Interesting People: by date

276 messages starting Feb 01 02 and ending Feb 04 23
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 01 February

IP: Sony to Sell Linux Kits for Playstation 2 David Farber
IP: Bush Science Advisory Apparatus Opens to Mixed Reviews David Farber
IP: What Cheney won't, Lazarus does David Farber

Saturday, 02 February

IP: Fujutsu Lifebook P review David Farber
IP: A god laugh THE Enron blame game David Farber
IP: AOL blocks instant messaging start-up David Farber
IP: misuse of copyright might invalidate: Napster Case: Is Judge Turning Tables On Labels? David Farber
IP: Government, Big Business battling another foe -- liberty David Farber
IP: SHRINK AND IDENTIFY Edupage, February 1, 2002 David Farber
IP: The age of new blacklisting is upon us (not related to homeland defense) David Farber
IP: some fun from the sjmn OOPS: The Hewlett-Packard slugfest is getting sloppy David Farber
IP: GNU Radio David Farber
IP: If all else fails, shoot the chef David Farber
IP: Privacy of MP3 fans at risk David Farber

Sunday, 03 February

IP: RIP, Henry Kloss David Farber
IP: more on The age of new blacklisting is upon us (not related to homeland defense) David Farber
IP: The trouble with broadband David Farber
IP: Screener discusses his role in SF airport security breach David Farber
IP: The age of new blacklisting is upon us (not related to homeland defense) David Farber
IP: Is Big Brother Smelling You? David Farber
IP: SEC finds new way to spend tax dollars: Creating fake companies David Farber
IP: More on PBS will air special "American Porn" show on Feb. 7 David Farber
IP: more on The age of new blacklisting is upon us (not related to homeland defense) David Farber
IP-FLASH MUST LOOK -- Ten Days In September (VERY moving) David Farber
IP: The Big Rip-Off / Labels move to block CD audio ripping David Farber
IP: "tragedy of the commons" David Farber

Monday, 04 February

IP: By Cringely -- Soon, It's Gonna Rain / A New Modulation Technology Promises to Turn Your Cable TV Connection Into a 10 Gigabit-Per-Second Digital Fire Hose David Farber
IP: The Increase in Chip Speed Is Accelerating, Not Slowing by our John Markoff David Farber
IP: First uk ISP to close due to Hacker Attacks David Farber
IP: RE:Tragedy of the commons David Farber
IP: Lawyers and The Increase in Chip Speed David Farber
IP: White House Slashes Technology Grant Program David Farber
IP: IMPORTANT Who has the best information about the number of Worldwide Internet users? David Farber
IP: comment and reply on By Cringely -- Soon, It's Gonna Rain David Farber

Tuesday, 05 February

IP: more on WELL WORTH READING: Broadband deployment versus broadbandadoption David Farber
IP: [anonymous] DoD to Share Spectrum with First Responders David Farber
IP: P3P software David Farber

Wednesday, 06 February

IP: Dot.Com Horror stories (humor :) djf) David Farber
IP: Worth Reading -- Councils of War David Farber
IP: "Never believe anything until it has been officially denied" -- UK National ID cards -- proposed again David Farber
IP: IBM"s "MetaPad" Index Card-Size Computer Prototype David Farber
IP: another "great travel experiece" David Farber
IP: Taxpayer support for the oil/gas/coal industry David Farber

Thursday, 07 February

IP: RE: IBM"s "MetaPad" Index Card-Size Computer Prototype David Farber
IP: Airline grounds in-flight phone service David Farber
IP: real source of GPS objection to UWB David Farber
IP: UK National ID David Farber
IP: CFP2002 Preliminary Program David Farber
IP: THE MOST ADVANCED CITY IN FRANCE: Edupage, February 6, 2002 David Farber
IP-FLASH Antipiracy tool leads to DoS in Office for Mac ALERT From InfoWorld:] David Farber
IP: You Can Surf, but You Can't Hide David Farber
IP: more on Airline grounds in-flight phone service David Farber
IP: more on Airline grounds in-flight phone service David Farber
IP: You Can Surf, but You Can't Hide David Farber
IP: Betty Holberton Dies; Helped U.S. Develop Computer Languages David Farber

Friday, 08 February

IP: Comcast man-in-the-middle attack David Farber
Re: IP: You Can Surf, but You Can't Hide David Farber
IP: Academic freedom [when do we get hit in the USA , the mood is right djf] David Farber
IP: article: Cybersecurity a Top Priority David Farber
IP: New York State Files Suit Against Network Associates David Farber
IP-FLASH Verizon following Qwest's privacy debacle? David Farber
IP: Brenda Sandburg on Internet copyright case involving thumbnails, but also linking and framing David Farber
IP: 2001 Turing Award David Farber
IP: They have got to be kidding: 2 cents an hour MPEG-4 streaming fee David Farber
IP: DOJ MS comments include porn, spam, rants, little of substance David Farber
IP: More on Feds will testing massive system to profile air travelers [based on failed old one] David Farber
IP: British -- "Fury at president's 'axis of evil' speech" David Farber
IP: more on DOJ MS comments include porn, spam, rants, little of substance David Farber

Saturday, 09 February

IP: Internet Connections over Cable David Farber
IP: Farber mail statistics -- for fun David Farber
IP: Cringely's latest - 802.11, passive repeaters, a mountain, and a tree David Farber
IP: Gatespeed Wireless, Hot Spots, and Cringely David Farber
IP: What is an EU Comissioner David Farber
IP: for MAC OS X IPers David Farber
IP: BT in Fight to Establish Web Surfing Patent David Farber
IP: Probe launched into Pac Bell DSL flap David Farber
IP-FLASH Microsoft Recalls Botched Browser Security Patch David Farber
IP: Dan Gillmor:`Get a Mac' advice no easy answer David Farber

Sunday, 10 February

IP: more on BT in Fight to Establish Web Surfing Patent David Farber
IP: Saudi/U.S. relations on a razor edge David Farber
IP: Contact info incl if you need it -- Woman contends that officials did nothing about airport frisking David Farber
IP: Microsoft's Top Officials May Testify to Help Fight Sanctions David Farber
Re: IP: Dan Gillmor:`Get a Mac' advice no easy answer David Farber
IP: more on New York sues Network Associates over no-criticism shrinkwrap David Farber
IP: Yet another Microsoft Outlook exploit Risks Digest 21.90 David Farber
IP: "Science be damned" -- manufacturers push voice stress analyzers to detect terrorists, others David Farber
IP: Worthwhile reading Web of Details Did Enron In as Warnings Went Unheeded David Farber

Monday, 11 February

IP: Call for Papers -- Requirements Engineering for Information Security David Farber
IP: Digital camera sensor breakthrough? David Farber
IP: Comcast broadband data exposed Corporate ‘lead’ database put on Web, left unprotected David Farber
IP: Have Cell Phone, Will Shoot David Farber
IP: a future hackig target?? David Farber
IP: more on Have Cell Phone, Will Shoot David Farber
IP: POSSIBLE Domain name scam David Farber
IP: Enron - the DRAM angle? David Farber
IP: glad to see telecom CEOs reading the history books David Farber
IP: Stanford professor and author Lawrence Lessig plans a legal insurrection David Farber
IP: Advice to a Superpower David Farber
IP: Anti-US Propaganda Postage Stamps (you may not like what you see djf) David Farber
IP: more on glad to see telecom CEOs reading the history books David Farber
IP: more on It's Alive CEO comments on Have Cell Phone, Will Shoot David Farber

Tuesday, 12 February

IP: : It's OK to record by time of day, but a copyright violation to use a program guide to record the same program... -- these guys have gone bongo djf David Farber
IP: more on It's OK to record by time of day, but a copyright violation to use a program guide to record the same program... -- these guys have gone bongo djf David Farber
IP: How to read Margaret Thatcher David Farber
IP: A fixation on fixed wireless David Farber
IP: Teleporting larger objects becomes real possibility David Farber
IP: FTC's working for a spam clampdown David Farber
IP: Qwest Argues for Limit to Privacy David Farber

Wednesday, 13 February

IP: DMCA applies to the whole world, prosecutors say David Farber
IP: more on Sonic Blue etc David Farber
Re: IP: Teleporting larger objects becomes real possibility David Farber
IP: Re: U.S. Backing for Guidelines on Fighting Cybercrime David Farber
IP: On MS license agreements David Farber
IP: ReplayTV lawsuit followup David Farber
IP: Comcast Tracks Users' Web Browsing David Farber
IP: Metro Wireless Obstacles David Farber
Re: IP: more on Sonic Blue etc David Farber
Re: IP: ReplayTV lawsuit followup David Farber
IP: Left Wing Green Terrorists the most active terror organization in the U.S Dave Farber
IP: on watching ads and skipping Dave Farber
IP: DC to get spycams --"no choice but to accept it" Dave Farber
IP: Chief Takes Over New Agency to Thwart Attacks on U.S. Dave Farber
IP: Comcast backs off privacy issue Dave Farber
IP: Chief Takes Over New Agency to Thwart Attacks on U.S. Dave Farber
IP: Research: Japan's mobile communications market in 2010 Dave Farber
IP: Richard Clarke at Berkeley Dave Farber
IP: more on DC to get spycams --"no choice but to accept it" Dave Farber

Thursday, 14 February

IP: More Teens Running Internet Scams David Farber
IP: Crime pays More Teens Running Internet Scams Dave Farber
IP: New York Times wireless articles Dave Farber
IP: Patent No. 6,341,372 -- "The science of androids concerns the creation of synthetic beings . . ." Dave Farber
IP: GPS, Other Military Systems Protected by FCC Decision Dave Farber
IP: Interesting problem with the DMCA Dave Farber
IP: Cellular Telephone Fraud Alert UNVERIFIED Dave Farber
IP: Demand Citation Vigilance Dave Farber
IP: IS CLAIMED TO BE FUD (HOAX) Cellular Telephone Fraud Alert UNVERIFIED Dave Farber
IP: Official FCC PRon UWB authorization David Farber
IP: FCC moving to legalize ILEC monopolies on DSL Dave Farber
IP: Dan Gillmor:`Get a Mac' advice no easy answer Dave Farber

Friday, 15 February

IP: Big Brother gets a farecard Dave Farber
IP: EU Safe Harbor Report Released 2-14-02 Dave Farber
IP: Teenage hacker gets nuked? Dave Farber
IP: AOL again blocks Trillian instant messaging users Dave Farber
IP: Precautions Against SNMP Vulnerability Dave Farber
IP: PayPal perqs? Dave Farber
IP: More on Precautions Against SNMP Vulnerability -- a must read re vulnerability of the net Dave Farber

Saturday, 16 February

IP: USDOJ publishes MS settlement comments Dave Farber
IP: Judge Says Microsoft Must Give States Windows Code Dave Farber
IP: USNews' Dana Hawkins on biometrics, facecams, and "light prints" Dave Farber
Re: IP: More on Precautions Against SNMP Vulnerability David Farber
IP: Network World Germany on censorware blinder-box David Farber
IP: Smart Cards and Biometrics: An Appropriate Answer to Terrorism? Dave Farber
IP: Pentagon test finds iris, face scan technology not that reliable Dave Farber
IP: U.S. Tightening Rules on Keeping Scientific Secrets David Farber
IP: FCC Internet Broadband Proceeding Released Dave Farber

Sunday, 17 February

IP: corected quote Dave Farber
IP: The New Business Reality Dave Farber
IP: Dan Gillmor: Entertainment industry's copyright fight puts consumers in cross hairs Dave Farber
IP: more on Dan Gillmor: Entertainment industry's copyright fight puts consumers in cross hairs Dave Farber
IP: Comcast spy software? [ or does Comcast really know what they are doing djf] David Farber
IP: Reed's Enron lobbying plans exposed [ a remarkable true quote of how to have impact in DC" Dave Farber
IP: Report on a James Bamford Talk at Berkeley Dave Farber

Monday, 18 February

IP: Record Labels' Answer to Napster Still Has Artists Feeling Bypassed Dave Farber
IP: AmBushing the Yen Dave Farber
IP: for the numerologists among you Dave Farber
IP: Hong Kong Plans Digital ID Dave Farber
IP: sonix blue replay tv... Dave Farber
IP: Billy Tauzin featured in Slate Dave Farber
IP: New U.S. electronic surveillance czar's new tricks Dave Farber
IP: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad David Farber

Tuesday, 19 February

IP: "computer intelligence" David Farber
IP: Expert: Anthrax suspect ID'd Dave Farber
IP: Microsoft to unveil wireless strategies Dave Farber
IP: IEEE's Steven Cherry wants mandatory music licenses, hard drive tax Dave Farber
IP: White House Developing Plan for Information Infrastructure Security Dave Farber
IP: Monty Python's take on the evil axis Dave Farber
IP: Is Europe irrelevant? Dave Farber
IP: more on Is Europe irrelevant? Dave Farber
IP: pointer to Cert Petition Granted in Eldred Dave Farber
IP: ICANN's chief lawyer plots with EU? David Farber
IP: FCC To Consider Requiring Fixed Wireless to Contribute to Universal Service Fund Dave Farber
IP: Der Spiegel's view of "Bush's War" Dave Farber
IP: DVD makes way for the 'Blu-ray Disc' Dave Farber
IP: More on DVD makes way for the 'Blu-ray Disc' Dave Farber

Wednesday, 20 February

IP: test David Farber
IP: Nat Hentoff, FBI in Libraries and Bookstores Dave Farber
IP: U.S. Supreme Court to hear case over Internet list of sex offenders Dave Farber
IP: are marketing people as dense as they look? YES THEY ARE -- djf Dave Farber
IP: John Gilmore and others on Wisconsin's proposed pro-spycam law Dave Farber
IP: EU Unveils 'Tougher' Software Patent Proposal Dave Farber
IP: Died: Matthew Lyon, 45, Historian of the Internet Dave Farber
IP: internship announcement, new Web sites Dave Farber
IP: Problem with this message -- well realy with my Macs email client Entourage Dave Farber

Thursday, 21 February

IP: Royalties set by Copyright Office will kill Webcasting Dave Farber
IP: Wal-Mart PC, Operating System *Not* Included: $399 Dave Farber
IP: Old folks - a word of caution for younger readers Dave Farber
IP: Too much surveillance means too little freedom Dave Farber
IP: Died: Matthew Lyon, 45, Historian of the Internet Dave Farber
IP: NAIS Statement on At-Large Membership Dave Farber
IP: Losing privacy, drip by drip Dave Farber
IP: Progressive Policy Institute wants biometric license-smartcards Dave Farber
IP: Council of Europe drafts secret "Second Protocol" [grab your pgp while you can djf] Dave Farber
IP: "640K should be enough for anyone" Dave Farber
IP: UN: Global Internet Music Treaty takes effect May 20 Dave Farber
IP: Bush: U.S. willing to pay ransoms to kidnappers! (but we want the money back...) Dave Farber
IP: SBC/Ameritech getting in on the action Dave Farber
IP: EC/BSA Collusion Detected on 'Tougher' Software Patent Proposal Dave Farber
IP: userfees MPEG4 Dave Farber
IP: more on Too much surveillance means too little freedom David Farber
IP: more on Too much surveillance means too little freedom Dave Farber
IP: Copyright Office NOPR, reporting requirements under DMCA Dave Farber

Friday, 22 February

IP: more on Council of Europe drafts secret "Second Protocol" [grab your pgp while you can djf] Dave Farber
IP: Professor touts plan to create CIA version of ROTC David Farber
IP: more on Council of Europe drafts secret "Second Protocol" [grab your pgp while you can djf] David Farber
IP: Re: Nat Hentoff, FBI in Libraries and Bookstores David Farber
IP: Powell interviewed on Broadband access David Farber
IP: "The Urge to Merge" David Farber

Saturday, 23 February

IP: surprised re lack of stir re Microsoft Admits XP Media Player Spies on Users Dave Farber
IP: Wisconsin may ban disabling spycams Dave Farber

Sunday, 24 February

IP: -- a word from MS re re Microsoft Admits XPMedia Player Spies on Users Dave Farber
IP: Top 10 ways the world may end tomorrow Dave Farber
IP: Baby Bells Lobby Over Internet Bill Dave Farber
IP: The calm before the WLAN storm Dave Farber
IP: Brits propose tracking personal cars via satellite Dave Farber
IP: more on Baby Bells Lobby Over Internet Bill David Farber
IP: Validity of fingerprint evidence challenged Dave Farber
IP: German Bundestag - Linux or Microsoft Dave Farber
IP: 1 of 2 worthwhile NYT editorials A Traveler to Saudi Arabia David Farber
IP: second NYT -- Coyote Rummy David Farber
IP: ICANN changes Dave Farber
IP: More on - note this is a proposal *only* Dave Farber
IP: query for Mac experts OS10 etc David Farber

Monday, 25 February

IP: More on The Big Rip-Off / Labels move to block CD audio ripping Dave Farber
IP: -- ICANN's proposed 'reform' Dave Farber
IP: frtom Dyson -- how to move forward with ICANN - pledge to join At-Large Dave Farber
IP: note from Randy Bush on ICANN reformation Dave Farber
IP: Microsoft Vice President Stone Quits After 2 Years in Outsider Relations Dave Farber
IP: Launch of Dave Farber
IP: -- ICANN/CNN Dave Farber
IP: -- ICANN/CNN Dave Farber
IP: A very provocative note on -- ICANN/CNN Karl is a Board Member of ICANN Dave Farber
IP-FLASH Who speaks for the Citizens (aka Consumers) David Farber
IP: Jack Valenti replies to Lessig, other "professors" David Farber

Tuesday, 26 February

IP: SS loses Cheney security plan Dave Farber
IP: Microsoft official: firm uses settlement against PC makers Dave Farber
IP: "Eco-terrorism" hearings David Farber
IP: Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act Dave Farber
IP: Can the World Be Copyrighted? Dave Farber
IP: U.S. to Weigh Computer Chip Implant I know my clock was off but it is not April 1!!! Dave Farber
IP: New York Times Internal Network Hacked Dave Farber

Wednesday, 27 February

IP: Paper on Japan's IPv6 policy Dave Farber
IP: Where goes ICANN -- the first of two notes Dave Farber
IP: Where goes ICANN -- the second of two notes Dave Farber
IP: from a Net "old boy" -- ICANN't stand it any longer Dave Farber
IP: Universities as Big Brother Dave Farber
IP: credit card information extortion by Microsoft support & .NET Dave Farber
IP: A Precious Resource At Risk Dave Farber
IP: Tech CEOs oppose SSSCA, tell Hollywood to try "market solutions" Dave Farber

Thursday, 28 February

IP: Bank chief blasts Microsoft and IT industry -" He said the United States' IT industry had "singlehandedly wrecked the world economy over the last couple of years". " Dave Farber
IP: PGP products from NA a thing of the past... Dave Farber
IP: a humorous quote from Woz Dave Farber
IP: intel backs consumers in copyright war Dave Farber
IP: L.A. Airport Terminals Evacuated thought the Feds were now in charge (or maybe that explains ...) David Farber
IP: Airport Security Hypocrisy (LAX Terminals Evacuated) Dave Farber
IP: followup on OS X and MS Office v.X, OS X wins! Dave Farber
IP: We Get What They Pay For Dave Farber
IP: more on intel backs consumers in copyright war Dave Farber
IP: a letter from Vadasz to Senator Hollings etc after his testimony David Farber

Saturday, 04 February

[no subject] Unknown