Secure Coding mailing list archives

Apple Places Encrypted Binaries in Mac OS X

From: ken at (Kenneth Van Wyk)
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 11:09:00 -0500

Here's a somewhat interesting link to an eweek article that discusses  
Apple's use of encryption to protect some of its OS X binaries:,1895,2050875,00.asp

Of course, encrypting binaries isn't anything new, but it's  
interesting (IMHO) to see how it's being used in a real OS.  The  
article cites speculation as to whether Apple uses encryption for  
anti-piracy or anti-reverse-engineering.

Another interesting side topic (though not mentioned in this article)  
is code obfuscation, which is being increasingly used for both  
purposes as well.  Course, some coders have been inadvertently doing  
code obfuscation for years.  ;-\


Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

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