Interesting People: by date

85 messages starting Dec 01 16 and ending Dec 31 16
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Thursday, 01 December

How Stable Are Democracies? 'Warning Signs Are Flashing Red' David Farber
Facebook Shouldn't Fact-Check David Farber
Re Facebook Shouldn't Fact-Check Dave Farber
Re Facebook Shouldn't Fact-Check David Farber

Friday, 02 December

NY times subs soars Dave Farber
Re NY times subs soars Dave Farber
The Atlantic: I Dialed a Wrong Number and Stumbled Into International Phone Fraud Dave Farber
Phone encryption: Police 'mug' suspect to get data Dave Farber

Saturday, 03 December

This is the most dangerous time for our planet Dave Farber

Sunday, 04 December

Google, democracy and the truth about internet search Dave Farber

Monday, 05 December

Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet Dave Farber
NYT Op Ed by Republican presidential candidate Dave Farber
Re Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet Dave Farber
How Trump Can Become the Greatest Leader Ever Dave Farber

Tuesday, 06 December

Would you rather have sex or cybersecurity? Dave Farber

Wednesday, 07 December

WORTH WHILE READING -- These Toys Don’t Just Listen To Your Kid; They Send What They Hear To A Defense Contractor – Consumerist David Farber
Internet anonymity in Michigan Dave Farber
Recommendations for charitable contributions? Dave Farber

Friday, 09 December

Google: Reflecting on the Right to be Forgotten dfarber
CIA says Russia intervened to help Trump win presidency - The Boston Globe DAVID FARBER

Saturday, 10 December

Pa recount case DAVID FARBER
Re Pa recount case Dave Farber

Monday, 12 December

Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, and the Modern Whistleblower Dave Farber
Trump parody on Fox News Dave Farber

Tuesday, 13 December

Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook. David Farber
Re Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook. Dave Farber
Re Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook. Dave Farber

Wednesday, 14 December

Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump (Washington Post) Dave Farber
If prejudice lurks among us, can our analytics do any better? Dave Farber
**** re Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump (Washington Post) Dave Farber
Yahoo Says 1 Billion User Accounts Were Hacked Dave Farber
Re Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook. Dave Farber
Re Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook. Dave Farber
NPR: Fake News Expert On How False Stories Spread And Why People Believe Them Dave Farber
Value of having a computer at home is mixed Dave Farber

Thursday, 15 December

Stolen Yahoo Data Includes Government Employee Information Dave Farber
Fwd: Good news from DC: Dave Farber
Re Good news from DC: Dave Farber
POGO says NSA IG fired for whistleblower retaliation Dave Farber

Friday, 16 December

Means for getting dishonest reviews removed: Dave Farber
Australian ISPs to block access to pirate bay etc Dave Farber
Re Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump (Washington Post) Dave Farber

Saturday, 17 December

How a Putin Fan Overseas Pushed Pro-Trump Propaganda to Americans Dave Farber

Sunday, 18 December

How France's TV5 was almost destroyed by 'Russian hackers' Dave Farber
Re How France's TV5 was almost destroyed by 'Russian hackers' Dave Farber
Re How France's TV5 was almost destroyed by 'Russian hackers' Dave Farber
The FCC Just Approved a Landmark New Way For Deaf People to Communicate Dave Farber

Monday, 19 December

WordPress brute force attacks – update David Farber
Re WordPress brute force attacks – update Dave Farber

Tuesday, 20 December

EFF Ad in Wired: Tech Community Must Secure Networks Against Trump Administration Dave Farber
Re EFF Ad in Wired: Tech Community Must Secure Networks Against Trump Administration Dave Farber
Do we need a doctrine of cyber-warfare? Dave Farber
Forgers Use Fake Web Users to Steal Real Ad Revenue - Dave Farber
Technology Projects Manager / Technology Projects Director Dave Farber

Wednesday, 21 December

This Is What the Resistance Sounds Like Dave Farber

Saturday, 24 December

The chaos theory of Donald Trump: Sowing confusion through tweets - The Washington Post Dave Farber
President Signs Law Protecting Your Right to Review Dave Farber
Santa’s naughty and nice list hacked in massive data breach Dave Farber
US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber
Encryption App 'Signal' Fights Censorship With a Clever Workaround Dave Farber
Point of View: North Carolina no longer a democracy | News & Observer Dave Farber

Sunday, 25 December

Re US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber
A great Amazon savings Dave Farber
Re US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber
Re US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber Fake News Story Sets Off Israel-Pakistan Twitter Feud Dave Farber
FwRe US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber
Trump and Putin: The worst case scenario Dave Farber

Monday, 26 December

Re Point of View: North Carolina no longer a democracy | News & Observer Dave Farber
Re US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber
World War Three, by Mistake Dave Farber
A new solution for Trump and his team of billionaires: Ignore the law - The Washington Post Dave Farber
AP: US elections still vulnerable to rigging, disruption Dave Farber
Re World War Three, by Mistake Dave Farber
Re US government starts asking foreign travelers to disclose their social media accounts Dave Farber

Tuesday, 27 December

‘How Propaganda Works’ Is a Timely Reminder for a Post-Truth Age - The New York Times David Farber

Wednesday, 28 December

Public demonstration of airline reservations insecurity Dave Farber

Thursday, 29 December

China Would Outlast U.S. in Trade War, Billion-Dollar Fund Says DAVID FARBER
Whitehouse cyber stuff: Dave Farber
FACT SHEET: Actions in Response to Russian Malicious Cyber Activity and Harassment | DAVID FARBER

Friday, 30 December

Winter is coming: prospects for the American press under Trump Dave Farber

Saturday, 31 December

NYC seeks Uber/Lyft passenger GPS data David Farber
A Peek Inside the Strange World of Fake Academia David Farber
"Our Murrow Moment" Dave Farber
NYTimes: The Problem With ‘Self-Investigation’ in a Post-Truth Era Dave Farber