Politech: by author

89 messages starting Mar 27 00 and ending Mar 31 00
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Declan McCullagh

FC: MarvinRunyon.com -- How canny bureaucrats grab dot com wealth Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
FC: Time to pull the plug on the SEC's Net-snooping --Libertarian Party Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
FC: FTC wants the real identity of domain holders to be public Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
FC: SEC is creating Net-surveillance system, and a response Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
FC: Clinton predicts "consensus" emerging on Internet taxes Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
FC: Law libraries oppose UCITA, now targeting Maryland Senate Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
FC: California Democrats oppose bill to abolish e-commerce taxes Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
FC: Ticketmaster v. Tickets.com deep-linking opinion now online Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
FC: European parliament may begin formal inquiry on ECHELON Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
FC: Privacy, DMCA, Cybetpatrol, Net-security photos now online Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
FC: Judge invites Mattel to shut down mirror sites Declan McCullagh (Mar 28)
FC: Canadian parliament about to vote on major privacy legislation Declan McCullagh (Mar 28)
FC: Cyberpatrol suit takes GNU twist -- Mattel's victory not one Declan McCullagh (Mar 28)
FC: Alarmist London police warn banks to look out for "cyberterrorists" Declan McCullagh (Mar 28)
FC: Boston Globe says judge should not restrict cphack.exe program Declan McCullagh (Mar 27)
FC: U.S. privacy regulation not inevitable or a good idea --oped Declan McCullagh (Mar 27)
FC: Consumer Reports wants to flush "Consumer Toilet Report" site Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
FC: French government says: Be anonymous online, go to jail Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
FC: JohnXXIV.com for sale is "more than probably" a hoax Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
FC: JohnXXIV.com for sale! Usenet entrepreneur offers pope domains Declan McCullagh (Mar 25)
FC: ACLU will defend "cphack" mirror sites in court on Monday Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
FC: Reply to Mattel temporary restraining order and subpoena Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
FC: FCC group to monitor Internet provider outages in "voluntary trial" Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
FC: Linux users in DC plan protest of U.S. copyright law Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
FC: CyberPatrol brawl gets ugly and international, from CNN Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
FC: Net-tax panel says Congress should hold hearings on privacy Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
FC: Echelon debate heats up, writers reply to CIA chief Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
FC: Reports from Dallas meeting of Net tax advisory commission Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
FC: USA Today on Mattel's subpoenas, by Janet Kornblum Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
FC: T.J. Rodgers interview: It's all about capitalism Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
FC: Groups spar before tax commission meeting in Dallas Declan McCullagh (Mar 20)
FC: Mattel sends me a subpoena, wants politech reader list Declan McCullagh (Mar 19)
FC: CyberPatrol wins restraining order against "cphack" decrypt app Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
FC: Internet tax commission meeting in Dallas next Monday and Tuesday Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
FC: UN frets about 1st Amendment, wants to ban racist US sites Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
FC: Ex-CIA chief on Echelon: "European technology isn't worth stealing" Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
FC: Pennsylvania Gov. Ridge competes with Net startups in his own state Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
FC: State legislators call feds' digital sig bill an "unfunded mandate" Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
FC: "Digital divide" not even a virtual reality --oped Declan McCullagh (Mar 16)
FC: CyberPatrol decryption utility mirrored in response to lawsuit Declan McCullagh (Mar 16)
FC: CyberPatrol sues coders who revealed flaws in its software, from AP Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: Bill Joy suggests limits to freedom and research Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: EFF asking for Pioneer Award nominations -- deadline is tonight Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: Census data let US imprison Japanese-Americans in 1942; privacy Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: Is the "Date Rape" web site illegal? Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: Doubleclick wants to advertise with Zero Knowledge (humor) Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
FC: Congressional plan would create U.S. Privacy Protection Commission Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: Germany plans to introduce mandatory URL music-filtering system Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: Simon Wiesenthal Center billboards target Net Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: Feminist activists successfully censor "date rape" Web site Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: More on Dr. Laura, the 1st Amendment, and the Internet Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: UK regulator wants to create new Web addresses; China CEO intv Declan McCullagh (Mar 14)
FC: Should the Valley normalize relations with DC? --Cato event Declan McCullagh (Mar 13)
FC: Fight the Census! Group urges boycott of Uncle Sam Declan McCullagh (Mar 13)
FC: Responses to "High cost of Net privacy" oped by DoubleClick CEO Declan McCullagh (Mar 13)
FC: U.S. firm sells German police Net-surveillance products Declan McCullagh (Mar 13)
FC: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she doesn't like them) Declan McCullagh (Mar 13)
FC: Tom Bliley retiring from Congress -- and it's about time Declan McCullagh (Mar 11)
FC: Justice Dept FAQ on encryption: We need access to plaintext! Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
FC: U-Haul and Amway also trying to censor critics' web sites Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
FC: Terminix abandons drive to censor criticism from web Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
FC: The high cost of Net privacy, oped by DoubleClick CEO Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
FC: Game companies welcome Microsoft, worry about Sony's market power Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
FC: Excerpts from Reno's press conf today on unlawful conduct report Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
FC: Reno releases unlawful conduct report; response from Armey Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
FC: More on Australia censors its own parliament's Net-connections Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
FC: Australia censors its own parliament's Net-connections Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
FC: Win $10,000 in PRI technology privatization contest Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
FC: ACLU blasts White House report on unlawful conduct online Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
FC: Sprint PCS browsers give out phone numbers; more on AMA threat Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
FC: Politechbot.com now online with archived list messages Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
FC: DVD Connecticut case update; open-law not a rousing success Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
FC: UCITA law: Weird name, great idea, or the Devil itself? Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
FC: WIPO arbiter dubs MP3.com CEO a -- domain name squatter Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
FC: American Medical Association wants masturbation GIF yanked Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
FC: Republican Party urges everyone to spam TV anchors Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
FC: Responses to White House wanting to trace Net users Declan McCullagh (Mar 06)
FC: Anguilla and St. Martin photos now online at mccullagh.org Declan McCullagh (Mar 06)
FC: White House report says government wants to trace Net users Declan McCullagh (Mar 06)
FC: Clinton frets over online privacy, marvels at screen saver Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
FC: UCITA plan may not be a travesty for consumers --responses Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
FC: Clinton tells federal agencies to protect against DoS attacks Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
FC: Kevin Mitnick testifies before Congress Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
FC: Beaver College is blocked by filters, considers name change Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
FC: Software plan is a travesty for consumers, by Dan Gillmor Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
FC: EU to impose VAT on digital goods and software, from WSJ Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
FC: Bush suggests dropping MS antitrust suit, wins Wash primary Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
FC: I-Gear blocking software blacklist cracked and available online Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)

McCullagh Mobile Account

FC: Cyberpatrol hearing report from Boston McCullagh Mobile Account (Mar 27)