Interesting People: by author

171 messages starting Jul 02 03 and ending Jul 25 03
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Dave Farber

Latest Potter book scanned, swapped Dave Farber (Jul 02)
Unintentionally funny quote in MSNBC story on terror futures Dave Farber (Jul 30)
Super scrutiny of media Dave Farber (Jul 21)
File Swappers to RIAA: Download This! Dave Farber (Jul 07)
Look what Penn's up to... Dave Farber (Jul 10)
Pen Phone rewrites the rules Dave Farber (Jul 09)
Mixed-sex human embryo created Dave Farber (Jul 03)
White House and Scientists Dave Farber (Jul 18)
more on California univ. [ California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)] student punished for... posting event flyer Dave Farber (Jul 04)
When will I ever learn (correction) Dave Farber (Jul 13)
Reps Smith and Inslee Request GAO Study on Offshore Outsourcing Dave Farber (Jul 23)
Registrars sue ICANN over waitlisting Dave Farber (Jul 18)
Apple's Music Store policy -- the fine print for expatriates Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Note quote Dispute Simmers Over Web Site PostingPersonal Data on Police - NYTimes Dave Farber (Jul 12)
man gets life in prison for spitting Dave Farber (Jul 02)
Patriot Act search Dave Farber (Jul 26)
California univ. [ California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)] student punished for... posting event flyer Dave Farber (Jul 04)
Digital Shoplifting in Japan Dave Farber (Jul 03)
paper on privacy and price discrimination-for IP Dave Farber (Jul 27)
Soliciting nominations for the 2003 Tapia Diversity in Computing Award Dave Farber (Jul 21)
Schools stay mum on file traders' names Dave Farber (Jul 22)
Basic Work Still Needs Doing To Improve Aviation Security Dave Farber (Jul 10)
Interpol chief says warez/music piracy supports terrorism Dave Farber (Jul 17)
Ethics and Tracking Devices Dave Farber (Jul 08)
Grand Challenges, final version for IP Dave Farber (Jul 23)
I.B.M. Explores Shift of White-Collar Jobs Overseas Dave Farber (Jul 22)
our latest findings about health and the internet Dave Farber (Jul 17)
Hackers Hijack PC's for Sex Sites Dave Farber (Jul 11)
making file-sharing a felony Dave Farber (Jul 17)
more on Hackers Hijack PC's for Sex Sites Dave Farber (Jul 11)
more on Apple's Music Store policy -- the fine print for expatriates Dave Farber (Jul 25)
more on Gerard Van der Leun on traitors, free speech, and Ashcroftitus Dave Farber (Jul 02)
Gillette, Wal-Mart drop plan for radio ID chips Dave Farber (Jul 11)
Analyzing three days of spammers' incoming mail Dave Farber (Jul 08)
FCC May Lift AOL Merger Proviso(note last paragraph djf) Dave Farber (Jul 16)
I more on When will I ever learn (correction) Dave Farber (Jul 13)
Microsoft's new, anti-free-market lobbying Dave Farber (Jul 02)
"Music-Sharing Subpoenas Target Parents" Dave Farber (Jul 24)
FCC May Lift AOL Merger Proviso(note last paragraph djf) -- attribution Dave Farber (Jul 16)
Gilmore bounced from plane; and Farber censors Gilmore's email Dave Farber (Jul 19)
Role of the IP list in the Apple iTunes issue Dave Farber (Jul 29)
TSA creative policy fabrication Dave Farber (Jul 28)
METI to host hacker contest to foster qualified engineers Dave Farber (Jul 02)
President Bush using challenge-response for his email Dave Farber (Jul 18)
SFMMA "ILLEGAL ART" exhibit Dave Farber (Jul 03)
password-stealing on public PCs Dave Farber (Jul 22)
Google hacked? Dave Farber (Jul 02)
An important column by Dan Gillmor Dave Farber (Jul 13)
Iraq Today Dave Farber (Jul 20)
Microsoft's Patent Problem Dave Farber (Jul 27)
more on When will I ever learn Dave Farber (Jul 13)
NYT - Computer Voting Is Open to Easy Fraud Dave Farber (Jul 24)
Patriot Act search Dave Farber (Jul 27)
RFID tags and privacy Dave Farber (Jul 21)
RIAA floods U.S. District Court with file-sharing subpoenas Dave Farber (Jul 19)
"We will kill them like sheep..." Dave Farber (Jul 01)
FBI wants to tap VoIP Dave Farber (Jul 29)
Libraries, Commercial Censorware & CIPA Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Robotic Nation Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Studios demanding too much in their copyright campaign Dave Farber (Jul 23)
Court Rules Intel E-Mail Did Not Constitute Trespassing Dave Farber (Jul 01)
more onBroadcast Lobby Caught Red Handed With Red Herring Dave Farber (Jul 19)
more Iraq Today Dave Farber (Jul 20)
Electronic Frontier Foundation Launches "Let the Music Play" Campaign Dave Farber (Jul 01)
loosely coordinated hacker "hackathon" this weekend Dave Farber (Jul 02)
Jobless Rate Jumps Dave Farber (Jul 03)
more on : DARPA "Terrorism Futures Market" to be dropped Dave Farber (Jul 29)
" Bigger Than Watergate! The stealing of the US voting system" Dave Farber (Jul 09)
A Simpler, More Personal Key to Protect Online Messages Dave Farber (Jul 07)
French Government bans email. Dave Farber (Jul 15)
NYT: Pentagon Prepares a Futures Market on Terror Attacks Dave Farber (Jul 29)
more on " Bigger Than Watergate! The stealing of the US voting system" Dave Farber (Jul 09)
more on Idiot Comment of the week (Ann Coulter) Dave Farber (Jul 10)
Critical Windows security problem Dave Farber (Jul 17)
When will I ever learn Dave Farber (Jul 13)
Explanation of censor Gilmore bounced from plane; and Farber censors Gilmore's email Dave Farber (Jul 20)
Aussiechip dares Microsoft to sue Dave Farber (Jul 01)
WSJE on camera cell phones -- REMOVE EMAIL ADDR Dave Farber (Jul 29)
PSF: Bush in the 'Burgh Redux Dave Farber (Jul 29)
Kazaa Won't Say Who Its Customers Are Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Health Watch......... Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Pac Bell Sues RIAA Dave Farber (Jul 31)
Honda Dominos Dave Farber (Jul 06)
more on loosely coordinated hacker "hackathon" this weekend Dave Farber (Jul 02)
I Want Wireless Broadband And I Want It Now! Dave Farber (Jul 06)
Broadcast Lobby Caught Red Handed With Red Herring Dave Farber (Jul 17)
Dispute Simmers Over Web Site Posting Personal Data on Police - NYTimes Dave Farber (Jul 12)
Web Firms Choose Profit Over Privacy Dave Farber (Jul 01)
Gerard Van der Leun on traitors, free speech, and Ashcroftitus Dave Farber (Jul 02)
Howard Dean to blog for Lessig... Dave Farber (Jul 13)
Cisco Router Alert Dave Farber (Jul 17)
Electronic Frontier Foundation Defends Printer Cartridge Co., Opposes Printer Manufacturer's Broad Copyright Claims Dave Farber (Jul 02)
important Workshop on Voter-Verifiable Election Systems Dave Farber (Jul 10)
I What a "shocking" development! Dave Farber (Jul 09)
Bankrupt WorldCom (MCI) plans PR and lobbying blitz [ to buy its way out] Dave Farber (Jul 04)
Telecommuter in Florida Loses Case for Benefits Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Prying into Government Dave Farber (Jul 06)
The interesting times in which we live Dave Farber (Jul 02)
NRC invites applications for director, CSTB Dave Farber (Jul 01)
Amiga Forever Dave Farber (Jul 14)
10 years since The Net and Netizens first posted Dave Farber (Jul 07)
In-flight entertainment systems linked to scores of jet 'difficulties' Dave Farber (Jul 10)
More on Election and a general editorial comment Dave Farber (Jul 10)
"The Department of Homeland Security ate my dissertation..." Dave Farber (Jul 08)
To patent or not to patent a "business method" Dave Farber (Jul 26)
Link to EU Anti-Spam Legislation Dave Farber (Jul 15)
There goes the Homeland.... Dave Farber (Jul 17)
on music service... Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Senator Bowen: MSFT killed toughest anti-spam proposal Dave Farber (Jul 01)
House Committee Votes to Block FCC Media Ownership Rules Dave Farber (Jul 16)
Math education needed... Dave Farber (Jul 20)
Finns Find Traffic Jams With Cell Phones Dave Farber (Jul 08)
More on Election and a general editorial comment Dave Farber (Jul 10)
more onBroadcast Lobby Caught Red Handed With Red Herring Dave Farber (Jul 19)
more on Vile, disgusting, sick -- and that's not even your list! Dave Farber (Jul 03)
more on " Bigger Than Watergate! The stealing of the US voting system" Dave Farber (Jul 13)
more Iraq Today Dave Farber (Jul 21)
sent by an Iper newspaper man -- Must like it was for me... Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Vile, disgusting, sick -- and that's not even your list! Dave Farber (Jul 03)
: DARPA "Terrorism Futures Market" to be dropped Dave Farber (Jul 29)
Is the "Wi-Fi" wireless internet boom about to turn into a bust? COMMENTS WELCOMED Dave Farber (Jul 01)
CNBC today - not MSNBC -- Wireless spam Dave Farber (Jul 11)
A Study of Federal Airport Security Dave Farber (Jul 02)
How to Rig an American Election Dave Farber (Jul 10)
more on President Bush using challenge-response for his email Dave Farber (Jul 18)
SCO demanding fees from Linux users Dave Farber (Jul 21)
more on Digital Shoplifting in Japan -- The tip of the iceberg Dave Farber (Jul 03)
on Mixed-sex human embryo created Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Idiot Comment of the week (Ann Coulter) Dave Farber (Jul 10)
NYT article: Are we "addicted" to data? Dave Farber (Jul 06)
Hopkins seeks patient waiver of privacy rule--errors fixed Dave Farber (Jul 09)
Privacy Policies are worthless without enforcement. PRM needed. Dave Farber (Jul 01)
Ruling a defeat for Intel, a victory for free speech Dave Farber (Jul 02)
personal announcement re the future of DJF Dave Farber (Jul 12)
more on An important column by Dan Gillmor Dave Farber (Jul 14)
more on Finns Find Traffic Jams With Cell Phones Dave Farber (Jul 08)
Starbucks vs Haidabuks Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Apple's Music Store policy -- the fine print for expatri ates Dave Farber (Jul 25)
Albatros sues school boys who published Czech version of new Harry Potter book Dave Farber (Jul 06)
Good Morning Silicon Valley: Thursday July 17, 2003: RIAA subpoen as a prelude to "Shock & Awe": Dave Farber (Jul 17)
more on Gillette, Wal-Mart drop plan for radio ID chips Dave Farber (Jul 11)
more on Ethics and Tracking Devices Dave Farber (Jul 08)
Interpol chief says warez/music piracy supports terrorism Dave Farber (Jul 17)
I a safety net Dave Farber (Jul 16)
Explanation of censor Gilmore bounced from plane; and Farber censors Gilmore's email Dave Farber (Jul 19)
Pentagon system can track every auto Dave Farber (Jul 02)
"Hacking the Vote!" Dave Farber (Jul 16)
sms from Ichat and AIM Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Cheney Energy Task Force planning to divvy up Iraqi oil pre-9/11? Dave Farber (Jul 18)
Where Have All the CDs Gone? Dave Farber (Jul 03)
Teaching Computers to Work in Unison Dave Farber (Jul 16)
Microsoft chosen as exclusive Homeland Security contractor Dave Farber (Jul 16)
U.S. to hold onto tech lead Dave Farber (Jul 21)
Senator Bowen: MSFT killed toughest anti-spam proposal Dave Farber (Jul 01)
RFID tags and privacy Dave Farber (Jul 20)
Russian mobile providers switch off encryption Dave Farber (Jul 11)
Deconstructing the Defacer Challenge Hoax Dave Farber (Jul 16)
more on making file-sharing a felony Dave Farber (Jul 17)
more on loosely coordinated hacker "hackathon" this weekend Dave Farber (Jul 02)
making file-sharing a felony Dave Farber (Jul 17)
Apple's Music Store policy -- the fine print for expatriates Dave Farber (Jul 25)
MSNBC -- Wireless spam discussed tomorrow -- cc me in any response Dave Farber (Jul 11)
WSJE on camera cell phones Dave Farber (Jul 28)
Grounding Planes the Wrong Way Dave Farber (Jul 06)
Cracking windows passwords in 5 seconds Dave Farber (Jul 22)
MPAA vs. EFF in California Dave Farber (Jul 15)
Dick Tracy Shaped Phone a Hit Dave Farber (Jul 14)
Microsoft's Patent Problem Dave Farber (Jul 26)
An interesting perspective on the latest DARPA brouhaha Dave Farber (Jul 31)
EFFector 16.19: Congress Tries to Make File-Sharing a Felony; EFF Launches File Sharing Ads Dave Farber (Jul 25)