Interesting People: by author

222 messages starting Oct 09 03 and ending Oct 09 03
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Dave Farber

Media study reveals effect of spin on US public Dave Farber (Oct 09)
Supermarket Big Brother Cards & RFID [Bal'more City Paper] Dave Farber (Oct 01)
WQED Pittsburgh Dave Farber (Oct 30) a view from the HINDUSTANI Times Dave Farber (Oct 04)
What's wrong with this picture? Dave Farber (Oct 20)
Salon article on pre-election testing of Riverside Co. electronic voting machines Dave Farber (Oct 15)
more on busted selling off email addresses to spammers Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Ironic comment on Lauren's Tripoli proposal Dave Farber (Oct 08)
Tutorial offered on Trinko v. Verizon Dave Farber (Oct 09)
CATO Who Rules the Net Dave Farber (Oct 01)
Students Fight E-Vote Firm Dave Farber (Oct 22)
VeriSign says more unannounced surprises may be forthcoming! Dave Farber (Oct 08)
Boy's Internet research snags him in FBI web Dave Farber (Oct 22) Article: Science Panel Urges Review of Research Terrorists Could Use Dave Farber (Oct 09)
DMCA censorware exemption win! Dave Farber (Oct 29)
more on ] Spam attacks on blogs Dave Farber (Oct 23)
The Wrong Way to Stop Spam: Dictatorship by ISPs Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Startup throws cold water on hot CPUs Dave Farber (Oct 07)
Torvalds: geeky kids need dates [risks] Risks Digest 22.92 Dave Farber (Oct 06)
re smart phones Dave Farber (Oct 20)
CD-copy protection has simple solution Dave Farber (Oct 08)
: Nominations requested for the ACM Lawler Award Dave Farber (Oct 20)
NEC and Vodafone launch mobile phone built-in analog TV tuner Dave Farber (Oct 15)
Now voters have only themselves to blame -- Pittsburgh Post Gazette Dave Farber (Oct 12)
Passive Radar Ready for Prime Time Dave Farber (Oct 14)
eBay trying to stop interstate sales tax Dave Farber (Oct 09)
"VeriSign's Doomsday Machine" Dave Farber (Oct 23)
The End Matter -- The nightmare of citation Dave Farber (Oct 01)
School district sued over WLAN radiation Dave Farber (Oct 06)
more on Steve Ballmer Dave Farber (Oct 23)
The Future of SurveillanceRisks Digest 22.96 Dave Farber (Oct 20)
Any suggestions re WiFi sane interfaces Dave Farber (Oct 01)
The New Forensics -- Corporate Fraud and the Discovery of * 4:15PM, Wed November 5, 2003 in Gates B03 Stanford Univ. Dave Farber (Oct 30)
E-Mail Providers Devising Ways to Stop Spam Dave Farber (Oct 30)
NASA Faculty Fellowship Program Announcement Dave Farber (Oct 08)
Professorships at Oxford Internet Institute Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Bill Joy's interview to "Fortune" Dave Farber (Oct 04)
More on US newspapers barraged with same letter from different soldiers Dave Farber (Oct 14)
Japanese IPers Dave Farber (Oct 30)
more on As It Tries to Cut Costs, Wall Street Looks to India Dave Farber (Oct 09)
more on Steve Ballmer Dave Farber (Oct 23)
Microsoft pockets an IM patent Dave Farber (Oct 08)
"Perception management" Dave Farber (Oct 19)
privacy: sobering Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Spinning SiteFinder Dave Farber (Oct 07)
ICANN: progress on new gTLDs Dave Farber (Oct 31)
More on U of Florida P2P policy Dave Farber (Oct 05)
All the President's votes? Dave Farber (Oct 14)
Transparency International Corruption Index 2003 Dave Farber (Oct 09)
OMB directs agencies to post grants Dave Farber (Oct 09)
Walter Cronkite: The New Inquisition Dave Farber (Oct 07)
more on : Digital Signals Rule for New TVs Upheld Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Students receiving cease-desists from Diebold... Dave Farber (Oct 29)
China's Technological Ambitions Take Flight Dave Farber (Oct 19)
Prosecutors admit error in McDanel whisteblower conviction Dave Farber (Oct 14)
WH censoring its website? Dave Farber (Oct 27)
SPF ready for media coverage Dave Farber (Oct 23)
The Revolution Is Coming, Eventually Dave Farber (Oct 19)
more on ARRL's "private game preserve" Dave Farber (Oct 30)
VeriSign, Internet Body Reach Truce on Site Finder Service Company Suspends Product On Demand From Icann After Outcry on Side Effects Dave Farber (Oct 06)
E-mail is broken Dave Farber (Oct 05)
more on MIT students develop alternative to file-swapping Dave Farber (Oct 27) DDOS'ed Dave Farber (Oct 21)
VeryStressed VeriSign -- Site Finder issue is only the latest trouble for company since Network Solutions acquisition Dave Farber (Oct 13)
More 2007 nonsense: Digital Signals Rule for New TVs Upheld Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Blame India for that jobless recovery Dave Farber (Oct 02)
on high speed broadband activities in JP? Dave Farber (Oct 02)
hackers have broken into GPRS billing Dave Farber (Oct 02)
more on busted selling off email addresses to spammers Dave Farber (Oct 30)
more on MPAA drops Oscar screeners Dave Farber (Oct 01)
UK Meeting Trade Secrets, Dongles, and Patents: A History of Software Protection Dave Farber (Oct 07)
5 'exabytes' of information created in '02 (fwd) Dave Farber (Oct 31)
more on more on MIT students develop alternative to file-swapping Dave Farber (Oct 27)
U.S. drove out founder of China's rocketry program Dave Farber (Oct 15)
Very worth reading djf -- Political interference with scientific committees Dave Farber (Oct 13)
more on WH censoring its website? Dave Farber (Oct 27)
Spam: The unstoppable Internet menace Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Following legal threat, VeriSign agrees to suspend Site Finder Dave Farber (Oct 03)
more on "U.S. May Ease Entry for High-Tech Workers" Dave Farber (Oct 28)
W3C files at the US Patent & Trademark Office regarding the 'Eolas' patent] Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Taking "regime change" to the grave, literally Dave Farber (Oct 28)
FCC readies rule to block Internet piracy Dave Farber (Oct 19)
from the Oklahoman re Verisign Dave Farber (Oct 06)
More on National LambdaRail Dave Farber (Oct 06)
busted selling off email addresses to spammers Dave Farber (Oct 30)
WSJ Article on White Collar Free Trade Oppo Dave Farber (Oct 10)
MPAA drops Oscar screeners Dave Farber (Oct 01)
Justice Department screws up: doesn't redact FOIA document Dave Farber (Oct 30)
US newspapers barraged with same letter from different soldiers Dave Farber (Oct 12)
Another Article on Verisigns Dave Farber (Oct 07)
A forecast of the future of the US? Dave Farber (Oct 13)
Microsoft moves to integrate Windows with BIOS Dave Farber (Oct 04)
E-mail is broken full article Dave Farber (Oct 05)
California fires - NASA picture Dave Farber (Oct 28)
more on ITU Telecom World 2003 Dave Farber (Oct 27)
China Sends Man Into Orbit, Entering U.S.-Russian Club Dave Farber (Oct 15)
MIT students develop alternative to file-swapping Dave Farber (Oct 27)
Comcast Devours Your Life Privacy shmivacy. The cable-TV beast knows more about you than your own mother. Be very creeped out Dave Farber (Oct 04)
An article I thought would interest you Dave Farber (Oct 20)
Wired - Time to Recall E-Vote Machines? Dave Farber (Oct 08)
more on Verizon Starts Speedy Wireless Web Access Dave Farber (Oct 01)
The Bernstein Cryptography Case Is Dismissed Dave Farber (Oct 15)
more on Med record privacy and offshore workers.. Dave Farber (Oct 26)
Beyond the Verisign vs. ICANN Battle (BusinessWeek.Com) Dave Farber (Oct 21)
SPF v2 draft 95% complete Dave Farber (Oct 19)
The Impact of Academic Research on Industrial Performance Dave Farber (Oct 09)
ChoicePoint et al creating private sector national ID card Dave Farber (Oct 24)
CDT Analyzes DOJ PATRIOT Act Defense website Dave Farber (Oct 28)
Three Lessons Americans Can Learn from Japan's Success in Broadband Dave Farber (Oct 05)
"U.S. May Ease Entry for High-Tech Workers" Dave Farber (Oct 28)
EFF: "Unintended Consequences: Five Years under the DMCA" Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Fighting spam: raise the bridge or lower the water?[risks] Risks Digest 22.92 Dave Farber (Oct 06)
more on Update on Shift Key Breking CD Copy Protection Technology WORTHWHILE READING DJF Dave Farber (Oct 09)
more on Update on Shift Key Breaking CD Copy Protection Technology Dave Farber (Oct 09)
more on The Columbia space shuttle accident report Dave Farber (Oct 20)
Loss of the Internet Dave Farber (Oct 02)
California Recall Analysis Dave Farber (Oct 09)
Paper SPAM Dave Farber (Oct 22)
Can't someone arrest these people???? Dave Farber (Oct 01)
more on Why is FTC allowing anyone to interrogate the "no call" list? Dave Farber (Oct 02)
write up on my arrival at Carnegie Mellon Dave Farber (Oct 02)
Farber goes Segwaying Dave Farber (Oct 10)
have a long commute? not anymore Dave Farber (Oct 28)
VeriSign responds with arrogance to Site Finder critics -- Dan Gillmor Dave Farber (Oct 08)
READ THIS -- The MATRIX: TIA Reloaded Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Actual facts about how hotel keycards work, from K.Anderson [priv] Dave Farber (Oct 31)
if this does not generate irate email, nothing will --- Who wins in offshoring? Dave Farber (Oct 28)
What Price Music? Dave Farber (Oct 12)
"Digital-rights group knocks 'trusted' PCs" Dave Farber (Oct 02)
SOSP 2003 live over the Internet (Oct. 20-22) Dave Farber (Oct 20)
EFF Defends Right to Publish Links to Electronic Voting Memos Dave Farber (Oct 19)
more on Three Lessons Americans Can Learn from Japan's Success in Broadband Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Who are you!!! Interesting RIAA quote Dave Farber (Oct 09)
Dallas Tx IPers, I will be in town Dave Farber (Oct 14)
Mystery shrouds arrest of accused software pirate Dave Farber (Oct 03)
more on All the President's votes? What can be done Dave Farber (Oct 16)
ITU Telecom World 2003 Dave Farber (Oct 25)
more on Update on Shift Key Breking CD Copy Protection Technology Dave Farber (Oct 09)
ARRL's "private game preserve" Dave Farber (Oct 30)
The Internet: Still Wide Open and Competitive Dave Farber (Oct 10)
Mid-East Policy Analysis Market to Return as Private Venture Dave Farber (Oct 10)
Study: U.S. gap in higher ed on the riseDaily Pennsylvanian Headlines Update Dave Farber (Oct 07)
It had to start happening at some point Dave Farber (Oct 23)
ICANN: progress on new gTLDs Dave Farber (Oct 31)
VeriSign announces sale of Network Solutions Dave Farber (Oct 16)
tiring of royalties Dave Farber (Oct 10)
French home secretary announces chip ID card with "perfectly secure" Dave Farber (Oct 13)
Solar Storm Hits Earth (NYT) Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Yesterdays WJS article on Versign Dave Farber (Oct 07)
VeriSign Capitulates (fwd) Dave Farber (Oct 03)
more on As It Tries to Cut Costs, Wall Street Looks to India Dave Farber (Oct 09)
'Smart stamps' next in war on terrorism Dave Farber (Oct 27)
As It Tries to Cut Costs, Wall Street Looks to India Dave Farber (Oct 08)
more on ITU Telecom World 2003 Dave Farber (Oct 27)
Yesterday's Cato conference on "Who Rules the Net" Dave Farber (Oct 22) Article: A Willful Ignorance Dave Farber (Oct 28)
The Earth's not slowing down fast enough to suit Motorola Dave Farber (Oct 10) Article: With Cable TV at M.I.T., Who NeedsNapster? Dave Farber (Oct 27)
CAPPS II -- The new Maginot line? Dave Farber (Oct 02)
Ode To America Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Internet censorship and control Dave Farber (Oct 04)
OARC Dave Farber (Oct 19)
more on VeriSign Capitulates (fwd) Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Press Release: FCC Policies that Damaged Media Now Threatening Internet Dave Farber (Oct 10)
2 more on VeriSign Capitulates (fwd) Dave Farber (Oct 04)
Broadband: Pick Cheap or Speedy Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Court Rules F.C.C. Erred in Decision on Net Access Dave Farber (Oct 07)
more on Comcast Devours Your Life Privacy shmivacy. The cable-TV beast knows more about you than your own mother. Be very creeped out Dave Farber (Oct 04)
TechNet CEO Signature Request: Funding for Basic Research Dave Farber (Oct 01)
CMU Awards for Accuracy in Cybersecurity Reporting Dave Farber (Oct 28)
more on VeriSign to revive redirect service Dave Farber (Oct 16)
more on Following legal threat, VeriSign agrees to suspend Site Finder Dave Farber (Oct 04)
more on Another Article on Verisigns Dave Farber (Oct 08)
Powell Outlines Wireless Agenda Dave Farber (Oct 01)
more on Media study reveals effect of spin on US public Dave Farber (Oct 09)
more on VeriSign to revive redirect service Dave Farber (Oct 16)
FCC's "broadcast flag" proposal starts to get attention [ip] Dave Farber (Oct 16)
The Columbia space shuttle accident report Dave Farber (Oct 19)
Walter Cronkite: The New Inquisition Dave Farber (Oct 07)
: As It Tries to Cut Costs, Wall Street Looks to India Dave Farber (Oct 08)
SECSAC holds data gathering meeting regarding wild cards in the DNS Dave Farber (Oct 01)
more on stolen e-mail addresses from Orbitz Dave Farber (Oct 30)
Asia plays with hi-tech visions (BBC) Dave Farber (Oct 10)
more on Broadband from the electric company? No thanks Dave Farber (Oct 14)
The Dark Side of (Broadband: Pick Cheap or Speedy) Dave Farber (Oct 05)
Response to PFIR Public Call For Data Regarding VeriSign Dave Farber (Oct 01)
more on Florida university locks out P2P users Dave Farber (Oct 04)
VeriSign to revive redirect service Dave Farber (Oct 15)
Med record privacy and offshore workers.. Dave Farber (Oct 23)
CCIA Microsoft report--what's the real issue? Dave Farber (Oct 09)
more on SPF v2 draft 95% complete Dave Farber (Oct 19)
more on ICANN demands that VeriSign suspend Site Finder, restore DNS Dave Farber (Oct 03)
SunnComm to drop lawsuit against student Dave Farber (Oct 10)
File-sharing: A well-argued, contrarian view Dave Farber (Oct 06)
more on Fighting spam: raise the bridge or lower the water?[risks] Risks Digest 22.92 Dave Farber (Oct 09)
Growing use of private police Computer Database Dave Farber (Oct 31)
Reykjavik becoming the first city where every home is connected to fiber Dave Farber (Oct 22)
DMA CEO's don't like their own calls Dave Farber (Oct 01)
Broadband from the electric company? No thanks Dave Farber (Oct 13)
America owes talk host Rush Limbaugh a debt of gratitude, Libertarians say Dave Farber (Oct 21)
ICANN now says to VeriSign: do it by tomorrow, or else... Dave Farber (Oct 03)
A Case of Piracy Overkill? Dave Farber (Oct 29)
Nominations Invited for 2004 Petersberg Prize Dave Farber (Oct 28)
Latest Comscore report on Internet traffic Dave Farber (Oct 22)
Talk by the PGH ACLU Director (fwd) Dave Farber (Oct 19)
lovesick hacker sidelines Port of Houston Dave Farber (Oct 07)
Brazil Becomes a Cybercrime Lab Dave Farber (Oct 28)
Theirs for the taking: sensitive credit data Dave Farber (Oct 20)
more on ] Spam attacks on blogs Dave Farber (Oct 23)
Steve Ballmer Dave Farber (Oct 23)
Verisign "Editorial" on Dave Farber (Oct 07)
more on Blame India for that jobless recovery Dave Farber (Oct 02)
more on DDOS'ed Dave Farber (Oct 29)
3 columns about security risk of processing medical and tax files overseas Dave Farber (Oct 27)
more on FCC Targets Copying of Digital TV Dave Farber (Oct 16)
Big Companies Add to Spam Flow Dave Farber (Oct 28)
A ticking timer could worry other passengers... Dave Farber (Oct 09)
"Salt in the Wound" Dave Farber (Oct 22)
Spam blocking and the sorry state of e-mail Dave Farber (Oct 08)
DC autonomic event Dave Farber (Oct 22)
E-Vote Software Leaked Online (I love the security by secrecy statement djf) Dave Farber (Oct 30)
more on Court Rules F.C.C. Erred in Decision on Net Access Dave Farber (Oct 09)