Interesting People: by date

108 messages starting Jan 01 99 and ending Jan 31 99
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 01 January

IP: The volume of mail has been Abnormal due to being off-line for most of two weeks Dave Farber

Saturday, 02 January

IP: Microsoft Editorial Cartoons by All the Top Cartoonists! Dave Farber

Sunday, 03 January

IP: Human Naming Conventions (and you thought computers were bad djf) Dave Farber
IP: Rough seas in safe harbors Dave Farber
IP: Rough seas in safe harbors WAS WRITTEN by Scott Bradner <sob () harvard edu> Dave Farber

Monday, 04 January

IP: Age Of Spiritual Machines Dave Farber
IP: Jon Postel streamlines the afterlife (cartoon) Dave Farber
IP: may be coincidence but Dave Farber
IP: Crypto Export Meet Dave Farber
IP: more coincidences? Dave Farber
IP: : AOL silences Irish forum sites Dave Farber

Tuesday, 05 January

IP: Re a bit more on the 1999 problem Dave Farber
IP: More on : HOLE IN THE WEB LEAVES SECURITY GAP (from Edupage) Dave Farber

Wednesday, 06 January

IP: more on genetic copy protection Dave Farber

Thursday, 07 January

IP: OMB Watch on email and the congress Dave Farber
IP: What Washington thinks about Y2K (and NZ, and FEMA) Dave Farber
IP: Update on Mitch Kapor (a very early IPer) Dave Farber
IP: California IPers Computer History Lecture: "First Computer Built in California: The SWAC" Dave Farber
IP: More on " The SWAC" Dave Farber

Friday, 08 January

IP: Wired News: RSA goes Down Under to bypass US Crypto Laws Dave Farber
IP: more on Wired News: RSA goes Down Under to bypass US Crypto L Dave Farber
IP: Information warfare's ethical implications, from AAAS/Rand Dave Farber
IP: From Willis Ware -- Yet even more on " The SWAC" Dave Farber
IP: Crackers Call Off 'War' Dave Farber

Saturday, 09 January

IP: The Coming Year: Countdown to Y2K's Future Dave Farber

Sunday, 10 January

IP: Maureen Dowd today... in the NY Times Dave Farber
IP: Final Call for Papers - CFP 99 Dave Farber

Monday, 11 January

IP: Car PC adjusts radio, checks e-mail (from Infobeat) Dave Farber
IP: Computers to pass on tricks of trade Dave Farber
IP: More on Computers to pass on tricks of trade Dave Farber
IP: RSA Down Under Dave Farber
IP: Some corrections RSA Down Under Dave Farber

Tuesday, 12 January


Wednesday, 13 January

IP: The Next Big Thing in Battery Power? They're Working on It Dave Farber
IP: April 1, 2001 bug in Windows -- for real Dave Farber
IP: Porsche Files Lawsuit Against 130 Internet Domain Names Dave Farber
IP: more on April 1, 2001 bug in Windows -- for real from our own John Markoff Dave Farber
IP: Censored Australian crypto report liberated Dave Farber
IP: India considering ban on US crypto products Dave Farber
IP: more on Porsche Files Lawsuit Against 130 Internet Domain Names Dave Farber

Thursday, 14 January

IP: BEAT THE STREET CONTEST from edupage Dave Farber
IP: Norway has lost it Dave Farber
IP: re Y2K and the Apocalypse Dave Farber
IP: Some more on lotto Dave Farber
IP: NT crashes? Put more stuff in it. Dave Farber
IP: Continent isolated? Dave Farber
IP: WIpo to the rescue? we will take care of you and you WILL like it djf Dave Farber

Friday, 15 January

IP: A Norwegian colleague replies to Norway has lost it Dave Farber
IP: Think twice before recommending pork bellies; MS update Dave Farber
IP: More on Continent isolated? Dave Farber
IP: APRICOT'99 Dave Farber
IP: Accessibility of Federally-funded Data Dave Farber
IP: Accessibility of Federally-funded Data == THE PUBLIC's SIDE! Dave Farber

Saturday, 16 January

IP: if you are into the legal challanges to domain names this site is fun Dave Farber
IP: split MS into 3 identical companies --- but non discriminatory licensing smacks of government regulation Dave Farber
IP: One man's cell phone jams tens of thousands of calls Dave Farber
IP: SEC Battles Y2K, Members Battle SEC Dave Farber
IP: more on : split MS into 3 identical companies :-) Dave Farber
IP: Attack on NSI delays things mtu Dave Farber

Sunday, 17 January

IP: Saying Goodbye, and Good Riddance to Silicon Valley Dave Farber
IP: NIST Credits EFF's Deep Crack for its move to Triple-DES Dave Farber
IP: three Y2K items from Edupage (I love Chinas solution) Dave Farber
IP: No choice perfect on encryption Dave Farber
IP: Can not trust anyone any more : three Y2K items from Edupage (I love Chinas solution) Dave Farber

Monday, 18 January

IP: Is it real!!nn Can not trust anyone any more : three Y2K items from Edupage (I love Chinas solution) Dave Farber
IP: no comment Dave Farber
IP: LA Times: A Moral Project for 21st Century: Stop Creating Better Weapons Dave Farber
IP: 35 Million Lines to Earth Dave Farber
IP: Toshiba-Microsoft Saga Dave Farber

Tuesday, 19 January

IP: Windows Refund Day February 15, 1999 Dave Farber
IP: DES Cracked in 22 hrs, 30 mins Dave Farber
IP: 17 Syllables to Share, and a Captive Audience Dave Farber
IP: More on : split MS into 3 identical companies Dave Farber
IP: The Maginot Line of Encryption Falls Dave Farber
IP: Is it Silly Season already?? Dave Farber
IP: DoJ security handwave - "The hackers are coming! The hackers are coming!" Dave Farber

Wednesday, 20 January

IP: CDA II trial begins today Dave Farber
IP: Crackdown on Internet Cafes in China Dave Farber
IP: more on : The Maginot Line of Encryption Falls Dave Farber
IP: The Media's Dangerous Liasons: ACLU wants to close courtroom Dave Farber
IP: Holographic Storage Around the Corner? Dave Farber

Thursday, 21 January

IP: July: From the sky will come a great King of Terror. Dave Farber
IP: Swissair 111 Dave Farber
IP: Intel to electronically ID chips Dave Farber
IP: Philly IPers -- Curt Weldon to Present Lecture in Penn Engineering Dave Farber
IP: CDAII: Tempest in a D-Cup -- and info on the smut-surfing judge Dave Farber
IP: China & Internet Censorship Dave Farber

Friday, 22 January

IP: "Interesting" telemarketing call Dave Farber
IP: States Selling Driver's Licence Photo's Dave Farber
IP: Re: China & Internet Censorship Dave Farber
IP: Lottery May Select Companies to Run Domain-Name Registration Dave Farber

Saturday, 23 January

IP: getting rid of DirectX 5 - its easy, just reformat your hard drive Dave Farber

Sunday, 24 January

IP: More about NSI Servers Attack(?) - intriguing short analysis Dave Farber
IP: A Taboo: American Anti-Americanism Dave Farber
IP: A "serious leak" Dave Farber
IP: I going into travel mode from 25-30 Jan Dave Farber
IP: NO COMMENT!! Dave Farber
IP: More about NSI Servers Attack(?) - Dave Farber

Friday, 29 January

IP: Saint Isidore of Seville as patron saint for cybernauts (fwd) Dave Farber
IP: word trouble Dave Farber

Saturday, 30 January

IP: Pay to Play - All Audio/Video Downloads are Patented Dave Farber
IP: It ain't BB it is St Isidore Dave Farber
IP: Pentium III serial number not really off by default Dave Farber

Sunday, 31 January

IP: Y2K: The First World InfoWar (maybe) Dave Farber
IP: We are here. You are there Dave Farber