Interesting People: by author

490 messages starting Mar 29 03 and ending Feb 04 23
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Dave Farber

more on Eloquence Dave Farber (Mar 29)
How To Take Back America Dave Farber (Mar 25)
Deflationary Virus Spreading Worldwide Dave Farber (Mar 06)
CFP conference in NYC will go on Dave Farber (Mar 20)
coming to an HR dept. near you and Dave Farber (Mar 04)
the Akihabara (virtual) to see what new cell phones are available to the world Dave Farber (Mar 03)
FLAG, Identity Management for ROE Dave Farber (Mar 27)
more on well said comment on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Der Spiegel on the CIA -- interesting viewpoint from Europe Dave Farber (Mar 09)
a short page with SARS status Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Dan Gillmor: Quattrone clique disgraced Silicon Valley Dave Farber (Mar 07)
a "better" product -- Limitations doom HP'sDigital Media Receiver frp, sjmn Dave Farber (Mar 06)
The order of things... Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Red Herring Calls it Quits (For Now) (For IP) Dave Farber (Mar 02)
why the SSN needs to go Dave Farber (Mar 09)
Sen. Frist and exempting Eli Lilly for malpractice Dave Farber (Mar 25)
My smmr hols wr CWOT Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Germany restricts game it says glorifies war Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Perle in more hot water for Global Crossing contract Dave Farber (Mar 25)
more on Supreme Court Reviews Speech And Library Pornography Fil ters Dave Farber (Mar 06)
"In the Arab world today, we get a more informed perspective than you do" Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Ari Fleischer, deep thinker Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Karl Auerbach comments on VOIP (yes he does have a life outside of ICANN. ;-) djf) Dave Farber (Mar 15)
email from your car's parts Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Outlawing Encryption under PATRIOT II Dave Farber (Mar 03)
U.S. airlines may need to be nationalized -- total collapse predicted if Iraq war Dave Farber (Mar 11)
response from the french -- (what do you expect from a congressman ) And now, for some truly weighty matters ... Dave Farber (Mar 11)
I have just listened to Cook's speech and STRONLY recommend you listen and make up your OWN mind as you please Dave Farber (Mar 17)
War News: Go Beyond the Usual Suspects Dave Farber (Mar 21)
The utter nonsense about Dave Farber (Mar 19)
SARS Dave Farber (Mar 30)
CNN foolishness Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Iraq war poll Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Reclassifying the 'Consumer' Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Oregon Senate bill labels protest "Terrorism" Dave Farber (Mar 24)
more on Google Phone Search sparks Privacy Concerns Dave Farber (Mar 24)
more on Political Counselor in Athens' US embassy resigns Dave Farber (Mar 01)
Foreign Students Wary of Joining War Debates Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Quattrone list spurs envy, not shame Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Targetting independent correspondents? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Sony's CEO Unplugged Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Will new "spam reduction" service result in... more spam? Dave Farber (Mar 24)
NM state leg. passes bill objecting to Patriot act Dave Farber (Mar 15)
EPIC Launches Open Government Gallery [Advisory Board] Dave Farber (Mar 15)
IT job trends: The buck starts here Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Data Expert Is Cautious About Misuse of Information Dave Farber (Mar 28)
It's Back to the Future for Internet Taxation Dave Farber (Mar 25)
appeal? on CAPPS II Dave Farber (Mar 04)
More Naughty Canadians? Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Blame (re: Dan Gillmore's Quattrone clique disgraced Silicon Valley) Dave Farber (Mar 09)
Use a Firewall, Go to Jail Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Saddam's biggest secret may be a weapon of mass transit Dave Farber (Mar 17)
more on Precedents for Google's search patent Dave Farber (Mar 01)
From WorldCom, an Amazing View of aBloated Industry Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Deborah Pierce: Comment on CAPPS II air travel profiling system Dave Farber (Mar 14)
well i'm [he is] locked *into* my [his] building in SF Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Top Inspectors Criticize CIA Data on Iraqi Sites Dave Farber (Mar 08)
Four on ( a real student speaks) Does File Trading FundTerrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
more on Start-Up Aims to End Spam Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Peter Arnett Dave Farber (Mar 31)
ReplayTV maker Sonicblue to file for Chapter 11 Dave Farber (Mar 22)
World of Ends Dave Farber (Mar 07)
E-Learning on the Patriot Act Dave Farber (Mar 10)
It's Robin Cook's 11 1/2 minute speech today resigning from the government over the Iraq War Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Phony ethics charges shouldn't distract from the nation's defense. BY RICHARD PERLE Dave Farber (Mar 31)
personal announcment from your editor -- Dave Farber (Mar 22)
EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation on SonicBlue Bankruptcy Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Start-Up Aims to End Spam Dave Farber (Mar 24)
FBI seeks Internet telephony surveillance Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Worldwide:alert Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Symposium on Cybersmear Dave Farber (Mar 11)
Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Benetton adds RFID tags. Dave Farber (Mar 12)
Sure, it's fun to talk about Richard Perle's conflicts of interest... Dave Farber (Mar 23)
No Protest in My Name! Dave Farber (Mar 17)
UWB emerges as a major threat to Bluetooth Dave Farber (Mar 14)
ACLU blasts New Jersey terrorcrat's stay-at-home warning Dave Farber (Mar 22)
Japan Firms Ban Overseas Trips on War Concerns Dave Farber (Mar 19)
The Singapore Model on SARS Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Hong Kong quarantine... Dave Farber (Mar 27)
DRM conference web resources Dave Farber (Mar 19)
more on My encounter with new cell phones Dave Farber (Mar 27)
2 on -- UT-Auston Dave Farber (Mar 07)
more on Court Strikes Down Online Porn Law Dave Farber (Mar 07)
U.S. Steps Up Secret Surveillance Dave Farber (Mar 24)
War is Hell So, who do we bomb after Iraq? (BTW this is not an anti-war flame djf) Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Foreign firms nip at U.S. lead in tech R&D Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Bush signs bill creating national do-not-call-list Dave Farber (Mar 12)
a pointer to what some are saying. Read ONLY if you care djf Dave Farber (Mar 19)
more on Qualcomm in Iraq (and a San Diego congressman) Dave Farber (Mar 28)
they found out what it is Dave Farber (Mar 18)
U.S., Iraq, & International Law by Jacques deLisle Dave Farber (Mar 29)
some comments on Review of Vonage's VoIP broadband phone service Dave Farber (Mar 15)
more on Iraq war poll[ I endorse the "idiotic"nature of open online and telephone polls -- djf Dave Farber (Mar 06)
SIGN-ON LETTER: Require Accuracy for NCIC Dave Farber (Mar 31)
We don't want none of your peace stuff here... Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Stratfor Weekly: Beyond the Iraq Campaign Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Encryption Scare Dave Farber (Mar 03)
Second NJITES Cybersecurity Symposium, April 28, 2003 Dave Farber (Mar 11)
Some questions about Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Update: Perle suing Hersch Dave Farber (Mar 13)
Now I am too PRO War!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Autodesk's founder reports gross errors by Limbaugh, CNN, Snopes Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Al-Jazeera tells the "truth" about war Dave Farber (Mar 28)
knowledge@wharton The FCC¹s Latest Telecom Ruling: Far-Reaching, Yes, But Also Far From Clear Dave Farber (Mar 17)
the sad state of US technology employment Dave Farber (Mar 17)
These Are Not Your Father's Wiretaps (Business Week, 27 Feb 03) Dave Farber (Mar 22)
"Dixie Chicks" dropped from air after criticizing Bush, online polls Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Cellular pioneer still causing stir Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Secure IT: Identifying, Developing, and Evaluating Information Technology Products and Services for Secure Government and Infrastructure Applications Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Rewording -- a query for anyone out there with a HDTV capable TV set, a Comcast (or equiv) box and a TIVO Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Halliburton Out Dave Farber (Mar 28)
more on Qualcomm in Iraq (and a San Diego congressman) Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Bush Senior Admonishes Junior Dave Farber (Mar 10)
EFF: California Supreme Court Reviews Email Pamphleteer Case, Lower Court Decision Threatens Internet Commerce and Speech Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Weighing Your Risks of Becoming a Terror Victim Dave Farber (Mar 23)
Just the Beginning: Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world? Dave Farber (Mar 17)
re Carmichael on engineering in government. Dave Farber (Mar 12)
Qualcomm in Iraq (and a San Diego congressman) Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Half of all hospital drug injections are wrong Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Washington Post on Debka & Misinformation Dave Farber (Mar 20)
query re Delta's response to query re CapPsII Dave Farber (Mar 08)
The utter nonsense about Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Religious leaders worry about Bush's use of religion to justify war Dave Farber (Mar 06)
And now, for some truly weighty matters ... Dave Farber (Mar 11)
West Coast cities most unwired Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Govt Comp.News - Assessing "cyberterror" - couldn't find any! Dave Farber (Mar 15)
More on the pro-Sadam BBC Dave Farber (Mar 26)
Iraqi technology Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Salon Dave Farber (Mar 18)
well said comment on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 29)
UNEP-WCMC: info on IRAQ - now live info on the environment... Dave Farber (Mar 20)
neglecting to pay sales taxes on online purchases could get you five extra years in prison Dave Farber (Mar 31)
CNN Breaking News Richard Perle, head of board that advises U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, resigns. Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Good Morning Silicon Valley: Thou shalt have no other spam before mine Dave Farber (Mar 25)
This just in from the Supreme Court Dave Farber (Mar 24)
US ready to fight 'without UK' US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has sparked diplomatic confusion Dave Farber (Mar 11)
Senator Stevens on e-rate and rural telecom problems Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Charges Dropped Against Man Wearing Peace T-Shirt Dave Farber (Mar 06)
Server-side spyware -- Redsheriff -- Alert! Dave Farber (Mar 09)
the Aussie has a good approach Dave Farber (Mar 30)
anti-war == disloyalty Dave Farber (Mar 17)
A Russian view of the war... Dave Farber (Mar 27)
So what is new here? Re: World of Ends Dave Farber (Mar 07)
President Bush is right to condemn Iraq's treatment of captured soldiers - but his outrage rings hollow Dave Farber (Mar 26)
Two US assumptions have proven optimistic Dave Farber (Mar 25)
CAPPS II under fire AGAIN Dave Farber (Mar 26)
more more on Precedents for Google's search patent Dave Farber (Mar 01)
Beware: Airlines lowering bag weight limits to rake in fees Dave Farber (Mar 13)
Soros on Bush Doctrine Dave Farber (Mar 12)
Boneheads, Iraq and the Artificial Dollar - John Mauldin'sWeekly E-Letter Dave Farber (Mar 29)
U.S. IT jobs jumping off-shore Dave Farber (Mar 15)
more on In defense of al-Jazeera from MSNBC Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Today's (UK) tabloid newspaper editorials Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Not-So-Hidden Agenda: -- though provoking report Dave Farber (Mar 20)
another great Krugman column Dave Farber (Mar 25)
re Risks of Iraqi war emerging Some officials warnof a mismatch between strategy and force size. Dave Farber (Mar 25)
Parmenides' Fallacy and War Against Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Lot of scam info Nigerian scam continues to thrive (MSNBC) Dave Farber (Mar 09)
Supreme Court Reviews Speech And Library Pornography Filters Dave Farber (Mar 05)
more on Tragedy Dave Farber (Mar 19)
PORK for sale. House Panel Enlists Military Bill In Cause of Business Tax Breaks Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Jonathan B. Postel Award - Call for Candidates Dave Farber (Mar 06)
SARS - Waiting For The Cure Dave Farber (Mar 27)
a janitor in a LD Central Office - witness to a debacle Dave Farber (Mar 16)
according to DEBKA, US will launch war tomorrow Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Privacy villain of the week: Federal agencies lax with SSNs Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Bush Bets Future on Success in Iraq (balanced ) Dave Farber (Mar 16)
FBI Spy Planes Helping in Terror War Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Finland agrees to US request to add biometric ID to passports next year Dave Farber (Mar 07)
House approves national day of prayer and fasting Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Republican Plan to Aid Airlines Is Below Request Dave Farber (Mar 27)
more on CNN foolishness Dave Farber (Mar 24)
more on (time for alternative views) Religious leaders worry about Bush's use of religion to justify war Dave Farber (Mar 06)
Another review. Storm Warnings for a Supply-Side War Dave Farber (Mar 08)
Software Pioneer Quits Board of Groove (neat picture of Micth) Dave Farber (Mar 10)
more on Vonage: Down Dave Farber (Mar 30)
SF Chron: Firm linked to Cheney wils oil-field contract Dave Farber (Mar 08)
2 on A fundamental deception lies at the core of thepeace & justice movement Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Kevin Mitnick is an entertainer Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Nunberg on censorware in libraries makes moral judgments Dave Farber (Mar 10)
decision on Stambler v RSA goes to jury Dave Farber (Mar 07)
F.B.I. Issues Alert for Saudi Terror Suspect Dave Farber (Mar 20)
U.S. Says Hussein Must Cede Power to Head Off War Dave Farber (Mar 01)
Secrets, lies and copy machines TV program Dave Farber (Mar 08)
"Freedom to Teach, Freedom to Learn: Information Security as a Sensitive Topic" Dave Farber (Mar 18)
US Media Becoming 'Echo Chamber' of Bush Administration: VeteranJournalist Vanocur Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, HP, Intel oppose bill fixing DMCA Dave Farber (Mar 04)
"Interplanetary Superhighway" - a real network of tunnels in space - for IP Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Pondering Value of Copyright vs. Innovation Dave Farber (Mar 03)
E-Learning on the Patriot Act Dave Farber (Mar 09)
Beware the spelling checker Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Inter-University Competition in Information Assurance Dave Farber (Mar 10)
George W. Queeg Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Government of Canada believes ALL Canadians are pirates Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Need for Media Memory / "Cakewalk" Dave Farber (Mar 28)
More on SARS Dave Farber (Mar 27)
PayPal and Patriot Act Dave Farber (Mar 31) can sell domain names Dave Farber (Mar 01)
PA court hearing online political criticism case Dave Farber (Mar 13)
Tis is getting monotonous -- date thief at UT- Austin Dave Farber (Mar 06)
C.I.A. Aides Feel Pressure in Preparing Iraqi Reports Dave Farber (Mar 23)
more on Court Strikes Down Online Porn Law Dave Farber (Mar 10)
for Pittsburgh IPers SCS HISTORY SEMINAR: April 1 Dave Farber (Mar 31)
I have just listened to Cook's speech and STRONLY recommend you listen and make up your OWN mind as you please Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Defense Policy Guidance Dave Farber (Mar 09)
latest on SARS Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Time to unite to fight a common enemy Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Mobile Distributed Information Systems at HICSS37 Dave Farber (Mar 08)
a good source for news views from around the world Dave Farber (Mar 22)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome - worldwide (07) Dave Farber (Mar 18)
venik,, truth + lies ... Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Guardian | Power tool Dave Farber (Mar 21)
2 on Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
POSSIBLE (likely) fraudalent PayPal scam - net community awareness warranted Dave Farber (Mar 05)
2 on George W. Bush: War criminal? Is Pope John Paul II telling the world... Dave Farber (Mar 10)
"Department of Homeland Security" vs. Full Disclosure? Dave Farber (Mar 05)
more on Iraq war poll[ I endorse the "idiotic"nature of open online and telephone polls -- djf Dave Farber (Mar 06)
AIR CHIEF FIRED [65 killed in Baghdad markets] Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Canada and high speed access Dave Farber (Mar 15)
grab it while you can CIA "Terrorist-Busters" logo Dave Farber (Mar 03)
U.S. May Reduce Non-Military GPS Accuracy Dave Farber (Mar 19)
French Web site to Send Bush Pretzels for Peace Dave Farber (Mar 19)
SARS resources and comments Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Bytecode-to-bytecode adaptive optimization for Smalltalk -- talk in Palo Alto Dave Farber (Mar 09)
From the UK The tragedy of this unequal partnership Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Here's your chance - 'MEET THE PRESS' LISTINGS 3/16/03 [should be good] Dave Farber (Mar 14)
more on why the SSN needs to go Dave Farber (Mar 09)
2 on A fundamental deception lies at the core of thepeace & justice movement Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Airplane critic gets sued over site -- but insurance pays defense Dave Farber (Mar 14)
don't rush -- grab it while you can CIA "Terrorist-Busters"logo Dave Farber (Mar 03)
China accelerating into the future Dave Farber (Mar 07)
Pentagon Adviser Is Also Advising Global Crossing Dave Farber (Mar 21)
EFF: Backup DVD Copies Legal Says Electronic Frontier Foundation, Asks Court to OK 321 Studio's DVD X-Copy Software Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Dan Gillmor: Domestic policies give cause for fear Dave Farber (Mar 17)
MS Forms a "Think Tank" on Trustworthy Computing Dave Farber (Mar 18)
SSN - military vs civilian use Dave Farber (Mar 07)
The Cyberterrorism Big Lie Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Washington Post Warriors Dave Farber (Mar 17)
The Arab World Tunes In Dave Farber (Mar 07)
A surprisingly open exchange between Arab leaders Dave Farber (Mar 02)
man is right on Dave Farber (Mar 31)
this should be read no matter what your opinion is djf -- Article: Just War - or a Just War? By By JIMMY CARTER -- this should be read no matter what your opinion is djf Dave Farber (Mar 08)
more on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 30)
more on "Dixie Chicks" dropped from air after criticizing Bush, online polls Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Andreessen: 'The valley is going to save the valley' Dave Farber (Mar 06)
time for some humor (past time) Dave Farber (Mar 11)
Vermont rejects this war Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Mailblocks onerous terms of service... Dave Farber (Mar 26)
Us vs them: How the US is redifining the world map Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Stuart Taylor's column today -- "Falsely Accused 'Enemies' Deserve Due Process" Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Mild slap -- Richard Perle, head of board that advises U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, resigns. Dave Farber (Mar 27)
A Double Standard On Dissent Dave Farber (Mar 22)
Update: Perle suing Hersch Dave Farber (Mar 13)
Byrd's latest Senate speech Dave Farber (Mar 20)
A fundamental deception lies at the core of the peace & justice movement Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Wireless industry may be at risk Rules could choke sector, FCC chief says Dave Farber (Mar 18)
from The Economist: The Bush administration is making a dangerous hash of its terrorism laws Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Ashcroft: Patriot II is a ghost (of xmas future?) Dave Farber (Mar 04)
My encounter with new cell phones Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Tragedy Dave Farber (Mar 19)
NIST rates facial recognition systems Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Al-Jazeera in English -- Al-Hayat Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Europe Hacker Laws Could Make Protest a Crime Dave Farber (Mar 05)
MUST READ Courtney Love does the math The controversial singer takes on record label profits, Napster and "sucka VCs. Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Adam Osborne RIP Dave Farber (Mar 23)
The Riskiest War in our History -- Baghdad access like Boston's Sumner tunnel Dave Farber (Mar 15)
banned book Dave Farber (Mar 30)
more on POSSIBLE (likely) fraudalent PayPal scam - netcommunity awareness warranted Dave Farber (Mar 05)
The war of misinformation has begun - "a very cynical, but I fear accurate, prediction" Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Markoff/NYT Adam Osborne obit Dave Farber (Mar 26)
two editorials from the NY Times Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Winston Churchill on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 10)
a sampling of replies to my editorial and to Pres. Carter Dave Farber (Mar 09)
2 on -- a French view Dave Farber (Mar 10)
more on U.S. May Reduce Non-Military GPS Accuracy Dave Farber (Mar 19)
An article from The New Yorker Dave Farber (Mar 31)
more on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 30)
another view -- Dan Gillmor: Quattrone clique disgraced Silicon Valley Dave Farber (Mar 08)
"A few of my friends still believe it's good news whenever an IPO skyrockets. It's not-- it's the best indication that people are getting ripped off." Dave Farber (Mar 07)
George W. Bush: War criminal? Is Pope John Paul II telling the world... Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Roger Needham, R.I.P. Dave Farber (Mar 03)
I M y editorial policy on the Iraq issue Dave Farber (Mar 08)
two replys on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 29)
In defense of al-Jazeera from MSNBC Dave Farber (Mar 28)
heinz School (PIT) (CMU) -- Upcoming Lecture/Video Archive Dave Farber (Mar 06)
Germany restricts game it says glorifies war Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes! Dave Farber (Mar 07)
Slate: Why the Army shouldn't be so surprised by Saddam's moves Dave Farber (Mar 31)
ethics in technology Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Commentary: The High Price of Bad Diplomacy -- from that "left wing" pub -- Business Week Dave Farber (Mar 14)
On Terror and Spying, Ashcroft Expands Reach Dave Farber (Mar 15)
I will start using my Visa card more Dave Farber (Mar 06)
An analysis of Michigan and Colorado "mini-DMCA" bills Dave Farber (Mar 30)
a bit of history more on Winston Churchill on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 11)
John Gilmore on government trustworthiness and spy gear Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Vonage: Down Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Eloquence Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Scalia says "Most of the right that you enjoy go way beyond [...] the Constitution" Dave Farber (Mar 19)
An ideology instead of a military strategy Dave Farber (Mar 25)
LINK: Making Sense of the Official Story on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 20)
CAPPS II protest - Boycotting collaborating airlines Dave Farber (Mar 03)
more on Google Phone Search sparks Privacy Concerns Dave Farber (Mar 25)
more on Tragedy Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Court Strikes Down Online Porn Law Dave Farber (Mar 07)
The Philosopher of Islamic Terror Dave Farber (Mar 24)
more on Vonage: Down Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Ugly sentiments sting American tourists Dave Farber (Mar 05)
additional info on Pentax camera Dave Farber (Mar 30)
IEEE P802.20 Will Set Data Rates Above 1 Mbps for Mobile Users moving up to 250km/hr Dave Farber (Mar 10)
on a janitor in a LD Central Office - witness to adebacle Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03) Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Spectrum Policy Conference at Stanford University Law School Dave Farber (Mar 03)
what's being printed in Saudi Arabia (to put it mildly another perspective djf) Dave Farber (Mar 14)
spam filtering on the MAC Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Aznar Rules Out Spanish Troops in Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 19)
YES I meant $20 -- spam filtering on the MAC Dave Farber (Mar 30)
New toy -- Pentax OPTIO S Dave Farber (Mar 30)
U.S. Wins Appeal on Domestic Spy Powers Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake U.N. Nuclear Inspector Says Documents on Purchases Were Forged Dave Farber (Mar 08)
Supreme Court to hear antitrust case Trinko v. Verizon Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Dear Mr. Cellucci, Remember WWII? Dave Farber (Mar 30)
a French view Dave Farber (Mar 10)
two articles -- Andrew Sullivan on Bush, Clinton and Iraq and THE CASE FOR THE FRENCH Dave Farber (Mar 11)
XtremeSpectrum and Motorola Team on UWB for 802.15.3a PAN Standard Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Music Maker Relief Foundataion Dave Farber (Mar 15)
an interesting view from New Zealand Dave Farber (Mar 25)
more on Aznar Rules Out Spanish Troops in Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 19)
more on Adam Osborne RIP Dave Farber (Mar 24)
more on Encryption Scare Dave Farber (Mar 03)
2 more on Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 15)
MAKING INTERNET ROUNDS. This is the Vietnam 2 Preflight Check. Dave Farber (Mar 29)
more on Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
last on this topic -- Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Four views on -- Dan Gillmor: Quattrone clique disgraced Silicon Valley Dave Farber (Mar 07)
Patriot software again a concern? Risks Digest 22.65 Dave Farber (Mar 29)
what does Unite mean to unite to fight a common enemy Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Who lied to whom? (such lies are normal and have been used in the past by many Presidents and I suspect Ministers etc) Dave Farber (Mar 25)
UK 5.8 GHz Band- spectrum licensing issues Dave Farber (Mar 07)
Aviation ID System Stirs Doubts Dave Farber (Mar 15)
more from the SJMN -- 4 friends of Credit Swisse Dave Farber (Mar 07)
more on Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' Dave Farber (Mar 04)
A Long, Winding Road to a Diplomatic Dead End Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Wider-Fi Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Cellular Carriers under Siege Dave Farber (Mar 21)
Appropriate use of digital photography! Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Airlines offer "Comfort Level" and "Peace of Mind" in case of war Dave Farber (Mar 09)
the q and a the actual text of Bush Senior -- read it and make your own spin Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Google Phone Search sparks Privacy Concerns Dave Farber (Mar 24)
paper is good Dave Farber (Mar 29)
U.S. Heightens Cybersecurity Monitoring Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Struggling to Regain Technological Buzz After Bubble's Burst Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Casuistries of Peace and War Good Reading Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Attack guessing the SSN: we need PINs for SSNs Dave Farber (Mar 07)
"the US way was not the international way" more on Qualcomm in Iraq (and a San Diego congressman) Dave Farber (Mar 28)
Saturday's Anti War protest in New York received little coverage Dave Farber (Mar 24)
final on on Iraq war poll [I endorse the "idiotic" nature of open online and telephone polls -- djf] Dave Farber (Mar 06)
March is Women's History Month Dave Farber (Mar 06)
'World's smallest combination lock' Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Al-Jazeera in English Dave Farber (Mar 24)
Review of Vonage's VoIP broadband phone service Dave Farber (Mar 15)
a reply to -- My editorial policy on the Iraq issue Dave Farber (Mar 09)
U.S. Uses Secret Weapon On Iraqi TV Dave Farber (Mar 26)
: atypical pneumonia "fast and deadly" spreading in South East Asia Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Future Ips Dave Farber (Mar 18)
1918 -- atypical pneumonia "fast and deadly" spreading in South East Asia Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Wilkes on Needham Dave Farber (Mar 09)
16M Yen stolen from sniffed bank passwords at Internet Cafe Dave Farber (Mar 06)
Yea, right, sure thing: T-Mobil says let's have GPRS take off by cutting prices to $10.89 per megabyte. (such a bargain!! :-) ) Dave Farber (Mar 05)
If you want to get scared , read this. [ constitution be damned] The Fifth Column Left Declares War - By David Horowitz Dave Farber (Mar 17)
more on Music Industry Confronts New Internet Swap Threats; Netherlands court ruling provides legal protection for P2P Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Problems with Washington's spending appetite Dave Farber (Mar 17)
Making Sense of the Official Story on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 20)
BSA (Microsoft) screws up, targets OpenOffice distribution Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Gov'ts Hold Reins in those National Domains Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Salon Magazine on antiwar leftists (not a pro article) Dave Farber (Mar 30)
more on It's Back to the Future for Internet Taxation Dave Farber (Mar 25)
Mexican government to effectively abolish the Public Domain Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Schlesinger on American infamy Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Tedious and tendentious illogic (was RE: [IP] another great Krugman column) Dave Farber (Mar 25)
Analysis of DoT's Privacy Act Comments Dave Farber (Mar 02)
Pneumonia Outbreak Prompts Travel Warning in Asia Dave Farber (Mar 14)
the actual text of Bush Senior -- read it and make your own spin Dave Farber (Mar 10)
some perspective Dave Farber (Mar 25)
Venik & Follow-Ups Dave Farber (Mar 28)
( a real student speaks) Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
Risks of Iraqi war emerging Some officials warn of a mismatch between strategy and force size. Dave Farber (Mar 25)
The Cadet Life for Many Women: Sexual Ordeals and Internal Rage Dave Farber (Mar 15)
E-mail address request snub has statewide implications Dave Farber (Mar 03)
2 on Time to unite to fight a common enemy Dave Farber (Mar 18)
Needham obit Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Roger Needham has passed away Dave Farber (Mar 03)
Britain May Exit Iraq War Effort Dave Farber (Mar 11)
American journalists as terrorists? Dave Farber (Mar 11)
editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Thirty Year Itch - article from Mother Jones on U.S. policy on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Article on Al Jeezara -- The Belly of the Beast Dave Farber (Mar 30)
Limitations doom HP's Digital Media Receiver frp, sjmn Dave Farber (Mar 06)
"Don't appreciate your anti-American attitude!" Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Al Gore now on Apple BoD Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Public prayer fanatics borrow page from enemy's script Dave Farber (Mar 07)
Kuwait - a nation saved from oppression, a bastion of international cooperation Dave Farber (Mar 16)
Ousting a dictator not the same as creating a democracy Dave Farber (Mar 23)
Boingo gains access to T-Mobile Hotspots Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Big Screens for Less, Though Not Little Dave Farber (Mar 15)
Hawks and Hornets Dave Farber (Mar 31)
CLEAR CHANNEL's Conspiracy Dave Farber (Mar 23)
Stambler v RSA goes to jury Dave Farber (Mar 07)
more on Adam Osborne RIP Dave Farber (Mar 24)
two more on Does File Trading FundTerrorism? Dave Farber (Mar 14)
CAPPS II pilot at San Jose - Delta to CAPPS II Boycotters: No more Coffee Mugs Dave Farber (Mar 10)
May have jumped the gun on T-Mobile and Boingo: Its just software for now Dave Farber (Mar 19)
more on War News: Go Beyond the Usual Suspects Dave Farber (Mar 22)
John Brady Kiesling talk at UC Berkeley Dave Farber (Mar 21)
Mailblocks STILL onerous terms of service... Dave Farber (Mar 27)
another view -- Dan Gillmor: Quattrone clique disgraced Silicon Valley Dave Farber (Mar 07)
German Army Enigma at ebay Dave Farber (Mar 05)
from asian Times SARS: The global spread continues Dave Farber (Mar 31)
For PIT IPers - KEVIN MITNICK - MARCH 18 Dave Farber (Mar 14)
a bit more on CAPS II Dave Farber (Mar 04)
Where are all your 'friends' now, Frank Dave Farber (Mar 07)
more on Supreme Court Reviews Speech And Library Pornography Fil ters Dave Farber (Mar 06)
MP3 version of Cook Resignation Speech Dave Farber (Mar 18)
more POSSIBLE (likely) fraudalent PayPal scam - netcommunity awareness warranted Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Smart Mobbing the War Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Spectrum allocation draws intense debate Conference speakers argue for more efficient system Dave Farber (Mar 05)
more on Winston Churchill on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 10)
Sign of the time .. Johnson School offers private jet transport to Cornell Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Lawmaker Wants Postwar Iraq To Use Qualcomm Technology (not GSM from European equipment companies). Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Spectrum hearing prompts plea for IT education funding Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Fatwa declared against Coalition forces by moderate Islamist Dave Farber (Mar 27)
SCADA, the control protocols used to operate power stations, Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Pope to Bush: Go into Iraq and you go without God Dave Farber (Mar 05)
Rangel's statement in response to right-wing criticisms Dave Farber (Mar 31)
Alternative View Of Why Iraq, Why Now? And comment by faulhaber Dave Farber (Mar 29)
The Real Scientific Hero of 1953 Dave Farber (Mar 04)
"Information Technology for Counterterrorism: Immediate Actions and Future Possibilities", Dave Farber (Mar 15)
more on Phony ethics charges shouldn't distract from the nation's defense. BY RICHARD PERLE Dave Farber (Mar 31)
final Eloquence (actual source) Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Sanctions Busting Skeletons -- maybe that is why the Russians were against the UN resolutions Dave Farber (Mar 28)
U.S. Rejects Criticism on Awarding of Iraq Contracts Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Iraq rebuilding contracts awarded Dave Farber (Mar 26)
this is just one of many like this M y editorial policy on the Iraq issue Dave Farber (Mar 09)
Guardian: America in the vice Dave Farber (Mar 29)
FBI database: Rumor and innuendo now standard police tools? Dave Farber (Mar 27)
Replies to is Iraq's Internet still functioning? Dave Farber (Mar 20)
READ!! SARS - Waiting For The Cure Dave Farber (Mar 27)
U.S. Dominance in Space Makes General 'Pity the Enemy' Dave Farber (Mar 13)
more on editorial comment Dave Farber (Mar 30)
more Saddam's biggest secret may be a weapon of mass transit Dave Farber (Mar 17)
A good last mile answer? Broadband competition might still be possible Dave Farber (Mar 09)
British speech to the troops Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Three Charged in Internet Porn Scheme Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Bush refuses to speak without guaranteed ovation Dave Farber (Mar 13)
John McCain's rebuttal to Sr. Byrd's comments Dave Farber (Mar 20)
10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security Dave Farber (Mar 18)
More support for you and your list -- well reasoned Dave Farber (Mar 09)
a series of interesting notes on AOL and connectivity Dave Farber (Mar 19)
Truth in labeling Dave Farber (Mar 02)
a query for anyone out there with a HDTV capable TV set, a Comcast (or equiv) box and a TIVO Dave Farber (Mar 29)
Making Sense of the Official Story on Iraq Dave Farber (Mar 20)
Reaction to Bush S&T Budget Dave Farber (Mar 03)
USACM Letter to OSTP re Access to Research Dave Farber (Mar 28)
a "better" product -- Limitations doom HP's Digital Media Receiver frp, sjmn Dave Farber (Mar 06)
AP Protests Gov't Seizure of Package Dave Farber (Mar 13)
for all the Ipers who spend endless time in the Valley (like me) 36 Hours | Palo Alto, Calif. Dave Farber (Mar 07)
FBI Priorities.htm Dave Farber (Mar 02)

David Farber

Debka reports invasion David Farber (Mar 19)
The darkest side of ID theft David Farber (Mar 12)
Live warblogging from Iraq David Farber (Mar 17)
debka David Farber (Mar 19)
Software piracy indictment David Farber (Mar 12)
Cisco Acquires Linksys David Farber (Mar 20)
uk news David Farber (Mar 17)
looking for David Farber (Mar 19)
Judge Scalia bans media David Farber (Mar 19)
more on what's being printed in Saudi Arabia (to put itmildly an other perspective djf) David Farber (Mar 17)
the sad state of US technology employment David Farber (Mar 17)
more on method David Farber (Mar 12)
Face the Nation and Dick Cheney: US anti-war demonstrators don't exist David Farber (Mar 16)
more on Face the Nation and Dick Cheney: US anti-war demonstrators do n't exist David Farber (Mar 17)
Re: American journalists as terrorists? David Farber (Mar 12)
more 2 on A fundamental deception lies at the core of the peace & justice movement David Farber (Mar 17)
more on Pentagon Adviser Is Also Advising Global Crossing/ David Farber (Mar 21) News Alert! U.S. Withdraws Iraq Resolution David Farber (Mar 17)


[no subject] Unknown (Feb 04)