Interesting People: by author

193 messages starting Nov 28 02 and ending Feb 04 23
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Dave Farber

Appears that a contract from Apple is NOT worth the Paper it is written on! Dave Farber (Nov 28)
a bit more on MIT Getting Millions For Digital TV Deal Dave Farber (Nov 11)
China Tries to Woo Its Tech Talent Back Home Dave Farber (Nov 25)
Smart ticketing in London using RF ID cards Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Answer Dave Farber (Nov 19)
more on interesting rhetoric from your high speed internet provider Dave Farber (Nov 26)
more on Gates at Comdex Dave Farber (Nov 22)
MS Final Decree - interesting... Dave Farber (Nov 01)
more U.S. should fund R&D for secure Internet protocols, Clarke says Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Tech world continues to snap out cool stuff Dave Farber (Nov 21)
end of thread more on Lynn Landes' analysis of the 2002Elections from RISKS Dave Farber (Nov 10)
Poindexter vs the Net [NYT] Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Markle Foundation comment on NYT Article on DARPA's Information Awareness Office Dave Farber (Nov 13)
more on Microsoft Shows 85Profit Margins for Windows Dave Farber (Nov 19)
another view -- Tablet PCs Mix Science Fiction and Real-World Friction WashPost Dave Farber (Nov 11)
re: Re: Japanese Gov't considers abandoning Microsoft Windows Dave Farber (Nov 28)
ICANN response to Lauren Weinstein's Wired article on ICANN Dave Farber (Nov 22)
The Schon Affair Dave Farber (Nov 01)
ICANN Without Schmucks Dave Farber (Nov 03)
BBC: Bin Laden tape 'not genuine' Dave Farber (Nov 29)
interesting rhetoric from your high speed internet provider Dave Farber (Nov 25)
For PGH folks -- CMU SCS HISTORY SEMINAR: Friday/Nov 22 Dave Farber (Nov 21)
Guardian: Europe lacks moral fibre, says US hawk Dave Farber (Nov 24)
Antenna System Is Said to Expand Wireless Internet Use Dave Farber (Nov 04)
Problems of a total surveillance system Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Consumer Alert on digital technology, consumers, copyright Dave Farber (Nov 07)
Novel interpretation of "Lifetime Warranty" Dave Farber (Nov 01)
"ICANN Needs Another *Long* Trip" (Wired News Commentary) Dave Farber (Nov 18)
Bush Aide: Inspections Or Not, We'll Attack Iraq Dave Farber (Nov 23)
NSA director Hayden's testimony on NSA and 9/11 Dave Farber (Nov 04)
WSJ article on the economics of spam Dave Farber (Nov 13)
ICANN's contrarian gets the boot Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Anti-pirates hit Danish P2P users with huge bills Dave Farber (Nov 28)
more on Journalists and the telco crisis Dave Farber (Nov 13)
more^2 on U.S. should fund R&D for secure Internet protocols, Clarke says Dave Farber (Nov 03)
I was asked to send thi out and it deserved airing -- no more Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Journalists and the telco crisis Dave Farber (Nov 13)
Provisions of New NSF Authorization Bill Dave Farber (Nov 25)
more on Hacking syndicates threaten banking Dave Farber (Nov 13)
Japan Govt. May Slam Shut Windows Dave Farber (Nov 20)
expensive Area Codes Dave Farber (Nov 03)
The FBI Has Bugged Our Public Libraries Dave Farber (Nov 05)
Colloq] Mozilla * 4:15PM, Wed December 04, 2002 in Gates B03 Dave Farber (Nov 30)
U.S. Hopes to Check Computers Globally System Would Be Used to Hunt Terrorists Dave Farber (Nov 12)
Visa policy hinders research from Dallas Morning News Dave Farber (Nov 25)
Release:Comcast Lobbies Mike Powell Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Bluetooth suitcase Dave Farber (Nov 09)
A New Cryptography Uses the Quirks of Photon Streams Dave Farber (Nov 03)
Name defense Dave Farber (Nov 01)
new copyright bill law (via ALA) Dave Farber (Nov 06)
more on News Corp's Peter Chernin: "The Problem with Stealing" Dave Farber (Nov 24)
Digital watermarks are about accountability Dave Farber (Nov 30)
Federal Judge Says Students Have Rights, Too Dave Farber (Nov 29)
The China that can say no Dave Farber (Nov 09)
Orbach Addresses BESAC or Science ? Big machines are for industry (NEC knew this all along) Dave Farber (Nov 06)
how not to keep quality workers - Bush uses "war on terror" to justify slashing statutory federal wage increase Dave Farber (Nov 30)
any help with a darpa contact? Dave Farber (Nov 06)
more on The China that can say no Dave Farber (Nov 09)
Electronic voting Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Myopia: the Crux of the Japanese Problem Dave Farber (Nov 06)
MS claims KMart can't transfer licenses in sale of Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Biometrics "isn't for security--it's for convenience" Dave Farber (Nov 27)
a reaction to Movielink Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Australian wi-fi boost spooks the spooks Dave Farber (Nov 21)
Qualcomm monoculture is 'killing American wireless' Dave Farber (Nov 08)
more on Biometrics "isn't for security--it's for convenience" Dave Farber (Nov 27)
IEEE Unemployment Survey for those who have not had enough bad news. Dave Farber (Nov 04)
any answers for Dan Dave Farber (Nov 02)
more on Appears that a contract from Apple is NOT worth the Paper it is written on! Dave Farber (Nov 30)
Guide to DMCA "exemption" process -- 3 weeks left Dave Farber (Nov 25)
information no longer power Dave Farber (Nov 09)
History of technology broadcast Dave Farber (Nov 30)
on Princeton student worried about DMCA Dave Farber (Nov 28)
Lessons from the Meltdown of U.S. Telephone Industry - Giving Top Priority to the Internet Dave Farber (Nov 08)
Control freaks are winning the financial-privacy battle Dave Farber (Nov 20)
more on U.S. should fund R&D for secure Internet protocols, Clarke says Dave Farber (Nov 01)
more on Lynn Landes' analysis of the 2002 Elections from RISKS Dave Farber (Nov 10)
Update on John Gilmore's lawsuit over secret FAA regulations Dave Farber (Nov 21)
Science by Press Release -- THE NEXT-GENERATION INTERNET Dave Farber (Nov 13)
more on ICANN response to Lauren Weinstein's Wired article on ICANN Dave Farber (Nov 22)
archived Webcast of National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace] Dave Farber (Nov 05)
TSA allowed and prohibited items - a corkscrew Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Dan Gillmor: Sun's McNealy voices confidence Dave Farber (Nov 06)
EFF Hosts Housewarming Holiday Party! Dave Farber (Nov 27)
Nortel - House of Glass (fyi) Dave Farber (Nov 11)
DEADLINE Thursday: Stop the FCC "Broadcast Flag" Proposal! Dave Farber (Nov 29)
Who's watching the watchers? Boston Globe Dave Farber (Nov 22)
more on U.S. should fund R&D for secure Internet protocols, Clarke says Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Pentagon transcript on TIA Dave Farber (Nov 21)
Jim DeLong: Tech industry, prisoner of K Street? Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Students Learning to Evade Moves to Protect Media Files Dave Farber (Nov 27)
Breakdown in Communications -- Telecom and NJ Dave Farber (Nov 24)
more on Lessons from the Meltdown of U.S. Telephone Industry - Giving Top Priority to the Internet Dave Farber (Nov 09)
D I T H E R A T I for 7 November 2002 - DF quoted Dave Farber (Nov 08)
Seagate IPO more notable for selling Dave Farber (Nov 21)
Calif. orders alteration of cell-phone accident report Dave Farber (Nov 10)
url for Bluetooth suitcase Dave Farber (Nov 09)
more on US Military cognitive dissonance hits a new low Dave Farber (Nov 30)
Declan on Microsoft judge: Proposed punishments help rivals, not consumers Dave Farber (Nov 02)
Ethicists defend research in chemical and biological warfare Dave Farber (Nov 13)
ALA on Return of UCITA Dave Farber (Nov 06)
Critics wary oftrusted computing Dave Farber (Nov 06)
final resting place of the Cyber security Town meeting at UPenn Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Biometric technologies and their problems, from German magazine c't Dave Farber (Nov 08)
Review: Toshiba Tablet PC Dave Farber (Nov 10)
News Corp's Peter Chernin: "The Problem with Stealing" Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Japan Govt. May Slam Shut Windows Dave Farber (Nov 20)
final on Another Cohen ramble... Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Lynn Landes' analysis of the 2002 Elections from RISKS Dave Farber (Nov 10)
lets get facts right -- News Corp's Peter Chernin: "The Problem with Stealing" Dave Farber (Nov 23)
the REAL end of thread more on Lynn Landes' analysis of the 2002Elections from RISKS Dave Farber (Nov 10)
MEMS on Glass: Technology with applications for fingerprint * 4:15PM, Wed Nov 20, 2002 in Gates B03 Dave Farber (Nov 17)
What is to be done? Dave Farber (Nov 01)
!!! PCS Vision(SM) From Sprint Recognized as One of the World's Most Innovative Technologies by Popular Science Dave Farber (Nov 10)
more on US Military cognitive dissonance hitsa new low Dave Farber (Nov 30)
Guess who this quoute is from: SEE NEXT MESSAGE FOR ANSWER Dave Farber (Nov 19)
Panama begins blocking IP ports to prevent VoIP Dave Farber (Nov 04)
Dan Gillmor: Telecom strategy is take it or leave it Dave Farber (Nov 04)
It ain't the Internet Panama begins blocking IP ports to prevent VoIP Dave Farber (Nov 04)
a total paradigm shift in the war toy industry Dave Farber (Nov 28)
Northpoint Lobbying Crumbles on Hill Dave Farber (Nov 20)
Birth of the Digital New Deal: An Inventory of High-Tech Pork-Barrel Spending Dave Farber (Nov 01)
any answers for Dan Dave Farber (Nov 04)
more on Icann's level of discourse Re: [IP] more on ICANN response to Lauren Weinstein's Wired article on ICANN Dave Farber (Nov 22)
Internet home banking unsafe Dave Farber (Nov 09)
MIT Getting Millions For Digital TV Deal Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Security Through Soundbyte: The 'Cybersecurity Intelligence' Game Dave Farber (Nov 20)
Webster article w/ GRF quote Dave Farber (Nov 05)
Soon to be a movie Hackers could be planning major attack, says White House Dave Farber (Nov 13)
last on -- Appears that a contract from Apple is NOT worth the Paper it is written on! Dave Farber (Nov 28)
Intel Corp. & Legal Threats Against Intelligence Community Dave Farber (Nov 29)
ok what is "Excryption" Dave Farber (Nov 25)
Scary Stuff: Secret Court OKs Broad Wiretap Powers Dave Farber (Nov 19)
US Military cognitive dissonance hits a new low Dave Farber (Nov 27)
Homeland Security and Privacy Dave Farber (Nov 23)
Sony + Philips buy Intertrust - hang on to your DRM hats Dave Farber (Nov 13)
end of more on US Military cognitive dissonance hits a new low Dave Farber (Nov 30)
more on Intel Corp. & Legal Threats Against Intelligence Community Dave Farber (Nov 29)
Nathan Cochrane on BMG and crippled music CDs Dave Farber (Nov 07)
'No more music CDs without copy protection,' claims BMG unit Dave Farber (Nov 08)
"accountability" Dave Farber (Nov 30)
WSJ article on the economics of spam Dave Farber (Nov 14)
more on Biometrics "isn't for security--it's for convenience" Dave Farber (Nov 29)
Posner on intellectual property Dave Farber (Nov 25)
more on Lessons from the Meltdown of U.S. TelephoneIndustry - Giving Top Priority to the Internet Dave Farber (Nov 09)
New Protection for 802.11 Dave Farber (Nov 06)
Cringely's latest is interesting ... Dave Farber (Nov 13)
This guy is on to something! Dave Farber (Nov 07)
Computer Programmer Fired In Pick Six Investigation Dave Farber (Nov 01)
more on Lynn Landes' analysis of the 2002 Elections from RISKS Dave Farber (Nov 10)
Massive database dragnet explored ANTI-TERRORISM PROJECT ALARMS PRIVACY ADVOCATES Dave Farber (Nov 21)
more on Computer Programmer Fired In Pick SixInvestigation Dave Farber (Nov 01)
The Wireless Fight (Nokia vs Microsoft) Dave Farber (Nov 23)
Hacking syndicates threaten banking Dave Farber (Nov 13)
Gates at Comdex Dave Farber (Nov 22)
EPIC Letter on P2P Monitoring Dave Farber (Nov 06)
Talk at CMU on 19 Nov the Microsoft "Palladium" Initiative by Brian A. LaMacchia MS Dave Farber (Nov 12)
Microsoft Shows 85Profit Margins for Windows Dave Farber (Nov 18)
more on EPIC Letter on P2P Monitoring Dave Farber (Nov 08)
more on This guy is on to something! Dave Farber (Nov 07)
You Are a Suspect Dave Farber (Nov 14)
The telecoms meltdown and pensions Dave Farber (Nov 21)
CDT tries to dispel odd tales from ICANN China meetings Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Supreme Court to Hear Internet Pornography Case Dave Farber (Nov 12)
RIAA orders US Navy to surrender Dave Farber (Nov 25)
this is hilarious Dave Farber (Nov 06)
True Confessions: I was a Thirty-Something Music Pirate. Dave Farber (Nov 24)
U.S. should fund R&D for secure Internet protocols, Clarke says Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Agency reduces power on 72-mile WLAN link Dave Farber (Nov 21)
11g - "The New Mainstream" Dave Farber (Nov 20)
asks some good questions -- Rampant Piracy in the Music Industry Dave Farber (Nov 23)
Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans Dave Farber (Nov 09)
US Secret Weapon Projects Could Destablize World Peace Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Visa policy hinders research from Dallas Morning News Dave Farber (Nov 24)
what a way to get more reliable software!!!! Dave Farber (Nov 10)
more on Blockbuster Video's days are numbered. Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Was expensive Area Codes non expensive non area codes Dave Farber (Nov 05)
ICANN's Three Envelopes Dave Farber (Nov 07)
Microsoft ruling glitch Dave Farber (Nov 01)
Europeans Outlaw Net Hate Speech   Dave Farber (Nov 09)
Different views on Wi-Fi sharing Dave Farber (Nov 10)
Congressman Weldon's Visit to Upenn Dave Farber (Nov 11)
Math Discovery Rattles Net Security Dave Farber (Nov 05)
more on Hacking syndicates threaten banking Dave Farber (Nov 13)
Blockbuster Video's days are numbered. Dave Farber (Nov 11)
The down side of tech's vision: Simplicity could shrink sales Dave Farber (Nov 19)
Hamas urging 'electronic Jihad' Dave Farber (Nov 29)


[no subject] Unknown (Feb 04)