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IP: A Test for Antitrust Laws

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 22:41:29 -0500

A Test for Antitrust Laws

March 25, 2002


The second week of arguments begins today over what
penalties Microsoft (news/quote) should face for repeatedly
violating antitrust law, and the federal judge presiding
over the trial in Washington has postponed ruling on the
case's most contested question: how broad is the scope of
this remedy proceeding?

The Justice Department and nine states have settled with
Microsoft, but nine other states - California, Connecticut,
Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Utah and
West Virginia - and the District of Columbia are pursuing
stronger measures that they say are needed to prevent
Microsoft from repeating its illegal conduct in new

This week, an executive of Novell is expected to cast
aspersions on Microsoft's tactics in deflecting the threat
to its Windows operating system posed by computer networks,
according to court filings. A witness from Palm may accuse
Microsoft of withholding information to derail competition
from Palm's hand-held devices, whose ability to synchronize
information with most desktop or laptop PC's depends on

Microsoft's lawyers say testimony about such technologies
has no place in the final phase of a case that for four
years has centered largely on Web browsers like Netscape
Navigator and Internet Explorer. They are pressing Judge
Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to ban mention of server operating
systems, hand-held devices, television set-top boxes and
Web services, arguing that the states are trying to "muddy
the record" and turn the remedy hearing into a new
liability trial. Their opponents, however, insist these are
the future battlegrounds where decisions in this case will

But the judge, who has received written briefs from both
sides on the matter, has steadfastly refused to make a
broad decision. Instead, she reminds the states about twice
a day that she does not want to "go down the road of new
anticompetitive conduct," but she does agree to consider
the testimony in the context of an appropriate remedy.

Legal experts agree that Judge Kollar-Kotelly has broad
discretion, should she choose to exercise it, in how to
carry out the instructions from the appeals court to
restore competition in the market for personal computer
operating systems, prevent Microsoft from benefiting from
its misconduct and ensure that it does not happen again.

Among other things, the states want Microsoft to produce a
version of Windows built with block-like modules of
software code that would allow PC makers to swap features
into and out of the program without harming the stability
of the basic operating system. They also want to force
Microsoft to disclose more information, sooner and on an
equal basis, to developers who want to write programs that
work with Windows as well as Microsoft's own programs do.

But the judge has precious little legal precedent to guide
her. Most antitrust cases are settled before this point,
many remedies require a breakup - the one option the
appeals court strongly discouraged - and the rapid
evolution of technology may make restoring the conditions
that existed before Microsoft's violations impossible or

"The law of remedies in this context is kind of a black
box," said Alan Meese, a visiting professor of law at the
University of Virginia, who specializes in antitrust.
"Every case is different, every marketplace is different,
so it's hard to point to a precedent."

Such freedom, however, does not necessarily make things

"Microsoft was found guilty of violating the Sherman
Antitrust Act," said David B. Yoffie, a professor at
Harvard Business School. "The question is whether there is
a remedy for that that's applicable in a high-tech industry
where constant evolution is not only required, but is
necessary for ongoing consumer welfare. I'm not sure that
there is."

Judge Kollar-Kotelly has good reason to be cautious. For
one thing, the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit removed her predecessor on the
case, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, for misconduct, threw
out his order to break up Microsoft and overturned large
parts of his ruling, which held Microsoft liable for
several additional antitrust violations.

Judge Jackson received the case after the appeals court
removed Judge Stanley Sporkin, who said the federal
government's 1994 consent decree with Microsoft was not
aggressive enough and declined to approve it. In an opinion
that may bear on the current case, the appeals court
criticized Judge Sporkin for failing to defer to the
Justice Department's "prosecutorial discretion."

Further complicating matters, Judge Kollar-Kotelly must
decide in a separate proceeding whether the Justice
Department's new consent decree is in the public interest.
Given that the appeals court said Judge Sporkin had
overstepped his authority, she may well be inclined to
approve it. But some legal experts say it may be a hard
psychological juggling act for the judge to still keep an
open mind to the additional remedies the dissenting states
are seeking in the current trial.

In the current case, the appeals court found that Microsoft
had illegally maintained its Windows operating system
monopoly by engaging in a number of tactics designed to
crush the rival Netscape Navigator browser, which could
have become a threat to Windows. The court also found that
the company had illegally sabotaged Java, a programming
language developed by Sun Microsystems (news/quote), which
posed another potential threat to Windows.

Microsoft argues that any remedy must be tailored to fit
those particular misdeeds, and points to its settlement
with the Justice Department as a model.

But the nine states that did not join in the proposed
settlement argue that it will not prevent Microsoft from
using similar tactics to fend off new competitors to its
operating system - and that many of the strongest
contenders for the present and future look much different
from those of the past.

"As a whole, Microsoft has engaged in a catalog of
anticompetitive acts eerily familiar to the actions
Microsoft took to stamp out the nascent threats of
Navigator and Java," lawyers for the dissenting states
argue in a court filing. "This court has to fashion a
remedy that allows the next generation of platform threats
to Windows the opportunity to develop and compete with
Microsoft on the merits."

Last week, David Richards, vice president for consumer
systems at RealNetworks (news/quote), testified for the
states. Like the Netscape browser, the states argue, Real's
audio and video software can run on multiple operating
systems. And as they could with the browser, people can
write programs to run on the RealPlayer platform. Given a
chance, the software could grow into an operating system,
the states say.

Microsoft dismisses that notion as fanciful, and argued
that Mr. Richards's testimony - which described Microsoft's
efforts to undermine the RealPlayer by withholding
information - had no place in the remedy trial.

And Microsoft finds the upcoming testimony even more
offensive. "Last week, there were issues that at least
dealt with what the case was about," said Jim Densler, a
Microsoft spokesman. "This week, we'll see a shift in
witnesses that will discuss products that have nothing to
do with this case whatsoever."

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