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Why Shouldn't I use C++?

From: crispin at (Crispin Cowan)
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 03:17:31 -0800

Ben Corneau wrote:
From time to time on this list, the recommendation is made to never user C++
when given a choice (most recently by Crispin Cowan in the "re-writing
college books" thread). This is a recommendation I do not understand. Now,
I'm not an expert C++ programmer or Java or C# programmer and as you may
have guessed based on the question, I'm not an expert on secure coding
either. I'm also not disagreeing with the recommendation; I would just like
a better understanding.

I understand that C++ allows unsafe operations, like buffer overflows.
However, if you are a halfway decent C++ programmer buffer overflows can
easily be avoided, true? If you use the STL containers and follow basic good
programming practices of C++ instead of using C-Arrays and pointer
arithmetic then the unsafe C features are no longer an issue?

C and C++ are very different. Using C++ like C is arguable unsafe, but when
it's used as it was intended can't C++ too be considered for secure
No, it cannot.

C++ is no more safe than C. C++ still supports many undefined
operations, which is what makes a language unsafe. No way can C++ be
considered a secure programming language.

If you need a lean, small language for doing embedded or kernel stuff,
then use C; you cannot afford the bloat of C++, so it is not appropriate.

If you need a powerful, abstract language for building complex
applications, then use C# or Java (or ML, or Haskell). They provide all
of the abstraction and programming convenience of C++, and they also
provide type safety. This means that there are no undefined operations,
which is what makes them secure programming languages.

There is no excuse for *choosing* C++, ever. Always avoid it. The only
excuse for *using* C++ is that some doofus before you chose it and you
have to live with the legacy code :)

So why does C++ exist? Because technology has moved. 25 years ago, when
C++ was invented, there was not a great supply of well developed type
safe object oriented programming languages. So C++ seemed like an
incremental improvement over C when it was introduced in the early
1980s. It did provide an improvement over C for developing large
applications, where development costs due to complexity were the big
problem, and bloat could be afforded.

But that lunch has now been eaten by the type safe OOP languages of Java
and C#. They are strictly better than C++ at complex applications, so
there really is no excuse for using C++ to write new application code.

And there never was an excuse for using C++ to write kernel or embedded
code. You cannot afford the bloat of C++ there, and if your kernel is so
complex that you need OOP to be able to program it, then your kernel
design is broken anyway.

I suppose there should be an "IMHO" in here somewhere in a rant like
this. Feel free to insert it anywhere you like :)


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.            
Director of Software Engineering, Novell
     Hack: adroit engineering solution to an unanticipated problem
     Hacker: one who is adroit at pounding round pegs into square holes

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