Interesting People: by date

201 messages starting Jan 01 03 and ending Feb 04 23
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 01 January

more on Users: The Usual Suspects Again Dave Farber
Out the Door Dave Farber
20 YEARS - ONE STANDARD: The Story of TCP/IP Dave Farber
Supreme Court Intervenes In Battle Over DVD Piracy Dave Farber
a conservative view of Aerospace Dave Farber
Tyco's ex-chief urged tough sentence for embezzler Dave Farber
What am I doing wrong Unix question Dave Farber
the solution to my vacation message mess Dave Farber

Thursday, 02 January

more on 20 YEARS - ONE STANDARD: The Story of TCP/IP Dave Farber
worth reading -- Top five predictions Dave Farber
The Wireless Future -- Professors Vie With Web for Class's Attention Dave Farber
Discouraging signs for IT rebound Dave Farber
Judge Rules Against Homeland Security Office in Privacy Suit Dave Farber

Friday, 03 January

Student Charged in DirecTV Theft Dave Farber
can we "de-capitalize" the Internet ? Dave Farber
Internet vs internet David Farber
Shooting the messenger. Report on layoffs killed Dave Farber
Games Nations Play Dave Farber
-- finally an awake hotel!!!!! Wi-Fi - Was Re: Shooting the messenger. Report on layoffs killed Dave Farber
Games Nations Play Dave Farber
AFL-CIO unions, CWA propose H-1B reforms Dave Farber
Act Three of Poindexter's Incredibly Shrinking Site: Still More! Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 January

ITU cyberspace treaty Dave Farber
a different take on airport security Dave Farber
more on ITU cyberspace treaty David Farber
more on ITU cyberspace treaty David Farber
not a good sign -- IT spending to drop in 2003 David Farber
Airport fun Dave Farber
-- it could happen to your in fant child or grandchild -- Airport fun Dave Farber
it could happen to your in fant child or grandchild -- Airport fun Dave Farber

Sunday, 05 January

Airport fun (and 'security' in general) Dave Farber
Spying on Snookums With GPS Dave Farber
Hacking Away, Long Before There Were Hackers Dave Farber
re Hacking Away, Long Before There Were Hackers David Farber
my quoto file I use on .signaure Dave Farber
Six Year Old and "Breasts & Behind" Terrorists? Dave Farber
Strongly recommend you read and maybe carry a copy of the TSA rules on children Dave Farber

Monday, 06 January

FCC Plans to Erase Key Rule On Local Phone Competition Dave Farber
more on FCC Plans to Erase Key Rule On Local Phone Competition Dave Farber
Programming Cell Phones Dave Farber
more on FCC Plans to Erase Key Rule On Local Phone Competition Dave Farber
National cybersecurity plan omits industry mandates Dave Farber
NPR Series on Effects of Deregulation Dave Farber
More on surveillance: Would countermeasures be illegal? Dave Farber

Tuesday, 07 January

Links to RA - NPR Series on Deregulation Dave Farber
A WSJ Letter to the Editor They Wouldn't Care to Publish (which I mostly agree with) Dave Farber
more on National cybersecurity plan omits industrymandates Dave Farber
Johansen not-guilty in Norway DVD DeCSS case Dave Farber
DSL Prime on FCC, ILECs Dave Farber
SUVs appeal to boomers' 'reptilian' instincts David Farber
More on A WSJ Letter to the Editor They Wouldn't Care toPublish (which I mostly agree with) Dave Farber
More on A WSJ Letter to the Editor They Wouldn't Care toPublish (which I mostly agree with) Dave Farber

Wednesday, 08 January

More on A WSJ Letter to the Editor They Wouldn'tCare toPublish (which I mostly agree with) Dave Farber
VERY interesting result of Time Mag Online [unscientific!] poll! David Farber
Boucher Introduces Fair Use Rights Bill David Farber
regulation/deregulation of communications David Farber

Thursday, 09 January

California Disclosure Law Has National Reach David Farber
Of Broadband and Tax Cuts David Farber
RE: regulation/deregulation of communications David Farber
more Of Broadband and Tax Cuts David Farber
when does this law get revoked Lexmark invokes DMCA in suit over aftermarket printer toner Dave Farber
stay clear of Tennessee -- Police surveillance cam works: Shows cop brutality, dog-killing Dave Farber
Bush To Name Tech Security Leaders Dave Farber

Friday, 10 January

The decline of techical America (and with it US security djf) Dave Farber
Expert: Alleged Wi-Fi Risks Are Nonsense Dave Farber
Schools' Internet Subsidies Are Called Fraud-Riddled Dave Farber

Saturday, 11 January

FCC's Chief Calls TiVo 'God's Machine' Dave Farber
more on FCC's Chief Calls TiVo 'God's Machine' Dave Farber
more on regulation/deregulation of communications Dave Farber
Fighting For A CauseŠ Dave Farber
White House Transcript Dave Farber
Astounding RIAA Statement -- Hack #3? Dave Farber
Feasible Chaotic Encryption - Physics News Update 619 Dave Farber
it was hack 3 Dave Farber

Sunday, 12 January

more on White House Transcript Dave Farber
last -- more on White House Transcript Dave Farber

Monday, 13 January

Does cyberwar start with scholarships? David Farber
Dan Gillmor on Technology: Monday January 13,2003: Cartel's copy right control loosening] David Farber
1KM, 2Mbps, 802.11b wireless link using Linksys WAP11 + Yagi, in Hurghada, EGYPT David Farber

Tuesday, 14 January

more KM, 2Mbps, 802.11b wireless link using Linksys WAP11 + Yagi, in Hurghada, EGYPT David Farber
DRM: 'Landmark' Accord on Copyrights David Farber
The first cyberterrorism? David Farber
Gilmore v. Ashcroft: Friday AM hearing in SF David Farber
Is the RIAA "hacking you back"? David Farber

Wednesday, 15 January

The Growth of an American Surveillance Society.” David Farber
New mobile phone threat David Farber
Eldred loses, Hollywood happy David Farber
final on Is the RIAA "hacking you back"? David Farber
Hacking into Microsoft's new Smartphone? David Farber

Thursday, 16 January

SBC in state-level takeover of high speed services David Farber

Friday, 17 January

Trip report to date Dave Farber
An actual report from the airplane broadband system Dave Farber
CANARIE Inc. does jazz Dave Farber

Saturday, 18 January

Nepotism in Washington poses a threat to institutional integrity. Dave Farber
Microsoft Introduces CD Copy-Protection 'Fix' Dave Farber
Curtains for Digital Show Sharing Dave Farber

Sunday, 19 January

TSA's TIA Secret Spying on Air Passengers Dave Farber
What Larry Did Get (just this once, mind you...) Dave Farber
DMCA vs. The Garage Door Opener Dave Farber
SBC threatening to enforce 'frame' patent Dave Farber

Monday, 20 January

is it valid -- SBC threatening to enforce 'frame' patent Dave Farber
more on is it valid -- SBC threatening to enforce 'frame' patent Dave Farber
RIAA hopes to make ISPs pay for user's P2P downloads Dave Farber
more on RIAA hopes to make ISPs pay for user's P2Pdownloads Dave Farber
Judge to Hear Air ID Challenge Dave Farber
Air security separated mother, 4-year-old Dave Farber
Eldred loses, Hollywood happy Dave Farber
Total Information Awareness another threat to our liberties as Americans Dave Farber
EFF: Johansen Verdict Appealed by Norwegian Prosecutors Dave Farber
Telecom undone: a cautionary tale Dave Farber

Tuesday, 21 January

Verizon ordered to disclose subscriber name Dave Farber

Wednesday, 22 January

Open letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia] Dave Farber
Salon: Worst-case scenarios Dave Farber
Dan Gillmor: Internet content in peril in non-competitive world Dave Farber
more on Verizon ordered to disclose subscriber name Dave Farber
do you think they get it yet? Dave Farber
an "interesting advertising twist -- Support the U.S. Troops as They Head to War Dave Farber
Finally some anti-piracy sense Dave Farber
when the Wall Street Journal starts asking why are we invading Iraq, Bush is really in trouble. Dave Farber
don¹t buy that small car yet Dave Farber
says no war -- when the Wall Street Journal starts asking why are we invading Iraq, Bush is really in trouble. Dave Farber
Copyright proposal endorses a status quo that's anti-consumer Dave Farber
IBM unveils PowerPC Linux-based PDA reference design with TCPA Chip Dave Farber
Gainers Editorial from Energy Dave Farber
Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs) Dave Farber

Thursday, 23 January

(better late than never djf) Societies of Cooperating Cognitive Solutions Dave Farber
How the Glocom Spectrum Symposium went... Dave Farber
Open Source TCPA driver and white papers Dave Farber
Spectrum Allocation Conference Dave Farber
CORRECTION TO -- How the Glocom Spectrum Symposium went... Dave Farber

Friday, 24 January

TIA - USACM statement Dave Farber
Intel tips plans for reconfigurable radio architecture Dave Farber
Kilgore to Baghdad Dave Farber
Close Call at Davis-Besse Dave Farber
"Unnecessary Traffic Saturating a Key Internet 'Root' Server" Newswise (01/24/03) Dave Farber
comment on Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs) Dave Farber
comment on "Unnecessary Traffic Saturating a Key Internet'Root' Server"Newswise (01/24/03) Dave Farber
Fast factoring hardware Dave Farber

Saturday, 25 January

New privacy bill in Japan Dave Farber
more on Net Attack Dave Farber
Internet services across S. Korea shut down Dave Farber
the attack was not on the net but on Dave Farber
FCC to allow fiber monopolies in local loop ?? Dave Farber
Richard A. Clarke retiring from government Dave Farber
About that net attack last night Dave Farber
more on more on SQL attack Dave Farber
FINAL comment on Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs) Dave Farber
SQL worm demonstrates vital need to mirror Dave Farber
more on The first cyberterrorism? Dave Farber
Ethics Questions Hound Telecom Advisor Dave Farber

Sunday, 26 January

Students accused of cheating on exams using web enabled cell phones Dave Farber
Keep it secret, stupid! Dave Farber
Two recent papers whose relevance Slammer reinforced Dave Farber
Obituary: Hisashi Shinto Dave Farber
more on Two recent papers whose relevance Slammer reinforced Dave Farber
a view from a vet -- Slammered Dave Farber

Monday, 27 January

Trouble with Prime Numbers: DeCSS, DVD and the Protection of Proprietary Encryption Tools Dave Farber
RIAA>nul Dave Farber
WSIS delegates fail to agree on open-source 'support' Draft was changed after objections by U.S. Dave Farber
Microsoft hit by SQL worm Dave Farber
Internet Attack's Disruptions More Serious Than Many Thought Possible Dave Farber
is it ATM or ATM Internet Attack's Disruptions More Serious Than Many Thought Possible Dave Farber

Tuesday, 28 January

Audio of my HCSS speech with introduction by John Seely Brown Dave Farber
Audio of my HCSS speech with introduction by John Seely Brown Dave Farber
OASIS takes up "lawful intercept" standardization Dave Farber
Every data packet is a fully contained worm Dave Farber
U.S. Recordings Most Telling, Not Best-Selling Dave Farber
CD's summary of comments filed on FCC SPTF Docket 02-135 Dave Farber
Woah....this is disturbing... Dave Farber

Wednesday, 29 January

Streaming REAL Audio now available of my HCSS speech with introduction by John Seely Brown Dave Farber
Streaming REAL Audio now available of my HCSS speech with introduction by John Seely Brown (removed attachment djf) Dave Farber
Beyond Wi-Fi: The Road Ahead for License-Exempt Wireless ISPs Dave Farber
Humor on the Iraq Attack Dave Farber
Net phone hang-ups looming? Dave Farber
non Humor on the Iraq Attack Dave Farber
Wired Magazine : The Marshall Plan Dave Farber
Consumer Products: When Software Bugs Bite Dave Farber
Congressional report calls for more money into R&E networks Dave Farber

Thursday, 30 January

(Silicon Valley Ipers) A Next-Generation Consumer Photo Application * 4:15PM, Wed February 5, 2003 in Gates B03 Dave Farber
In Net Attacks, Defining the Right to Know Dave Farber
Update on disturbing eBay auction [ this was the Re: Woah....this is disturbing...item] Dave Farber
a favor for your moderator Dave Farber
TIA loses funding Dave Farber
further update on "disturbing" eBay auction Dave Farber
don't count your chickens ... Dave Farber
Interesting... David Farber
Stanford Spectrum Conference Dave Farber
State Department Link Will Open Visa Database to Police Officers Dave Farber

Friday, 31 January

CERT's vulnerability disclosure policy draws fire Dave Farber
Rare opportunity to see shuttle reentry in western USA Dave Farber
What shall we talk about? New book by UC Riverside mathematician has 777 suggestions Dave Farber
Privacy/1st Am in Verizon case with RIAA Dave Farber
Feds Building Internet Monitoring Center Dave Farber
more on State Department Link Will Open Visa Database to Police Officers Dave Farber
The Spread of the Sapphire/Slammer SQL Worm Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 February

[no subject] Unknown
[no subject] Unknown