Interesting People: by date

320 messages starting Apr 01 03 and ending Feb 04 23
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Tuesday, 01 April

SARS Questions Dave Farber
Nasty Dave Farber
Conway to Issa: drop dead, you dunce... Dave Farber
Chinese Anti-War Protest Hackers Targeting Net -- secret memo Dave Farber
DDOS attack detected Dave Farber
SARS infected plane in SJ Dave Farber
(do reqd end) for the conspiracy theorists among us... Dave Farber
more on Chinese Anti-War Protest Hackers Targeting Net -- secret memo Dave Farber
more on SJ Airportg Dave Farber
Conway to Issa: drop dead, you dunce... Dave Farber

Wednesday, 02 April

LINK - for the conspiracy theorists among us... Dave Farber
About the Time article Dave Farber
The Time quote is legimate (verified) (was Re: (do reqd end) for the conspiracy theorists among us...) Dave Farber
House bans misleading domains Dave Farber
One has to wonder why this would ever happen TWICE. (FOR IP I think) Dave Farber

Thursday, 03 April

a reasonable unlimited use GPRS tariff finally appears! :) Dave Farber
Virus Spreads Havoc on Businesses Dave Farber
Montreal Politics: Full Contact Blood Sport Dave Farber
NCIC: "Death by Oops?" Dave Farber
Special report on Intelligence and Technology Dave Farber
Terror Weapons In The Cupboard? Dave Farber
more on Terror Weapons In The Cupboard? Dave Farber
more on Montreal Politics: Full Contact Blood Sport Dave Farber
Farber and Faulhaber on "The Regulatory Landscape for Telecommunications" @ cmu Dave Farber
Question for IP: 3G vs 2.5G Dave Farber
Getting the signal, but what does it mean Dave Farber

Friday, 04 April

chron of higher ed: riaa lawsuits Dave Farber
Japan Broadband Update Dave Farber
more on chron of higher ed: riaa lawsuits Dave Farber
War spin Dave Farber
Press freedom in the US blocked? Dave Farber
Bush Signs SARS Quarantine Order Dave Farber
'' visits dozens of Weblogs Dave Farber
'' visits dozens of Weblogs Dave Farber
Akamai Cancels a Contract for Arabic Network's Site Dave Farber

Saturday, 05 April

NEJM article on SARS Dave Farber
more on Question for IP: 3G vs 2.5G Dave Farber
SARS to be sequenced in joint study Dave Farber
Calif. solar energy units exempted from exit fee Dave Farber
FL wants to ban aid to students from "terrorist" countries Dave Farber

Sunday, 06 April

Possible Crypto Breakthrough? Dave Farber
more on Possible Crypto Breakthrough? Dave Farber
'A Shortcut Through Time': Quantum Weirdness Dave Farber
more unfriendly behavior by Mailblocks Dave Farber
Army (NOTE ARMY) Chaplain Offers Baptisms, Baths Dave Farber
Note concerning Patriot Act. . . HOMELAND SECURITY: IT ISN'T A JOKE ANY LONGER -- IT'S A CRIME Dave Farber
Dan Gilmor -- his somewhat gloomy assessment of CFP and A Hotel's Privacy Invasion Dave Farber
voodoo economics officially dead (wishful thinking djf) Dave Farber wasn't ready for SARS Dave Farber
Cornell Survey: Americans say some new federal powers infringe on civil liberties Dave Farber
Another [very weird/very wild djf] angle on SARS Dave Farber
a view on Another [very weird/very wild djf] angle on SARS Dave Farber
more on Possible Crypto Breakthrough? Dave Farber
article withdrawn (wonder what is the truth djf) Chaplain Offers Baptisms,Baths Dave Farber
the url for this article at the MH -- Chaplain Offers Baptisms, Baths Dave Farber
A VERY thoughtful set of thoughts on the article. 'A Shortcut Through Time': Quantum Weirdness Dave Farber
Clarrification about article re Chaplin in Army Dave Farber

Monday, 07 April

In 24-Hour News Times, Real-Time Translation Dave Farber
Cybersecurity Panel at the CMU SCS Alumni Reunion Dave Farber
Interesting Salon article -- interbiew with Bill Moyers Dave Farber
From the WSJ: a tough, sobering read... Dave Farber
SARS: Why We Need to Prepare for the Worst Dave Farber
Church Event Set for Base Stirs Concern Dave Farber
Silicon Valley Hikes Wireless Frontier Dave Farber
US News on data-mining, artificial intelligence, terrorism Dave Farber
The inner workings of the war-propaganda machine Dave Farber
Shoot the headline bozo -- it all about Seattle -- Silicon Valley Hikes Wireless Frontier Dave Farber
Farbrications and War are not limited to the Bushes. The inner workings of the war-propaganda machine Dave Farber
Google News: press releases are OK - Official Dave Farber
how to watch in real time -- Farber and Faulhaber on "The Regulatory Landscape for Telecommunications" Dave Farber
Electromagnetic waves from palm-sized device penetrate solids without harmful effects of X-rays Dave Farber
"The Reason Why" by George McGovern Dave Farber
How Global Is the Internet Economy? Dave Farber

Tuesday, 08 April

Internet still drawing people in for details Dave Farber
Germany In The Spring By Adam Garfinkle Dave Farber
EPIC TSA FOIA in Wired Dave Farber
Computer Scientist Anita Borg Dies at 54 Dave Farber
pork piling up on war funding bill Dave Farber
AOL IM Petition -- Comments of Gerry Faulhaber and Dave Farber on the Petition Dave Farber

Wednesday, 09 April

Is There Life After Silicon Valley's Fast Lane? Dave Farber
query on eliminating pork piling up on war funding bill - QUESTION Dave Farber
Audit says TSA has wasted a quarter billion dollars Dave Farber
Back To Iraq 2.0 Dave Farber
ICANN Nominating Committee Seeking Statements of Interest Dave Farber
French duplicity rules UN out of rebuilding Iraq - by William Rees-Mogg Dave Farber
Intel, Proxim, Others Back the WirelessMAN Dave Farber
Japan's new privacy bill Dave Farber

Thursday, 10 April

Algorithms Key to Cheap Air Fare (Wired) Dave Farber
A crook, a Zionist and an old spy Dave Farber
"Shaping" the Battlefield, er. the news.... Dave Farber
Internet via the Power Grid: New Interest in Obvious Idea Dave Farber
efficiency of SARS masks Dave Farber
Hackers Go Googoo Over Google Dave Farber
Globetrotting Traveler Infected With SARS Dave Farber

Friday, 11 April

Privacy Matters: Better Airline Safety Is in the Bag Dave Farber
U.S. Ready to Rescind Clinton Order on Government Secrets Dave Farber
CMU SCS "special: seminar Predicting the Unpredictable Current and Future Directions in Networking and the Implications on Society Dave Farber
Stopping the Killer Virus Dave Farber
More Internet restrictions attempted in new Amber Alert bill just passed Dave Farber
article on NSA technology Dave Farber
Good article on location vs. the network for Hotspots... Dave Farber
more on Good article on location vs. the network for Hotspots... Dave Farber
WHAT'S NEW Friday, 11 Apr 03 Dave Farber
Any free passes for IP Readers or such this year for the Emerging Tech Conference? Dave Farber
DNS inventor calls for security overhaul Dave Farber
Google security vulnerability? Dave Farber
more on Good article on location vs. the network for Hotspots... Dave Farber

Saturday, 12 April

Acrobat innovations, Al-jazeera by SMS, megapixel photo phones Dave Farber
I thought Congress killed this beast? [ not really djf] Dave Farber
Reconstruction Projects are not JUST U.S. after all! Dave Farber
Cornell Law Hacked Dave Farber
Perle implies Iraq's WMD are in Syria Dave Farber
Intel takes Ultra Wideband to 220M bps Dave Farber
Acrobat innovations, Al-jazeera by SMS, megapixel photo phones Dave Farber
TIA's scientific basis? Dave Farber
for a much needed dose of "humor" look at -- World's most stupid security measures named and shamed Dave Farber
The State Department's Foreign Service Exam Dave Farber
Stu Baker on MetaSwitch, VOIP spying, and IETF's bad call Dave Farber
Pillagers Strip Iraqi Museum of Its Treasure Dave Farber
A personal protest -- on WQED TV Pittsburgh -- a PBS station Dave Farber

Sunday, 13 April

more on query on eliminating pork piling up on war funding bill - QUESTION Dave Farber
more on DNS inventor calls for security overhaul Dave Farber
Saddam shuttled off in the night Dave Farber
Re Museum. 170,000 missing items? A sad, but small loss compared to 1 million missing persons, all presumed dead. - Neil Munro Dave Farber
In Searching the Web, Google Finds Riches Dave Farber
more on Pillagers Strip Iraqi Museum of Its Treasure Dave Farber
Segway Gives an Easy Ride, But It's the Best on Sidewalks Dave Farber
MUST READ The Music Piracy Myth Dave Farber
Salon: Steal This Barcode Dave Farber
If any Iper can aim me Dave Farber

Monday, 14 April

SARS genome sequence drafted Dave Farber
"history" is being created -- [islam-arabia] How Baghdad gave up? Dave Farber
"homeland security" -- the brand -- for sale Dave Farber
US buys ID data on Latin American citizens Dave Farber
more on The Music Piracy Myth Dave Farber
a brief explaination of editorial policy Dave Farber
more on The Music Piracy Myth Dave Farber
As Qualcomm Plots Future, C.E.O.'s Son Awaits Role Dave Farber
an indeapth comment by a insider -- A personal protest -- on WQED TV Pittsburgh -- a PBS sta tion Dave Farber
AOL wary of Comcast, Road Runner mail Dave Farber
Quest for power, speed drive the latest technologies Dave Farber
AOL wary of Comcast, Road Runner mail Dave Farber
Analysis of the RIAA's $98 billion claims against the four college students Dave Farber
well worthwhile document on the merits of the RIAA suit against the PU student Dave Farber
Safesearch users unable to access "White House Free Live Webcam" Dave Farber
Whoops -- Safesearch users unable to access "White HouseFree Live Webcam" Dave Farber
interesting analysis... Dave Farber
WQED Pittsburgh Dave Farber
more on interesting analysis... Dave Farber
DMCA used to shut down campus ID security talk Dave Farber
more on well worthwhile document on the merits of the RIAA suit against the PU student Dave Farber

Tuesday, 15 April

Plan Would Use Software, Not Devices, to Fight Piracy Dave Farber
more on Salon: Steal This Barcode Dave Farber
good question DMCA used to shut down campus ID security talk Dave Farber
more on good question DMCA used to shut down campus IDsecurity talk Dave Farber
more on The Music Piracy Myth Dave Farber
Op-ed re P2P file sharing in Daily Princetonian Dave Farber
Parallel Universes are real! Dave Farber
how they got into the mess they are in --- WQED Pittsburgh Dave Farber
more on good question DMCA used to shut down campus IDsecurity talk Dave Farber
follow up to disappearing Time article Dave Farber
GELERNTER: Candy-Coated Electronics and a reply (reply first , article after) Dave Farber
public tv and hd Dave Farber
more on good question DMCA used to shut down campus IDsecurity talk Dave Farber
Correction: DMCA was not used to shut down campus security talk Dave Farber

Wednesday, 16 April

Court Hears Fight Over Numbers Used for Cellphones Dave Farber
the real story of Pvt. Lynch according to the London Times Dave Farber
more on good question DMCA used to shut downcampus IDsecurity talk Dave Farber
Security Biz Thrives on Fear   Dave Farber
Michigan's Super-DMCA Law and Steganography Dissertation Dave Farber
Rumsfeld's comments Dave Farber
Researchers discover new distributed denial of post office box attack: Dave Farber
a rebuttel Security Biz Thrives on Fear   Dave Farber
more on Rumsfeld's comments Dave Farber
MIT/Stanford VLAB: Gadget Envy: "Which one can't you live without?" Dave Farber
An Arab Assessment of US Policy in the Middle East Dave Farber
a rebuttal of a rebuttel Security Biz Thrives on Fear Dave Farber
Doubleclick privacy officer chosen for DHS privacy czar Dave Farber
more on Rumsfeld's comments Dave Farber

Thursday, 17 April

US tax returns to India causing stir Dave Farber
Cyberattacks With Offline Damage Dave Farber
Best context on the Baghdad looting Dave Farber
Voicemail Hackers Phone It In   By Michelle Delio Dave Farber
ScanMail Message: To Sender, sensitive content found and action t aken. Dave Farber
more on ScanMail Message: To Sender, sensitive content found ... Dave Farber
Cryptographers sound warnings on Microsoft security plan Dave Farber
Take 2: HBO wants Stone to reinterview Castro in documentary Dave Farber
Data sent to Microsoft by "Windows Update" Dave Farber
more on Rumsfeld's comments Dave Farber
Video of my talk at CMU SCS -- Farber to Address Social Implications of Networking Technology Dave Farber
more on Rumsfeld's comments Dave Farber
US Culture Advisers Resign Over Iraq Museum Looting Dave Farber
U.S. media losing global respect JapanToday Dave Farber
Covad Bends Commissioner Martin's Ear Dave Farber
more on Data sent to Microsoft by "Windows Update" Dave Farber
'Bar Code' Web Site Closes Under Pressure Dave Farber
Tax-time essay on technology and "economic secessionism" Dave Farber
Baghdad Looting *Started* and *Encouraged* by US Troops Dave Farber

Friday, 18 April

Coru Doctorow: Why WiFi is crucial to the First Amendment Dave Farber
Blackboard story in the Washington Post Dave Farber
last -- more on Data sent to Microsoft by "Windows Update" Dave Farber
DARPA Grant for and U of Penn canceled maybe becauseof anti-war statements? Dave Farber
Discover - Anything into Oil Dave Farber
re: DARPA Grant for and U of Penn canceled maybe because of anti-war statements? Dave Farber
final on Baghdad Looting *Started* and *Encouraged* by US Troops Dave Farber
url for material on DARPA Grant for and U of Penn canceled Dave Farber
[Cisco Systems to ship Wi-Fi phone, looking to enter cellular phone market] Dave Farber
Location-based SARS alerts via cell phone SMS in Hong Kong Dave Farber
An alternative perspective on the war Dave Farber
Key Intel component powered down, swapped out: Dave Farber
Interesting debate : Should You Hire a Hacker? Dave Farber
author added Interesting debate : Should You Hire a Hacker? Dave Farber
Reason article on SARS outbreak: Panic or plague? Dave Farber
"Imbalance of Powers": New Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Publication Dave Farber
a reminder of a good article on POLYGRAPH: DOE DECIDES TO SIMPLY REISSUE ITS OLDPOLICY. Dave Farber
Microsoft plans for unlicensed spectrum below 3 GHz Dave Farber
Bush's "cybersecurity" czar to resign Dave Farber
DARPA denies story Re: Grant for OpenBSD... Dave Farber
Adelstein Reveals Wireless Spectrum Agenda Dave Farber

Saturday, 19 April

Real-Time watermarking system for audio signals using perceptual * 4:15PM, Wed April 23, 2003 in Gates B03 Dave Farber
screwed up info on -- DARPA denies story Re: Grant for OpenBSD... Dave Farber
Foiling Cinema Pirates Dave Farber
Japan's new privacy bill Dave Farber

Sunday, 20 April

more on Court Hears Fight Over Numbers Used for Cellphones Dave Farber
one view of the coming cyborg option in cell phones Dave Farber
NeXT stands out in Mac incarnation Dave Farber
Madonna to RIAA: file share watermarked MP3s? Dave Farber
Bit of history of "spoof" MP3 files Dave Farber
Why TiVo Owners Can't Shut Up Dave Farber

Monday, 21 April

maybe they should do what they are paid to do Dave Farber

Tuesday, 22 April

Follow-up: 2.5G/3G Controversy Dave Farber
Is it theft? Young Canadians say no, boomers say yes Dave Farber
state of research Dave Farber
breastfeeding mothers, avoid Continental Dave Farber
record companies should talk to their lawyers Dave Farber
Two juxtaposed front page stories here in the UK Dave Farber
Science agency seeks place at 'cutting edge' of data mining Dave Farber
pew study Dave Farber

Wednesday, 23 April

In Defense of University Patent Licensing (04.23.2003) Dave Farber
FINALLY Wifi -- Palm Tungsten C Handheld Dave Farber
The NYT and WMD: Finally, the Necessary Evidence Dave Farber
more on Bit of history of "spoof" MP3 files Dave Farber
The PATRIOT software bonanza Dave Farber
Getting Around the Hotel Voice Costs Dave Farber
inside cisco's eavesdropping apparatus Dave Farber
Good film - "Secret ballot" and a word re: Movielink Dave Farber
Airport forces girl to remove fake limb Dave Farber
Ted Codd Dave Farber
Better not bark in Palo Alto... Dave Farber
more on inside cisco's eavesdropping apparatus Dave Farber
more on In Defense of University Patent Licensing (04.23.2003) Dave Farber
more on Getting Around the Hotel Voice Costs <-- THIS IS ILLEGAL UNDER THE NEW SUPER-DMCA Dave Farber

Thursday, 24 April

Court says Verizon must reveal song swapper names Dave Farber
New York Ipers -- Symposium on BEYOND PRODUCTIVITY in New York City Dave Farber
more on -- Programmer Says U.S. Cut Funding After Comments Dave Farber
PayPal scam? Dave Farber
Volvo takes the Volo Auto Museum to WIPO for domain name infringement Dave Farber
Organizer: 'Hackathon' Will Go On   Dave Farber
BBC chief attacks U.S. war coverage Dave Farber
The 3G Debt Hole Dave Farber
Forbes: Baby Bell accounting fraud uncovered Dave Farber

Friday, 25 April

Lessig's legal response to the DMCA Dave Farber
correction -- Lessig's legal response to the DMCA Dave Farber
Theft from Iraq Dave Farber
Bruce Springsteen statement on The Dixie Chicks Dave Farber
Like a Swerving Commuter, a Selfish Router Slows Traffic -- Is this another case of PR science? Dave Farber
more on Like a Swerving Commuter, a Selfish RouterSlows Traffic -- Is this another case of PR science? Dave Farber
more on Like a Swerving Commuter, a SelfishRouterSlows Traffic -- Is this another case of PR science? Dave Farber
last on Like a Swerving Commuter, a Selfish RouterSlows Traffic -- Is this another case of PR science? Dave Farber
Judge: File swapping tools are legal Dave Farber
complete decision Judge: File swapping tools are legal Dave Farber
Snapshot of breast feeding mother grounds for arrest for "porn" by Texas police Dave Farber
EFF: Win for Makers of Morpheus Peer-to-Peer Software! Court Rejects Entertainment Industry Copyright Claims Dave Farber

Saturday, 26 April

on the "the "end-to-end argument"" Dave Farber
The New Cold War Dave Farber
"Bloopers" NBC Special by Will Ehbrecht Wed. Apr 30 8PM EDT Dave Farber
Cornell (honest end of thread) Dave Farber
Journalism accuracy (for tech especially) Dave Farber

Sunday, 27 April

A Post Mortem on Napster Dave Farber
More Money Than Time Dave Farber
Security, Technology and Privacy conference Dave Farber

Monday, 28 April

Security vulnerabilities in journalism Dave Farber
IHT Article: Are Internet ballots a vote-fixer's dream? Dave Farber
Hackers Have Field Day with Madonna Decoy Dave Farber
New weapon for spam: bounty Dave Farber
TSA gears up for smart-card pilot Dave Farber
three on -- New weapon for spam: bounty Dave Farber
Grants promoting unfettered innovation Dave Farber
Reflections on the 25th anniversary of Spam Dave Farber
more on Security vulnerabilities in journalism Dave Farber
Hmm a job for TIA Dave Farber
Japan Net Bank's trading disrupted by computer failure Dave Farber
NSF Middleware Initiative Contributes Third Software Release to Cyberinfrastructure for Science and Engineering Dave Farber
NYT editorial Crack Down on Spam Dave Farber

Tuesday, 29 April

spam filter rejects article on spam Dave Farber
"Wireless World At Risk" Workshop Series Stevens Institute of Technology Dave Farber
Copps Blasts Media Review at FCC Dave Farber
Music lessons: Record companies and the courts are coming to terms with the fact that the online music genie is o Dave Farber
Ain't This America. . . VMI dinner prayers ruled unconstitutional Dave Farber
The Bush Leagues Bush the bully Dave Farber
Licensed to War Drive in N.H. Dave Farber
more on Copps Blasts Media Review at FCC Dave Farber
***RE-SCHEDULED BY NBC***" Bloopers" NBC Special by Will Ehbrecht NOW TONIIGHT - TUESDAY Apr 29 at 8PM EDT Dave Farber
HANK WAN MEMORIAL LECTURE: Neal Stephenson Dave Farber

Wednesday, 30 April

Faulhaber's comments on Capek's comments (was more on Copps Blasts Media Review at FCC) Dave Farber
Music Swappers Get a Message on PC Screens: Stop It Now Dave Farber
A modest proposal to end spam (or will there be a vacancy at Stanford :-) ) Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 February

[no subject] Unknown
[no subject] Unknown
[no subject] Unknown
[no subject] Unknown