Interesting People: by date

215 messages starting Mar 01 02 and ending Feb 04 23
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 01 March

IP: Dave Farber
IP: more on : intel backs consumers in copyright war Dave Farber
IP: Associated Press article on MS settlement Dave Farber
IP: Editorial on HP Situation or "If Wall Street Knew What HP Knows" Dave Farber
IP: Dubya and (Michael) Powell adopting "trickle-down"broadband policy? Dave Farber

Saturday, 02 March

IP: Defunct Industry Standard Magazine Lives On In Spam Dave Farber
IP: They don't need broadband -- let them eat ---- Dave Farber
IP: Online Group to Give Advice Regarding Copyrights David Farber
IP: utterly misses the point more onThey don't need broadband -- let them eat ---- Dave Farber
IP: An interesting paper on IPv6 from Japan David Farber
IP: My latest toy -- the SpyZ David Farber
IP: Colleges and universities turned into music cops? Dave Farber
IP: Campaign spam is OK? Dave Farber
IP: More on Comcast Dave Farber

Sunday, 03 March

IP: HP Way, a victim of its times Dave Farber
IP: more on Campaign spam is OK? Dave Farber
IP: Invitation to Provide Input: U.S. NAS Study on Internet Navigation & the Domain Name System Dave Farber
IP: Article: What's That Rumble in Venture Capital Funds? Dave Farber
IP: European Commission considers mandatory digital rights management Dave Farber
IP: First of two replies to an original note They don't need broadband -- let them eat ---- Dave Farber
IP: second of two replies to an original note They don't need broadband -- let them eat ---- Dave Farber
IP: the serious internet Dave Farber
IP: Come join a conversation with Cerf and Farber David Farber
IP: Surveillance update: European spycams, Israel's Xacct, Japan, more Dave Farber

Monday, 04 March

IP: Good (or Unwitting) Neighbors Make for Good Internet Access Dave Farber
IP: more on Campaign spam is OK? Dave Farber
IP: icann broadside from RIPE NCC Dave Farber
IP: YAMSB Yet another MS security bo-bo Dave Farber
IP: Digital Domesday Book lasts 15 years not 1000 Dave Farber
IP: U.S. House not YET djf] willing to endorse mandatory copy protection Dave Farber
IP: The Great Wi-Fi Hope David Farber
IP: Microsoft depositions coming up... Dave Farber
IP: more on Campaign spam is OK? Dave Farber
IP: BBC: Digital divisions split town and country Dave Farber
IP: more on Bank chief blasts Microsoft and IT industry -" He said the United States' IT industry had "singlehandedly wrecked the world economy over the last couple of years". " Dave Farber

Tuesday, 05 March

IP: France against EC/BSA Software Patentability Directive Proposal Dave Farber
IP: When your service provider blocks your IP address Dave Farber
IP: Cybercrime Trial: "Privacy: The First Cyber Crime Victim"(correction) David Farber
IP: Ballmer (of MS) on software engineering Dave Farber
IP: IT: New Anticensorware Report: BESS vs Image Search Engines Dave Farber
IP: Ballmer (of MS) on software engineering Dave Farber
IP: More on House panel vote Wednesday on .kids -- vs. Dave Farber
IP: two on Ballmer (of MS) on software engineering Dave Farber
IP: Saudi Arabia Dave Farber
IP: A MUST READ two on Ballmer (of MS) on software engineering Dave Farber
IP: some more on 809 issue from scambusters David Farber

Wednesday, 06 March

IP: Policy Post 8.04: ICANN President Proposes Radical Changes to Net Management Body Dave Farber
IP: Mr. Hollings' Opus Dave Farber
IP: some more on 809 issue from scambusters Dave Farber
IP: "Free Speech Under Attack" Dave Farber
IP: Big money fuels scheme to derail Amtrak for good Dave Farber
IP: more on "Free Speech Under Attack" Dave Farber
IP: When spam relays become worm breeding grounds Dave Farber
IP: MS lawyer calls settlement critics "whines", says they'd "confiscate MS' Intellectual Property" Dave Farber
IP: Airport Screeners at Work -- why do I see a BIG nightmare coming in the Fed program Dave Farber
IP: Neighborhood Watch Program Shifts Focus Terrorism Prevention and Detection to Become New Priorities Dave Farber
IP: Dave Farber
IP: DoCoMo chief not gung-ho on mergers Dave Farber
IP: Is This The Ghost of Vietnam I See Before Me? Dave Farber
IP: Judge Ponders Jurisdiction in Russian eBook Formatter Case Dave Farber
IP: -- make up your own mind -- more on Dave Farber

Thursday, 07 March

IP: Web presence of publishers Dave Farber
IP: Bray's [ an Iper] Globe column on Hollings hearing Dave Farber
IP: more on make up your own mind -- more on Dave Farber
IP: [CSL Colloq] Implications of DMCA Anti-Circumvention Regulations * 4:15PM, Wed Mar 13, 2002 in Gates B03 David Farber
IP: Paul Amer and truth Dave Farber
IP: Commerce Dept. refuses to bless .GOD and .SATAN top-level domains Dave Farber
IP: ICANN roundup; study says domain name dispute process is biased Dave Farber

Friday, 08 March

IP: -- this is unacceptable and should be illegal -- Newly "federalized" screeners ask for *TIPS*! Dave Farber
IP: The Role of the Federal Communications Commission in the Digital Era Dave Farber
IP: Plans for citizenship requirements for technical work threaten Dave Farber
IP: BUBBLES: TO FLACK OR NOT TO FLACK What's New for Mar 08, 2002 Dave Farber
IP: A "formal" inviation to the Cerf?Farber Discussion on 21 March at UPenn David Farber
IP: more on BUBBLES: TO FLACK OR NOT TO FLACK What's New forMar 08, 2002 Dave Farber

Saturday, 09 March

IP: The real threat to US values Dave Farber
IP: The next step in malicious spam David Farber
BEWARE! It's a WORM! Re: IP: The next step in malicious spam David Farber
Re: IP: -- this is unacceptable and should be illegal -- Newly "federalized" screeners ask for *TIPS*! David Farber
IP: Microsoft Threatens to Discontinue Windows David Farber

Sunday, 10 March

IP: Transcript: Nuclear Posture Review gives Bush nuclear option Dave Farber
IP: My world on this Sunday afternoon... Spam hunting! Dave Farber
IP: Shoofly pie, and broadband, too Dave Farber
IP: -- a document I wrote in July 1985 Seems still relevant -- Information Systems Engineering Perspectives Dave Farber
IP: What am I using -- gadgets, bangles and beads (from an old song -- almost) David Farber
IP: correction to Gadgets etc David Farber

Monday, 11 March

IP: Taming the Consumer's Computer (NYT) Dave Farber
IP: FCC Chief Powell, Senate's Hollings Clash In Hearing Dave Farber
IP: Got Ipod will take Dave Farber
IP: Article: Stop the Copying, Start a Media Revolution David Farber
IP: nfoworld column on how DMCA widens gap between open and closed source Dave Farber
IP: on the 6 month anniversary it is worthwhile (although emotionally draining ) to view again David Farber
IP: more on Infoworld column Dave Farber
IP: more on Infoworld column Dave Farber
IP: Portland Oregon IPers David Farber
IP: Sen. Burns blasts ICANN as "flawed, ineffective," wants hearings Dave Farber
IP: "Democracy's digital divide" David Farber

Tuesday, 12 March

IP: Public anger on the rise over airport searches Dave Farber
IP: more on Public anger on the rise over airport searches Dave Farber
IP: ATTBI / Eudora / SSL Dave Farber
IP: safe for them but damn us peasants. Arming Pilots Is the Best Way to Get Air Security By JOHN R. LOTTJr. David Farber
IP: THREE more on Public anger on the rise over airport searches Dave Farber
IP: News Corp accused of secretly breaking TV copy-protection scheme Dave Farber
IP: "Tribute in Light" explained Dave Farber
IP: Editorial on HP ... Dave Farber
IP: CIA Details Found on Google Dave Farber
IP: While we're on the subject of passenger outrage Dave Farber

Wednesday, 13 March

IP: more on ATTBI / Eudora / SSL Dave Farber
IP: Flexcar -- first I heard of it Dave Farber
IP: Maybe Dave will be doing less travelling now?? David Farber
Re: IP: more on ATTBI / Eudora / SSL David Farber
IP: well worth reading. spam and forced email servers..... David Farber
IP: New Report: Pre-Slipped Slope - censorware vs Wayback archive Dave Farber
IP: AISPA: What's Next after passage of Tauzin and Dingell's HR 1542 Dave Farber
IP: Marxist Theory and Free Software Dave Farber

Thursday, 14 March

IP: Parking enforcement on a roll Dave Farber
IP: Wired: Congress to Enter ICANN Fray Dave Farber
IP: ALSC press release Dave Farber
IP: support for katie hafner + zoe lyon Dave Farber
IP: D.I.R.T. Spyware Exposed on Web Dave Farber

Friday, 15 March

IP: New Verizon wireless data rate plan David Farber
IP: . Call for comments -- Wired: Congress to Enter ICANN Fray David Farber
IP: OECD Consumer Policy Committee Dave Farber
IP: need to know Dave Farber
IP: Should Geeks, Or Governments, Run the Net? Washington Post on ICANN Dave Farber
IP: Lliving large.... David Farber
IP: from What's New David Farber

Saturday, 16 March

IP: E-mail contracts? David Farber
Re: IP: Marxist Theory and Free Software David Farber

Sunday, 17 March

IP: DoCoMo to begin trial wireless LAN  service Dave Farber
IP: Jilted by broadband Dave Farber
IP: Handspring Treo 180 Hands-on Dave Farber
IP: In search of the lost Internet Dave Farber
IP: Sirius complaint Dave Farber
IP: Senate Judiciary Committee looking for input on Intellectual Property Dave Farber
IP: The Internet Amenity Dave Farber
IP: BBC newscast discusses possible CIA-Anthax connections David Farber
IP: Delay of promised editorial on ICANN David Farber
IP: UK study: Passwords often easy to crack Dave Farber

Monday, 18 March

IP: : password changing... Dave Farber
IP: Comments on the state of copyright and music licensing Dave Farber
IP: Karl Auerbach brought legal action against ICANN today David Farber
IP: BBC: Bug sets windows shaking Dave Farber
IP: Fast airport security survey -- personal David Farber

Tuesday, 19 March

IP-FLASH Overcoming ICANN: Forging Better Paths for the Internet David Farber
IP: CS Monitor: Don't Hobble the PCs Dave Farber
IP: Judge: MS claim to 'Windows' in doubt David Farber
IP: Legislative Initiative on Digital Music Online Dave Farber
IP: Forget all the oinline music stuff... in fact forget the CD Dave Farber
IP: AOL Time Warner/Intel issue joint statement of principles on digital copyright infringement Dave Farber
IP: BBC: $3m heist at Heathrow David Farber
IP: "Auerbach's Allegations Off Target" and Auerbach's reply to the press release Dave Farber
IP: ICANN: Auerbach's Allegations Off Target Dave Farber

Wednesday, 20 March

IP: 2 on California's Sen. Feinstein cozies up to SSSCA, anti-copying laws Dave Farber
IP: Webcast instructions for Cerf-Farber discussion Dave Farber
IP: Webcast Info David Farber
IP: : Hackers Deface Thousands Of Domains Parked At Verisign David Farber
IP: Cable Modem Hacking Tricks Uncapped Online Dave Farber

Thursday, 21 March

IP: Finding Pay Dirt in Scannable Driver's Licenses David Farber
Re: IP: Finding Pay Dirt in Scannable Driver's Licenses David Farber
Re: IP: Finding Pay Dirt in Scannable Driver's Licenses David Farber

Friday, 22 March

IP: Senate Judicary Committee has switched to a web-based form for "user comments" David Farber
For IP: "X-ray specs" airport scanners see you naked David Farber

Saturday, 23 March

IP: : Data Delivery Record Shattered David Farber

Sunday, 24 March

IP: A world without Windows David Farber
IP: "X-ray specs" airport scanners see you naked Dave Farber
IP: interesting synopsis of the issues with webcasting and the music industry Dave Farber
IP: more on "X-ray specs" airport scanners see you naked Dave Farber
IP: more on "X-ray specs" airport scanners see you naked Dave Farber
IP: New technology to transmit video without wires through home Dave Farber
IP: Sirius petition worries wireless LAN suppliers Dave Farber
IP: Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don't take a stand David Farber
IP: more on Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don't take a stand Dave Farber
IP: A Test for Antitrust Laws David Farber

Monday, 25 March

IP: Gov't Acronymics (AKA - Painful Acronyms) Dave Farber
IP: : Youth all thumbs? David Farber
IP: interesting stat on size of Hollywood vs computing: which wouldyou guess is larger? David Farber
IP: icann peace mission David Farber
IP: Profiling is here David Farber
IP: F Apple Wants Your Feedback Dave Farber
IP: 1024-bit RSA keys in danger of compromise Dave Farber
IP: library censorware trial starts today Dave Farber
Re: IP: icann peace mission David Farber
IP: FCC Extends Time to Comment in Broadband Proceedings Dave Farber
IP: Australian Government releases content filtering survey in time for Philadelphia trial David Farber

Tuesday, 26 March

IP: Copyright protection bill creates furor in high-tech industry Dave Farber
IP: CIPA Trial - European coverage Dave Farber
IP: A father of object oriented programming compares Java and .NET Dave Farber
more on IP: Australian Government releases content filtering survey in time for Philadelphia trial Dave Farber
IP: FCC challenged on high-speed ISP ruling Dave Farber
IP: Copyright protection bill creates furor inhigh-tech industry Dave Farber
IP: ICANN claims to have policy responsibilities Dave Farber
IP: CBDTPA bans everything from two-line BASIC programs to PCs Dave Farber
Re: IP: CBDTPA bans everything from two-line BASIC programs to PCs David Farber
IP: : Yipes goes Chapter 11 ... yipes! Dave Farber
IP: Article: Microsoft Said to Enhance PC Influence in Settlement Dave Farber
IP: Radar-gun vigilantes team up with cops to nab speeders --NYT Dave Farber

Wednesday, 27 March

IP: A hacker's dreamland: wireless networks David Farber

Thursday, 28 March

IP: Be careful with your briefcase at the airport David Farber
IP: : The Register sees big danger in CBDTPA bill David Farber
IP: Overthrowing the telecom monopoly David Farber

Friday, 29 March

IP: BBC: Backpack PC helps disabled children David Farber
IP: Concerns Mount Over Exposure To Radiation on Airline Flights David Farber
IP: What is it about airports? David Farber
IP: FCC to vote on phone-number crunch David Farber

Saturday, 30 March

IP: Research Suggests All Is Not Bleak Dave Farber

Sunday, 31 March

IP: Unisys and M$ attack Unix servers as "inflexible" Dave Farber
IP: more on FCC to vote on phone-number crunch Dave Farber
IP: 10K vs. 1K David Farber
IP: : Office on Linux -- with no emulator Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 February

[no subject] Unknown
[no subject] Unknown