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IP: The Digital Beat: The Debate Over Online Steganography

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 11:57:26 -0500

X-Sender: spaf@
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 11:27:48 -0500
To: dave () farber net
From: Gene Spafford <spaf () cerias purdue edu>

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 08:05:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Nev Dull <nev () sleepycat com>
To: nev () bostic com (/dev/null)
Subject: The Digital Beat: The Debate Over Online Steganography

From: Andy Carvin <acarvin () benton org>

The Digital Beat -- 31 October 2001

When a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Secrets:
The Debate Over Online Steganography

By Andy Carvin (acarvin () benton org)


In the weeks since the horrendous September 11 attacks on New York and
Washington DC, investigators around the world have poured over tens of
thousands of leads. With each turn, it seems, authorities explore new pieces
of evidence that somehow fit into the giant puzzle that makes up the al
Qaeda terrorist network.

As the news media continues its marathon coverage of the attack and
subsequent U.S. retaliations, one accusation has received particular
attention. Reports from ABC News, the Associated Press, the New York Times
and Newsweek, among other media outlets, have alleged that terrorists
associated with Osama bin Laden may have communicated covertly by imbedding
secret messages into publicly available files on the Internet, including
images from adult porn sites.

This allegation has yet to be proven -- the FBI has stated in briefings that
they don't have evidence to back up these charges. But these media reports
have re-ignited interest in this ancient cloak-and-dagger technique, adding
more fuel to the fire in the searing debate over online civil liberties in a
post-September 11 world.

Steganography: Hiding in Plain Sight

Steganography, the science of hiding secret messages within publicly
accessible material, is by no means new. One of the first accounts of
steganography in action dates back to the Greek historian Herodotus. In the
fifth century BCE he documented the story of Demeratus, who struggled to
find a way of alerting Sparta that the Persian Great King Xerxes was gearing
up to invade Greece. Knowing that any overt message would be intercepted
easily by the Persians, he scraped off the wax surface of a wooden writing
tablet and scratched his warning into the underlying wood. Demeratus then
re-coated the tablet with a fresh layer of wax, thus allowing the apparently
blank writing tablet to be carried off to Sparta without arousing suspicion.

The term steganography dates back to 14th century. German mathematician
Johannes Trithemius penned a book on black magic entitled Steganographia --
Greek for "hidden writing." Indeed, the controversial book was about hidden
writing. Instead of being a treatise on black magic, the manuscript was
actually a well-disguised essay on cryptography -- so well disguised that it
took half a millennia to crack it completely.

During the 19th century, spies used creative forms of steganography
throughout the course of the legendary Great Game -- the decades-long war of
stealth conducted between imperial Russia and Great Britain as they competed
for dominance in Central Asia. The famed British-Indian spies known as
pundits used the accoutrements of itinerant monks to disguise the fact that
they were mapping out the complex topographies of Tibet and Afghanistan.
Pundits would carry a modified rosary made up of 100 prayer beads (instead
of the 108 beads usually found in a Buddhist rosary), allowing them to
secretly tabulate the number of paces as they walked in any given direction.
The details of their covert surveying work would then be hidden amongst
handwritten prayers contained in the center of the Tibetan prayer wheels
they carried openly.

In modern times, steganography was used successfully during wartime as a way
of transmitting messages in plain view. German and allied forces both
employed steganography during the First World War; in one particular case, a
German spy transmitted the following message:

        Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted
        and ignored.  Isman hard hit.  Blockade issue affects
        pretext for embargo on byproducts, ejecting suets and
        vegetable oils.

A casual observer might easily ignore this seemingly innocuous message, but
if you take the second letter in each word, you'll soon discover a secret

        Pershing sails from NY June 1.

A well-publicized example of steganography occurred during the height of the
Vietnam War, when Commander Jeremiah Denton, a naval aviator who had been
shot down and captured by North Vietnamese forces, was paraded in front of
the news media as part of well-staged propaganda event. Denton knew he would
be unable to say anything critical of his captors outright, so as he spoke
to the media, he blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling out T-O-R-T-U-R-E.

Perhaps the most public post-September 11 accusation regarding steganography
occurred several weeks ago when the Arab-language news service Al Jazeera
broadcast videotaped statements by Osama bin Laden and his associates in
their entirety. The Bush administration quickly responded by requesting that
all media outlets use greater discretion when it came to airing statements
from Al Qaeda, fearing that the unedited statements might contain secret
messages -- messages communicated by means of certain words or phrases being
used, combinations of clothing or discrete nonverbal gestures.

Old Tricks, New Techniques

Steganography, as the above examples demonstrate, is not limited to one
particular medium or technology -- it's simply a matter of disguising a
covert message within an overt one, whether that overt message is an ancient
wax tablet, a telegram or a person speaking through a television broadcast.
So it should come as no surprise that the technique has also found its way
onto the Internet. In fact, steganography tools are freely available for
public use. Steganography software allows users to secretly incorporate data
into various digital media - text, jpeg images, MP3 audio files, etc.

One relatively innocuous example of online steganography in action can be
found at the Web site This site allows users to encode and
decode secret text messages in what appears to be rambling spam messages.
For example, can produce a text message that looks like this:

        Dear Friend , Especially for you - this breath-taking
        news . If you no longer wish to receive our publications
        simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will

        immediately be removed from our club ! This mail is
        being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1621 ; Title
        6 , Section 301 ! This is a ligitimate business proposal
        ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich
        in 54 months....

        (Note - the full message is longer than this paragraph and has
        been trimmed for length. A complete copy of the message can
        be found in the appendix at the bottom of this article.)

This seemingly incoherent advertisement can then be transmitted to anyone on
the Internet. For the average netizen, the message would undoubtedly find
its way into the trash folder, but for people who know that it's been
encoded by SpamMimic, they can go to the Web site, select the "decode"
option, and submit the full text (see appendix) to find this secret message:

        Happy Halloween!

Of course, hiding brief text messages within larger text is limited by the
overall size of the larger text: text files simply aren't big enough to hide
more complex data like images or audio files. A solution to this dilemma can
be found in the availability of around 140 steganography software packages
readily available over the Internet. Free download sites have collections of
various steganography tools, including one called Invisible Secrets 3.0.
Invisible Secrets leads users through a series of easy steps that allows
them to encode a file secretly into another file.

As a demonstration, I've set up a simple Web page with three photos on it:

Here you'll see two photos that look identical to each other - a public
domain image of the space shuttle from NASA. The photo on the left is the
original image, while the photo on the right has been altered
steganographically: I've used the software Invisible Secrets 3.0 to hide a
picture of my cat Winston inside of it. The steganography software scatters
the data of my cat photograph, hiding that data amongst the bits and bytes
that makes up the NASA photo. The result of this process is the second copy
of the NASA photo, a covert kitten hidden within it, which I could share as
publicly as I would like -- emailing it to a listserv, placing it on my Web
site, etc. To the unsuspecting viewer, it's just a photo of the space
shuttle, but to someone who knows I've altered it steganographically, it's a
secret envelope that can be used to deliver any piece of data I'd like -- in
this case, a picture of my cat.

Do Terrorists Dream of Steganographic Sheep:
When Rumors Lead to Bad Policymaking

Whether used for safeguarding business secrets, watermarking
copyright-protected data or just for personal amusement, steganography was
largely seen as just another aspect of Internet culture until the September
11 attack. Though news outlets such as USA Today and Wired News had reported
earlier this year on speculation that terrorists like Osama bin Laden might
use steganographic software for encoding secret messages into publicly
available pornographic image files, rumors regarding such activities have
caught on like wildfire in the weeks following the attack. All of these
reports had one thing in common: they stated that authorities suspected that
bin Laden and his associates _might_ have used steganography.

There was no direct proof, however. Internet journalist Duncan Campbell
reported in the online magazine Telepolis that FBI officials stated in two
successive briefings that there was no evidence to suggest that terrorists
had employed steganography. To date, the only comment from a government
official implying a direct connection between terrorists and online
steganography has come from an unnamed source formerly connected to the
French defense ministry. The source, as noted in an October 30 story in the
New York Times, claimed that a terrorist suspect named Jamal Beghal used the
technique to plan a failed bombing plot of the U.S. embassy in Paris.
Details about the alleged use of steganography remain scant, however.

Declan McCullagh, Washington DC correspondent for Wired News as well as one
of the first journalists to report on allegations of terrorist online
steganography, was also skeptical of the recent reports. "I've said in the
past that we should assume for purposes of political debate that terrorists
will use crypto and stego, because if they're not now, they eventually
will," he wrote in an email to his Politech e-newsletter. "The September 11
attackers were cunning, if nothing else. But there is a huge difference
between expecting that terrorists will eventually go in this direction --
and accepting as fact vague and self-promoting reports that the 19
suicide-hijackers did."

Adding to this skepticism is a recent report from University of Michigan
computer scientists who scanned over two million online images for evidence
of hidden messages using special stego-detecting software they had
developed. (The art of detecting steganography, for those who are
interested, is known as steganalysis.) Their sweep of these two million
images identified no trace of steganography, whether for passing along
secret orders between terrorist cells or for passing along the Mrs. Fields
cookie recipe.

"I am not aware of evidence that indicates the use of encryption or
steganography," explains Neils Provos, one of the authors of the University
of Michigan study. "The terrorist attacks are being used by some politicians
as a reason to pass legislation that they could not pass before.... There is
no indication that any encryption technology has been used."

As Provos and others point out, one of the greatest concerns among online
civil libertarians is that these unsubstantiated claims of terrorists using
steganography will serve as ammunition for politicians to put further
restrictions on both steganography and encryption. Civil libertarians are
already finding themselves being shouted down by policymakers determined to
expand government surveillance activities and clamp down on tools used for
hiding or scrambling information. In the Netherlands, legislators have moved
to regulate public use of strong encryption on the Internet, backing off on
a 1998 policy memorandum that stated, "The use of cryptography will remain

In the United States, the sweeping anti-terrorism legislation signed into
law by President Bush on October 26, among other things, greatly expands the
ability of authorities to tap email accounts, access personal data and snoop
through electronic voice mail. "This bill does not strike the right balance
between empowering law enforcement and protecting civil liberties," worried
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), the only senator to vote against the legislation.
"I don't know anybody in this country who's afraid of their law enforcement
people at this time -- they're afraid of terrorism," responded Sen. Orrin
Hatch (R-UT), one of the key supporters of the new law.

The law contains many provisions that are profoundly frustrating to civil
libertarians, but this particular piece of legislation does not contain any
specific challenges to steganography. This is not to say that future
legislation will not attempt to curtail the rights of citizens to utilize or
develop steganography software, however. The very fact that these public
allegations of terrorists using steganography happen to contain a bizarrely
seductive mix of political issues that are close to the heart of many a
legislator (namely protecting national security and curtailing online
pornography) suggests that proposals to limit access to steganography could
be just around the corner.

Of course, the passage of such proposals would lead to the next inevitable
question -- would anti-stego legislation actually serve their intended
purpose? If terrorists are indeed sophisticated enough to employ
steganography software, it would not be surprising if they also possessed
the sophistication to develop their own software should current stego tools
become inaccessible, or if investigative authorities were granted even
greater access to the decoding keys for these tools. So assuming that
terrorists had the wherewithal to craft their own steganography tools, the
only people who would truly feel the effects of anti-steg legislation would
be law-abiding citizens who might wish to employ steganography to protect
their online private interests. Additionally, if you consider the
allegations regarding bin Laden's supposed use of old-fashioned
steganography in videotape broadcasts, cracking down on _online_
steganography would do nothing to prevent terrorists or other criminal
elements from using more traditional, _analog_ means to pass along messages
to each other.

Much Ado About Nothing?
(or at least nothing visible without the assistance of stego software...)

The media hype surrounding bin Laden, steganography and pornography make for
enticing copy -- but the stories published to date simply don't add up to
actual proof, let alone successfully demonstrate that changing the law to
curtail steganography would actually accomplish much in the war on
terrorism. In these trying times, it would be difficult to challenge the
sincerity of lawmakers as they use the tools at their disposal to combat
terrorism and keep America safe. Yet alongside their duty to help preserve
the security of the country is the equally important duty to recognize and
preserve our civil liberties. This is no truer than in times of war, when
emotion, fear and the desire for swift justice can cloud our constitutional

Related Links


Invisible Secrets 3.0

Steganographia, by Johannes Trithemius (in Latin)

How Steganographia was cracked:

Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet
(Analysis by Neils Provos and Peter Honeyman at the University of Michigan)

Coded Communications

Veiled Messages of Terrorists May Lurk in Cyberspace

How the Terror Trail Went Unseen, by Duncan Campbell

Bin Laden: Steganography Master?,1283,41658,00.html

USA-Patriot Act of 2001

Appendix: Complete Text of SpamMimic Message

        Dear Friend , Especially for you - this breath-taking
        news . If you no longer wish to receive our publications
        simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will

        immediately be removed from our club ! This mail is
        being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1621 ; Title
        6 , Section 301 ! This is a ligitimate business proposal
        ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich
        in 54 months . Have you ever noticed nobody is getting
        any younger & how long the line-ups are at bank machines
        . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this .
        WE will help YOU use credit cards on your website and
        use credit cards on your website ! You can begin at
        absolutely no cost to you ! But don't believe us .
        Mrs Ames who resides in Massachusetts tried us and
        says "I've been poor and I've been rich - rich is better"
        ! We are licensed to operate in all states ! Don't
        delay - order today . Sign up a friend and your friend
        will be rich too . Best regards ! Dear Cybercitizen
        ; Thank-you for your interest in our briefing . If
        you no longer wish to receive our publications simply
        reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will immediately

        be removed from our mailing list . This mail is being
        sent in compliance with Senate bill 1618 ; Title 2
        , Section 301 . This is not multi-level marketing !
        Why work for somebody else when you can become rich
        in 58 weeks ! Have you ever noticed people will do
        almost anything to avoid mailing their bills plus most
        everyone has a cellphone ! Well, now is your chance
        to capitalize on this ! We will help you SELL MORE
        and increase customer response by 170% ! You are guaranteed
        to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't
        believe us . Mr Jones of Georgia tried us and says
        "Now I'm rich many more things are possible" ! This
        offer is 100% legal ! So make yourself rich now by
        ordering immediately ! Sign up a friend and you'll
        get a discount of 60% . Best regards !


(c) Benton Foundation, 2001. Redistribution of this online publication --
both internally and externally -- is encouraged if it includes this message.
Past issues of Digital Beat are available online at The Digital Beat is a free online news
service of the Benton Foundation's Communications Policy Program


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