Interesting People: by date

356 messages starting Dec 01 01 and ending Dec 31 01
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Saturday, 01 December

IP: Another note on security (from eweek) David Farber

Sunday, 02 December

IP: Rights in The Real World David Farber
IP: Cops get speeding tickets from cameras David Farber
IP: Interesting Clarke interview in case you missed it David Farber
IP: Secret US plan for Iraq war David Farber
IP: Re: Interesting Clarke interview in case you missed it David Farber
IP: 10 Myths of Telecom Policy David Farber
IP: The Real Story of Flight 93 David Farber
IP: FBI agents rebel over new powers David Farber
IP: The All-Purpose Excuse David Farber
IP: Enron's cows David Farber
IP: CyberWar Update #2 David Farber
IP: Iraq bought lethal germs in U.S. David Farber

Monday, 03 December

IP: NYT on "IT" David Farber
IP: Internet Provider Cuts Off 850,000 AT&T Customers David Farber
IP: Online First Amendment rights shrinking? David Farber
Your Directory # E26 Gregory T. Barton
IP: good point on NYT on "IT" David Farber
IP: Bruce Sterling "Geeks and Spooks" speech at Information System Security and Education Center David Farber
IP: Words David Farber
IP: Debate on Privacy Goes Private David Farber
IP: Afilias Deletes .Info Domain Names After Glitch David Farber
IP: New book by John Patrick David Farber
IP: College Survey firm sells student info... David Farber
IP: year-long quest to inspect ICANN's records David Farber
IP: If you love GPRS, set it free David Farber

Tuesday, 04 December

IP: DEAD ON ARRIVAL: Record groups to unveil online music service David Farber
IP: FBI Reorganization Posted David Farber
IP: Three Giants Square Off in the Bidding for AT&T Broadband David Farber
IP: RE: If you love GPRS, set it free David Farber
IP: Digital Angel GPS System Launches First Phase David Farber
IP: EchoStar Takes to Capitol Hill To Defend DirecTV Purchase David Farber
IP: the true reality of GRPS speeds & latency David Farber
IP: GPRS experience, IP architecture interactions David Farber
IP: More on gprs David Farber
IP: A big nail in traditional paging's coffin David Farber
IP: Pigeon-powered Internet takes flight David Farber
IP: Free conf tix for IPers (Communities 2001 Dec 11 NYC) David Farber
IP: Wittiest Observation on Kamen's Ginger David Farber
IP: for the free tickets -- Just to make sure people can register... David Farber
IP: Bin Laden 'breached the taboo' on terrorism David Farber
IP: Two very applicable quotes given the past several months David Farber
Rich Media E-Mail Messages At The Price Of HTML D RichMedia2

Wednesday, 05 December

SHCC: National Sales Expansion Position Company for Rapid Growth. UVHMY iNewsAlert12
IP: Ginger broadband David Farber
IP: Digital Angel launches human, animal GPS tracking system David Farber
IP: BT claims patent on the hyperlink? David Farber
IP: A view from part of the UK -- three more applicable quotes David Farber
IP: Ring Magic David Farber
IP: U.S. Cyber Chief to Map Infrastructure for Security and forces patches down our throats (see last para) David Farber
IP: Bay Area reconnected to @Home David Farber
IP-FLASH Levin to Resign as CEO of AOL Time Warner David Farber
IP: Speech on Network Security Policy by Erkki Liikanan, EC Commissioner for Security Policy David Farber
IP: The Oslo Accords Were a Trojan Horse -- As usual read with a questioning mind David Farber
IP: Dangers of U.S. Cyber Chief to Map Infrastructure for Security and forces patches down our throats (see last para) David Farber
IP: Response to Karl Auerbach's note David Farber
IP: Eric Lee Green on what "cyber-libertarians" don't get David Farber
IP: Cox and Comcast enroll in Microsoft financial aid program:: Good Morning Silicon Valley Wed Dec 05 12:00:11 EST 2001 David Farber
IP-FLASH `Goner' worm invades e-mail inboxes in Outlook* or ICQ/IRC David Farber
IP: Note on ICANN access to records from Levy and reply from Stuart Lynn (ICANN) David Farber
IP: responding to the Trojan Horse David Farber
IP: Outrageous, unbelievable Boulez story confirmed David Farber

Thursday, 06 December

IP: My NAS Presidents Circle Audio David Farber
IP: Two good comments on Eric Lee Green on what "cyber-libertarians" don't get David Farber
IP: A CASE IN POINT -- Dangers of U.S. Cyber Chief to Map Infrastructure for Security and forces patches down our throats (see last para) David Farber
IP: Re: Two good comments on Eric Lee Green on what "cyber-libertarians" don't get David Farber
IP: Last in series.A CASE IN POINT -- Dangers of U.S. Cyber Chief to Map Infra structure for Security and forces patches down our throats (see last para) David Farber
IP: McCarthyism in action... David Farber
IP: First reactions to the Apple iPod David Farber
IP: ACM Media Release Announcing ACSP David Farber

Friday, 07 December

IP: William Safire: 'Voices of Negativism" David Farber
IP: Ashcroft Defends Antiterror Plan and Says Criticism May Aid Foes David Farber
IP: Acxiom's modest proposal: Background checks on air passengers David Farber
IP: Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education (fwd) David Farber
IP: 2 on ATT Broadband David Farber
IP-FLASH Office XP, Windows XP May Send Sensitive Documents to Microsoft David Farber
IP: On the importance of making presidential records public David Farber
IP: Re: Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education (fwd) David Farber
IP: Higher Ed-K12 Ed and Distance Learning David Farber
IP: Report foresees valley's recovery David Farber
IP: Earthlink to purchase OmniSky David Farber
IP: Microsoft and the UK Natl Health Service David Farber
IP: Skeptics in Hollywood David Farber
IP: Guardian Unlimited Observer Business Being a UK civil servant i s all part of David Farber
IP: Re: Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education (fwd) David Farber
IP: Feds To Draw 'Map' of Internet David Farber
IP: Support Your Local Sheriff David Farber
IP: medieval attitudes based on high-tech diagnostics... David Farber
IP: Trader's error causes multi million-dollar loss: [risks] Risks Digest 21.81 David Farber
Re: IP: Re: Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education (fwd) David Farber

Saturday, 08 December

IP: Delays seen in rules on ultra-wideband David Farber
IP: Israeli cops nab teens suspected of creating "Goner" worm David Farber
IP-FLASH London Times story: Mullah Omar 'is captured' David Farber
IP: You're a good man, Bill Maher! David Farber

Sunday, 09 December

IP: British journalist Robert Fisk beaten up by Afghan refugees in Pakistan David Farber
IP: Often I find decent material in this source : First Monday December 2001 David Farber
IP: The last article filed in the Independent of the journalist who got beaten up in Parkistan David Farber
IP: FBI not talking to former Army anthrax makers David Farber
IP: Evidence and Comments on the Source of the Mailed Anthrax David Farber
IP: Cybersecurity chief pushes early-warning system David Farber
IP: Two on Robert Fisk's commentary David Farber
IP: meanwhile, David Farber
IP: The Nuremberg Trials David Farber
IP: Asia Times India helps fasten Singapore's IT belt David Farber
IP: believe it or not : (Drudge) OBL to go down in flames on live TV? David Farber
IP: 1984 draws closer.: The Lie Detector That Scans Your Brain David Farber
IP: Innocent are caught in cross hairs of the hunt for suspected terrorists David Farber

Monday, 10 December

IP: Re: 1984 draws closer.: The Lie Detector That Scans Your Brain David Farber
IP: What if Washington DC was taken out? David Farber
IP: The Broadband Economy David Farber
IP: a note on 1984 draws closer.: The Lie Detector That Scans Your Brain David Farber
IP: more on a note on 1984 draws closer.: The Lie Detector That Scans Your Brain David Farber
IP: Re: The Broadband Economy David Farber
IP: fretting over broadband... David Farber
IP: NY Times: What will New York be like on Sept. 11, 2011? David Farber
IP: last of Andrew Sullivan and Ken Layne react to the Robert Fisk incident David Farber
IP: Nader and CPTech to Judge Motz on MS private antitrust settlement David Farber
IP: The War at Home (another exacting Tom Tommorrow Cartoon) David Farber
IP: State Dept. "New York: 3 Months After' David Farber
IP: Re: The Broadband Economy David Farber
IP: If you rush to your country's defense, will the country rush back? David Farber

Tuesday, 11 December

IP: Antivirus firms deny Magic Lantern backdoor plans David Farber
IP: Re: My NAS Presidents Circle Audio David Farber
IP: Despite Court Order, U.S. Interior Web Site Down David Farber
IP: How to stay above the rest David Farber
IP: CALL FOR CONTENT -- INET2002 [ I intend to be there and contributing djf] David Farber
IP: Interesting site Has a New Look David Farber
IP: Microsoft To Plug Devastating Browser Download Hole David Farber
IP: DAY1: The strange saga of a Xerox engineer accused of child porn David Farber
IP: U.S. plans to withdraw from the ABM Treaty David Farber
IP: "Global Democracy and the ICANN Elections" -- INFO Special Issue David Farber
IP: Federal agents raid warez groups David Farber
IP: DNC's McAuliffe at the Gridiron Dinner David Farber
IP: Google unveils huge archive of USENET back to 1981 David Farber
IP: "Here Come the Thought Police" David Farber
IP: More on Symantec, McAfee, loopholes, and espionage-enabled 'ware David Farber
IP: Court: Online Scribes Protected David Farber

Wednesday, 12 December

IP: Court just one venue still available to punish Microsoft by Dan Gilmor SJMN David Farber
IP: Ramadan TV Special: ... A Nazi-like attack on Jews David Farber
IP: U.S. to Pull Out of ABM Treaty, Clearing Path for Antimissile Tests David Farber
IP: What is UWB? David Farber
IP: Entrenched interests tried to sue inventor of radio David Farber
IP: DAY2: The strange saga of a Xerox engineer accused of child porn David Farber
IP: PARC to be sold David Farber
IP: Indiana I-Light Announcement David Farber
IP: Jewish Militant Arrested in L.A. Bomb Plot David Farber

Thursday, 13 December

IP: On the Internet in a Disaster (Natl Academy study) David Farber
IP: U.S. refusal to accept surrenders may open it to war crimes charges David Farber
IP: U.S. Recently Produced Anthrax in a Highly Lethal Powder Form David Farber
IP: MS Patent for DRM OS David Farber
IP: Madcap maneuvers halt Microsoft hearing on Capitol Hill David Farber
IP: Online Duel: You've Got Mail, Music and More David Farber
IP: All the News That Fits; How the media color their coverage. David Farber
IP: The Center Can Hold David Farber
IP: FCC: We'll Revisit UWB In February David Farber
IP: more on All the News That Fits; How the media color their coverage. David Farber
IP: Fascinating analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique David Farber
IP: RE: All the News That Fits; How the media color their coverage. David Farber
IP: more on All the News That Fits; How the media color their coverage. David Farber
IP-FLASH U.S. Considers Restricting Cellphone Use in Disasters David Farber
IP: briefing of new CSTB report Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits David Farber
IP: Transcript of bin-Laden Tape David Farber
IP: some additional info on U.S. Considers Restricting Cellphone Use in Disasters David Farber
IP: end of U.S. Considers Restricting Cellphone Use in Disasters David Farber
IP: Connect the Enron Dots to Bush David Farber
IP: Bush envokes executive privilege David Farber
IP-FLASH Tim Berners-Lee will receive Japan Prize 2002 David Farber
IP: RE: Bush envokes executive privilege David Farber
IP: Tauzin-Dingle Act pulled from House consideration David Farber
IP: Dmitry Sklyarov entered into an agreement David Farber
IP: ACLU: What To Do If You're Stopped By The Police, The FBI, The INS or Customs David Farber
IP: virus alert David Farber
IP: WAS AN OLD VIRUS BUT STILL ACTIVE virus alert David Farber
IP: excuse me -- "it was found that many troops were using over-the-counter GPS" David Farber
IP: Paving the way for 'uncrackable' codes David Farber

Friday, 14 December

IP: Telecommuters must pay extra for cable VPNs [v2] David Farber
IP: E-mail worm Gokar spreading David Farber
IP: Who has money for 3G? David Farber
IP: The Microsoft DRM Patent and Our Freedom to Speak and Think David Farber
IP-FLASH Mail failure at actually a Windows failure David Farber
IP: More on robert Fisk David Farber
IP: Wireless Quality Issues Crop Up David Farber
IP: request for help re pc -> mac David Farber
IP: Re: Wireless rivals recast as bosom buddies David Farber
IP: A free press vs cheerleaders David Farber
IP: Missile defense test fails. David Farber
IP: F.B.I. Queries Expert Who Sees Federal Lab Tie in Anthrax Cases David Farber
IP: From Walkman to iPod / Making the Leap to the Next Revolutionary Mobile Audio Product David Farber
IP: For wireless ISPs, small is beautiful David Farber
IP: P3P, IE6 and Legal Liability: [risks] Risks Digest 21.82 David Farber
IP: FBI may not appreciate the risks with Carnivore sniffing E-Mail: [risks] Risks Digest 21.82 David Farber
Re P3P and liability ([dave () farber net: IP: P3P, IE6 and Legal Liability: [risks] Risks Digest 21.82]) David Farber

Saturday, 15 December

IP: Ford Talks Up Bluetooth Car David Farber
IP: Re: For wireless ISPs, small is beautiful David Farber
IP: History of Ultra Wideband David Farber
IP: Re: Ford Talks Up Bluetooth Car David Farber
IP: Metricom's failure, new technology, etc.... David Farber
IP: How Sharon and Hamas work in concert against peace. David Farber
IP: Nanotech group comes to DC, begs for billions in federal $$$ David Farber
IP: New - FeRAM David Farber
IP: FCC on ARRL Part 15 - "overly conservative" David Farber
IP: China reactions David Farber
IP: Senate anthrax genetically matched to U.S. Army (USAMRIID) stocks David Farber

Sunday, 16 December

IP: Problems and Promise for Personal Computers David Farber
IP: \FCC lifts ban on technology-specific area codes David Farber
IP: Publisher booed and heckled for mentioning civil liberties during commencement at Cal State Sacramento David Farber
IP: Just to balance the scales David Farber
IP: RE: FCC lifts ban on technology-specific area codes David Farber
IP: Re: The Broadband Economy David Farber

Monday, 17 December

IP: State of health of the Farber computers David Farber
IP: Two on : State of health of the Farber computers David Farber
IP: favor query to IBM X21 owners David Farber
IP: Bill Clinton's 2001 Dimbleby Lecture entitled The Struggle for the Soul of the 21st Century. David Farber
IP: RE: History of Ultra Wideband David Farber
IP: ISART 2002 conference David Farber
IP: Suspect Claims Al Qaeda Hacked Microsoft - Expert David Farber
IP: My old haunts -- they are expendable David Farber
IP: Re: My old haunts -- they are expendable David Farber
IP: History of the word "spam" revealed David Farber
IP: Why we have a terrorism problem with our airlines David Farber

Tuesday, 18 December

IP: FBI reportedly wants Badtrans worm's pilfered data David Farber
IP: I know I may regret this but my aol/netscape IM (instant messenger) name is davidjfarber David Farber
IP: Microsoft lobs proprietary codec into MPEG-centric DVD market David Farber
IP: Time Machine David Farber
IP: [Canada] didn't mess up, [America] did David Farber
IP: BBC: Warning of malicious e-cards David Farber

Wednesday, 19 December

IP: A CALL TO END COPYRIGHT CONFUSION or the "best" laws money can buy (djf) David Farber
IP: Smucker: Ace of Tora Bora David Farber
IP: New worm: Subject "Happy New Year" + Christmas.exe attachment David Farber
IP: COMMUNAL BROADBRAND/Neighbors sharing high-speed Internet access via wireless networks is popular and controversial David Farber
IP: Missile Defense Delusion Washpost David Farber
IP-FLASH It is reported that Comcast wins AT&T Broadband David Farber
IP: Lord of the Rings review: There's still nothing like the book David Farber
IP: Fwd: access via wireless networks is popular and controversial David Farber

Thursday, 20 December

IP: IBM's Test-Tube Quantum Computer Makes History David Farber
IP: Sky Dayton at it again David Farber
IP: Sky Dayton at it again [ with url djf] David Farber
IP: Re: Fwd: access via wireless networks is popular and controversial David Farber
IP: Low-Yield Nukes? David Farber
IP: do terrorists only buy one-way airline tickets? David Farber
IP: Explanation of audio gear, digital out, RIAA, and copyright law [good tutorial djf] David Farber
IP: Fw: Latest Windows versions vulnerable to unusually serious hacker attacks... David Farber
Fw: Re: IP: do terrorists only buy one-way airline tickets? Like stupid djf David Farber

Friday, 21 December

IP: Palm Will Appeal Xerox Patent Ruling David Farber
IP: Israeli compromise of U.S. telecommunications? David Farber
IP: Telecom Markets Growing Despite Recession, Report Says David Farber
IP: New UCITA revisions -- first reactions David Farber
IP: Saudi's "losing patience" with U.S. media critics David Farber
IP: The crime of distributed computing David Farber
IP: Shoho outbreak--New worm, old tricks David Farber
IP: [ worth thinking about djf]SIMSON SAYS - FAKE SECURITY David Farber
IP: Year-End Google Zeitgeist--Search patterns, trends, and surprises David Farber
IP: Government questions over Windows XP security flaws David Farber

Saturday, 22 December

IP: more on: [ worth thinking about djf]SIMSON SAYS - FAKE SECURITY David Farber
IP: more on : Government questions over Windows XP security flaws David Farber
IP: suggested ftc action, unlikely; don't seem motivated, or capable David Farber
IP: Article: Brace Yourself for the Segmented Internet David Farber
IP: The Wireless Week in Review David Farber
IP: Microsoft Hires federal officials. David Farber
IP: Fw: today's wp, fbi suggests xp fix beyond that suggested by ms; ms refuses to send email notification to upgrade David Farber
IP: Rescuing the Constitution By Nat Hentoff David Farber
IP: Comment on telecom downturn David Farber
IP: so now systems will be *required* to be vulnerable????? David Farber
IP: A comment from your editor and more on -- do terrorists only buy one-way airline tickets? David Farber
IP-FLASH CNN: Explosives Found on Jetliner David Farber
IP: Larry Lessig on rights, law, and the electronic world. David Farber

Sunday, 23 December

IP-FLASH Dave Farber's AOL Talk Audio Is Online David Farber
IP: UPnP David Farber
IP: more on hComment on telecom downturn David Farber
IP: Rudy Giuliani TIME's Man of the Year David Farber
IP: From the RAND Corp -- Networks and Netwars the future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy David Farber
IP: From the RAND Corp -- Networks and Netwars the future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy (sent again with Summary) David Farber
IP: AT&T Comcast opens new chapter David Farber
IP: first take you shoes off and then what else. David Farber
IP: More on Internet defamation David Farber
IP: more on first take you shoes off and then what else. David Farber
IP: Falwell Ministries unwitting member of Liberty Alliance, redux:: Good Morning Silicon Valley Fri Dec 21 12:01:00 EST 2001 David Farber
IP: more on first take you shoes off and then what else. David Farber
IP: two on first take you shoes off and then what else. David Farber
IP: Verizon DSL Suit Appealed David Farber
IP: Frying on small craft David Farber
IP: more on Verizon DSL Suit Appealed David Farber
IP: more on Frying on small craft David Farber

Monday, 24 December

IP: A Cybernaut Plans Software for Navigating TV David Farber
IP: more on Telecom Downturn David Farber
IP-FLASH Threat of National ID By WILLIAM SAFIRE David Farber
IP: 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, It Is Junk David Farber
IP: more on 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, It Is Junk David Farber
IP: "REALITY RESET": "Peering Into Airport Security" David Farber
IP: Two more on 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, It Is Junk David Farber
IP: One more on 'You've Got Mail,' More and More, and Mostly, It Is Junk David Farber
IP: Kaplan's inteview The Atlantic David Farber
IP: this is very interesting.....Tagged Message Delivery Agent (TMDA) David Farber
IP: CRADA -- you can hear the rip (off) David Farber
IP: RE: CRADA -- you can hear the rip (off) David Farber

Tuesday, 25 December

IP: 2001: a year shaped by one day BY DAN GILLMOR David Farber
IP: A "Better Network" for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: RE: A "Better Network" for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: Trying to Keep Young Internet Users From a Life of Piracy By JOHN SCHWARTZ NYTimes 25 Dec 2001 David Farber
IP: Mammoth IPv6 Lab Planned David Farber
IP: computers and mushrooms..explained.. David Farber
IP: Comcast Plunges Into Telephony David Farber
IP: more on : A "Better Network" for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: Lets see if Microsoft goes after someone "faking" being from MS as they did with Lindows David Farber
IP: Merry Old is Blunketed Ashcroftishly at Yuletide David Farber
IP: Campaign Gifts, Lobbying Built Enron's Power In Washington David Farber
IP: Lynne Cheney's got her little list David Farber

Wednesday, 26 December

IP: Re: Lynne Cheney's got her little list David Farber
IP: Re: suggested ftc action, unlikely; don't seem motivated, or capable David Farber
IP: Introducing UnPlug n' Pray David Farber
IP: Naked Air David Farber
IP: more on CRADA -- you can hear the rip (off) David Farber
IP: Telecommunications Disaster Planning David Farber
IP: Military law experts say U.S. military tribunals may violate Geneva David Farber
IP: Comcast from Monday's WSJ David Farber

Thursday, 27 December

IP: more on :amateur radio operators A "Better Network" for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: Cringely's Supercomputer David Farber
IP: more on Cringely's Supercomputer David Farber
IP: Fw: RE: IP-FLASH Threat of National ID By WILLIAM SAFIRE David Farber

Friday, 28 December

IP: Bush Secret Service agent removed from AA flight -- reportedly felt racial/religious profiling was involved David Farber
IP: re: A Better Network for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: Pentagon: Proposed EU satellites could interfere with GPS David Farber
IP: A must read : The Economist: America's defences, or lack of them David Farber
IP: re: A Better Network for Emergency Communications David Farber
IP: Must read (especially the press) The Internet and nuclear attack David Farber
IP: Have a happy New Years -- : Plastic Explosives David Farber
IP: bag matching??? David Farber
IP: irradiated food dangers [boosting organics] ( David Farber

Saturday, 29 December

IP: Take a train?: Officials to Ease Requirements on Hiring of Airline Screeners David Farber
IP: if you take pictures, stick close to home and never fly! David Farber

Sunday, 30 December

IP: Phone Companies Preparing to "Share" Personal Info David Farber
IP: It is worth reading -- The Washington Post: American Airlines: Two Bloopers David Farber
IP: RE: Phone Companies Preparing to "Share" Personal Info David Farber
IP: Friendly fire and related sagas David Farber
IP: How Islam Lost Its Way David Farber
IP: Echostar (Dish) / DirecTV merger vs. the public interest David Farber
IP: Champ.Mitchell: WARNING: Your email is vulnerable to SPAM Robots! David Farber
Hate speech, was: Re: IP: How Islam Lost Its Way David Farber
IP: Sci-Am refutes 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' David Farber
IP: Steganography & covert communications - Between Silk and Cyanide David Farber
IP: Another request for help on Windows XP situation David Farber
IP: Voicestream GSM Internet->to->SMS is off-the-air David Farber
IP: What's in the Sky for 2002? David Farber
IP: The year in tech: the highs and lows -- by Dan Gilmor David Farber

Monday, 31 December