Secure Coding: by author

190 messages starting Nov 11 06 and ending Nov 14 06
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Al Eridani

Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Al Eridani (Nov 11)

Ben Corneau

Why Shouldn't I use C++? Ben Corneau (Oct 31)

Blue Boar

On exploits, hubris, and software security Blue Boar (Nov 03)
On exploits, hubris, and software security Blue Boar (Nov 03)

Brian Chess

Java Open Review Project Brian Chess (Dec 11)

bugtraq at

Challenges faced by automated web application security assessment tools bugtraq at (Nov 13)

Chris Wysopal

darkreading: voting machines Chris Wysopal (Oct 12)
darkreading: voting machines Chris Wysopal (Oct 12)

Craig E. Ward

re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Craig E. Ward (Oct 12)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Craig E. Ward (Oct 13)

Crispin Cowan

re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Crispin Cowan (Oct 28)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Crispin Cowan (Nov 12)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Crispin Cowan (Nov 02)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Crispin Cowan (Nov 09)
Compilers Crispin Cowan (Dec 25)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Crispin Cowan (Oct 28)
Why Shouldn't I use C++? Crispin Cowan (Nov 02)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Crispin Cowan (Nov 13)
p-code was created for PLATFORM PORTABILITY Crispin Cowan (Nov 13)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Crispin Cowan (Oct 28)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Crispin Cowan (Nov 14)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Crispin Cowan (Oct 24)

David A. Wheeler

Secure programming is NOT just good programming David A. Wheeler (Oct 12)
p-code was created for PLATFORM PORTABILITY David A. Wheeler (Nov 13)
Compilers David A. Wheeler (Dec 21)
darkreading: voting machines David A. Wheeler (Oct 11)
Compilers David A. Wheeler (Dec 28)

David Crocker

Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] David Crocker (Nov 11)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] David Crocker (Nov 05)
Proving the security properties of transaction protocols - 10 years on David Crocker (Oct 29)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] David Crocker (Oct 28)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] David Crocker (Nov 04)

der Mouse

temporary directories der Mouse (Dec 29)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] der Mouse (Nov 15)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] der Mouse (Nov 06)

Dinis Cruz

heise Security - News - Security specialist leaves PHP security team Dinis Cruz (Dec 14)

Florian Weimer

temporary directories Florian Weimer (Dec 30)
Compilers Florian Weimer (Dec 29)

Gadi Evron

re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Gadi Evron (Oct 11)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Oct 29)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Nov 05)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Oct 29)
Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Nov 07)
(no subject) Gadi Evron (Oct 05)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Gadi Evron (Oct 11)
Google code search games Gadi Evron (Oct 08)
Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Nov 07)
Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Nov 07)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Oct 28)
Google code search games Gadi Evron (Oct 05)
it's Y2K, no, it's 32 bit unix time, no, it's slashdot! Gadi Evron (Nov 09)
Luis Miras on automated exploit detection in binaries at CCC Gadi Evron (Dec 31)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gadi Evron (Oct 27)

Gary McGraw

Build a better death star Gary McGraw (Oct 31)
Why Shouldn't I use C++? Gary McGraw (Nov 01)
Silverbullet: Brian Chess Gary McGraw (Nov 17)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming Gary McGraw (Oct 12)
Compilers Gary McGraw (Dec 21)
Software security != security software Gary McGraw (Dec 11)
Compilers Gary McGraw (Dec 21)
Silver Bullet #7: John Stewart Gary McGraw (Oct 25)
On exploits, hubris, and software security Gary McGraw (Nov 03)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Gary McGraw (Oct 11)
p-code was created for PLATFORM PORTABILITY Gary McGraw (Nov 13)
On exploits, hubris, and software security Gary McGraw (Nov 03)
darkreading: voting machines Gary McGraw (Oct 09)
Silverbullet: Bruce Schneier Gary McGraw (Dec 14)
Google code search: good or bad? Gary McGraw (Oct 11)
Google code search: good or bad? Gary McGraw (Oct 11)

Gergely Buday

re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Gergely Buday (Oct 18)

Glenn and Mary Everhart

Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Glenn and Mary Everhart (Nov 12)

Greenarrow 1

Software security != security software Greenarrow 1 (Dec 11)

Greg Beeley

Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Greg Beeley (Nov 07)

Gunnar Peterson

Ross Anderson reviews Building Security In Gunnar Peterson (Nov 30)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Gunnar Peterson (Oct 30)
Need some numbers about application security Gunnar Peterson (Nov 20)
Google code search games Gunnar Peterson (Oct 06)
Compilers Gunnar Peterson (Dec 21)

Holger.Peine at

[WEB SECURITY] Need a few slides/data on surging importance of security and source code security Holger.Peine at (Oct 18)
Need a few slides/data on surging importance of security and source code security Holger.Peine at (Oct 16)

James Walden

Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... James Walden (Nov 07)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] James Walden (Oct 13)
Compilers James Walden (Dec 22)
Compilers James Walden (Dec 22)

Jeff Williams

OWASP webappsec mailing list Jeff Williams (Oct 09)

Jeremy Epstein

darkreading: voting machines Jeremy Epstein (Oct 10)

J. M. Seitz

PHP security under scrutiny J. M. Seitz (Dec 19)
Compilers J. M. Seitz (Dec 21)

Johan Peeters

secure application development course Johan Peeters (Dec 21)

Julie J.C.H. Ryan

Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Julie J.C.H. Ryan (Nov 06)

Julie Ryan

Need some numbers about application security Julie Ryan (Nov 21)

Kenneth Van Wyk

Apple Places Encrypted Binaries in Mac OS X Kenneth Van Wyk (Nov 03)
A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet Kenneth Van Wyk (Oct 11)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming Kenneth Van Wyk (Oct 12)
heise Security - News - Security specialist leaves PHP security team Kenneth Van Wyk (Dec 14)
Insecurity in Open Source Kenneth Van Wyk (Oct 10)
Top 10 Ajax Security Holes and Driving Factors Kenneth Van Wyk (Nov 10)
PHP security under scrutiny Kenneth Van Wyk (Dec 19)

Leichter, Jerry

Apple Places Encrypted Binaries in Mac OS X Leichter, Jerry (Nov 03)
Top 10 Ajax Security Holes and Driving Factors Leichter, Jerry (Nov 10)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming Leichter, Jerry (Oct 12)
Compilers Leichter, Jerry (Dec 29)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Leichter, Jerry (Nov 06)
Apple Places Encrypted Binaries in Mac OS X Leichter, Jerry (Nov 03)
Why Shouldn't I use C++? Leichter, Jerry (Nov 01)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Leichter, Jerry (Nov 05)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming Leichter, Jerry (Oct 12)
temporary directories Leichter, Jerry (Dec 30)
temporary directories Leichter, Jerry (Dec 29)
Compilers Leichter, Jerry (Dec 27)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Leichter, Jerry (Nov 13)


temporary directories ljknews (Dec 30)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollegebooks] ljknews (Nov 15)
Compilers ljknews (Dec 21)
temporary directories ljknews (Dec 29)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] ljknews (Nov 06)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] ljknews (Nov 09)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] ljknews (Nov 15)
temporary directories ljknews (Dec 30)
The Art of Software Security Assessment (book release) ljknews (Nov 16)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] ljknews (Oct 12)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] ljknews (Nov 09)
temporary directories ljknews (Dec 29)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming ljknews (Oct 12)
Need some numbers about application security ljknews (Nov 20)
Compilers ljknews (Dec 21)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] ljknews (Nov 13)
Why Shouldn't I use C++? ljknews (Nov 01)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] ljknews (Nov 15)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] ljknews (Oct 17)

Mark Dowd

The Art of Software Security Assessment (book release) Mark Dowd (Nov 16)

Mark Graff

SC-L Digest, Vol 2, Issue 183 Mark Graff (Nov 04)

Mark Rockman

temporary directories Mark Rockman (Dec 30)

Matt Bishop

Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Matt Bishop (Nov 07)

McCown, Christian M

A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet McCown, Christian M (Oct 11)

McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)

Compilers McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT) (Dec 21)
Compilers McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT) (Dec 21)

Michael Gegick

Need some numbers about application security Michael Gegick (Nov 21)

Michael S Hines

A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet Michael S Hines (Oct 11)


Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 06)
Compilers mikeiscool (Dec 22)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] mikeiscool (Nov 05)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 13)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] mikeiscool (Oct 13)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 13)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 08)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 13)
Google code search: good or bad? mikeiscool (Oct 11)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 09)
Secure programming is NOT just good programming mikeiscool (Oct 12)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 13)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] mikeiscool (Nov 04)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] mikeiscool (Nov 12)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] mikeiscool (Oct 11)

Paco Hope

Need a few slides/data on surging importance of security and source code security Paco Hope (Oct 19)

Paul Powenski

re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Paul Powenski (Nov 06)

Peter Amey

Why Shouldn't I use C++? Peter Amey (Nov 01)

Pete Shanahan

Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] Pete Shanahan (Nov 15)

pete werner

re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... pete werner (Nov 06)


Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] psteichen (Nov 06)

Ravid L

Need some numbers about application security Ravid L (Nov 20)

Robert C. Seacord

Static code analysis via Google code search Robert C. Seacord (Oct 06)
Integral Security article/library Robert C. Seacord (Nov 12)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Robert C. Seacord (Oct 29)
Need a few slides/data on surging importance of security and source code security Robert C. Seacord (Oct 17)
re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Robert C. Seacord (Oct 28)
re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet] Robert C. Seacord (Oct 12)
Compilers Robert C. Seacord (Dec 21)
temporary directories Robert C. Seacord (Dec 29)
Google code search games Robert C. Seacord (Oct 06)
Why Shouldn't I use C++? Robert C. Seacord (Nov 01)

Robin Sheat

[SC-L] Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] Robin Sheat (Nov 13)
Fwd: re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Robin Sheat (Nov 07)

Roman H.

Need some numbers about application security Roman H. (Nov 20)

Ron Forrester

Google code search games Ron Forrester (Oct 08)

SC-L Subscriber Dave Aronson

Compilers SC-L Subscriber Dave Aronson (Dec 27)
On exploits, hubris, and software security SC-L Subscriber Dave Aronson (Nov 03)

Stephen de Vries

Compilers Stephen de Vries (Dec 21)
Google code search games Stephen de Vries (Oct 05)

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

Software security != security software Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP] (Dec 11)


Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] SZALAY Attila (Nov 09)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] SZALAY Attila (Nov 08)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] SZALAY Attila (Nov 08)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] SZALAY Attila (Nov 09)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writing college books] SZALAY Attila (Nov 05)

Temin, Aaron L.

Compilers Temin, Aaron L. (Dec 21)

Tim Hollebeek

Compilers Tim Hollebeek (Dec 27)

Wall, Kevin

re-writing college books - erm.. ahm... Wall, Kevin (Nov 06)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollegebooks] Wall, Kevin (Nov 15)
Could I use Java or c#? [was: Re: re-writingcollege books] Wall, Kevin (Nov 14)