Interesting People: by date

355 messages starting Nov 01 05 and ending Nov 30 05
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Tuesday, 01 November

Skype could pose security problems for companies, analysts say David Farber
Defend yourself against the coming Robot Rebellion! David Farber
more on Warcraft Game Maker in Spying Row David Farber
more on SBC to raise DSL pricing 25-43% (unless you bundle) David Farber
more on Media Companies Go Too Far in Curbing Consumers' Activities David Farber
Sony uses rootkit as DRM on its CDs David Farber
Expanding Internet Access Must Remain World Focus at Tunis Summit David Farber
FCC Approves of Mergers David Farber
more on SBC to raise DSL pricing 25-43% (unless you bundle) David Farber
more on Com Copp's statement re FCC Approves of Mergers David Farber
Fwd: more on . Expanding Internet Access Must Remain World Focus at TunisSummit David Farber
: MPAA try to close the analog hole David Farber
SBC hints at charge to Web publishers By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch David Farber
more on FCC Approves of Mergers David Farber
more on . Expanding Internet Access Must Remain World Focus at TunisSummit David Farber
more on SBC hints at charge to Web publishers By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch David Farber
more on SBC hints at charge to Web publishers By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch David Farber
more on Expanding Internet Access Must Remain World Focus at Tunis Summit David Farber
more on SBC hints at charge to Web publishers By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch David Farber
Dr. William O. Baker, Global Statesman of Science and Former Bell Labs President David Farber
Dallas IPers query David Farber
UTenn Students' Private Information Posted on Internet David Farber
Halloween on the Hill David Farber

Wednesday, 02 November

SBC CEO Part II - "They don't have anything - "They use my lines for free -- and that's bull." David Farber
Forbes runs a stunning series of articles on fighting bloggers [fs] David Farber
Trying to Plug the Analog Hole -- An Exercise in Futility David Farber
Judge Samuel Alito's police-friendly views of electronic surveillance [priv] David Farber
Weekly column: Who should you call a journalist, nowadays? [fs] David Farber
more on Sony uses rootkit as DRM on its CDs David Farber
Defective Image Sensors: More Than 175 Digital Cameras, Camcorders and PDA Models Affected David Farber
NYCwireless Network Neutrality Broadband Challenge David Farber
Lauren Weinstein's Blog Update: Trying to Plug the Analog Hole -- An Exercise in MPAA Futility David Farber
more on SBC hints at charge to Web publishers By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch David Farber
more on Trying to Plug the Analog Hole -- An Exercise in Futility David Farber
Press conference : 25 investment funds agree to monitor operations of Internet businesses in repressive regime countries David Farber
more on NYCwireless Network Neutrality Broadband Challenge David Farber
Cook County Goes All Wireless with IBM David Farber
more on NYCwireless Network Neutrality Broadband Challenge David Farber
Court Hears Internet Anonymity Case David Farber
PC Makers Facing a Flop In Home Entertainment {corrected} David Farber

Thursday, 03 November

Sen. Clinton Raises Concerns About DARPA Computer Science David Farber
Mass. Bill to Block OpenDocument Format Standard David Farber
Google Print David Farber
IBM slows light, readies it for networking David Farber
more Google David Farber
Peter Swire on why Alito's co-authored report isn't very informative [priv] David Farber
RFID Passports David Farber
Fatal Flaw Weakens RFID Passports David Farber
ThePrivacyPlace.Org 2005 Privacy Survey is Underway David Farber
more on Peter Swire on why Alito's co-authored report isn't very informative [priv] David Farber
more on Fatal Flaw Weakens RFID Passports David Farber
Mike Malone on Forbes' anti-blog cover David Farber
Copyright Office Opens DMCA Anti-Circumvention Comments David Farber
more on ThePrivacyPlace.Org 2005 Privacy Survey is Underway David Farber

Friday, 04 November

Kahn and Cerf Win Presidential Medal of Freedom David Farber
Virus Scanners Made Moot By New Exploit? David Farber
Vatican: Faithful Should Listen to Science David Farber
more on Peter Swire on why Alito's co-authored report isn't very informative [priv] David Farber
more on Peter Swire on why Alito's co-authored report isn't very informative [priv] David Farber
more on Virus Scanners Made Moot By New Exploit? David Farber
more Google David Farber
more on ThePrivacyPlace.Org 2005 Privacy Survey is Underway David Farber
Anonymous sperm donor traced using DNA, Internet David Farber
Torture is a crime, not a policy David Farber
GOP mulls end of birthright citizenship David Farber
more on ThePrivacyPlace.Org 2005 Privacy Survey is Underway David Farber
more on Anonymous sperm donor traced using DNA, Internet David Farber
more Google David Farber
more on Vatican: Faithful Should Listen to Science David Farber
SBC Head Ignites Access Debate David Farber

Saturday, 05 November

Amsterdam's Fiber to the Home Project and implications David Farber
Democrats HELP defeat Online Freedom of Speech Act in House [fs] David Farber
Breathalyzer source code must be disclosed, Florida court says [ip] David Farber
Treating ICANN as a .gov agency: a proposal to the United Nations summit [fs] David Farber
Japan demonstrates next-gen TV broadcast David Farber
The Wonderful Things We Find on the Net David Farber
More H1-B visas on the way David Farber
How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience: a first-hand report [ip] David Farber
more on Sony uses rootkit as DRM on its CDs David Farber
Westchester to ban unsecured wireless? David Farber
The Onion strikes back David Farber
How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience: a first-hand report [ip] David Farber
more on How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience: a first-hand report [ip] David Farber
Researchers Look to Create a Synthesis of Art and Science for the 21st Century David Farber
From Gunpowder to the Next Big Bang David Farber
more on the Sony Rootkit David Farber
The U.N. Isn't a Threat to the Net David Farber

Sunday, 06 November

more on Democrats HELP defeat Online Freedom of Speech Act in House [fs] David Farber
Weapons of Mass Destruction Found! David Farber
more on The U.N. Isn't a Threat to the Net David Farber
more on The Onion strikes back David Farber
more on Unsecured Wi-Fi would be outlawed by N.Y. county David Farber
The Internet vs. the Real World (was "Online Freedom of Speech ...") David Farber
more on Unsecured Wi-Fi would be outlawed by N.Y. county David Farber
more on Unsecured Wi-Fi would be outlawed by N.Y. county David Farber
more on The U.N. Isn't a Threat to the Net David Farber
Protect the Tamiflu Patents! David Farber

Monday, 07 November

Protect the Tamiflu Patents! David Farber
any references David Farber
more on Westchester to ban unsecured wireless? David Farber
Telco Info Dries Up David Farber
Chinese Ministry Of Culture To Set Up Internet Monitoring Platform David Farber
more on The U.N. Isn't a Threat to the Net David Farber
more on any references David Farber
more on Japan demonstrates next-gen TV broadcast David Farber
Google & Yahoo go wireless David Farber
Windows users switching to Macs David Farber
govt surveillance - it's not just for terrorists and liberals David Farber
govt surveillance - it's not just for terrorists and liberals David Farber
more on Windows users switching to Macs David Farber
more on Anonymous sperm donor traced using DNA, Internet David Farber
Grokster shuts down David Farber
Beware a 'Digital Munich' David Farber
Harry Reid, Prince of Sleeves David Farber
more on Windows users switching to Macs David Farber
more on Beware a 'Digital Munich' David Farber
Qualcomm sues Nokia over GSM tech David Farber
A constant state of insecurity David Farber
A missing package David Farber

Tuesday, 08 November

Sony: Folks don't know about rootkits, why should they care? David Farber
Liberal church's tax exemption threatened for anti-war sermon David Farber
more on A missing package David Farber
more on govt surveillance - it's not just for terrorists and liberals David Farber
more on A missing package David Farber
National Security Letters David Farber
more on govt surveillance - it's not just for terrorists and liberals David Farber
The Open Source WRT54G Story David Farber
Liberal church's tax exemption threatened for anti-war sermon David Farber
United Nations summit roundup, and why aren't bloggers interested? (3/3) David Farber
Senator warns of Patriot Act alarmists David Farber
witch hunt in the halls of academia? David Farber
Verizon's EVDO terms of use David Farber
more on The Open Source WRT54G Story David Farber

Wednesday, 09 November

Verso to hopes to block Skype in China David Farber
: CITI: AT&T Post-Mortem - The Rise & Fall of an Icon, Nov. 14 David Farber
Dover Board gets the boot David Farber
MIT maps wireless users across campus - and makes it public] David Farber
more on CITI: AT&T Post-Mortem - The Rise & Fall of an Icon, Nov. 14 David Farber
Jim Harper on how anti-RFID'ers harm immigrants, the poor (and public libraries) [priv] David Farber
United Nations and the Net: another round, and why root servers are key David Farber
Apple tries to patent 'tamper-resistant software' David Farber

Thursday, 10 November

Latest draft of Internet regulation bill David Farber
Quarantine station to open at Logan / US acts amid growing threat of bioterrorism and infectious diseases David Farber
more on govt surveillance - it's not just for terrorists and liberals David Farber
Greetings from Idiot America David Farber
Good Tech OpEd: Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die David Farber
EFF: Are You Infected with Sony-BMG's Rootkit? David Farber
Vint Cerf speaks out on net neutrality David Farber
more on Sony Rootkit Morphs into MalWare (litigation to follow) David Farber
Verizon's EVDO terms of use David Farber
Verizon's New Slimmed-Down Unlimited Calling Plans Add Choice and Value in 9 East Coast Markets David Farber
a couple talks on Wikipedia... David Farber
Televangelist Robertson warns town of God's wrath David Farber
more on OpenWRT on the Linksys WRT54G David Farber

Friday, 11 November

FCC's Martin known as consensus builder David Farber
Mini-debate on Wal-Mart and RFID: good or evil? David Farber
more on Verizon's EVDO terms of use David Farber
more on United Nations summit roundup, and why aren't bloggers interested? (3/3) David Farber
Digital Tracking to Protect On-Demand TV David Farber
Two major privacy data disclosures... David Farber
Proposed Amendment David Farber
Personal request from IPers down under and Europe David Farber
Justice Dept.: Attempting to infringe copyright should be punishable David Farber
Australian journalists protest job losses in blog David Farber
Sony BMG rootkit can affect Macs too... David Farber
Feds May Let Big Telecom Hijack The Internet David Farber
Understanding BitTorrent: An Experimental Perspective David Farber
more on Sony BMG rootkit can affect Macs too... David Farber
Open Invention Network David Farber
Cornell University's response to FCC re CALEA David Farber
Feds May Let Big Telecom Hijack The Internet David Farber
Sony to (temporarily) stop making protected CDs David Farber
more on Digital Tracking to Protect On-Demand TV David Farber
November mini-AIR - Not Valid in Kansas David Farber
DHS on DRM David Farber
TSA "Refreshes" Website, Removes Critical Report [s] David Farber
The Impact Of The USA PATRIOT Act In Canada David Farber
more on more Google David Farber
Sony's DRM now for Macs too David Farber

Saturday, 12 November

Peter Drucker passes on David Farber
more on Justice Dept.: Attempting to infringe copyright should be punishable David Farber
Are "Split Roots" the Future of the Internet? David Farber
On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study David Farber
the Patent Office applies for the FEMA Institutional Efficacy Award David Farber
Summarized -- Has U.S. lost inventive edge? David Farber
more on ** Are "Split Roots" the Future of the Internet? David Farber
a comment from down nder David Farber
more on Televangelist Robertson warns town of God's wrath David Farber

Sunday, 13 November

World ISP Association will be founded at WSIS David Farber
more on November mini-AIR - Not Valid in Kansas David Farber
more on ** Are "Split Roots" the Future of the Internet? David Farber
Mobility - Special from Financial Times David Farber
What Lurks in Its Soul? David Farber
comments welcomed Ban corporate Skype usage immediately, says Info-Tech Research Group David Farber
The Deadly Doughnut David Farber
a well said comment on What Lurks in Its Soul? David Farber
NPR: Chris Mooney, 'The Republican War On Science' David Farber
more on Apple tries to patent 'tamper-resistant software'] David Farber
more on NPR: Chris Mooney, 'The Republican War On Science' David Farber
Copy protection infringing copyright? David Farber
NYC taxis prepare to go wireless, with a back-seat upgrade David Farber
more on NPR: Chris Mooney, 'The Republican War On Science' David Farber
Great Society David Farber
Wal-Mart threatens employees: Don't see the Wal-Mart Movie David Farber

Monday, 14 November

Jerre Noe David Farber
Young Britons flock east to answer India's call-centre crisis David Farber
more on Congress loves identity thieves David Farber
major crash of os x mail David Farber
major crash of os x mail David Farber

Tuesday, 15 November

NLR Networking Research Council Announcemen] David Farber
WHO: Bird Flu Threatens "Incalculable Misery"] David Farber
WHO: Bird Flu Threatens "Incalculable Misery"] David Farber
Good bird flu story...] David Farber
A very long life] David Farber
more on re: Ban corporate Skype usage immediately, says Info-Tech Research Group] David Farber
Sony DRM -- from bad to worse] David Farber
more on Mobility - Special from Financial Times] David Farber
an astute essay by former President Jimmy Carter] David Farber
more on A very long life]] David Farber
Sony: >500,000 systems compromised? (fwd) David J. Farber
more on A very long life] (fwd) David J. Farber

Wednesday, 16 November

USPTO issues a patent for warp drive David Farber
more on A very long life] (fwd) David Farber
more on an astute essay by former President Jimmy Carter Yes, that'a very interesting article, but] David Farber
The WSIS Deal Dave Farber

Thursday, 17 November

WSIS hands ICANN some rope Dave Farber

Friday, 18 November

EFF: Guide for Student Bloggers Helps Kids Speak Out David Farber
EFF: Diebold Attempts to Evade Election Transparency Laws David Farber
PRODUCT REVIEW: Podcasts Converted to Text David Farber
This Saturday: BBQ at Engelbart's House with Hyperwords launch.] Dave Farber
Who's responsible at Sony? Dave Farber
Young Britons flock east to answer India's call-centre crisis Dave Farber
more on more on A very long life Dave Farber
more on USPTO issues a patent for warp drive Dave Farber
Cisco to Aquire Scientific Atlanta] Dave Farber
IGP: The World Summit and Internet Governance Dave Farber
Cisco Agrees to Buy Scientific-Atlanta for $6.9 Bln Dave Farber
Abernathy Resigns From FCC] Dave Farber
Cisco Agrees to Buy Scientific-Atlanta for $6.9 Bln Dave Farber
Do read Bruces article Real Story of the Rogue Rootkit] Dave Farber

Saturday, 19 November

Good thing Google's not Evil, eh? David Farber
Sandoval in New Mexico David Farber
Mtn. View accepts Google's offer of free WiFi David Farber
Not Again! Uninstaller for Other Sony DRM Also Opens Huge Security Hole David Farber
A little variety for the IP list :-) David Farber

Sunday, 20 November

EFF Fights for Bloggers' Rights David Farber
Sony's "Exploding" CDs! David Farber
more on A little variety for the IP list :-) David Farber
Apple's Growing Army of Converts] David Farber
Senate committee passes spyware bill David Farber
let me know if David Farber
Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection David Farber

Monday, 21 November

EFF Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Sony BMG] David Farber
Texas files anti-spyware lawsuit against Sony David Farber
The Lasting Impact of Sony's Rootkit David Farber
more on EFF Fights for Bloggers' Rights David Farber
Fox Thwarts Potter Internet Piracy David Farber
Tech leaders say Silicon Valley's edge is growing duller David Farber
more on EFF Fights for Bloggers' Rights (fwd) David J. Farber
How Sony Could Tell Users About the Rootkit, Recall, and Trade-In David Farber
more on files anti-spyware lawsuit against Sony David Farber

Tuesday, 22 November

tape/marker defeats ANY and ALL DRM schemes on music CDs (fwd) David J. Farber
Top Finnish Film is Only Available Online (fwd) David J. Farber
TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
Fox Thwarts Potter Internet Piracy David Farber
Nigerian Email Scammers Jailed David Farber
NEC's quantum telephone David Farber
Commuting By Public Transport in Denver? Papers, Please. David Farber
more on TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
Top Finnish Film is Only Available Online David Farber
more on Nigerian Email Scammers Jailed] David Farber
more on TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
JAMES BAMFORD in Rolling Stone: The Man Who Sold the War. David Farber
Coming to TV: ads about you David Farber
News Won't Show Ad Opposing Alito David Farber

Wednesday, 23 November

EU urged to end airline data deal David Farber
on the dangers of turkey fryers... David Farber
more on Coming to TV: ads about you David Farber
I need a good level contact at United Airlines David Farber
Coming to TV: ads about you David Farber
more on Coming to TV: ads about you -- 2 David Farber
Google's Growth Helps Ignite Silicon Valley Hiring Frenzy] David Farber
Craigslist Planning To Shake Up Journalism David Farber
American corporations wouldn't sponsor the Darwin exhibit David Farber

Thursday, 24 November

A Torrent or a Trickle?] David Farber
New US intelligence center to exploit publicly available information] David Farber
Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.] David Farber
ip podcast anyone David Farber
Why IP owners should worry] David Farber
Why IP owners should worry]] David Farber
Why IP owners should worry]]] David Farber
Risks Digest 24.10] Risks of applying to law school David Farber
more on Why IP owners should worry David Farber
more on Risks Digest 24.10] Risks of applying to law school] David Farber
Why IP owners should worry]]]] Dave Farber

Friday, 25 November

set top boxes and advertizing] Dave Farber
Chinese hackers Dave Farber
Chinese hackers Dave Farber
Why IP owners should worry Dave Farber
more on Chinese hackers] Dave Farber
more on PDF Dave Farber
Rise in Gases Unmatched by a History in Ancient I Dave Farber
GAO Report on the FCC's Spectrum Allocation and Assignment Process David Farber
Renewed Warning of Bandwidth Hoarding David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
more on need a good level contact at United Airlines David Farber
more on Renewed Warning of Bandwidth Hoarding David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber

Saturday, 26 November

Popcasts - Most popular podcasts at a glance David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
UC Berkeley sued over evolution site David Farber
Chavez's cheap oil for US poor angers Washington David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
more on New US intelligence center to exploit publicly available information David Farber

Sunday, 27 November

More on Sony rootkit/spyware Dave Farber
more on Chinese hackers Dave Farber
Sick of automation? Dial 0 for human David Farber
as if the mind needed further boggling..... David Farber
Pension Officers Putting Billions Into Hedge Funds David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber
more on Chinese hackers David Farber

Monday, 28 November

IT Problem Leaves TIAA-CREF Clients Without Access to Funds David Farber
Students Not Ready for Prime Time David Farber
more on GAO Report on the FCC's Spectrum Allocation and Assignment Process David Farber
nytimes What Google Should Roll Out Next: A Privacy Upgrade E-Mail David J. Farber
Online data brokers target Canadian privacy commissioner David Farber
TLDs David Farber
more on IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption David Farber
Diebold voting machines in California David Farber
more on IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption David Farber
Web Sites Offer Private Cell Phone Information David Farber
more on IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption David Farber
more on IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption David Farber
more on Web Sites Offer Private Cell Phone Information David Farber
more on IPv6 Forum chief: the new Internet is ready for consumption David Farber

Tuesday, 29 November

CDC wants to track all airline passengers and groups David Farber
N.C. Judge Declines Protection for Diebold David Farber
Supreme Court to hear eBay patent case plea David Farber

Wednesday, 30 November

Sony's Escalating "Spyware" Fiasco David Farber
Mac OS X security under scrutiny David Farber
Security Flaw Allows Wiretaps to Be Evaded, Study Finds David Farber
IP Phone Providers Miss E911 Target David Farber
more on TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
[EPIC_IDOF] Getting consumers' consent to sell cellphone tracking data David Farber
more on TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
more on TiVo to Bring TV to iPod and PSP David Farber
more on Getting consumers' consent to sell cellphone tracking data David Farber
TiVo and Intel Working Together on Digital Home Initiatives David Farber
Getting consumers' consent to sell cellphone tracking data David Farber
BlackBerry Maker Urged to Settle Dispute David Farber