Interesting People: by author

170 messages starting Jun 10 03 and ending Jun 19 03
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Dave Farber

do read last Para. Time to correct the record re. the pillaged Museum in Baghdad. See this article in the (liberal) Guardian. Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Safire: Regulate the F.C.C. Dave Farber (Jun 16)
The Answer to Securing Data? Self-Destructing Files Dave Farber (Jun 17)
FCC adopts media ownership rules Proposal passed by party-line vote allows networks to reach 45% of national audience. Dave Farber (Jun 02)
`Demzilla' and `Voter Vault' Are Watching You Dave Farber (Jun 10)
IP will be in recesss till Friday evening Dave Farber (Jun 10)
DO CELL PHONES FLY WELL? Dave Farber (Jun 21)
Orrin Hatch comments video available online Dave Farber (Jun 20)
query on Joe Job Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Halt, or the Computer Gets It Dave Farber (Jun 18)
Wired magazine story to detail Slammer Web attack Dave Farber (Jun 07)
report on Workshop on Basic Research in Telecommunication Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Preliminary ruling against Mailblocks Dave Farber (Jun 25) Dave Farber (Jun 27)
more on An "interesting" view of ICANN obligations Replies are welcome Dave Farber (Jun 26)
a review of Book Expo America 2003 Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Panel OKs proposal to restore media rules Dave Farber (Jun 20)
Got bad credit? Now you'll be hassled at the airport, too Dave Farber (Jun 14)
Reporting--or Theft? The AP rips off Hillary Clinton Dave Farber (Jun 10)
A complaisant US Judiciary Dave Farber (Jun 19)
Seven Factors for Weighing e-Discovery Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Larry Lessig: Right to "document" phone calls Dave Farber (Jun 21)
take the pledge Dave Farber (Jun 26)
more on Weird web data foxes experts Dave Farber (Jun 27)
Homeland Security unveils new cybersecurity division, seeks chief Dave Farber (Jun 09)
iTunes and indie labels Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Paris Airshow Opens; US Execs Stay Home Dave Farber (Jun 15)
A complaisant US Judiciary Dave Farber (Jun 19)
an excuse for ??? Senator Hatch supports "damaging computers" involved in "illegal downloading" !?? Dave Farber (Jun 18)
video chat Dave Farber (Jun 27)
Pentagon Project Could Put Powerful Software in Private Hands Dave Farber (Jun 03)
AT&T Chief Cites Wi-Fi Commitment Dave Farber (Jun 03)
More on: Ireland to regulate peering Dave Farber (Jun 20)
Questions of The Filibuster's Constitutionality Linger Dave Farber (Jun 13)
more on SPF will solves spam" Dave Farber (Jun 15)
CIA recommends prosecuting press outlets for espionage Dave Farber (Jun 01)
TSA considers x-raying passengers Dave Farber (Jun 26)
" SPF will solves spam" Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Digital divide in schools Dave Farber (Jun 23)
speaking of... the health of telecom R&D Dave Farber (Jun 21)
more on Staples: Driving Down the Highway, Mourning the Death of American Radio Dave Farber (Jun 08)
more on Caltech (Steven Low) FAST TCP work Dave Farber (Jun 06)
More on the Volo Auto Museum vs. Volvo Cars Dave Farber (Jun 20)
Appeals Court Denies Verizon's Stay Request in Music Case Dave Farber (Jun 04)
Giving Revisionists a Bad Name Dave Farber (Jun 24)
Columbia Shuttle Question Dave Farber (Jun 28)
recycled news -- Brain "lie-detectors" for big brother (I have seen this before months ago I think) Dave Farber (Jun 08)
Night goggles to beat film piracy Dave Farber (Jun 01)
Brain "lie-detectors" for big brother Dave Farber (Jun 09)
two on MoJournal | Losing Signal... What's a River For... Mother ofAll Babble... Dave Farber (Jun 09)
World Tech Summit invite ... Dave Farber (Jun 05)
NASD Says Instant Messages Must Be Saved Dave Farber (Jun 18)
ip email ing Dave Farber (Jun 19)
Orrin Hatch the software pirate... Dave Farber (Jun 20)
On Can E-Mail Be Saved? (06.20.2003) Dave Farber (Jun 20)
more on AOL not accepting mail... (fwd/re) Dave Farber (Jun 10)
chip and software design in India... Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Salon article on excessive spam blocking at RR Dave Farber (Jun 19)
more o n (right on) Halt, or the Computer Gets It Dave Farber (Jun 18)
an excuse for ??? Senator Hatch supports "damaging compu ters" involved in "illegal downloading" !?? Dave Farber (Jun 19)
Google's Brave Net Web Dave Farber (Jun 05)
Media Silent on Clark's 9/11 Comments Dave Farber (Jun 21)
more on ICANN - And here's who will be running the Internet for the next 3 years Dave Farber (Jun 22)
answer on AOL not accepting mail... (fwd/re) Dave Farber (Jun 10)
BBC: * Quantum leap for secret codes * Dave Farber (Jun 05)
Brain "lie-detectors" for big brother (I have seen this before months ago I think) Dave Farber (Jun 08)
AT&T lets phone fraud victims off the hook Dave Farber (Jun 26)
$5,000 DIY cruise missle Dave Farber (Jun 03)
Savant for a Day Dave Farber (Jun 22)
more on Wired magazine story to detail Slammer Web attack Dave Farber (Jun 07)
Book Out of Stores After Plagiarism Allegations Dave Farber (Jun 04)
I sent out re a message from galler that seemed to be an IP message DID NOT impact the IP mailing list in any way Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Quantum Cryptography - up and running in Boston Dave Farber (Jun 09)
more on National Do Not Call Registry has opened Dave Farber (Jun 28)
Sen. Boxer's Statement on the FCC Decision on Media Ownership Dave Farber (Jun 04)
Statement by Senator John McCain on the Federal Communications Commission Reauthorization Act of 2003 Dave Farber (Jun 14)
2500 UK Workers Sacked by Text Message Dave Farber (Jun 02)
New bill injects FBI into P2P battle Dave Farber (Jun 21)
query re formatting problems with IP and Eudora Dave Farber (Jun 17)
FCC OSP Dave Farber (Jun 14)
phone hacking still a problem Dave Farber (Jun 10)
E-Mail Swindle Uses False Report About a Swindle Dave Farber (Jun 21)
Senator wants limits on copy protection Dave Farber (Jun 06)
this will unfortunately make your day Dave Farber (Jun 02)
the best law money can buy -- Kansas energy Firm Saw Link between legislative Favor, Donations to Top Republicans Dave Farber (Jun 07)
FCC order "Fair and Balanced?" Dave Farber (Jun 03)
a favor from IP: AOL not accepting mail... Dave Farber (Jun 10)
FCC official:Fast web content rules not needed now Dave Farber (Jun 27)
"medium"-sized webcasters... Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Orrin Hatch and Software Licensing Dave Farber (Jun 18)
more on a strong comment on -- CIA recommends prosecuting press outlets for espionage Dave Farber (Jun 02)
a strong comment on -- CIA recommends prosecuting press outlets for espionage Dave Farber (Jun 01)
Pentagon Project Could Put Powerful Software in Private Hands Dave Farber (Jun 03)
RIAA plans lawsuit binge against file traders Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Ireland to regulate peering Dave Farber (Jun 14)
NYTimes: Digital Media Becomes Focus as Microsoft and AOL Settle (with Farber quote at end (almost farberism)) Dave Farber (Jun 01)
Senator Hatch supports "damaging computers" involved in "ilegal downloading" !?? Dave Farber (Jun 18)
DNS marks 20th birthday Dave Farber (Jun 26)
short note on Wired magazine story to detail Slammer Web attack Dave Farber (Jun 07)
more on FCC official:Fast web content rules not needed now Dave Farber (Jun 28)
more on An "interesting" view of ICANN obligations Replies are welcome Dave Farber (Jun 25)
voip and Japan Dave Farber (Jun 09)
Spammers Will Use Throwaway Domains Dave Farber (Jun 11)
Larry Lessig: Right to "document" phone calls Dave Farber (Jun 21)
anti-terror laws may kill rocketry hobby Dave Farber (Jun 10)
"Finding Nemo" wasn't that much of a problem.... Dave Farber (Jun 01)
Ram Island imageIsland for Auction on eBay Dave Farber (Jun 25)
European right to reply Dave Farber (Jun 17)
more on p An "interesting" view of ICANN obligations Replies are welcome Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Dean: Missing WMD: Lies about reasons for war and impeachable offense? Dave Farber (Jun 07)
Independent Radio Dave Farber (Jun 01)
DHS "suspends" CAPPS II for privacy review Dave Farber (Jun 14)
TSA offers 'real solutions' or may I sell you a bridge djf Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Fact Squad Radio: "Senator Hatch & The Computer Destroyers" Dave Farber (Jun 19)
Palm to purchase Handspring Dave Farber (Jun 04)
Gillmor's call to action Dave Farber (Jun 01)
Dissection of the slammer worm that brought the internet to a halt Dave Farber (Jun 07)
caution on Spam legislation from CDT Dave Farber (Jun 25)
more on Weird web data foxes experts Dave Farber (Jun 25)
I more on caution on Spam legislation from CDT Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Swimming in oil Dave Farber (Jun 05)
another study says hand-free cell phones make no difference Dave Farber (Jun 23)
Cash flowing again from VCs? Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Hobbyist Wins a Patent for PC's [Hardware design to protect against viruses] Dave Farber (Jun 16)
Initiative - A Broadband Vision for California Dave Farber (Jun 17)
Phoning Over Wi-Fi Getting Easier   Dave Farber (Jun 06)
Training for civil rights defense Dave Farber (Jun 20)
National Do Not Call Registry has opened (Forwarded) Dave Farber (Jun 27)
ICANN - And here's who will be running the Internet for the next 3 years Dave Farber (Jun 21)
The L-1 visa controversy Dave Farber (Jun 19)
ICANN - And here's who will be running the Internet for the next 3 years Dave Farber (Jun 21)
Microsoft to quit making web browsers for Mac Dave Farber (Jun 16)
Deception, or Just Disarray (about Internet Technology), at Enron? Dave Farber (Jun 08)
[IP] Dave Farber (Jun 04)
more on RIAA plans lawsuit binge against file traders Dave Farber (Jun 26)
Judiciary Issues - Two Counterpoints Dave Farber (Jun 20)
Staples: Driving Down the Highway, Mourning the Death of American Radio Dave Farber (Jun 08)
It pays to follow the links - Neil Munro Dave Farber (Jun 20)
Norwegian Number Portability for GSM Dave Farber (Jun 07)
Economist article on markets vs. commons Dave Farber (Jun 08)
more on caution on Spam legislation from CDT Dave Farber (Jun 25)
DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING MADE EASY (NewsScan Daily, 6 June 2003) Dave Farber (Jun 07)
more on more on anti-terror laws may kill rocketry hobby Dave Farber (Jun 13)
-- THE REAL WORLD the Wash POST Dave Farber (Jun 18)
Weird web data foxes experts Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Executive Editor of The Times and Top Deputy Step Down Dave Farber (Jun 05)
NOTE THE MESSAGE IS FROM GALLER NOT FROM THE IP LIST SERVER. -- virus sent as IP message Dave Farber (Jun 09)
on BBC TV -- do read last Para. Time to correct the record re. the pillaged Museum in Baghdad. See this article in the (liberal) Guardian. Dave Farber (Jun 10)
BBC 2 Television Special: What the World Thinks of America Dave Farber (Jun 16)
more on Initiative - A Broadband Vision for California Dave Farber (Jun 17)
more on anti-terror laws may kill rocketry hobby Dave Farber (Jun 13)
Gibson on Orwell Dave Farber (Jun 25)
Defending the use of the web for grassroots organizing..... Dave Farber (Jun 10)
Spam & Congress Dave Farber (Jun 13)
p An "interesting" view of ICANN obligations Replies are welcome Dave Farber (Jun 25)
"PFIR Forums": Technology/Society issues discussion groups Dave Farber (Jun 27)
input from IPers sought for National Academies study on the health of telecom R&D Dave Farber (Jun 20)
from today's wp front page; an unlikely dissident resigns over policy - Dave Farber (Jun 17)
Exposed: Blair, Iraq and the honourable Deception Dave Farber (Jun 19)
Dear Darpa Diary Dave Farber (Jun 05)
Court Ok's library censorware Dave Farber (Jun 23)
BUDGET AX FALLS ON SCHOOL TECH PROGRAMS Wonder if the ax fell on sports?? Dave Farber (Jun 10)
A special discount offer to PopTech 2003 for IP List Members Dave Farber (Jun 03)
The Answer to Securing Data? Self-Destructing Files Dave Farber (Jun 18)
Sen. Orrin Hatch 'all for destroying' file swappers' computers Dave Farber (Jun 18)
more on Dave Farber (Jun 27)
Rumsfeld Turns Eye To Future of Army Dave Farber (Jun 08)

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Re: Salon article on excessive spam blocking at RR Suresh Ramasubramanian (Jun 19)