Interesting People: by date

143 messages starting Jun 01 17 and ending Jun 29 17
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Thursday, 01 June

Even the Threat of Budget Cuts Can Hurt American Science Dave Farber
The U.S. Has Forgotten How to Do Infrastructure Dave Farber
Re The Neutrality Delusion Dave Farber
Re The Neutrality Delusion Dave Farber
US Defense Contractor left Sensitive Files on Amazon Server Without Password Dave Farber
How to Fight the Bloatware of AI Dave Farber
EFF Sues Justice Department to Shed Light On FBI’s Use of Best Buy Informants DAVID FARBER
Re The Neutrality Delusion Dave Farber
Coal Ash Is More Radioactive Than Nuclear Waste - Scientific American Dave Farber
Net Neutrality and the Annenberg Center Principles Dave Farber
Re Supreme Court Rules Patent Laws Can't Be Used to Prevent Reselling Dave Farber
Re Coal Ash Is More Radioactive Than Nuclear Waste - Scientific American Dave Farber
Trump Budget Cuts Defense S&T by 5.8% While Funding Third Offset Priorities Dave Farber
Cmu president Dave Farber

Friday, 02 June

Pew: State of the News Media Dave Farber
House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked | The Nation Dave Farber
ViaSat-2: Satellite goliath goes into orbit Dave Farber
J.P.Morgan's massive guide to machine learning and big data jobs in finance Dave Farber

Saturday, 03 June

Berkeley duo's plan to solve traffic jams: hyper-fast lanes for self-driving cars Dave Farber
Re Berkeley duo's plan to solve traffic jams: hyper-fast lanes for self-driving cars Dave Farber

Sunday, 04 June

OneLogin admits recent breach is pretty dang serious Dave Farber
The Next Plague Is Around the Corner Dave Farber
Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89 Dave Farber
Seventh grader, far ahead of her class, punished for taking too many courses Dave Farber
Re Seventh grader, far ahead of her class, punished for taking too many courses Dave Farber
Re Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89 Dave Farber
Re Seventh grader, far ahead of her class, punished for taking too many courses Dave Farber

Monday, 05 June

NYTimes: Trump, Who Pledged to Overhaul Nuclear Arsenal, Now Faces Increased Costs Dave Farber
Fox News Host Disavows Internment Camps, After Panelists Suggest Rounding Up Muslims Dave Farber
Trump's latest tweets could hurt effort to restore travel ban Dave Farber
USDA approves using some non-organic ingredients in "organic" milk Dave Farber
IARPA: "Request for Information for Creating a Classified Processing Enclave in the Public Cloud" Dave Farber
EFF Asks Supreme Court To Review Dangerous Interpretation of Computer Crime Statute DAVID FARBER
Arab Airlines Cancel Flights to Qatar; UAW Bars Qatar Airways from Airspace Dave Farber
NSA Report on Russia Spearphishing Dave Farber
NYTimes: Intelligence Contractor Is Charged in First Leak Case Under Trump Dave Farber
IP Hijacking For Dummies Dave Farber
Re EFF Asks Supreme Court To Review Dangerous Interpretation of Computer Crime Statute Dave Farber
Re EFF Asks Supreme Court To Review Dangerous Interpretation of Computer Crime Statute Dave Farber

Tuesday, 06 June

Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election Dave Farber
Why I am focused on the Nsa stolen report on ip Dave Farber
Errata Security: How The Intercept Outed Reality Winner Dave Farber
Net neutrality. , back to the future Dave Farber
Fighting for the Internet: Two Big Thank Yous Dave Farber
Trump Tweets Are Now ‘Official Statements’ From President; He May Live-Tweet During James Comey’s Hearing Dave Farber
Re Trump Tweets Are Now ???Official Statements??? From President; He May Live-Tweet During James Comey???s Hearing Dave Farber
CNN: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis Dave Farber

Wednesday, 07 June

Virtual tour of Bletchley Park Dave Farber
ADC and Electronic Frontier Foundation Border Privacy Pocket Guide Dave Farber

Thursday, 08 June

RE ADC and Electronic Frontier Foundation Border Privacy Pocket Guide David Farber

Saturday, 10 June

'My' special report on hidden ID printer codes from 1999 Dave Farber

Monday, 12 June

Germany's Merkel says digital world needs global rules Dave Farber
Fwd: NSF Director Córdova Pressed on Consequences of Proposed Budget Cuts Dave Farber

Tuesday, 13 June

Chuck Thacker passed away yesterday after a brief illness Dave Farber

Wednesday, 14 June

WSJ ends Google users' free ride, then falls 44% in search results Dave Farber
: United Issues Apology after Video Shows Gate Agent Striking Passenger Dave Farber
Re WSJ ends Google users' free ride, then falls 44% in search results Dave Farber
Democratic Congress Members Raise Alarm About Security at Trump Properties Dave Farber
I will be in Minneapolis Monday and Tuesday at a meeting Dave Farber
Re WSJ ends Google users' free ride, then falls 44% in search results Dave Farber
In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems - Dave Farber
Re WSJ ends Google users' free ride, then falls 44% in search results Dave Farber

Thursday, 15 June

Why I Win;t Get Screened for Prostate Cancer Dave Farber
'Crash Override’ malware heightens fears for US electric grid Dave Farber
Re: In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems Dave Farber
Scientists make quantum leap towards a secure new kind of internet Dave Farber
Re: In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems Dave Farber
Re: In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems Dave Farber

Friday, 16 June

Re: In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems Dave Farber
Re: In an Era of Russian Hacks, the US Is Still Installing Russian Software on Government Systems Dave Farber
Fwd: Breaking News Alert: Amazon to acquire Whole Foods Market Dave Farber
Amazon Patents Tech to Block In-Store Comparison Shopping | News & Opinion | Dave Farber
A very mixed exposure to Amazon bookstore – – the real one Dave Farber
European Parliament Committee Recommends End-To-End Encryption For All Electronic Communications Dave Farber
re Amazon Patents Tech to Block In-Store Comparison Shopping | News & Opinion | Dave Farber

Saturday, 17 June

the “inventor of e-mail” targets Techdirt Dave Farber
Trump's planned EPA cuts will hit America's most vulnerable Dave Farber

Sunday, 18 June

America Has Always Been Angry and Violent Dave Farber

Monday, 19 June

Fwd: A quite amazing look into how we'll be getting around.... WOW! Dave Farber
Government Can't Refuse Disparaging Trademarks, Supreme Court Rules Dave Farber
Google Says It Will Do More to Suppress Terrorist Propaganda Dave Farber
Supreme Court strikes down sex offender social media ban Dave Farber
GOP-hired data company leaked information on 198 million citizens DAVID FARBER
Lauren's Blog: "By Killing Encryption, Our Leaders Are Delivering Us to the Terrorists" Dave Farber
"Symposium: Is Free Speech Under Threat in the United States?", Silverglate (and others) in Commentary Magazine, June 14, 2017 Dave Farber
Re GOP-hired data company leaked information on 198 million citizens Dave Farber
Publishers’ and advertisers’ rights end at a browser’s front door Dave Farber

Tuesday, 20 June

EU seeks to outlaw 'backdoors' in new data privacy proposals DAVID FARBER
Data pollution and the phenomenon of social cooling (as against global warming) Dave Farber
Skype outage causing connectivity issues, company says it's a "global incident" Dave Farber
DoD Request for Information on... Business Travel Dave Farber
Tesla Driver In Fatal Florida Crash Got Numerous Warnings To Take Control Back From Autopilot Dave Farber
Amazon's New Customer Dave Farber
Re Tesla Driver In Fatal Florida Crash Got Numerous Warnings To Take Control Back From Autopilot Dave Farber
So much for the nice new facilities with United at Newark Dave Farber
Re Tesla Driver In Fatal Florida Crash Got Numerous Warnings To Take Control Back From Autopilot Dave Farber
Re Tesla Driver In Fatal Florida Crash Got Numerous Warnings To Take Control Back From Autopilot Dave Farber
International Passengers Arriving at JFK T4 May Bypass Customs Baggage Inspection Under ‘Modified Egress’ Program Dave Farber

Wednesday, 21 June

Oxford Report: Computational Propaganda Worldwide Dave Farber
[IP] Dave Farber
Re Oxford Report: Computational Propaganda Worldwide Dave Farber

Thursday, 22 June

Coal Boss Files Total SLAPP Suit Against John Oliver & HBO Dave Farber
Artificial intelligence can predict which congressional bills will pass | Science | AAAS Dave Farber
DHS Is Starting to Scan Americans' Faces Before They Get on International Flights Dave Farber
Germany Raids Homes of 36 People Accused of Hateful Postings Over Social Media Dave Farber
A Cyberattack ‘the World Isn’t Ready For’ - The New York Times Dave Farber
Tom Wheeler’s Tangled Web Recycles an Old Story Dave Farber
Re DHS Is Starting to Scan Americans' Faces Before They Get on International Flights Dave Farber
Wal-Mart to Vendors: Get Off Amazon's Cloud Dave Farber
Re DHS Is Starting to Scan Americans' Faces Before They Get on International Flights Dave Farber

Friday, 23 June

Is the American dream really dead? Dave Farber
Re DoD Request for Information on... Business Travel Dave Farber
Under pressure, Western tech firms bow to Russian demands to share cyber secrets | Reuters Dave Farber
Re Under pressure, Western tech firms bow to Russian demands to share cyber secrets | Reuters Dave Farber
32TB of Windows 10 internal builds, core source code leak online Dave Farber

Saturday, 24 June

This $2M is yours if you can 'decentralize' the web Dave Farber
America Is Now a 'Second Tier' Country Dave Farber
AES-256 keys sniffed in seconds using E200 of kit a few inches away Dave Farber
Why You Should Think Twice Before Ordering Coffee or Tea on a Plane Dave Farber
Re Why You Should Think Twice Before Ordering Coffee or Tea on a Plane Dave Farber
Re America Is Now a 'Second Tier' Country Dave Farber
As a Provider Fought a Secret Surveillance Order, Court Denied It Access to Relevant Law Dave Farber
The high-tech jobs that created India's gilded generation are disappearing Dave Farber
Confirm your subscription to ip Invitation to ip

Sunday, 25 June

NYTimes: Get Cancer Now, Before Congress Cuts Your Insurance Dave Farber
FCC investigating unlawful transactions after contractor takes ownership of 40-plus towers Dave Farber
Australia to seek greater powers on encrypted messaging at 'Five eyes' meeting Dave Farber
Re Australia to seek greater powers on encrypted messaging at 'Five eyes' meeting Dave Farber

Monday, 26 June

Intel Skylake/Kaby Lake processors: broken hyper-threading warning DAVID FARBER
Liberal Arts in the Data Age Dave Farber
Re Liberal Arts in the Data Age Dave Farber
Re Liberal Arts in the Data Age Dave Farber

Tuesday, 27 June

Google Fined €2.42 Billion by EU for Skewing Search Results - Bloomberg Dave Farber
I remember this The Magical Apple Spin-Off That Almost Invented the iPh =?utf-8?Q?one_=E2=80=A6_in_1993_= Dave Farber
Re pro-crypto Aussie (prime) minister (Re: Australia to seek greater powers on encrypted messaging at 'Five eyes' meeting) Dave Farber
Re I remember this The Magical Apple Spin-Off That Almost Invented the iPhone in 1993 Dave Farber
AP Mobile: New cyberattack causes mass disruption in Europe Dave Farber
More on liberal arts etc Dave Farber
More on liberal arts etc Dave Farber

Wednesday, 28 June

Re Oxford Report: Computational Propaganda Worldwide Dave Farber
U.S. to expand laptop ban to all flights that flunk safeguards Dave Farber

Thursday, 29 June

PBS access extended by carriers like T-Mobile Dave Farber
Apple’s Cook Reaped $145 Million Last Year, Most of S&P 500 CEOs Dave Farber