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IP: more on Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don't take a stand

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 22:31:44 -0500

------ Forwarded Message
From: Nathan Cochrane <ncochrane () theage fairfax com au>
Organization: The Age newspaper
Reply-To: ncochrane () theage fairfax com au
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 12:47:37 +1100
To: farber () cis upenn edu
Cc: DGillmor () sjmercury com
Subject: Re: IP: Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don't  take a stand

Hi Dan

Much of what you wrote is pertinent to Australians.

The incumbent Australian telco, Telstra, has plans to buy a media
company as federal restrictions on media ownership plan to be lifted.
The federal government sees no problems with that, because it wants to
sell the remaining 50.1 per cent of Telstra it owns, and a purchase of
this magnitude would greatly lift the value of its shareholding.

Alston defends Telstra media quest

Broadcasters fear monolithic Telstra

Expect a rumble in media jungle,5744,3995777%255E16

At the same time, the antitrust rottweiler, the Australian Competition
and Consumer Commission, has slapped Telstra for deliberately delaying
the nation's broadband rollout.

ACCC Runs Out of Patience with Telstra's Wholesale Broadband Delays

Telstra's response

There are even proposals to put the federal government's Australian
Broadcasting Authority, the body that oversees broadcasting legislation
and Internet censorship, in charge of Australia's newsrooms. The ABA's
policing of the Net -- depending on who you talk to -- is
well-intentioned yet porous, comical and irrelevant, or outright dangerous.

Alston acts to ease media binds

Editorial: Government media plan is half-baked,5744,4002441%255E75

The aim of the game is partnerships. All these companies are jockeying
for position, stitching up deals with each other even as we sheep dream.
It's not just a US issue, it affects all citizens in developed economies.

"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of
the light!"
- Dylan Thomas

It may not be long before we even that is taken from us.


David Farber wrote:

From: "Gillmor, Dan" <DGillmor () sjmercury com>
To: "'Dave Farber '" <dave () farber net>
Subject: My line in the sand
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 14:52:54 -0800


Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don't take a stand
By Dan Gillmor
Mercury News Technology Columnist
This is a quiz about your future. It's about how you view some basic
elements of the emerging Digital Age.
1. Do you care if a few giant companies control virtually all
entertainment and information?
2. Do you care if they decide what kinds of technological innovations
will reach the marketplace?
3. Would you be concerned if they used their power to compile detailed
dossiers on everything you read, listen to, view and buy?
4. Would you find it acceptable if they could decide whether what you
write and say could be seen and heard by others?
Those are no longer theoretical questions. They are the direction in
which America is hurtling.
Media conglomerates are in a merger frenzy. Telecommunications
monopolies are creating a cozy cartel, dividing up access to the online
world. The entertainment industry is pushing for Draconian controls on
the use and dissemination of digital information.
If you're not infuriated by these related trends, you should at least be
worried. If you're neither, stop reading this column. You're a sheep,
content to be herded wherever these giants wish.
But if you want to retain some fundamental rights over the information
you use and create, please take a stand. Do it soon, because a great
deal is at stake.
The offenses against the public interest have been piling up, one after
the other, but we've been acting like the proverbial frog that just sits
there in a pot of water slowly brought to a boil. The frog gets cooked
because it doesn't realize what's happening until too late.
The most recent outrage, detailed elsewhere on this page by my
colleague, Mercury News Staff Writer Dawn Chmielewski, is the music
companies' scheme to control Internet radio or murder it if they can't.
Net radio provides the variety and value that broadcast radio, so
dominated today by a few behemoths, has almost utterly lost. Now it's
going to disappear, if the greedy souls who dominate commercial music
have their way -- just one more whack at the public interest to preserve
the untenable business models of well-connected corporations.
What can we do about all this?
I'd been hoping that Congress would come to its senses one of these
days, and mitigate the damage it has done with laws like the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act. As prescient critics warned, the law has been
abused by the entertainment crowd and its craven allies in the
technology business to threaten scholars, curb free speech and even
incite outrageous prosecutions.
I'd been hoping that lawmakers would see the danger of market
concentration in telecommunications and media. No luck there, either.
I'd been hoping that the courts might intervene. But courts are more
political than we learn in our third-grade civics classes. Federal
judges are nominated and confirmed by politicians who only occasionally
peek out of the pockets of the special interests. Again and again, with
few exceptions, judges are upholding laws that trample on tradition and
There's no simple, all-encompassing solution to this dismal situation.
Fighting for the public interest will involve work on a variety of fronts.
It's essential, for example, that we put pressure on Congress and keep
it there. Tell your U.S. House representative and U.S. senators that you
want real competition, not cozy oligopolies or worse, when it comes to
telecommunications and media -- and that further industry concentration
is unacceptable.
Tell them you don't want to wake up in five years and discover no more
than two or three ways onto the Net -- at least the truly high-speed
connections we'll find essential once they're actually available -- in
your community. Tell them you don't think it's right that one company
should be able to own all or most of the major media outlets in your
And insist that they reject anything resembling legislation introduced
last week by Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C. This favor to the
entertainment moguls would lead us down a control-freak path of putting
copy protection in every digital device.
Tell them you don't want your PC to be neutered into an expensive DVD
player. And tell them you don't want the Internet, the greatest enabler
of free speech in history, to be reduced to online television.
You can find your member's office in your local phone book, or on the
Web (, or by calling the main number
at the Capitol ( (202) 224-3121).
Maybe Congress will listen, though the record so far is bleak. It's
still worth your effort to try. I'd also like to hear your ideas on what
we can do, individually and collectively.
There is a place where we can all make a difference, right now. Let's
send a message to a key member of the entertainment cartel -- the music
industry -- and send it in a language the industry can grasp.
So, here's my line in the sand.
I've bought my last CD from any major label or independent label that
puts copy protection on any of its music.
I have a fine collection of older music, some on CDs and most on
now-ancient vinyl LPs, which I'm moving gradually to digital formats so
I can play them back on various devices including a CD player that can
understand MP3s.
I'm looking for online music from new artists who aren't afraid of this
medium, people who will give me value for my money.
Here's my message to the record industry and its allies:
I'm not a thief. I'm a customer. When you treat me like a thief, I won't
be your customer.
Enough is enough.

Dan Gillmor's column appears each Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. E-mail
dgillmor () sjmercury com; phone (408) 920-5016; fax (408) 920-5917

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