Interesting People: by author

178 messages starting Aug 29 09 and ending Aug 12 09
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Dave Farber

: Landmark contributions by students in computer science Dave Farber (Aug 29)
Government 2.0 Summit in DC Sept 9-10 Dave Farber (Aug 13)
re: Op-Ed Columnist - The Swiss Menace - Dave Farber (Aug 17)
Re: Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks Digest 25.76 Dave Farber (Aug 17)
Amazon also forces apps off the iPhone app store Dave Farber (Aug 11)
S.773: Allow president "emergency powers" to turn off internet access? Dave Farber (Aug 28)
Re: Palm Pre [openly and brazenly] reporting GPS locations, app usage to Palm? Dave Farber (Aug 14)
withold password, go to jail Dave Farber (Aug 11)
Amazon also forces apps off the iPhone app store Dave Farber (Aug 11)
Palm Pre surreptitiously reporting GPS locations, app usage to Palm? Dave Farber (Aug 12)
broadband plan request from FCC Dave Farber (Aug 21)

David Farber

The French Connections David Farber (Aug 24)
Facebook's FriendFeed coup David Farber (Aug 16)
Re: FUN -- How To Cook A Meal In Your Hotel Room David Farber (Aug 25)
Re: withold password, go to jail David Farber (Aug 12)
Re: link shortening service shutdown, effective immediately David Farber (Aug 10)
Yahoo! R.I.P.? David Farber (Aug 08)
UK's 'unhackable' national ID card hacked in 12 minutes David Farber (Aug 07)
Re: Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone David Farber (Aug 02)
Why AT&T Killed Google Voice David Farber (Aug 20)
John Gilmore on -- CSNET receives 2009 ISOC POSTEL AWARD David Farber (Aug 02)
techcrunch article on decline in foreign grad enrollment David Farber (Aug 31)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to DEregulate the Internet David Farber (Aug 25)
H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to regulate the Internet and ISPs. David Farber (Aug 24)
Re: Palm Pre [openly and brazenly] reporting GPS locations, app usage to Palm? David Farber (Aug 15)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Swiss Menace - David Farber (Aug 17)
FCC Announces Senior Staff for Development of National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 08)
The Truth: What's Really Going On With Apple, Google, AT&T and the FCC David Farber (Aug 22)
Dear DoD, the Web Itself is Social David Farber (Aug 17)
Contrarian Expert Asks: "Does Unstoppable Global Warming Occur Every 1500 Years?" David Farber (Aug 17)
Decline in Grad school admissions David Farber (Aug 31)
Query Has it always been the case that when I get service from ATT Wireless I can not participate in any class action suit?? David Farber (Aug 09)
Re: UK government proposes cutting Web access to file sharers David Farber (Aug 26)
"It's a Bonanza!" - Health care insurance execs expect to win big! David Farber (Aug 24)
Re: FCC Announces Senior Staff for Development of National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 09)
The GigaOM Interview: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski on Mobile, Broadband, iPhone & Innovation David Farber (Aug 04)
Toyota Accused of Hiding Evidence - CBS News David Farber (Aug 29)
Swiss Official Demands Shutdown of Google Street View - David Farber (Aug 25)
Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 23)
Reviewers for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program David Farber (Aug 17)
CNN Calls on Cable Operators to Block Ad Critical of Lou Dobbs - Media Decoder Blog - David Farber (Aug 05)
Re: Contrarian Expert Asks: "Does Unstoppable Global Warming Occur Every 1500 Years?" David Farber (Aug 22)
Hormel objects to use of SPAM David Farber (Aug 24)
Wi-Fi via White Spaces David Farber (Aug 18)
Re: DDOS attacks David Farber (Aug 09)
Re: Questions; FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App David Farber (Aug 03)
Re: Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks Digest 25.76 David Farber (Aug 17)
FCC Announces Senior Staff for Development of National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 05)
The Case Against [FOR] Apple David Farber (Aug 10)
How Hackers Snatch Real-Time Security ID Numbers - Bits Blog - David Farber (Aug 21)
MUST READ -- Allow president "emergency powers" to turn off internet access? David Farber (Aug 28)
Re: Professor Main Target of Assault on Twitter - David Farber (Aug 09)
Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 23)
Re: Decline in Grad school admissions David Farber (Aug 31)
Have you stayed at a Radisson since last November? David Farber (Aug 20)
Apple's Master Plan (even fanboys should be scared) David Farber (Aug 10)
Conf tix (free) for IPers (Aug. 12 via the Web) David Farber (Aug 06)
Everything is Photoshopped David Farber (Aug 25)
How Hackers Snatch Real-Time Security ID Numbers David Farber (Aug 24) link shortening service shutdown, effective immediately David Farber (Aug 10)
A reply from Fred Singer Contrarian Expert Asks: "Does Unstoppable Global Warming Occur Every 1500 Years?" David Farber (Aug 22)
The Big Mac Index: Globalization At Work David Farber (Aug 23)
Facebook's FriendFeed coup and Huffington David Farber (Aug 19)
Re: Apple FCC response WELL WORTH READING David Farber (Aug 21)
Editorial: Apple, the FCC, and the sideloading solution David Farber (Aug 24)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to regulate the Internet and ISPs. David Farber (Aug 24)
Re: Facebook's FriendFeed coup David Farber (Aug 16)
Re: Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 22)
Re: Yahoo! R.I.P.? David Farber (Aug 09)
Information Overload Awareness Day David Farber (Aug 06)
Re: Palm Pre [openly and brazenly] reporting GPS locations, app usage to Palm? David Farber (Aug 13)
Breach Notification Loopholes (was Have you stayed at a Radisson since last November?) David Farber (Aug 20)
A long series of comments on "L.A. Times Biz Section/Lazarus: "We can't be neutral on net neutrali" David Farber (Aug 30) link shortening service shutdown, effective immediately David Farber (Aug 09)
Re: Professor Main Target of Assault on Twitter - *PLEASE ANONYMIZE* David Farber (Aug 09)
Cellular history -- Past and Perfect - but what about the future? David Farber (Aug 19)
Tech team for FCC NBP David Farber (Aug 15)
Telecommunications in Dallas David Farber (Aug 25)
The Case Against Apple David Farber (Aug 09)
FCC launches (first ever for FCC?) blog re National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 18)
Re: Hacker-run GSM network vs the current hack we call cellular David Farber (Aug 19)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill to stop telecom from mismanaging our basic infrastructure. David Farber (Aug 26)
Allow president "emergency powers" to turn off internet access? David Farber (Aug 28)
Re: Contrarian Expert Asks: "Does Unstoppable Global Warming Occur Every 1500 Years?" David Farber (Aug 19)
FUN -- How To Cook A Meal In Your Hotel Room David Farber (Aug 24)
Stagg Newman and Broadband workshops David Farber (Aug 10)
Re: Hormel objects to use of SPAM David Farber (Aug 25)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to heavily regulate and micromanage the Internet David Farber (Aug 25)
Re: Dear DoD, the Web Itself is Social David Farber (Aug 17)
Canadian model gets Google to reveal blogger's identity David Farber (Aug 20)
Re: MUST READ -- Allow president "emergency powers" to turn off internet access? David Farber (Aug 30)
Meet Japan's Robot Ramen Chefs - Noodles - Gizmodo David Farber (Aug 05)
California Spamming: When "The Governator" Seems to Spam David Farber (Aug 25)
Did any IPer go to this and if so would they send me a "review" -- Invitation to Future Internet Information Meeting July 29, 2009 David Farber (Aug 17)
Re: MUST READ -- Allow president "emergency powers" to turn off internet access? David Farber (Aug 30)
Keyboard hack could leave your Mac completely vulnerable - MacFixIt David Farber (Aug 03)
Re: Query Has it always been the case that when I get service from ATT Wireless I can not participate in any class action suit?? David Farber (Aug 09)
Re: The Case Against [FOR] Apple David Farber (Aug 10)
Apple FCC response WELL WORTH READING David Farber (Aug 21)
worth reading -- Canadian model gets Google to reveal blogger's identity David Farber (Aug 20)
Stagg Newman and Broadband workshops David Farber (Aug 10)
Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks Digest 25.76 David Farber (Aug 16)
Design For Corruption--Why US Healthcare is Failing David Farber (Aug 29)
5 Signs Our Broadband Plan May Already Be In Trouble David Farber (Aug 15)
Re: Contrarian Expert Asks: "Does Unstoppable Global Warming Occur Every 1500 Years?" David Farber (Aug 21)
Re: An observation about Apples claims on jamming David Farber (Aug 01)
Court Rules for Comcast in Vacating FCC Market-Share Rule [WSJ] David Farber (Aug 28)
Re: from FCC re broadband plan David Farber (Aug 22)
Re: The Case Against Apple David Farber (Aug 10)
Professor Main Target of Assault on Twitter - David Farber (Aug 08)
Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 23)
DHS to Issue PIA on Border Searches of Electronic Devices] David Farber (Aug 27)
from FCC re broadband plan David Farber (Aug 21)
DDOS attacks David Farber (Aug 10)
'highlights' of the Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States - frightening David Farber (Aug 07)
Workshop: E-Gov/Civic Engagement - David Farber (Aug 08)
DDOS attacks David Farber (Aug 09)
Re: worth reading -- Canadian model gets Google to reveal blogger's identity David Farber (Aug 20)
Apple announced that Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, is resigning from Apple's board David Farber (Aug 03)
Event of Interest to IP'ers David Farber (Aug 13)
KMB Video Journal Home "Conference Call " on Network Neutrality David Farber (Aug 28)
Re: Everything is Photoshopped David Farber (Aug 23)
Hub to get early look at next-level Web link ... AKA, the past all over again David Farber (Aug 13)
Re: An observation about Apples claims on jamming David Farber (Aug 02)
Re: Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks Digest 25.76 David Farber (Aug 17)
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Gets It Right about Patents David Farber (Aug 20)
Arrest in Epic Cyber Crime A 28-Year-Old Allegedly Stole 130 Million Card Numbers; 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' David Farber (Aug 17)
Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 22)
Re: Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 23)
Hacker-run GSM network David Farber (Aug 17)
Re: An observation about Apples claims on jamming David Farber (Aug 02)
Re: Meet Japan's Robot Ramen Chefs - Noodles - Gizmodo David Farber (Aug 05)
NASA accepting applications for scholarship/intern program David Farber (Aug 27)
Re: Hormel objects to use of SPAM David Farber (Aug 25)
Re: FCC Hires Industry Shill to Develop US National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 30)
Can Game Theory Predict When Iran Will Get the Bomb? David Farber (Aug 19)
Obama Taps Kennard for EU Ambassador David Farber (Aug 07)
Facebook's FriendFeed coup David Farber (Aug 16)
Re: Keyboard hack could leave your Mac completely vulnerable - MacFixIt David Farber (Aug 03)
Cyberwar - U.S. Weighs Risks of Civilian Harm in Cyberwarfare - Series - David Farber (Aug 01)
Former UD prof wins award for 'trailblazing' CSNET David Farber (Aug 09)
FCC Announces Senior Advisor on Broadband David Farber (Aug 15)
user perspective on CSNET David Farber (Aug 02)
Have you stayed at a Radisson since last November? David Farber (Aug 19)
Setting the price of a free press David Farber (Aug 22)
The French Connections from Austria David Farber (Aug 25)
Re: Professor Main Target of Assault on Twitter - David Farber (Aug 08)
(BN) Apple Releases Software to Fix IPhone Security Flaw (Update2) David Farber (Aug 01)
To Microsoft, Basic Research Is Good Insurance - Bits Blog - David Farber (Aug 16)
Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks David Farber (Aug 17)
"Domain tasters" bitter as new fees put an end to their games - Ars Technica David Farber (Aug 15)
project to make easier check-in and boarding procedures David Farber (Aug 05)
Redacted to black David Farber (Aug 21)
Re: FCC Hires Industry Shill to Develop US National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 29)
Re: Op-Ed Columnist - The Swiss Menace - David Farber (Aug 17)
Re: The Case Against Apple David Farber (Aug 10)
QR Codes David Farber (Aug 02)
EFF: Who Knows Where You Are, And Why? David Farber (Aug 05)
Re: Yahoo! R.I.P.? David Farber (Aug 08)
White House Acting Cybersecurity Czar Resigns David Farber (Aug 03)
IBM Seeks Stimulus Money Through Cloud Computing (Update2) - David Farber (Aug 17)
Everything is Photoshopped David Farber (Aug 23)
QR Codes in Japan David Farber (Aug 02)
Re: Questions; FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App David Farber (Aug 02)
Some Unsolicited Advice for AT&T re Google Voice David Farber (Aug 02)
Re: Keyboard hack could leave your Mac completely ,> vulnerable - MacFixIt David Farber (Aug 04)
Apple's new low: censoring a dictionary David Farber (Aug 05)
FCC Hires Industry Shill to Develop US National Broadband Plan David Farber (Aug 29)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to regulate the Internet and ISPs. David Farber (Aug 24)
Re: The Case Against [FOR] Apple - Hush-A-Phone revisited David Farber (Aug 10)
Root cause of our current financial crisis David Farber (Aug 09)
Warning! Wells Fargo Bank Will No Longer Password Protect Business Accounts David Farber (Aug 29)
Student sues Amazon after Kindle eats his homework David Farber (Aug 02)
Re: Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated [RISKS] Risks Digest 25.76 David Farber (Aug 17)
No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users - David Farber (Aug 06)
Re: H.R. 3458, Rep. Markey's third bill proposing to DEregulate the Internet David Farber (Aug 25)
Everything is Photoshopped David Farber (Aug 23)
Re: Palm Pre [openly and brazenly] reporting GPS locations, app usage to Palm? David Farber (Aug 12)