Interesting People: by author

121 messages starting Nov 07 99 and ending Nov 10 99
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Dave Farber

IP: Government subsidizes activities for celibate teens Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: a lession in the first amendment Dave Farber (Nov 17)
IP: The Circle of Learning Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: Microsoft does it yet again Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: New Yorker article on how NSA surveillance is ineffective Dave Farber (Nov 30)
IP: I know I will receive poison pen letters for this one but -- some comments re Windows 2000 Dave Farber (Nov 28)
IP: more on (and I second his comments) Imagine that you are afraid of a knock on the door... Dave Farber (Nov 26)
IP: more on Network Associates Dave Farber (Nov 27)
IP: Markle Foundation Commits More Than $1 Million To Improve Internet Governance, Including Initiatives To Make ICANN More Publicly Accountable Dave Farber (Nov 02)
IP: Some background on -- NEW INFO AGE - UN summit in Paris Dave Farber (Nov 30)
IP: Kennard Celebrates E-Rate Dave Farber (Nov 18)
IP: Nanotechnology article by Dan Gillmor Dave Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Internet Economy Grows on Plans, Not Products Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Government Has More Questions for Internet Board Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Judge Jackson singles out Gates; MS vows to keep fighting Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: more on Academy Report on IP Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: carbon-based v. silicon-based switches Dave Farber (Nov 29)
IP: " A scary, but not unanticipated, thought..." Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Findings of Fact in MS/DOJ available in PDF and WP5 formats Dave Farber (Nov 05)
IP: lets see it took a day to fix "computer software glitch" Dave Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Judge Appoints Mediator in Microsoft Case Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Announcing - PFIR: "People For Internet Responsibility" Dave Farber (Nov 16)
IP: ECHELON Watch Dave Farber (Nov 16)
IP: Re: NYT -- Microsoft's Lobbying Abuses Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: If you have never looked at Network Associates PGP try it license Dave Farber (Nov 26)
IP: more on Crypto regs draft released Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: the tale of three signatures Dave Farber (Nov 16)
IP: [ for what it is worth .. djf]FBI demands "Y2K secret Army briefing" video be yanked Dave Farber (Nov 25)
IP: TMI sets precedent with U.S. deal: Telecom firm agrees to wiretaps -- but not on Canadians [JUST AMERICANS? djf] Dave Farber (Nov 17)
IP: a talk in the SF Bay area Uncovering ECHELON w/Duncan Campbell Dave Farber (Nov 10)
IP: RealNetworks Listening In Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: The Marker of a Criminal [read and think djf] Dave Farber (Nov 20)
IP: more on 34 years ago! Dave Farber (Nov 05)
IP: NYT -- Microsoft's Lobbying Abuses Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: The LAST -- : More on George Gilder: Techno-Tyrant Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: More on Curry Patent Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Bell Labs Predictions For 2025 -- from Telecom Digest Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: give me that old time education -- from Risks Dave Farber (Nov 04)
IP: did you see this? Dave Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Some Privacy Concerns Rise as Plans For Tracking Cell-Phone Users Unfold Dave Farber (Nov 20)
IP: Who'll rule cyberspace? Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: In Findings of Fact, Judge Says Microsoft Has a Monopoly Dave Farber (Nov 05)
IP: good DNS example in Boston Globe today Dave Farber (Nov 26)
IP: Germany Awards Grant for Encryption (fwd) Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Well worth reading re UCITA Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Do you have a plug Dave Farber (Nov 11)
IP: REMINDS ME OF THE NEW INFORMATION AGE -- UN summit in Paris next week on Internet taxing & regulation Dave Farber (Nov 25)
IP: More on --The decline (and maybe fall) of electronic systems Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Now it becomes clear --- Microsoft does it yet again Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Internet Group Approves Domain Registration Rules Dave Farber (Nov 05)
IP: NJ Government Agency Wins Court Orders For Domain Names Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Speedy Net Access from European firm(@) Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Web coinventor says no access to Net w/out government "license" Dave Farber (Nov 27)
IP: New GPS VAIO & CDRW for VAIO! Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Online Companies Squander Publicīs Trus Dave Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Internet Spending OK'd Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: curry patent again Dave Farber (Nov 16)
IP: That article about Britain Dave Farber (Nov 26)
IP: a "scattered" telephone failure (may have been much more than the NYT reported) Dave Farber (Nov 24)
IP: more on REMINDS ME OF THE New Information Order -- UN summit in Paris next week on Internet taxing & regulation Dave Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Winter Break and Y2K - To Stay or Not To Stay Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: US Said Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks US Said Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks Dave Farber (Nov 05)
IP: more on The Marker of a Criminal [read and think djf] Dave Farber (Nov 20)
IP: A cryptographer's (no longer) secret FBI file Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: more on : BBC Online 2/10/99: "Global spy network revealed" Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Best law money can buy -- Lobbyists Swarm GOP Govs' Meeting Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: All Pros and No Cons? It's a Con... Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Military Grappling With Rules for Cyber Warfare Dave Farber (Nov 08)
IP: Some comments on: A favor PLEASE look at and answer this question Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: More on Findings of Fact in MS/DOJ ... an opinion Dave Farber (Nov 06)
IP: Imagine that you are afraid of a knock on the door... Dave Farber (Nov 26)
IP: more on (with humor) Now it becomes clear --- Microsoft does it yet again Dave Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Electronic dinosaur is dusted off Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Lawsuit filed to block "Internet Wiretaps" Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: The decline (and maybe fall) of electronic systems Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: more on : a "scattered" telephone failure (may have been much more than Dave Farber (Nov 24)
IP: A favor PLEASE look at and answer this question Dave Farber (Nov 17)
IP: Europe takes a step closer to flat rate internet access Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: more ondvd encryption cracked Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: again sorry for the long signature. I installed Eudora under WIN 2k and its setting was wrong Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: Sweden's proposed program for open access fiber to the home Dave Farber (Nov 08)
IP: dvd encryption cracked Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Self-Indulgence in the Internet Industry Dave Farber (Nov 22)
IP: A true Y2K disaster: NBC's Sunday night movie Dave Farber (Nov 20)
IP: FCC Adopts Rules Applicable to Sale of High Speed Net Services Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: uit Says RealNetworks' 'RealJukeBox' Software is RealBigBrother Dave Farber (Nov 20)
IP: FC: Judge Jackson completely sides with DoJ Dave Farber (Nov 06)
IP: BBC Online 2/10/99: "Global spy network revealed" Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: More on George Gilder: Techno-Tyrant Dave Farber (Nov 01)
IP: UK introduces E-Communications Bill Dave Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Our man in Hong Kong Dave Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Cute Parody Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Students Learn Firsthand About Freedom of Press Dave Farber (Nov 17)
IP: 34 years ago! Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: NSA patents voice recognition technology Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Net Privacy - An Oxymoron? Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: Nice commentary on recent mischief: Internet Bills Abound in 106th Congress' First Session Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: to minimize my guilt Dave Farber (Nov 22)
IP: BYTE-SIZE TAXES Dave Farber (Nov 18)
IP: a bit more on MS and Office Dave Farber (Nov 04)
IP: Law News Network Article Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Academy Report on IP Dave Farber (Nov 06)
IP: P.S. -- Microsoft does it yet again Dave Farber (Nov 03)
IP: Administration Floats New Encryption Regulations Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: Leased lines: Commission acts to bring down cost of communications in Europe Dave Farber (Nov 24)
IP: Tangled Webs: What Gives Them the Right? Dave Farber (Nov 25)
IP: Stewart Baker on US crypto regs & open source software Dave Farber (Nov 30)
IP: Online Pioneers: The Buzz Never Stops Dave Farber (Nov 21)
IP: Taiwan ad uses cartoon Hitler Dave Farber (Nov 23)
IP: powers of deduction Dave Farber (Nov 19)
IP: a bit more on REMINDS ME OF THE New Information Order -- UN summit in Paris next week on Internet taxing & regulation Dave Farber (Nov 28)
IP: GLOBAL E-CONSUMER RULES PROPOSED -- educause Dave Farber (Nov 07)
IP: more on Denise's topic Dave Farber (Nov 22)
IP: Watch out -- here it comes Dave Farber (Nov 06)
IP: the tax man comeith Dave Farber (Nov 16)
IP: Comet cursor in crosshairs Dave Farber (Nov 30)
IP: ietf on wirtetap Dave Farber (Nov 15)
IP: Nasdaq software failure or will they ever learn!! Dave Farber (Nov 22)
IP: New Scientist Article on Do-it-yourself Evesdropping Dave Farber (Nov 10)