Interesting People: by date

319 messages starting Feb 01 06 and ending Feb 28 06
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 01 February

Computing Researcher Association Applaud President's Innovation Plans Dave Farber
Computing Researcher Association Applaud President's Innovation Plans Dave Farber
AT&T sued over NSA eavesdropping Dave Farber
Computing Researcher Association Applaud President's Innovation Plans Dave Farber
US Cos Won't Attend Government Panel On Internet In China] Dave Farber

Thursday, 02 February

READ more on Computing Researcher Association Applaud President's Innovation Plans]] Dave Farber
Telegrams are finally obsolete STOP] Dave Farber
Behind Bush's New Stress on Science, Lobbying by Republican Executivesapprove]a Dave Farber

Friday, 03 February

Bush asks for more visas for high-tech workers David Farber
Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo] Dave Farber
serious threat models Dave Farber
Why did Sony kill off its Aibo robot dog? Dave Farber
Trademark bill threatens free speech Dave Farber
more on serious threat models Dave Farber
more on serious threat models Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 February

more on Bush asks for more visas for high-tech workers] Dave Farber
more on serious threat models Dave Farber
more on Bush asks for more visas for high-tech workers]] Dave Farber
more on Bush asks for more visas for high-tech workers Dave Farber

Sunday, 05 February

Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail Dave Farber
More detailed queries of what Google stores David Farber
Wiretap Debate Déjà Vu: Ford Admin. rejected current administration's arguments, succumbed to 'rule of law' Dave Farber
How Google Censors Its Chinese Portal David Farber

Monday, 06 February

Opera integrates BitTorrent in upcoming browser Dave Farber
Which is the bigger threat? Dave Farber
more on Opera integrates BitTorrent in upcoming browser Dave Farber
more on Opera integrates BitTorrent in upcoming browser] Dave Farber
more on Opera integrates BitTorrent in upcoming browser Dave Farber
more on Opera integrates BitTorrent in upcoming browser Dave Farber
more on EFF: History and Senator Stevens' iPod Dave Farber
Who is playing ball with the NSA?] Dave Farber
Which is the bigger threat?] Dave Farber
no comment Bush Proposes Tax on WiFi] Dave Farber
more on Who is playing ball with the NSA?]] Dave Farber
Big thanks to IP for Futurists; separate "open source" comedy book release] Dave Farber

Tuesday, 07 February

Call for comments - Preliminary Task Force Report on the Purpose of Whois and of the Whois Contacts Dave Farber
Encrypting Bittorrent to take out traffic shapers Dave Farber
Rotenberg on AG and FISA Dave Farber
Re: Bush Proposes Tax on WiFi] Dave Farber
Cartoon Contest] Dave Farber
more on Call for comments - Preliminary Task Force Report on the Purpose of Whois and of the Whois Contacts] Dave Farber
RE: Cartoon Contest Dave Farber
Security versus Democracy Dave Farber

Wednesday, 08 February

sedition and the "duty to report": hazards of using your employers' computers] Dave Farber
sedition and the "duty to report": hazards of using your employers' computers Dave Farber
Google to Telcos: who needs you? Dave Farber
more on Preparing for 'Cyber-Katrina'] Dave Farber
DO READ Google to consumers: Better you than us from Vint Cerf Dave Farber
more on Call for comments - Preliminary Task Force Report on the Purpose of Whois and of the Whois Contacts Dave Farber
Network Neutrality Senate Hearing and Reports] Dave Farber
Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP Dave Farber
Yahoo strikes again? Dave Farber
more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP] Dave Farber
Nuns' Account Frozen By Patriot Act Dave Farber

Thursday, 09 February

NSF Names Daniel Atkins to Head New Office of Cyberinfrastructure] Dave Farber
NSF Names Daniel Atkins to Head New Office of Cyberinfrastructure] Dave Farber
MS criticizes MS Dave Farber
A Slippery Slope Dave Farber
US plans massive data sweep Dave Farber
US plans massive data sweep Dave Farber
more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP Dave Farber
Abolish FISA Dave Farber
Thieves outwit high-tech advances Dave Farber
CableCARD: a primer Dave Farber
more on Which is the bigger threat?] Dave Farber
more on Which is the bigger threat?] Dave Farber
more on Which is the bigger threat?]] Dave Farber
Insured in US, treated in Chennai (India) at one-tenth of US cost Dave Farber
US plans massive data sweep Dave Farber
more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP Dave Farber
Utah lawmakers close down all directory information in response to request for BlackBerry numbers Dave Farber
Google treading on Microsoft turf in Dell tests] Dave Farber
Privacy in Europe Dave Farber
TSA suspends Secure Flight, pending IT audit] Dave Farber
Blog Buzz on High-Tech Start-Ups Causes Some Static Dave Farber
Google treading on Microsoft turf in Dell tests Dave Farber
Cablecard's dark secret Dave Farber
"Domestic Spying" vs. "Terrorist Surveillance" David Farber

Friday, 10 February

Doctoring the past - Wiki style Dave Farber
Libby: White House 'superiors' authorized leaks Dave Farber
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World Dave Farber
Doctoring the past - Wiki style Dave Farber
Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP Dave Farber
more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP] Dave Farber
more on Libby: White House 'superiors' authorized leaks] Dave Farber
TSA passenger checks may be vulnerable] Dave Farber
This woman deserves a medal, not a fine Dave Farber
more on Libby: White House 'superiors' authorized leaks] David Farber
more on Libby: White House 'superiors' authorized leaks] David Farber
more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP]] Dave Farber
more on Libby: White House 'superiors' authorized leaks]] Dave Farber
new H-Bombs] Dave Farber
Google Copies Your Hard Drive - Government Smiles in Anticipation,,Consumers Should Not Use New Google Desktop Dave Farber
The Son of TIA Dave Farber
AT&T Warns Apple, Others, Of Patent Infringement] Dave Farber
CableCARD: a primer Dave Farber

Saturday, 11 February

no burning Egyptian flags? Dave Farber
more on Just Say No / was: more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP]]] Dave Farber
Craigslist sued for violating fair housing laws Dave Farber
A Rant. All 406 Pages of It. Dave Farber
Edward Luttwak: In a Single Night (Pre-emptive take-out of Iran's nuclear capability) Dave Farber
Would a VC invest in the Democratic Party today? Dave Farber
Is Apple creating the FCC's worst fear?] Dave Farber
Attention in N.S.A. Debate Turns to Telecom Industry] Dave Farber
worth reading A Rant. All 406 Pages of It. Dave Farber
more on Just Say No / was: more on Yahoo, AOL, Goodmail and IP]]]] Dave Farber
Footsoldiers for Creationism Dave Farber
mu public key Dave Farber
Footsoldiers for Creationism] Dave Farber
Footsoldiers for Creationism Dave Farber
my public key is Dave Farber
My real public key, sorry for the confusion Dave Farber
Patent Pirates vs. Patent Trolls David Farber

Sunday, 12 February

DO READ more on Google Copies Your Hard Drive - Government Smiles in Anticipation,,Consumers Should Not Use New Google Desktop] Dave Farber
FCC Releases Report on Video Competition Dave Farber
More on Blog Buzz on High-Tech Start-Ups Causes ,> Some Static Dave Farber
More on Blog Buzz on High-Tech Start-Ups Causes Some Static] Dave Farber
More on Blog Buzz on High-Tech Start-Ups Causes Some Static] Dave Farber
Mitou project in Japan Dave Farber
Stanford Google Book Search -- * 4:15PM, Wed Feb 15, 2006 in Gates B01] Dave Farber
Local Access TV in Jeopardy Dave Farber
Local Access TV in Jeopardy Dave Farber
The Financial Times: US group implants electronic tags in workers] Dave Farber
cloning of chip The Financial Times: US group implants electronic tags in workers]] Dave Farber
my challange tothe young researchers of Japan Dave Farber

Monday, 13 February

more on my challange tothe young researchers of Japan Dave Farber
Defence expert undermines Blair on safety of ID cards Dave Farber
Branded Dave Farber
Land Mine in Patriot Act Provision Dave Farber
Land Mine in Patriot Act Provision Dave Farber
New USG Grant System Excludes Mac Users Dave Farber
more on New USG Grant System Excludes Mac Users Dave Farber
more on New USG Grant System Excludes Mac Users Dave Farber
more on New USG Grant System Excludes Mac Users Dave Farber
Homeland Security "Cyber Storm" wargame targets bloggers Dave Farber
more on New USG Grant System Excludes Mac Users Dave Farber
Video of my "Internet and Empires" talk at Google (1/24/06) Dave Farber
Bill Kent has passed away Dave Farber
bill to give Feds all our personal medical info] Dave Farber
bill to give Feds all our personal medical info]] Dave Farber

Tuesday, 14 February

hello from Beijing Dave Farber
Portrayals of Muhammed Dave Farber
ID cards in two years as rebellion fails (UK) Dave Farber
ID cards in two years as rebellion fails (UK)] Dave Farber
more on hello from Beijing Dave Farber
more on bill to give Feds all our personal medical info]] Dave Farber
Google Video DRM: Why is Hollywood more important than users? Dave Farber
worth listening to VP Cheney's hunting misadventure unearths an oldie but goodie Dave Farber
EFF Challenges Clear Channel Recording Patent] Dave Farber
E-tracking through your cell phone David Farber
more on hello from Beijing David Farber
Google Video DRM: Why is Hollywood more important than users? David Farber
Cold Fusion? I'll believe it when I see it (But wouldn't it be COOL?) David Farber
more on Cold Fusion? I'll believe it when I see it (But wouldn't it be COOL?) David Farber
February at Carnegie Mellon West David Farber
In Rare Briefing, China Defends Internet Controls David Farber

Wednesday, 15 February

Patent Pirates vs. Patent Trolls David Farber
Whistleblower says NSA violations bigger David Farber
READ UK gov wants MS to give them a backdoor into Windows Vista ?! READ Dave Farber
Fusion] Dave Farber
325,000 Names on Terrorism List Dave Farber
Networked RFID and Near Field Communications] Dave Farber
more on Networked RFID and Near Field Communications]] Dave Farber
more on 325,000 Names on Terrorism List] Dave Farber

Thursday, 16 February

more on Networked RFID and Near Field Communications] Dave Farber
OS X "comes of age" (malware)] Dave Farber
Net Neutrality question for IP list Dave Farber
RIAA Says Ripping CDs to Your iPod is NOT Fair Use] Dave Farber

Friday, 17 February

USACM study of voter registration databases] Dave Farber
Net Neutrality question for IP list] Dave Farber
OS X "comes of age" (malware)]] Dave Farber
OS X hack sites closed; Dave Farber
SkyFILES: Me Too Dave Farber

Saturday, 18 February

OS X hack sites closed;] Dave Farber
ROK Plans Linux-Only City & University] Dave Farber
Looking behind the smoke screen of the ,Internet and International Infrastructure Dave Farber
Lessons from the Sony CD DRM Episode Dave Farber
The New Face of Phishing Dave Farber
more on The New Face of Phishing] Dave Farber
Tax breaks for SUV's Dave Farber
more on OS X hack sites closed; Dave Farber

Sunday, 19 February

Interview with Esther Dyson on Value of Attention Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"] Dave Farber
Tax breaks for SUV's Dave Farber
well not really on hybrids Tax breaks for SUV' Dave Farber
lots of conferences -- F2C: Freedom to Connect] Dave Farber
Lessons from 7th Ave David Farber
more on "if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"] David Farber
more on "if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]] Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]] Dave Farber
more on "if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it Dave Farber
more on "if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it] Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]]] Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]]]] Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]]]] Dave Farber
more on "if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it]] Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?"]]]] Dave Farber
Farberisms - a pointer for young IPers Dave Farber

Monday, 20 February

Net Neutrality question for IP list] Dave Farber
First Mac OS X Worm a Wake-Up Call] Dave Farber
Voting Open for Seven Wonders of Modern World] Dave Farber
more on OS X hack sites closed; Dave Farber
One reason why Wal-Mart installs so many cameras Dave Farber
"if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?" Dave Farber
1.2 petabyte drives on the way? Dave Farber
"If you're not doing anything wrong . . ." David Farber
more on Blog Buzz on FON David Farber
FFTh study refutes some previous notions of network utilization and symmetry David Farber
patentlaw web page is worth looking at djf PTO Requests Model of Warp Drive Invention David Farber
more on Tax breaks for SUV's David Farber
Oops! :) David Farber
Google blocking video. But wait, I'm not in China... David Farber
re OS X hack sites] tirade FAVORING reverse engineering!] Dave Farber
Irving on Innovation: Patents as Currency in the Intellectual Property Marketplace] Dave Farber
Reward for Videotaping the Huston Police Chief who said: "If you're not doing anything wrong . . ."] Dave Farber
mo Google blocking video. But wait, I'm not in China...] Dave Farber
Oops! :) Dave Farber
Net Neutrality - Tragedy of the Commons David Farber

Tuesday, 21 February

Basic Mac OS X Security Dave Farber
Biowar for Dummies Dave Farber
Biowar for Dummies Dave Farber
more on Biowar for Dummies] Dave Farber
Biowar for Dummies Dave Farber
U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review Dave Farber
distributed password cracking a a product] Dave Farber
more on distributed password cracking a a product] David Farber
this is very important for mac users New Mac OS X "__MACOSX" ZIP Archive Shell Script Vulnerability David Farber
ICANN-VeriSign Struggle by Mike Roberts David Farber
more on this is very important for mac users New Mac OS X "__MACOSX" ZIP Archive Shell Script Vulnerability David Farber
more on Yahoo IM "spoofing", "SPIM", and redirect David Farber
More fuel for the fire for RFID privacy concerns... David Farber
more on More fuel for the fire for RFID privacy concerns...] Dave Farber

Wednesday, 22 February

KBR awarded Homeland Security contract -- detention facilities in USA] Dave Farber
Neocon architect says: 'Pull it down'] Dave Farber
DNA may tell police the surname of the criminal Dave Farber
KBR awarded Homeland Security contract -- detention facilities in USA]] Dave Farber
EU passes controversial data retention law] Dave Farber
linc to Neocon architect says: 'Pull it down' Dave Farber
should you be afraid -- KBR awarded Homeland Security contract -- detention facilities in USA Dave Farber
Dover School Board to pay 1 million dollars Dave Farber
Homeland "Security" contract for concentration camps in the USA Dave Farber
more on should you be afraid -- KBR awarded Homeland Security contract -- detention facilities in USA] Dave Farber
more on Homeland "Security" contract for concentration campsin the USA] Dave Farber
China wants even more censorship from Google] Dave Farber
China wants even more censorship from Google] Dave Farber
news report re Homeland "Security" contract for concentration camps in the USA] Dave Farber

Thursday, 23 February

ACM's report on offshoring has been released Dave Farber
A Word to the Wise on WiMax Dave Farber
Verizon Fiber Optics Installation Dave Farber
more on DO READ Biowar for Dummies] Dave Farber
mo Verizon Fiber Optics Installation] Dave Farber
mo interesting Verizon Fiber Optics Installation] Dave Farber
Lawmakers Move to Make FCC Allow Broader Wireless Net Dave Farber
more on Verizon Fiber Optics Installation] Dave Farber

Friday, 24 February

Here Comes Open Source Telecom Dave Farber
Flash TV -- the broadcasters'' nightmare Dave Farber
Flash TV -- the broadcasters'' nightmare ] Dave Farber
SSH bypassing in Phishing Dave Farber
more on Here Comes Open Source Telecom] Dave Farber
National Science Foundation's First Town Hall Meeting on GENI-Global Environment for Networking Innovations Dave Farber
"Total Information Awareness" - secretly funded in defiance of Congress] Dave Farber
an interesting resource Dave Farber
WORTH READING "Total Information Awareness" - secretly funded in defiance of Congress]] Dave Farber

Saturday, 25 February

WORTH READING "Total Information Awareness" - secretly funded in defiance of Congress]]] Dave Farber
Taking Spying to Higher Level, Agencies Look for More Ways to Mine Data,By JOHN MARKOFF Dave Farber
more on WORTH READING "Total Information Awareness" - secretly funded in defiance of Congress]]] Dave Farber
FL Cops intimidate those who ask for complaint forms...] Dave Farber

Sunday, 26 February

Plug-In Internet Connection to Get Test on Long Island] Dave Farber
mo FL Cops intimidate those who ask for complaint forms... Dave Farber
Cracking remaining Enigma messages Dave Farber
mo Plug-In Internet Connection to Get Test on Long Island Dave Farber
Do listen for the White House views on Science] Dave Farber
An unsung hero, a *real* USA Patriot Dave Farber
Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List? Dave Farber

Monday, 27 February

Right to Travel Case - for IP?] Dave Farber
Pawnbroker push bill in CA to require eBay sellers to be licensed...] Dave Farber
mo Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] Dave Farber
mo Plug-In Internet Connection to Get Test on Long Island] Dave Farber
mo Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?]] Dave Farber
IEEE article on power generation in Iraq David Farber
mo Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List? David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly"List?]] David Farber
more on Right to Travel Case - for IP? David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] David Farber
mo Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] Dave Farber
more on Plug-In Internet Connection to Get Test on Long Island] David Farber
more on Plug-In Internet Connection to Get Test on Long Island] David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] David Farber
How stupid can they get No-fly lists David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] David Farber
Paying the price for a dumb theat of litigation David Farber
more on Why's a Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel on the"No-Fly" List?] David Farber
horrible waste of money on technology Dave Farber

Tuesday, 28 February

Diebold Voting Machine Whistle-Blower being prosecuted for "Stealing documents"] Dave Farber
outsourcing drug trials Dave Farber
more on the"No-Fly" List? Dave Farber
Digital method puts ad inside TV show David Farber
China To Launch Alternate Country Code Domains David Farber
more on Diebold Voting Machine Whistle-Blower being prosecuted for "Stealing documents"] David Farber
DO READ Broadband will be free, says British Telecom (fwd) David Farber
more on BACKPEDELING Broadband will be free, says British Telecom (fwd) David Farber
more on China To Launch Alternate Country Code Domains] Dave Farber
more on Diebold Voting Machine Whistle-Blower being prosecuted for "Stealing documents"]] Dave Farber
more on Diebold Voting Machine Whistle-Blower being prosecuted for "Stealing documents"]]] Dave Farber
MN GOP CD phones home] Dave Farber
more on Digital method puts ad inside TV show] Dave Farber
more on China To Launch Alternate Country Code Domains] Dave Farber
Patriot Act E-Mail Searches Apply to Non-Terrorists, Judges Say Dave Farber
more on Digital method puts ad inside TV show Dave Farber
more on DO READ Broadband will be free, says British Telecom (fwd)] Dave Farber
French Supreme Court bans copying of legally owned DVD Dave Farber