Interesting People: by date

361 messages starting Aug 01 04 and ending Aug 31 04
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Sunday, 01 August

The Current State of Federal Cyber Security R&D David Farber
How They Could Steal the Election This Time and response David Farber

Monday, 02 August

Apple: Accessory To Crime? David Farber
Bulk of 2004's virus infections pinned on one man David Farber Article: Computer Failure Grounds and Delays Flights on 2 Airlines David Farber
TiVo vs. the Broadcast Flag Wavers David Farber
Barlow: Dancing in the Streets: Revolution with a Smile David Farber
Linux may infringe on 283 patents David Farber
Is Real's 'hacking' of iPod legal? David Farber
more on Apple: Accessory To Crime? David Farber
more on CNBC censors DNC David Farber
more on CNBC censors DNC David Farber
RFID Hack Tool Released at Blackhat David Farber

Tuesday, 03 August

more on Is Real's 'hacking' of iPod legal? David Farber
ICANN Nominating Committee Extends Deadline for Submissions David Farber
more on more on Is Real's 'hacking' of iPod legal? David Farber
more on more on Is Real's 'hacking' of iPod legal? David Farber
Wolf David Farber
Gates calls for more software research David Farber
more on EDS Outsourcing David Farber
more on more on Is Real's 'hacking' of iPod legal? David Farber
Wi-Fi Shootout in the Desert David Farber
RIAA & libraries on boston WB David Farber
H.R. 3179 is the latest attempt to expand the scope of the Patriot Act David Farber
more on RIAA & libraries on boston WB David Farber

Wednesday, 04 August

more on H.R. 3179 is the latest attempt to expand the scope of the Patriot Act David Farber
more on H.R. 3179 is the latest attempt to expand the scope of the Patriot Act David Farber
new Intel SDR WLAN Chip David Farber
Outrages of the day: Bush twins David Farber
Google queries provide stolen credit cards David Farber
Exploring the Intricacies of Google IPO David Farber
more on Outrages of the day: Bush twins David Farber
FCC Chmn: VOiP and the Feds David Farber
Navigating a Patent Minefield David Farber
TiVo receives FCC approval for TiVoToGo, Broadcast Flag David Farber
more on Outrages of the day: Bush twins David Farber
Two Million Scans Uncover 55 Million Instances of Spyware David Farber
Click at your own risk David Farber
Tech Review article about hashing passwords David Farber
Lingo - the VoIP Service from HELL David Farber
more on Outrages of the day: Bush twins David Farber
VoIP Regulation: FCC adopts the CALEA NPRM - August 4th David Farber
more on Lingo - the VoIP Service from HELL David Farber
Real final. This was worth passing on -- US Airways and "diversion" - my experiences over the last 15 yrs. David Farber
somebody is spoofing "from dave () farber net" David Farber
Government to End Public Nuclear Updates David Farber
EFFector 17.27: Freedom Fest Is Coming! David Farber
FCC moves to ban spam on mobile phones David Farber
U.S. FCC deregulates fiber optics to apartments David Farber

Thursday, 05 August

more on Persuading People With Reason (was: Click at your own risk) David Farber
WaPo Op-Ed on search and seizure David Farber
Infection Kills 100 Quebec Patients dave
Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, dave
Scientific Publishing -- Crisis? David Farber
Bush quote of the day, and perhaps the year or century! David Farber
Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, David Farber
Bush quote of the day, and perhaps the year or century! David Farber

Friday, 06 August

more on a police state David Farber
more on Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, David Farber
more on Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, David Farber
iTunes gets Political David Farber
New US Passport ID Technology Has High Error Rate David Farber
Correction to 'Police State' Discussion dave
Attoreys General warn of magic P2P software David Farber
Can The Internet Survive? --An Oxford Internet Institute (OII) Symposium David Farber
more on Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, David Farber
Public, security experts' e-voting views differ sharply David Farber
New Internet free speech decision David Farber Is Google Fumbling Its IPO? David Farber
You can't make this stuff up..... David Farber
more on Your people are growing increasingly worried about a 'police state.' For such an educated audience, David Farber
US prosecutors challenge P2P companies David Farber

Saturday, 07 August

"Security is Development" - Robert McNamara, 1966 David Farber
A netizen honored David Farber Article: Pakistan: U.S. blew undercover operation David Farber
query re Apple Power Mac G4 Miror Door David Farber

Sunday, 08 August

Onion Routing Averts Prying Eyes David Farber
Some 'Sea Turtles' Find Foreign Degrees Don't Float in China David Farber
more on "somebody is spoofing "from dave () farber net" David Farber
cure for query re Apple Power Mac G4 Miror Door David Farber
Disney Asks FCC to Control All Digital Music David Farber
CDT Headline: FCC Approves Content Protection Systems David Farber
more on somebody is spoofing "from dave () farber net" David Farber
Wireless Cards Tmobile David Farber

Monday, 09 August

more on somebody is spoofing "from dave () farber net" David Farber
more on Infection Kills 100 Quebec Patients David Farber
RIAA wants your fingerprints David Farber
2 more on RIAA wants your fingerprints David Farber
Canadian Recording Industry Calls for Notice & Termination of File Sharers dave
Much more on Biometric DRM; RIAA; fingerprints dave
more on Infection Kills 100 Quebec Patients dave
The Surveillance Industrial Complex dave
New Horizons in spam and virii David Farber
Panther's Calculator is a Bad Joke (A Rant) David Farber
Information Technology Security Resource for Developing Countries David Farber
more on RIAA wants your fingerprints David Farber
AT&T Wireless Unveils Annual Unlimited Plans For Federal Government Customers; Yearly Unlimited Data Usage Plans for Select Modems, PDAs, and Smartphones David Farber
New Horizons in spam and virii David Farber
Big Business Becoming Big Brother David Farber
McNamara interpreted [by jsq] David Farber
more on New Horizons in spam and virii ~ "new price" David Farber
Big Business Becoming Big Brother David Farber
Big Business Becoming Big Brother dave

Tuesday, 10 August

Mental Health Screening for All Americans Proposed? David Farber
Mental Health Screening for All Americans Proposed? dave
From Salon: CA has banned big SUVs on many roads but doesn't seem to know it David Farber
more on Mental Health Screening for All Americans Proposed? David Farber
How a Digital Signature Works David Farber
NSA Overcomes Fiber-Optic and Encryption David Farber
Dallas band member won't be taking along his microphone next time David Farber
Online Data A Gold Mine For Terrorists David Farber
more on How a Digital Signature Works David Farber
more on Mental Health Screening for All Americans Proposed? David Farber
Latex clothes website runs afoul of Paypal prudishness [fs] David Farber
Big Brother is now talking to your doctor? David Farber
more on Mental Health Screening for All Americans Proposed? David Farber
more on "Dr. Snitch" story David Farber

Wednesday, 11 August

HSA Changing CAPPS II David Farber
Red Whittaker to talk at Carnegie Mellon West in Silicon Valley David Farber
American cars have a standardized data port connector under the dash David Farber
Interesting interview with David Brin about privacy, etc. David Farber
FCC Tome on Net Wiretapping David Farber
Check 21 David Farber

Thursday, 12 August

Johansen breaks AirPort Express encryption David Farber
Net phone customers brace for 'VoIP spam' David Farber
more on Big Brother is now talking to your doctor? David Farber
American cars have a standardized data port connector under the dash David Farber
more on American cars have a standardized data port connector under the dash David Farber
more on American cars have a standardized data port connector under the dash David Farber
Olympic brand-whoring attains new shameful depth David Farber
more on American cars have a standardized data port connector under the dash David Farber
UK scientists roll out Wi-Fi proof wallpaper David Farber
Is Buffy the Vampire Slayer "indecent?" FCC decides... [fs] David Farber
more on Johansen and DeCSS authorship David Farber
more on Automobile "Black Box" Data Usage David Farber
more on Automobile "Black Box" Data Usage David Farber
Financial Times Column David Farber
more on Automobile "Black Box" Data Usage David Farber
Was GAO study on court system removed from the web? David Farber
more on UK scientists roll out Wi-Fi proof wallpaper David Farber
Auto data arms race? David Farber
more on UK scientists roll out Wi-Fi proof wallpaper David Farber
more on Auto data arms race? David Farber
more on Auto data arms race? David Farber
PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION IN DATE -- Red Whittaker to talk at Carnegie Mellon West in Silicon Valley David Farber
AAAE Issue Alert - Attempted Security Breach at GA Facility (fwd) David Farber

Friday, 13 August

"802.11n" proposed David Farber
Net Publishing Made Profitable David Farber
The Wi-Fi west David Farber
Cringley: Why We Send So Many Americans to Prison and Probably Shouldn't David Farber
Spam: Born In The USA David Farber
EFFector 17.29: Calling All Tech-Savvy Lawyers! David Farber
Teen pleads guilty to releasing Blaster worm variant David Farber
Dear Cox High Speed Internet Customer.... David Farber
more on Auto data arms race? David Farber
FCC acknowledges EAS security holes David Farber

Saturday, 14 August

On the same wavelength David Farber
AIM update puts price on new buddies David Farber
Is TiVo NeXT? David Farber
Mosquito Trojan: Copy Protection Gone Wrong David Farber
more on Information about Mosquitos Trojan David Farber
Lingo no longer VoIP service from hell but kid on the block trying very hard David Farber

Sunday, 15 August

Cell Phone Controversy in Winthrop David Farber
Radical Restructure: The Only Way To Fix Intelligence David Farber
scary anti-terror tales from LiveJournal David Farber
more on Cell Phone Controversy in Winthrop David Farber
Lingo no longer VoIP service from hell but kid on the block trying very hard David Farber
facts on more on Cell Phone Controversy in Winthrop David Farber
Los Angeles Times: Cyberspace Gives Al Qaeda Refuge David Farber
final on more on Information about Mosquitos Trojan David Farber
more on facts on more on Cell Phone Controversy in Winthrop David Farber
Re: Lingo no longer VoIP service from hell but kid on the block trying very hard David Farber
King Cotton, Meet King Copyright by Sterling Newberry David Farber
more on Los Angeles Times: Cyberspace Gives Al Qaeda Refuge David Farber
more on LATimes on Al Kaeda David Farber
more on facts on more on Cell Phone Controversy in Winthrop David Farber
more on King Cotton, Meet King Copyright by Sterling Newberry David Farber
American Hiroshima David Farber

Monday, 16 August

more on two on American Hiroshima David Farber
more on scary anti-terror tales from LiveJournal David Farber
Delete: Bathwater. Undelete: Baby. David Farber
Let the Web Games Begin David Farber
Article: Before you speak of information pirates David Farber
Cyber Fears On Fed's Web Plan David Farber
Watchdog's Big Brother UK warning David Farber
Trying to Take Technology to the Masses dave
Patents -- What is the distinction? David Farber
New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please' David Farber
more on two on American Hiroshima David Farber
more on two on American Hiroshima David Farber
more on Delete: Bathwater. Undelete: Baby. David Farber
yrs from 2003 Re: Louis Menand on Microsoft Word David Farber
more on Patents -- What is the distinction? David Farber
more on New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please' David Farber
FTC Seeks Comments on Proposed Can-Spam Rules - defining 'primary purpose' of commercial email David Farber
FAHRENHEIT 9/11 to Be Released on Video on October 5 David Farber
Election: Science Plays Politics David Farber
ACLU denounces FBI plans to spy on, harass political protesters [fs] David Farber
my piece in Salon on Iraq and oil David Farber

Tuesday, 17 August

Australia national censorware considered David Farber
looking for MAC OSX application or script David Farber
more on 4 more plus comment on Gilmore vs DOJ David Farber
more on New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please' David Farber
Hard time? Not for cyber criminals David Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals David Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals David Farber
U.S. Chmbr of Commerce hosts private IP confab with DHS officials [ip] David Farber
Newsweek on Rep. Porter Goss' domestic spying dreams [priv] David Farber
more on Gilmore vs DOJ David Farber
more on New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please' David Farber
Hard time? Not for cyber criminals Dave Farber
more on New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please' Dave Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals Dave Farber
LA Times: Crying Wolf in the War Against Terror Dave Farber
FCC Line Charge could increase to $10 or more on local bills, David Farber
more on yrs from 2003 Re: Louis Menand on Microsoft Word David Farber
more on 4 more plus comment on Gilmore vs DOJ David Farber

Wednesday, 18 August

more on 4 more plus comment on Gilmore vs DOJ David Farber
more on Re: Patents -- What is the distinction?] David Farber
more on yrs from 2003 Re: Louis Menand on Microsoft Word David Farber
Linus Torvalds interview David Farber
Top crypto algorithms 'fully broken?' David Farber
Need a snobol implementation that is running on a mac under os x David Farber
Latest terror warning: Don't trust police cars or ambulances! David Farber
more on Need a snobol implementation that is running on a mac under os x David Farber
more on Linus Torvalds interview David Farber
Graduate Student Trends David Farber OP-ED Bag It David Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals Dave Farber
more on OP-ED Bag It David Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals David Farber
more on Hard time? Not for cyber criminals David Farber

Thursday, 19 August

Australia IPers -- Digizines David Farber
bar-coded fish David Farber
employment contracts and inventions David Farber
more on Top crypto algorithms 'fully broken?' David Farber
Downloading Television, Legal or Otherwise David Farber
Microsoft pays dear for insults through ignorance Dave Farber
9th Circuit Affirms Grokster Decision Dave Farber
Sports Illustrated[!]: Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads Dave Farber
Sports Illustrated[!]: Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads Dave Farber
Clerical error puts Kennedy on "no fly" list Dave Farber
more on Sports Illustrated[!]: Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads Dave Farber

Friday, 20 August

more on Sports Illustrated[!]: Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads David Farber
timely talks at Stanford David Farber
John Gilmore interview at greplaw David Farber
EFFector 17.30: EFF Scores Landmark Win for P2P David Farber
Voters See Saudi Arabia as Greatest Source of Global Terror David Farber
Utopia, only 10 years down the road David Farber
Bell Foes Seek FCC Relief David Farber
DIY phishing kits hit the Net David Farber

Saturday, 21 August

more on DIY phishing kits hit the Net David Farber
U.S. FCC issues rate freeze for phone networks David Farber
Lethal Strain of Avian Flu Is Reported Found in Pigs in China David Farber
more on World Health Organziation - Weekly Epidemiological Record David Farber
Nuclear Terrorism David Farber
Good quote about the futility of ID-checking David Farber
First quantum crypto bank transfer David Farber
Understanding Anti-Americanism David Farber
Third swift boat captain goes public David Farber
DMCA vs DIY phishing kits hit the Net David Farber
Google's courageous, clumsy debut David Farber
New York set for citywide wireless David Farber

Sunday, 22 August

Science seen as slipping in US (Houston Chronicle) David Farber
more on Understanding Anti-Americanism David Farber
Dirty doings - Just looking at the unbalanced scales;-)...\Stef David Farber
more on Dirty doings - Just looking at the unbalanced scales;-)...\Stef Dave Farber
Dirty doings - Just looking at the unbalanced scales;-)...\Stef David Farber
more on Sports Illustrated[!]: Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads David Farber

Monday, 23 August

House Intelligence Vice-Chairman Calls War Unjustified David Farber
Secrecy shrouds US e-vote David Farber
The Call Is Cheap. The Wiretap Is Extra. David Farber
more on Understanding Anti-Americanism David Farber
read more on Understanding Anti-Americanism David Farber
More Is Not Necessarily Better David Farber
another Member of Congress on no-fly list eply-To: David Farber
: Use of State Police to intimidate blacks not to register in FLA Dave Farber
Yahoo loses French Appeal David Farber
A.K.M. Adam: Ordained Priest, Academic...and Potential Felon? David Farber
more on another Member of Congress on no-fly list eply-To: David Farber
more on More Is Not Necessarily Better David Farber

Tuesday, 24 August

New article: E-Voting: It's Security, Stupid David Farber
US tops league of e-mail spammers David Farber
Carnegie Mellon to Celebrate 25th anniversary of Robotics Institute (fwd) David Farber Article: The Rambo Coalition David Farber
more on More Is Not Necessarily Better David Farber
more on another Member of Congress on no-fly list eply- To: David Farber
Movie Industry Sues More DVD Chip Makers on Piracy Dave Farber

Wednesday, 25 August

Citigroup: spammed if you do, spammed if you don't David Farber
Internet Virtual Classroom for Al Qaeda Supporter David Farber
more on Citigroup: spammed if you do, spammed if you don't David Farber
more on Movie Industry Sues More DVD Chip Makers on Piracy David Farber
Wireless Routers Enjoy Smooth Reception From Market David Farber
Major telcos and device makers go after Induce Act David Farber
It's NOT the economy, stupid David Farber
Addendum to Movie Industry DVD Chipmaker suits Dave Farber
Outsource your job to earn more! Dave Farber

Thursday, 26 August

Ashcroft Targets Illicit Distribution Of Movies, Music Dave Farber Student Charged With Clogging Toilet David Farber
Electronic Jihad on the Internet is quite possible David Farber
Areas of future Internet research and evolution David Farber
Q&A: Allot exec predicts new demands for QoS David Farber
Ashcroft Targets Illicit Distribution Of Movies, Music Dave Farber
authors' reply re NYT op-ed "More Is Not Necessarily Better" Dave Farber

Friday, 27 August

Air travel without ID. David Farber
We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore Dave Farber
more on authors' reply re NYT op-ed "More Is Not Necessarily Better" David Farber
more on Executive order on information sharing [for IP] David Farber
more on Air travel without ID. David Farber
more on Air travel without ID. Dave Farber
more on Air travel without ID. Dave Farber
We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore Dave Farber
more on We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore David Farber
Korea's Broadband Miracle David Farber Article: The 9/11 Report: A Dissent David Farber

Saturday, 28 August

The Decline of Radio David Farber
NASA: DOS Glitch Nearly Killed Mars Rover David Farber
Sum of a Glitch David Farber
A nation (evenly) divided David Farber
August 28, 2004 -- Software Freedom Day David Farber
more on Korea's Broadband Miracle Dave Farber
more on August 28, 2004 -- Software Freedom Day David Farber
RIGHT ON !!! -- Election Day Offer David Farber
Outsource firm sues in India / Alleged Code Theft Highlights Foreign Risk David Farber
more on FCC cites terrorism fears, blocks release of phone outage data David Farber
more on Election Day Offer David Farber

Sunday, 29 August

Justice Department Censors Supreme Court Quote David Farber
Overdue process David Farber
broadcast advertising David Farber
more on Election Day Offer David Farber
more on The FBI's Pre-emptive Interrogations of "Possible" Demonstrators: Chilling Political Speech David Farber
more on A nation (evenly) divided David Farber
more on More Re Election Day David Farber
Denis Hamill: Ex-protester in full support David Farber
Surveillance blimp currently up over NYC David Farber
National Constitution Center: Photos/Videos Verboten (!) Dave Farber
Surveillance blimp currently up over NYC Dave Farber

Monday, 30 August

Check this out - ingenious anti-bush biker arrested - no charges, no crime Dave Farber
Homegrown Satellite Radio Software Draws XM Fire David Farber
Invasive Wireless bill collection practices in India David Farber
Electionomics David Farber
Who's Right: Tom Hazlett in WSJ or Catherine Yang in BusinessWeek? David Farber
NY Times Op-Ed by Commissioner Copps David Farber
NY Times on the Regulation of P2P Technology David Farber
Public's Right to Know video censored by Justice Dept David Farber
more on RIGHT ON !!! -- Election Day Offer David Farber
Fla. judge requires manual recounts Dave Farber
more on We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore Dave Farber
Check this out - ingenious anti-bush biker arrested - no charges, no crime Dave Farber
more on DIY phishing kits hit the Net Dave Farber
reply to Judge Posner' by Philip Zelikow ex dir 9/11 panel Dave Farber

Tuesday, 31 August

And now, for some comic relief ... Dave Farber
And now, for some comic relief ... Dave Farber
: a disturbing times editorial Dave Farber
Diebold GEMS central tabulator contains a stunning security hole Dave Farber
Secret Service shuts down Michael Moore interviews David Farber
Army: JetBlue Data Use Was Legal David Farber
Comcast to market new video recorder David Farber
Army: JetBlue Data Use Was Legal Dave Farber
Offshoring helps the economy... if you're a CEO who offshores. Dave Farber