Interesting People: by date

283 messages starting Mar 31 05 and ending Apr 30 05
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Thursday, 31 March

Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful David Farber

Friday, 01 April

IEEE Spectrum: How Venture Capital Thwarts Innovation Dave Farber
more on Why You Suck at Investing Dave Farber
Why Your Broadband Sucks Dave Farber
Brain chip reads man's thoughts Dave Farber
The Internet, As It Was - A Story of Dave Farber and the IP List Dave Farber
interesting article OUCH ( i AGREE djf) Dave Farber
When police can legally peruse your cell phone, PDA during an arrest [priv] David Farber
Religious leaders warn of Apple Computer's "Satanic"daemon, Darwin ties David Farber

Saturday, 02 April

NY Times - "A Blow to Computer Science Research" David Farber
the best discoveries don't take long to explain David Farber
more on Religious leaders warn of Apple Computer's "Satanic"daemon, Darwin ties David Farber
more on Religious leaders warn of Apple Computer's "Satanic"daemon, Darwin t... David Farber

Sunday, 03 April

more on Religious leaders warn of Apple Computer's "Satanic"daemon, Darwin t... David Farber
a very good bbc story Schiavo case tests America David Farber
Brain chip reads man's thoughts David Farber
The World is Flat David Farber
Satanic ties not just an april fool's joke David Farber
Framingham selectmen turn off Comcast deal David Farber
Could This Possibly Be True? David Farber
BTC Files Comments With U.S. State Department David Farber
Texas Considers Putting RFID Tags in All Cars David Farber
Taking the terror out of terror: Sandia team re-thinks physical security for homeland defense David Farber

Monday, 04 April

A clear and present danger? David Farber
Some Colleges Falling Short in Security Of Computers David Farber
more on The World is Flat David Farber
:Mr. Saffo on DNA and identity... Dave Farber
more on a very good bbc story Schiavo case tests America Dave Farber
Important new court of appeals ruling on Internet free speech David Farber

Tuesday, 05 April

TTY device David Farber
Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters [fs] David Farber
more on judge upholds fraud allegations in UK postal voting David Farber
A Phony Moral Debate Against P2P David Farber
Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters [fs] David Farber
more on Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters [fs] David Farber
ACLU on RFID passports Dave Farber
more on Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters [fs] David Farber
EFF joint comments opposing RFID passports David Farber
Canada-U.S.-Mexico borders to become biometric passport zones David Farber

Wednesday, 06 April

Dan Gillmor, columnist at the FT Dave Farber
I posted some comments on "Filibuster vs The Tyranny of the Faux Majority" Dave Farber
Secular Press Dave Farber
more on "Filibuster vs The Tyranny of the Faux Majority" & 1984 Dave Farber
Yet another university data breach; Feinstein to demand encryption David Farber
more on Canada-U.S.-Mexico borders to become biometric passport zones David Farber
more on Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters David Farber

Thursday, 07 April

Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools David Farber
New FCC chairman bullish on deregulation David Farber
Hoofnagle, Solove release Politech-improved v2.0 of Privacy Protection Plan [priv] David Farber
more on Canada-U.S.-Mexico borders to become biometric passport zones David Farber
Recent articles: SF blog rules; DHS privacy; Canada; Patriot Act [fs] David Farber
About efforts of Graduate Students at Columbia to unionize David Farber
more on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber
UC Electronic Reserve Legal Battle Brewing Dave Farber
more on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber
morre on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber
Bluetooth insecurities Dave Farber
Passing Laws / Gas Mileage Dave Farber
Gene Machine Screen: check out your debilities early Dave Farber
Model Privacy Regime Dave Farber
more on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber

Friday, 08 April

more on Bluetooth insecurities Dave Farber
more on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber
Spend $2 Bill, Go To Jail Dave Farber
Supporters of NSF should step up Dave Farber

Saturday, 09 April

Only 6 of top 40 in ACM's programming contest from North America Dave Farber
more on Law would put 'In God We Trust' in schools Dave Farber
County voting system invalid Dave Farber
more on Spend $2 Bill, Go To Jail Dave Farber
County voting system invalid Dave Farber
i Well VOOM is going going gone (after 30 April) David Farber
How to blog anonymously, a guide [fs] David Farber

Sunday, 10 April

EarthLink's Cable Service Agreement David Farber
I more on County voting system invalid David Farber
more on Well VOOM is going going gone (after 30 April) David Farber
IBM VC calls for 'open' hardware David Farber
Call Cutta - Mobile Phone Theater David Farber
Not /everything/ Congress does is stupid David Farber
Pentagon invests in using robots to operate on wounded soldiers David Farber
religion eof Dave Farber
The Chaos Scenario David Farber
The Chaos Scenario David Farber

Monday, 11 April

Airlines try to stem the trade of frequent-fliers' loot online David Farber
States Scramble To Protect Data / Dozens of Privacy Bills Introduced After Spate of Security Breaches David Farber
more on States Scramble To Protect Data / Dozens of Privacy Bills Introduced After Spate of Security Breaches Dave Farber
more on IBM VC calls for 'open' hardware David Farber

Tuesday, 12 April

Entertainment industry doesn't like new privacy-friendly p2p program Grouper Dave Farber
RIAA to Sue Internet2 Users David Farber
more on NY Times - "A Blow to Computer Science Research" David Farber
Battling against telco lies David Farber

Wednesday, 13 April

NYT Op Ed on US DoD research cuts Dave Farber
cybersecurity nsf ctrs Dave Farber
Stanford 4:15PM * Wednesday, April 13, 2005 * A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security David Farber
US Firm May Have Unleashed Deadly Flu Strain David Farber
How to regulate the Net? Target intermediaries... [econ] David Farber
more on US Firm May Have Unleashed Deadly Flu Strain David Farber

Thursday, 14 April

Washington State vote against nuclear waste vindicated David Farber
Some interesting current stats David Farber
Open source IT a money pit? [TECH UPDATE] David Farber
Deutch and Perry on federal funding David Farber
more on Open source IT a money pit? [TECH UPDATE] Dave Farber
WARNING on line tax filing EULA Dave Farber
More on RFIDs in passports Dave Farber
RIAA lawsuit : How news is made David Farber
More on RFIDs in passports David Farber
more on RIAA lawsuit : How news is made David Farber
more on RIAA lawsuit : How news is made David Farber
Polo Ralph Lauren Customers' Data Stolen David Farber
worth thinkig about -- Municipal Wi-Fi David Farber
more on Some interesting current stats Dave Farber
More on RFIDs in passports David Farber
Randomly generated papers accepted by MIT David Farber
I corrected Randomly generated papers accepted by MIT David Farber
Bush expresses surprise at announced plan for passports to/from Canada David Farber

Friday, 15 April

Intel offers $10,000 for Moore's Law article David Farber
P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge David Farber
more on worth thinkig about -- Municipal Wi-Fi David Farber
A Digital Crime Wave David Farber
P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge Dave Farber
Civil War V2 Dave Farber
Music Labels will never learn Dave Farber
Randomly generated papers accepted by MIT Dave Farber
Comcast sued for disclosing customer info Dave Farber
more on P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge Dave Farber
more on Music Labels will never learn Dave Farber
Why Bush Signed Off From Cyberspace Dave Farber
barry goldwater Dave Farber
more on Intel's bounty for library theft David Farber
Before ths religious thread gets further out of whack, let's read the constitution - Neil David Farber
Interest in Computer Science as a Major Drops David Farber
more on P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge David Farber

Saturday, 16 April

Retailer knew last fall about security breach that recently roiled credit card companies David Farber
My Denver Rant on Anti-Municipal Broadband David Farber
CFR This Week: Friedman Cites Foreign Affairs Article David Farber
China, Russia, U.S. Jointly Build, Manage Fiber-optic Network Dave Farber

Sunday, 17 April

'Star Wars Revelations' a sophisticated fan film David Farber
(don¹t expect good cell service says ) Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
The Drumbeat Continues: SJ Merc News on DARPA IT R&D and Universities David Farber
Charlotte D. Mooers, 1924-2005 David Farber
( as they say -- uh? djf) Clarification about using Skype on University Network] David Farber
Broadband reaches Fair Isle David Farber
more on ( as they say -- uh? djf) Clarification about using Skype on University Network] David Farber
more on ( as they say -- uh? djf) Clarification about using Skype on University Network] David Farber
Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
Piercing the peer-to-peer myths: An examination of the Canadian experience David Farber
more on (don¹t expect good cell service says ) Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber

Monday, 18 April

BitTorrent RE: 'Star Wars Revelations' a sophisticated fan film Dave Farber
Canadian Collectives Demand iTunes Tariff Dave Farber
Canadian Collectives Demand iTunes Tariff David Farber
more on The Drumbeat Continues: SJ Merc News on DARPA IT R&D and Universities David Farber
Lest we forget David Farber
More Than 7% of U.S. Public Companies Fail Financial Certification Dave Farber
more on Re: Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
more on Re: Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
Verizon Offering 'Naked' DSL in Northeast David Farber

Tuesday, 19 April

Credit Information Stolen From DSW Stores David Farber
more on on RFIDs in passports David Farber
more on Bush expresses passport surprise - but he signed the bill! David Farber
more on on RFIDs in passports David Farber
more on Credit Information Stolen From DSW Stores David Farber
eWeek's Rapoza: "Federal Privacy Committee Stacked with Anti-Privacy Advocates" David Farber
more on Credit Information Stolen From DSW Stores David Farber
Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? David Farber
more on Credit Information Stolen From DSW Stores David Farber
TECHNOLOGY POLICY - Why George Bush Needs A Technology Czar David Farber
Arizona Republic: New crop of thieves: Pharmers hit Net banking David Farber
i Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? David Farber
more on i Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? David Farber
more on Arizona Republic: New crop of thieves: Pharmers hit Net banking David Farber

Wednesday, 20 April

Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? Dave Farber
Ameritrade loses backup tapes David Farber
Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? David Farber
more on Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? David Farber
Quote without comment David Farber
more on DeLay on Justice Kennedy Internet Use David Farber
Big Brother? What Big Brother? I don't see no Big Brother ... David Farber
Microsoft "911" patent 6882706 David Farber
Request for Help from the "Paul Revere of Cyberspace" -- for PA people David Farber
It's back to the 1920s-- but just-offshore programmers? David Farber
more on Request for Help from the "Paul Revere of Cyberspace" -- for PA people David Farber

Thursday, 21 April

CMU says hacker broke into (Tepper School of Business) computers David Farber
BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature David Farber
more on Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? (4IP) David Farber
more on Microsoft "911" patent 6882706 David Farber
Congress threatens to stifle TV-over-fiber plans [econ] David Farber
laptop scanned at Customs [priv] David Farber
Report on Global Surveillance of Society David Farber
"Reader's Block": Internet Censorship In RI Public Libraries David Farber
more on BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature David Farber
more on BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature David Farber
more on more on Should Municipalities Get in the Wi-Fi Business? (4IP) David Farber
more on more on on RFIDs in passports David Farber
more on BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature Dave Farber
more on BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature Dave Farber
The Flight of the Creative Class David Farber
Prison terms on tap for 'prerelease' pirates David Farber
more on query on It's back to the 1920s-- but just-offshore programmers? David Farber
more on Prison terms on tap for 'prerelease' pirates David Farber
more on Prison terms on tap for 'prerelease' pirates David Farber
more on more on on RFIDs in passports David Farber
EFF: Law Firm Shows Ignorance of the Law in Anonymous Emailer Case David Farber

Friday, 22 April

Ornstein Column in Roll Call David Farber
more on BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK -- Google Launches Personal History Feature Dave Farber
more on Prison terms on tap for 'prerelease' pirates Dave Farber
Patriot Act hearing shows DOJ access to many phone calls with less than a wiretap order Dave Farber

Saturday, 23 April

E-mails 'hurt IQ more than pot' (why do I have problems with this djf) David Farber
RIAA DMCA Subpoenas at UNC & NC State shot down David Farber
more on E-mails 'hurt IQ more than pot' (why do I have problems with this djf) David Farber
Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
more on more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
more on more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
Computer Book Sales as a Technology Trend Indicator David Farber
more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
final more on E-mails 'hurt IQ more than pot' (why do I have problems with this djf) David Farber
Sen. Santorum's voice mailbox is full David Farber
Ohio politician busted for watching too much X-Files David Farber

Sunday, 24 April

ID Implants, etc. (Re: Ohio politician busted for watching too much X-Files) David Farber
Carnegie-Mellon: Oops! David Farber
Power Trips David Farber
Some personal contact and schedule info David Farber
Jon Callas' take on RFID passports David Farber
US Passports as RFID Greeting Cards David Farber
Hong Kong Broadband Launches 1 Gbps Home Service for US$215/month David Farber
Client/Server and the BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK David Farber
Google more valued than Disney Viacom GM or Ford? David Farber
more on more on P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge David Farber
more on Feds' weather information could go dark David Farber
i more on more on P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge A VERY INTELLIGENT QUESTION David Farber
more on P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge David Farber

Monday, 25 April

Bush Administration Punishes some who donated to Kerry David Farber
Intellectual Property's Digital Divide David Farber
i secure cell phone via software David Farber
part one ---Fake Phone Company Consumer Group --- Increase Universal Service, Tax VOIP, Influence the FCC. David Farber
more on Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
more on Bush Administration Punishes some who donated to Kerry David Farber
more on Bush Administration Punishes some who donated to Kerry David Farber
more on Verizon CEO sounds off on Wi-Fi, customer gripes David Farber
T-Mobile's street-level maps of cellular coverage David Farber
"Congress Must Increase Bush's Science Budget" Roll Call 4-25-05 David Farber

Tuesday, 26 April

more on gigabit to the home in Japan Re: Hong Kong Broadband Launches 1 Gbps Home Service for US$215/month David Farber
broadband and the US Dave Farber
Finally, an upside to off-shoring Dave Farber
Bureau Withdraws Requirement that Scientists Raise Research Funds David Farber
Privacy tip: be wary of Google's "personal history" feature [priv] David Farber
More on Congress threatening to stifle TV-over-fiber plans David Farber

Wednesday, 27 April

More Baggage Taboos, but Little Security Enhancement David Farber
Where is the market demand for broadband? Dave Farber
Saved from Spider Death by Cellphone Pic Dave Farber

Thursday, 28 April

ITU's New Broadband Statistics for 1 January 2005 David Farber
more on Privacy tip: be wary of Google's "personal history" feature [priv] David Farber
more data collection in Windows David Farber
more on Privacy tip: be wary of Google's "personal history" feature [priv] Dave Farber
Setting history straight: Who said information wants to be free? [fs] David Farber
ID Theft Alleged at D.C. Blockbuster David Farber
Do you know where your identity has been? David Farber
SBC, not Verizon The Biggest Bell of Them All David Farber
SBC, not Verizon The Biggest Bell of Them All David Farber
ANNOUNCEMENT: ICANN Call for Submissions of Interest for Leadership Positions Is Issued David Farber
Thumbprinting visitors at the Statue of Liberty David Farber

Friday, 29 April

Action Alert - Protect Public Weather Data!! David Farber
What Search Sites Know About You David Farber
Verizon Pulling Plug on Free Wi-Fi David Farber
more on Do you know where your identity has been? David Farber
California Bill to Limit RFID David Farber
Getting practical about cell phones and cancer David Farber
IP-Based TV Will Revolutionize Entertainment David Farber
Godwin Interview With CacheLogic David Farber
more on IP-Based TV Will Revolutionize Entertainment David Farber
Cornell University Student Survey - Parent Awareness Survey David Farber

Saturday, 30 April

BBC: Quantum leap in secure web video David Farber
Outsourced Programmer Starts Business David Farber
Best Congress Money can Buy David Farber
more on Cornell University Student Survey - Parent Awareness Survey David Farber
The World Is Flat David Farber
more on BBC: Quantum leap in secure web video Dave Farber