sheriff & County Atty Going After "Constitutional Terrorists" David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: A direct comment -- RE:So its not the Communists they take first*, its the belligerents? David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Online Communities - Major Report from Pew Internet David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Getting our side explained David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Bill Moyers: Which America Will We Be Now? David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Wanna make biological weapons and take out cities? $10. David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: interesting point -- Judge: Yahoo not bound by French Nazi ban David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Bin Laden claims nukes David Farber (Nov 10)
IP: final on RE: American Council of Trustees and Alumni David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Cookie Data in IE Can Be Exposed or Altered Through Script Injection David Farber (Nov 09)
IP-FLASH A Paternity Dispute Divides Net Pioneers David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Dan Gilmor on Microsoft David Farber (Nov 08)
IP-FLASH Next step in changes to IP distribution David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: end of seriesRE:So its not the Communists they take first*, its the belligerents? David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Clinton - "A struggle for the soul of the 21st century" David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Here comes the propaganda David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Bush Signs Aviation Security Bill David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Re: Ollie & Osama David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: On the way to school -- Ha'aretz editorial 25Nov01 David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: re: The cure is only slightly worse than the disease...: [risks] Risks Digest 21.78 David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Sony uses DMCA against robot dog training Web site (!) David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Experts Say Key Internet Servers Vulnerable to Attack David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: News of the Weird: Parachutes, Clear Envelopes Booming David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Re: Here comes the propaganda David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Oversight Hearing on National Identification Cards David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Symantec pledges to acquiese to FBI backdoor demands AND MORE David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: bye-bye ATT David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Average Users Spend 2,600 yen Monthly for I-Mode David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: Germany: The Index of Banned Books for Airlines continues to grow David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: The new pro-war liberalism David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Re: Departure from Dullas -- data point David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: request for real audio server home for several talks David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: President Bush says military tribunals will try civilian cases David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Molly Ivins checks in David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Ashcroft's speech on opening NSA, CIA databases to police David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Interesting and useful (but a little scary) software program David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Re: The new pro-war liberalism URL David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: U.S. Anti-Terrorism Sweep Nails Net, Phone Companies David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Responses to DOJ and Microsoft agree to settle antitrust case David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Announcing URIICA - For the Sake of Internet Users Everywhere David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: MS to force IT-security censorship David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Researchers probe Net's 'dark address space' David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Georgia man indicted in distributed computing case David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: RE: Microsoft proposed settlement David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: missing Harvard biologist David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: ACLU feature on facecams in airports, DOD "Ferret" system David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Fwd: interview with Ted Postol (professor of science, technology, and national security policy at MIT) David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: American Council of Trustees and Alumni David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Magic Lantern David Farber (Nov 27)
IP-FLASH Justice Department and Microsoft Agree on Most of Settlement Pact David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Americans support civil liberties cutbacks - some suggest torture David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Re: Interview of Nancy Oden by Declan McCullagh David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: University accidentally posts child psychological records online David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: full private microsoft antitrust settlement language including appendices, from microsoft website David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Re: Intel and Broadband Deregulation .. David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Publisher to serialize novels through novel phones David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: The story still has legs... David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: Re: The Real War David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Re: passport hacked David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: What are your reac tions to this? David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: It's official, @Home is dead David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Complaint: Clear Channel's "shell game" David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Newsstand -- a must miss David Farber (Nov 01)
Re: IP: Acoustic Kitty David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Financial Times Reports -Taliban wants to hand over Kabul David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Push to expand Army's domestic law enforcement role David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Bayer's bad behavior raises larger questions: Dan Gillmor on Technology Mon Nov 05 16:45:11 EST 2001 David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Re: our goals in afghanistan David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Comments on the FCC lifting spectrum caps David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: NYT: Wm Safire on Bush's Kangaroo Courts David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: "all domain owners are in business" (fwd) David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: A New Battle Station: A article David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Making Windows Transparent By PAUL KRUGMAN David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: DOJ to monitor client/lawyer comms - action called "terrifying" David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: from one of the first cablemodem customers re: CableLabs trying stop NAT and "unpaid" multiple IP addresses David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: The Little Engine That Could Be: button size micro gas turbine David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Village Voice: Assault on Liberty: Abandoning the Constitution to Military Tribunals David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Uncivil Liberties David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Intellectual property: The internet's undoing (Financial Times) David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: John Dean: The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Antiterrorism Law Expands Extraterritorial Soverignty -- Lets U.S. Nab Foreign Hackers David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: re: The cure is only slightly worse than the disease...: [risks] Risks Digest 21.78 David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: The cure is only slightly worse than the disease...: [risks] Risks Digest 21.78 David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: re: Not really -- MSFT deal dead? David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: FCC National Broadband Policy David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: XCOR Aerospace - world's first private rocket-plane flies at Mojave! David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Detecting Magic Lantern? David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Voicestream intros 2.5G Services David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Bush: America Is 'On the Hun David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Three Strikes sentence thrown out in California David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: from This is True re airline security and freedom David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: Why Trade Center Towers Stood, Then Fell David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: CableLabs trying stop NAT and "unpaid" multiple IP addresses David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Well maybe a real urban leg. Acoustic Kitty David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Bin Laden's relatives made a first-class escape David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: 'European Voice' says Bush lobbying EU to drop prohibition on blanket traffic data retention David Farber (Nov 04)
IP-FLASH Two items -- please read and reply if you care to David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Re: Bin Laden's nuclear secrets found David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: 11/9 FBI "Amerithrax Press Briefing" David Farber (Nov 10)
IP: MS claims their ".NET" is solution to Web security problems David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: RE: GPRS, etc... David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: "Magic Lantern" ("The Spy in Your Computer?") on Fact Squad Radio David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Ollie & Osama David Farber (Nov 10)
IP: Ferree to Head FCC's Deal Review David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: D.C. COULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF INTERNET MORE, STUDY SAYS: Edupage, November 26, 2001 David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Tactics readied for a smallpox fight David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: A dove in the land of the eagle David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Re: Departure from Dullas -- data point David Farber (Nov 16)
IP: You're free to think David Farber (Nov 06)
IP-FLASH Intel's Position on Broadband Regulation -- FROM INTEL David Farber (Nov 02)
IP-FLASH Balancing Security and Liberty -- expanded full online version David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Re: Experts Say Key Internet Servers Vulnerable to Attack David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Issue: Dead Education Dots becoming Porn sites David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: more on Rule of law David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: War profiteering - 'Operation Enduring Avarice' David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: This Modern World: We're all in this together -- except when we're not! David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: restriction on federal monitoring of personal use of Internet David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: Judge: Yahoo not bound by French Nazi ban David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: url fix Re: Welcome to the era of drive-by hacking David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Airport censorship David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: More on McAfee security flap David Farber (Nov 27)
IP-FLASH letter from the ACLU on ICANN leafleting restrictions David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: two from Economist -- one and it is not aPRIL 1 David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: The World According to Dukie the Twit David Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Court upholds ban on DVD-cracking code David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: The Web Never Forgets David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Rivals Mobilize Alternatives to U.S. System David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Re: Report will recommend more CIA power David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Any Ipers help (cc me): Request for information David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: good idea -- re: The cure is only slightly worse than the disease...: [risks] Risks Digest 21.78 David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: epidemiology of terrorism David Farber (Nov 18)
IP: FBI software cracks encryption wall David Farber (Nov 20)
IP-FLASH Report will recommend more CIA power David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: incredible photos of liberated Afghanistan David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: from a street kid: Today's Plane Crash in New York David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: An Alternate Reality David Farber (Nov 25)
IP: watchdog group listing government information removed from public access David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Re: War profiteering - 'Operation Enduring Avarice' David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Supreme Court asked to rule on online porn law (Financial Times) David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: RE:So its not the Communists they take first*, its the belligerents? David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: UWB once held so much promise, but now seers are predicting a slide downward David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: US assumes global cyber-police authority David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: HP-Compaq news David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Re: Open source and PC David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Sony: Time for a transformation David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Computer history on the BBC David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Microsoft proposed settlement David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: DOJ's Already Monitoring Modems David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Good point re: UNIVERSITIES MANDATE MOBILE USE : Edupage, November 19, 2001 David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: RE: Bush supressing presidential papers David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: The real "fifth column" David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: re Friedman on Pakistan David Farber (Nov 13)
IP: RE: It's official, @Home is dead David Farber (Nov 28)
IP: Re Experts Say Key Internet Servers Vulnerable to Attack David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Technology Tech innovators honored for service David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Air Transport Assoc. calls for massive traveler database David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Average Users Spend 2,600 yen Monthly for I-Mode David Farber (Nov 20)
IP: PRAVDA can see the disaster of the PATRIOT Act? David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Postal concerns Questions surround start of mail irradiation PROCESS TO KILL ANTHRAX UNTESTED ON MANY ITEMS David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Spain Sets Hurdle for Extraditions (fwd) David Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Southern California IPers: MEMORIAL FOR WALTER KARPLUS David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Enemy of the State David Farber (Nov 08)
IP: King of Jordan calls for all-Arab deal with Israel David Farber (Nov 11)
IP: Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Re: Bailout Bill full of Pork [why am I not surprised djf] David Farber (Nov 12)
IP: Good question RE: Iridium Satellite Emerges from the Ashes David Farber (Nov 04)
IP: We're From the Government. We're Here to Help.: David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Uncle Sam Wants You...To think what he manipulates you into thinking. David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Bin Laden's nuclear secrets found David Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Secretive court to wield greater power in hunt for terrorists David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Dead men walkingŠ - by Thomas H. Lipscomb David Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Two letters from Australia worth reading -- Behind the USA Patriot Act David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Poorly-paid researchers pose risk? David Farber (Nov 05)
IP: Right and Wrong (read especially if you have a USA Green Card) David Farber (Nov 24)
IP-FLASH TECH ALERT: Microsoft Settlement Is Presented to Judge David Farber (Nov 02)
IP: great reach of the net story David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Despite Some Concerns, Civil Liberties Are Taking a Back Seat David Farber (Nov 17)
IP: Welcome to the era of drive-by hacking David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: interesting query -- Re: Microsoft proposed settlement David Farber (Nov 21)
IP: re Americans support civil liberties cutbacks - some suggest torture David Farber (Nov 29)
IP: Like Malthus and Erhlich never happened: The so-called spectrum shortage David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Loosing the world wide PR war David Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Soliciting ideas to fight terrorism is right approach by Dan Gilmor David Farber (Nov 14)
IP: Lifting the veil on how Israelis got the A-bomb David Farber (Nov 11)
IP-FLASH great photo essay David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: hmmm yes Re:CANN to levie fees, for reduced influence. David Farber (Nov 06)
IP: From MS --- re Microsoft proposed settlement David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Nation of tipsters answers FBI's call David Farber (Nov 22)
IP: links between far-right extremists and Islamic radicals David Farber (Nov 18)
IP: Iran bans private companies from providing Internet connections David Farber (Nov 09)
IP: Samsung YOPY Linux PDA David Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Islam Studies university site David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: DeCSS is Speech David Farber (Nov 01)
IP: MS/DoJ Settlement: "The Killer Clause" David Farber (Nov 03)
IP: NPRM Explores Wireless Hearing-Aid Compatibility David Farber (Nov 15)