Interesting People: by date

148 messages starting Jan 01 17 and ending Jan 31 17
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Sunday, 01 January

Prospects for the American press under Trump, part two Dave Farber
Trump Promises a Revelation on Hacking Dave Farber
China's $9 billion effort to beat the U.S. in genetic testing Dave Farber
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution Dave Farber

Monday, 02 January

North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion Dave Farber
Trump questions quest for cybersecurity: 'No computer is safe' David Farber
Fwd: Trump questions quest for cybersecurity: 'No computer is safe' Dave Farber
Reasoning, Schmeasoning! Dave Farber
Re North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion Dave Farber
Re: White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election Dave Farber
Investigatory Powers Act goes into force, putting UK citizens under intense new spying regime Dave Farber
What a Sensory Isolation Tank Taught Me About My Brain Dave Farber
FwdRe North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion Dave Farber
FwdRe North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion Dave Farber

Tuesday, 03 January

Re North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion Rich Kulawiec
Re Trump questions quest for cybersecurity: 'No computer is safe' Dave Farber
The Problem With 'Self-Investigation' in a Post-Truth Era Dave Farber
Grinch at Large: The Worst Apple Store Experience Ever Dave Farber
House kills independent Ethics Panel Dave Farber

Wednesday, 04 January

MUST READ: NYTimes: Cyberwar for Sale Dave Farber
"Information Warfare" Dave Farber
Two Major Credit Ratings Agencies Have Been Lying to Consumers David Farber
Time to Get to Thinking Published in 1996 in the ERCIM of KTH Sweden David Farber
Re MUST READ: NYTimes: Cyberwar for Sale Dave Farber
Re MUST READ: NYTimes: Cyberwar for Sale Dave Farber
FwRe MUST READ: NYTimes: Cyberwar for Sale Dave Farber
Good news for travelers: JFK to get $10 Billion Makeover Dave Farber
Re MUST READ: NYTimes: Cyberwar for Sale Dave Farber

Thursday, 05 January

Lauren's Blog: "Biting the Bullet: It's Time to Require 2-Factor Verified Logins" Dave Farber
Feds Accuse D-Link Of Failing To Properly Secure Routers & Webcams – Consumerist David Farber
Analog revival? Increase in film sales spurs Kodak to bring back Ektachrome: Digital Photography Review David Farber
Re Lauren's Blog: "Biting the Bullet: It's Time to Require 2-Factor Verified Logins" Dave Farber
Donald Trump's Twitter Account Is A Security Disaster Waiting To Happen Dave Farber

Friday, 06 January

WikiLeaks opposes leaking of CIA report Dave Farber
Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren't You? Dave Farber
California to Drivers: ‘Don’t Touch that Phone’ Dave Farber
The Wall Street Journal: The Method in Trump’s Messaging Habits Dave Farber
Re WikiLeaks opposes leaking of CIA report Dave Farber

Saturday, 07 January

London takes 5 days to breach 2017 air pollution limit Dave Farber
Re Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren't You? Dave Farber
ODNI Statement on Declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections David Farber
Re Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren't You? Dave Farber
"The Real Name Fallacy" Dave Farber
Re Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren't You? Dave Farber
After Decades of Chinese Imports, How to Revive American Manufacturing? Dave Farber
Re Bill Perry Is Terrified. Why Aren't You? Dave Farber
Re "The Real Name Fallacy" Dave Farber
Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Service to be Available at all New York City Subway Stations Starting Monday Dave Farber

Sunday, 08 January

re "The Real Name Fallacy" David Farber
An Interview I had at Stanford prior to my Dec 5 2015 Talk there. on Cybersecurity etc David Farber
Nissan's Path to Self-Driving Cars? Humans in Call Centers Dave Farber

Monday, 09 January

Re "The Real Name Fallacy" Dave Farber
An Expert Called Lindy Dave Farber

Tuesday, 10 January

NYT Op-ed re DNC hack Dave Farber
As LTE goes Gigabit, how to build today's networks Dave Farber
Political systems and their corresponding processes are under assault Dave Farber

Thursday, 12 January

How Netflix Is Deepening Our Cultural Echo Chambers Dave Farber
Techdirt's First Amendment Fight For Its Life / Ayyadurai again Dave Farber
Re Techdirt's First Amendment Fight For Its Life / Ayyadurai again Dave Farber
NYTimes: Silicon Valley Takes a Right Turn Dave Farber
N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications Dave Farber
Re How NY Times Is Deepening Our Cultural Echo Chambers Dave Farber

Friday, 13 January

The Website of Donald Trump's Cyber Security Advisor Is Insecure as Hell David Farber
WhatsApp backdoor allows snooping on encrypted messages Dave Farber
So who do you believe thatThere's No Security Backdoor in WhatsApp, Despite Reports Dave Farber
What the World Might Look Like in 5 Years, According to US Intelligence - Defense One David Farber
Letter From The NIC Chairman David Farber
Re So who do you believe thatThere's No Security Backdoor in WhatsApp, Despite Reports Dave Farber

Saturday, 14 January

Smart electricity meters can be dangerously insecure, warns expert Dave Farber
AP Mobile: APNewsBreak: Ringling Bros. circus to close after 146 years DAVID FARBER

Sunday, 15 January

Re AP Mobile: APNewsBreak: Ringling Bros. circus to close after 146 years Dave Farber
Secret WWI telegram holds lessons for today, historians say Dave Farber

Monday, 16 January

Re law gives green light to sue federal agencies? Dave Farber
law gives green light to sue federal agencies? Dave Farber
Why Oxfam is getting it wrong about poverty Dave Farber
Move Over, Coders - Physicists Will Soon Rule Silicon Valley Dave Farber
re Move Over, Coders - Physicists Will Soon Rule Silicon Valley David Farber
re law gives green light to sue federal agencies? David Farber
re Move Over, Coders - Physicists Will Soon Rule Silicon Valley Dave Farber
Re Move Over, Coders - Physicists Will Soon Rule Silicon Valley Dave Farber
Re Why Oxfam is getting it wrong about poverty Dave Farber

Tuesday, 17 January

Traveler Alert: Roaming Charges for Unanswered Calls | Frequent Business Traveler DAVID FARBER
Traveler Alert: In U.K., Silent Emergency Assistance Can Come to the Rescue Dave Farber
Linguist George Lakoff Explains How the Democrats Helped Elect Trump Dave Farber
Re Traveler Alert: Roaming Charges for Unanswered Calls | Frequent Business Traveler Dave Farber
Chronicle of Higher Education: Google and the Misinformed Public Dave Farber
Re Why Oxfam is getting it wrong about poverty Dave Farber
NYTimes: Obama Commutes Bulk of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence Dave Farber

Wednesday, 18 January

Can ASEAN Sidestep Trump's Trade Threats? DAVID FARBER
Is Blockchain the Next Great Hope - or Hype? - Knowledge@Wharton DAVID FARBER
(well maybe.)New ideas on gravity would vanquish dark matter David Farber
Japanese Toilet Industry to Simplify Controls for Confusing High-Tech Toilets Dave Farber
Re Chronicle of Higher Education: Google and the Misinformed Public Dave Farber
Note to Tesla owners: Don’t forget your car keys David Farber
Re Chronicle of Higher Education: Google and the Misinformed Public Dave Farber

Thursday, 19 January

NYT: App stores make censorship easier.... Dave Farber
There's a new Gmail phishing attack going around, and it's fooling everyone - TechRepublic Dave Farber
How statistics lost their power - and why we should fear what comes next Dave Farber
The first-ever close analysis of leaked astroturf comments from China's "50c party" reveal Beijing's cybercontrol strategy David Farber
Trump's nuclear briefing, CIA declassification, and more – FAS Roundup Dave Farber
Trump Sought Military Equipment For Inauguration, Granted 20-Plane Flyover | The Huffington Post Dave Farber

Friday, 20 January

Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest David Farber

Saturday, 21 January

How Police Use Military Technology to Secretly & Persistently Track You Dave Farber
It's About To Get Even Easier to Hide on the Dark Web Dave Farber
Air Force goes after cyber deception technology Dave Farber
Re Sorry, Dave. Snopes has weighed in, and it appears to be false Dave Farber

Sunday, 22 January

EFF's 100-Day Plan | Electronic Frontier Foundation DAVID FARBER

Monday, 23 January

Hamburger Economics: What We Can Learn from the ‘Big Mac’ Index Dave Farber
China declare unauthorized VPNs illegal Dave Farber
Media on 'Alternative Facts': 'We've Gone Full Orwell' Dave Farber
We need an alternative to Trump's nationalism. It isn't the status quo Dave Farber
Opinion: The media cannot waver Dave Farber
RebWe need an alternative to Trump's nationalism. It isn't the status quo Dave Farber
Interesting read DJF Trump lies v. your brain – how lies & bad behaviour are normalized Dave Farber
Re latest "quantum computers are coming!" article Dave Farber

Tuesday, 24 January

2,000 USDA scientists gagged by Trump administration Dave Farber

Wednesday, 25 January

NYTimes: Trump Won’t Back Down From His Voting Fraud Lie. Here Are the Facts. Dave Farber
Tech Solidarity: Never Again pledge Dave Farber

Thursday, 26 January

Push is underway in several states to criminalize peaceful protesting & halt it Dave Farber
Re Push is underway in several states to criminalize peaceful protesting & halt it Dave Farber
Re Push is underway in several states to criminalize peaceful protesting & halt it Dave Farber
It is now two and a half minutes to midnight Dave Farber
Interesting People should read! Dave Farber
New York Times: It's Time to Pull the Plug on Trump's Tweets Dave Farber
The real reason why Trump using an old Android phone should freak you out notsp Dave Farber

Friday, 27 January

Mikhail Gorbachev: 'It All Looks as if the World Is Preparing for War' Dave Farber
One More Time With Feeling: 'Anonymized' User Data Not Really Anonymous Dave Farber
Trump signs executive order stripping non-citizens of privacy rights Dave Farber
President Trump's @POTUS Twitter Linked To A Private Gmail Account Dave Farber
Massive networks of fake accounts found on Twitter Dave Farber
Fwd: White House Comment Line shut down! Dave Farber
Finding credibility clues on Twitter DAVID FARBER
Re White House Comment Line shut down! Dave Farber

Saturday, 28 January

<strong>‘Alternative facts’:</strong> Is Trump at war with reality? DAVID FARBER
Everything I Need to Know about Russia’s Internet Interference I Learned Through College Pranks - Defense One dfarber
Wa Po on court's reversal of Trump's Muslim ban Dave Farber
Federal court blocks Trump's Muslim ban Dave Farber

Sunday, 29 January

Listen to the secret GOP tapes - The Washington Post DAVID FARBER
The Human Toll of Protecting the Internet from the Worst of Humanity David Farber
re Listen to the secret GOP tapes - The Washington Post David Farber
Silicon Valley's Ambivalence Toward Trump Turns to Anger Dave Farber
Giuliani slips up -- admits Trump asked for a ban on Muslims Dave Farber

Monday, 30 January

U.S. Reviews Nuclear Strike Survival for Russia and China DAVID FARBER
Fwd: Standing together Dave Farber
re Standing together David Farber
Trump Blames Delta, Protestors for Weekend Chaos at Nation’s Airports Dave Farber
Re Trump Blames Delta, Protestors for Weekend Chaos at Nation’s Airports Dave Farber

Tuesday, 31 January

Is America Prepared for Meme Warfare? Dave Farber