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FC: UCITA law: Weird name, great idea, or the Devil itself?

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 22:05:27 -0500


From: mheller () cio com
To: declan () well com
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 09:00:24 -0500
Subject: FC: UCITA plan may not be a travesty for consumers --responses

HI Declan,

You might send interested readers to http://comment.cio.com/sound.cfm?ID=37,
where a debate over UCITA, in response to an article I wrote about it, is

All best,

Martha Heller
Web Writer


From: Christy Hudgins <chudgins () tbg com>
To: "'declan () well com'" <declan () well com>
Subject: RE: UCITA plan may not be a travesty for consumers --responses
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 06:40:24 -0700
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)


Hi Declan,
I noticed that a number of people wanted more detailed info about UCITA. I
wrote a long feature examining these issues back in April. Some things have
changed since then, but the gist of the legislation remains the same, so
this might be helpful.


Christy Hudgins
chudgins () tbg com


Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 05:34:03 -0500
From: NBII <afn41391 () afn org>
To: declan () well com
Subject: Re: FC: UCITA plan may not be a travesty for consumers --responses

Declan McCullagh wrote:

Declan, one thing anyone who wants to oppose this will need is the info
on their legislators, both state and national. I've regularly pointed
this one out to people. I am unaware of any better site than this -- and
even if a person doesn't want to comment on this specific issue, it's
certainly one they'll want to keep for other cases where they might:


Feel free to post this to the list.


From: "Akilesh Rajan" <shivohum () nobletree com>
To: <declan () well com>
Subject: Informative UCITA Links
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:16:08 -0500
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
Importance: Normal

http://www.badsoftware.com/ and specifically
Current draft of UCITA: http://www.law.upenn.edu/bll/ulc/ucita/CITAAM99.htm


From: James Tierney <jamesti () microsoft com>
To: "'declan () well com'" <declan () well com>
Subject: FW: FW: UCITA plan may not be a travesty for consumers --response
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:07:32 -0800
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58)

Hi Declan,
http://www.badsoftware.com/kaneropd.htm sets the record straight on UCITA.

Cem Kaner and David Pels
We grant permission to the press to print this article without payment to
us. If you use it, please let us know at ucita () kaner com.

As you read this, a little known but influential legislative drafting
organization is finishing its work on a 350-page proposal called the Uniform
Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA). Backed primarily by computer
software and hardware companies, UCITA will slash customers' rights.



Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 23:14:01 -0800
From: Barbara Simons <simons () acm org>
To: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
CC: Barbara Simons <simons () acm org>
Subject: Melissa's Message

Hello, Declan.  I noticed that some people responded
to a Dan Gillmor article on UCITA that you posted by
saying that they couldn't understand from his article why
UCITA is a bad idea.  Below is an article that I wrote
a few months ago.  It contains some specific arguments
for why the technical community should be concerned
about UCITA.


September 1999

Melissa's Message

"Transforming the information infrastructure into a robust system will not be an easy task. We must focus on policies and laws that encourage -- rather than discourage -- the goal of a safe and secure information infrastructure."

Barbara Simons
<mailto:president () acm org>president () acm org
Dr. Simons was elected President of ACM in 1998, the same year in which she also won the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award. Selected by clnet in 1995 as one of its 26 Internet "Visionaries," and named one of the "Top 100 Women in Computing" by Open Computing in 1994, she holds several patents and has authored numerous technical papers.Dr. Simons is a member of the President's Export Council's Subcommittee on Encryption and is also a Fellow of ACM and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She previously wrote for iMP in May 1999 on "<../may_99/05_99simons-insight.htm>Outlawing Technology." This column has been adapted with permission from an earlier <http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/journals/cacm/1999-42-6/p25-simons/>version that appeared in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 42, No. 6 (June 1999), Pages 25-26. If you have spent the last few months in the Galapagos Islands, you may not have heard of the Melissa virus. As the rest of us know, Melissa gets itself replicated exponentially by exploiting the ability of Microsoft Word to run macro attachments, a known security risk. While Melissa caused some sites to disconnect themselves from the net, significantly slowed down other sites, and created a lot of grief for systems administrators, its effects could have been a lot worse. Melissa hit near the end of the business day on a Friday, March 26, 1999. Although Melissa disabled virus checking and generated large amounts of unwanted e-mail, it appears that no disks were trashed nor files overwritten.

What, if anything, will policy makers learn from Melissa? Will they take steps to make computers, software, and the net more secure and robust? Or will they pass laws that are likely to encourage buggy software and irresponsible business practices?

UCITA and UCC 2B. Because state laws govern commercial transactions in the United States, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was developed as a way to facilitate interstate commerce. Most of the UCC is law in all 50 states; Article 2, which applies to sale of software, is law in 49 states. For the last four years, the American Law Institute (ALI) <<http://www.ali.org/>http://www.ali.org/> and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (UCCUSL) <<http://www.nccusl.org/>http://www.nccusl.org/> had been working on Article 2B of the UCC. UCC 2B would have applied to mass market licenses and in particular to shrink wrap licenses of software. However, the ALI decided that it would not recommend approval of 2B in its present form. This past April, the NCCUSL decided to go forward with approval of the law anyway, renaming it the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA). UCITA was passed in July, and it will be introduced in the state legislatures. If passed by one or more states, some corporations may threaten to move their headquarters to UCITA states unless the state in which their headquarters are located also passes UCITA.

UCITA applies to contracts involving digitized and other kinds of intellectual property. It formalizes in law many current shrink wrap license provisions, some of which are likely to encourage the marketing of non-robust, buggy software.

Anyone who has written a large program realizes that it's impossible to produce bug-free code and very difficult even to produce software that is robust and secure. Consequently, we do not hold software producers liable for every bug that might occur in their software. But that does not mean that they should be absolved of all responsibility for any problems that might occur because of their software. UCITA makes it trivially easy for software producers to limit their liability only to the purchase price of the software, even if the producer knew that the software contained serious bugs at the time of sale. It's a bit like telling food processing companies that if they knowingly sell contaminated food, they are required only to refund the purchase price of the food to people who are made ill by eating it. If this aspect of UCITA becomes law, it could place companies that strive to produce relatively bug-free and secure code at a disadvantage when competing with other companies that have a less professional approach. This is hardly a good strategy for developing a secure and robust net.

Benchmarking practices are another problem confronting software developers and users. Companies have been known to tailor their products to optimize the performance of standard benchmarks. Yet, when benchmarks are customized for a set of tests, there is the risk that the benchmarks might, intentionally or inadvertently, favor some of the software being tested over other software. In spite of the known problems of benchmarks, they are used as a rough method for comparing software and hardware. UCITA, if enacted, will exacerbate the problem of evaluating and comparing software by legitimizing nondisclosure agreements in licenses. In other words, if you want to attempt to compare, say, several different database programs, you may need the permission of each of the database companies in order to publish your results. Presumably, companies whose software did not perform especially well would be unlikely to allow you to publish information about their software. This rule applies not only to benchmarks, but also to any kind of analysis of the software, assuming that the analysis is based on having run the software.

Consequently, software producers, unlike almost any other kind of producer, would be given considerable control over what is said about their software. At a time when we should be publicizing information about insecure products, we may find ourselves forbidden by law from so doing.

A number of other portions of UCITA place the consumer at a disadvantage. For example, a consumer probably could not hold a producer liable for statements included in the manual unless the consumer saw the manual prior to the sale. By contrast, the software producer would not be required to make a copy of the license or any warranty disclaimer available for the customer to read prior to purchase. The consumer's only recourse would be to return the software if he or she objects to the terms, terms that frequently are made known to the consumer only during installation of the software.

What should we do? Cem Kaner is a lawyer with a strong background in computing and the co-author of the book, Testing Computer Software. Kaner has spent the past several years working pro bono in an attempt to negotiate more reasonable terms for UCC2B and then UCITA. He and a colleague, Todd Paglia, have proposed an alternative approach to UCITA. (A detailed description of the problems associated with UCITA can be found on Kaner's web site <<http://www.badsoftware.com/>http://www.badsoftware.com/>.) They recommend that software producers should be free from liability for damages caused by any defect that: * Was not known to the producer at the time the publisher sold the product, provided that the lack of knowledge was not due to grossly negligent development or testing practices; or that

* Was described in material accompanying the product, written in a way that a typical member of the product's market could understand. Otherwise, either the defect was known but not documented, or the quality control was drastically inadequate. There are differing views about whether or not there should be a cap on economic damages that can be recovered because of defects in mass-market software. This and related liability questions have underlying technical aspects that the legal community is not equipped to evaluate unaided. Computing professionals should be involved in any such debate, and we should insist that any laws that are adopted encourage the development of sound, robust, and secure software.

We have constructed a large and complex system in which potential security problems frequently are ignored. Transforming the information infrastructure into a robust system will not be an easy task. We must focus on policies and laws that encourage -- rather than discourage -- the goal of a safe and secure information infrastructure.

Released: September 22, 1999
iMP Magazine, <http://www.cisp.org/imp/september_99/09_99simons-insight.htm>http://www.cisp.org/imp/september_99/09_99simons-insight.htm

© Copyright 1999, <http://www.acm.org/>ACM, Inc. Reprinted by permission. All Rights Reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, or post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. <09_99itaa-insight.htm>Previous Insight <09_99hauben-insight.htm>Next Insight<09_99hauben-insight.htm> <09_99contents.htm> <http://www.saic.com/>SAIC home | <http://www.cisp.org/>CISP home | <copyright.htm>Copyright Policy | <masthead.htm>Masthead

The organization is the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws (NCCUSL). NCCUSL was formed by the States shortly after the Civil
War, to write laws that all (or most) of the States could agree to. If
NCCUSL approves UCITA at the end of this month, UCITA will probably become
law in a few states by the end of 1999.

Here are examples of the rules under UCITA:

Suppose you buy a computer game.When you've finished playing it, suppose
that you want to take it off of your computer and give it to your sister.
Under the law today, this is just like buying a book or a record--you can't
make a copy to keep for yourself, but you can give away the one that you
bought or you can lend it to a friend or sell it used. Under UCITA, the
publisher can say you can't sell the software used, lend it or give it away.
Book publishers tried to restrict post-sale reselling of books a century
ago. A feisty little retailer called Macy's took them on, and the United
States Supreme Court invalidated these restrictions. UCITA's grant of new
intellectual property rights to mass-market sellers is one of many reasons
that the main American library associations oppose UCITA.
Suppose your new computer game doesn't work. You call for help. The software
company charges $3 per minute to talk to you. After half an hour ($90), you
realize the company won't help you. You ask for a refund and return the
product. Under UCITA, the company can send you the $40 you paid for the game
but keep the $90 you spent on the phone call. You'd have been better off
throwing the game away. This is one of many ways in which UCITA lets
software companies avoid responsibility for their defects, even for defects
they know about when they sell the product. Even for defects that they know
about and choose not to tell the customer about. Many software developers
believe that this rule threatens the professionalism of their work. It is
one of the reasons that the main developers' professional societies
(including the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute for
Electrical and Electronic Engineers) oppose UCITA or have expressed serious
concerns about it. Similar opposition comes from quality control
Suppose that a software company demonstrates a product at a trade show. You
order the product at the show. The product you receive has different
screens, is harder to use and less capable. Today, when a software company
demonstrates a product, it creates a warranty that the product you get will
be the same, work the same, and have the same capabilities as the one
demonstrated. UCITA eliminates this warranty for the display layout and
commands) and cuts it back for functionality.
Backers of UCITA insist that it leaves consumers and small businesses with
our existing rights, and gives us new ones. But it doesn't. That's why every
consumer advocate we know (including Consumers Union and Ralph Nader's
Consumer Project on Technology) has called for termination of the UCITA
project. A July 9, 1999 analysis by the Federal Trade Commission points out
that UCITA allows software companies to place "restrictions on a consumer's
right to sue for a product defect, to use the product, or even to publicly
discuss or criticize the product." The analysis concludes, "we question
whether it is appropriate to depart from these consumer protection and
competition policy principles in a state commercial law statute."
NCCUSL is a well-respected legislative drafting organization. Having worked
in the software industry (usually as managers) for most of our adult lives,
we appreciate NCCUSL's enthusiasm for protecting America's fastest growing
industry. But NCCUSL's drafting committee has let itself be too heavily
influenced by software companies' lawyers, who dominate the committee's
open-to-the-public meetings.

Until recently UCITA was a proposed amendment to the Uniform Commercial Code
(UCC) called Article 2B. The American Law Institute co-authors all
amendments to the UCC with NCCUSL. The ALI called for "fundamental
revisions" in Article 2B because of its treatment of customer rights.
Recently, the ALI withdrew from the Article 2B process, killing it as a UCC
amendment. NCCUSL renamed 2B UCITA and is now carrying UCITA on its own.

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