Politech: by date

139 messages starting Apr 01 02 and ending Apr 30 02
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Tuesday, 30 April

FC: Sen. Orrin Hatch vows a second try at "morphed" kiddie porn law Declan McCullagh
FC: Text of misleading anti-cloning ad by Bill Kristol's group Declan McCullagh
FC: Software group to Hollings: We don't want your CBDTPA bill! Declan McCullagh
FC: Federal judge says videogames not speech, can be regulated Declan McCullagh
FC: Internet radio organizes "Day of Silence" on Wednesday Declan McCullagh
FC: Bush admin's noncommittal response to Congress on ICANN Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft slashes witness list in half, but will call Ballmer Declan McCullagh
FC: New sites protest march of European copyright directive Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 28 April

FC: Update on Univ of California free speech, thesis case Declan McCullagh
FC: "Revolution OS" movie tells open source vs. Microsoft tale Declan McCullagh
FC: Privacy villain of the week: Sen. Dick Durbin, nat'l ID, and AAMVA Declan McCullagh
FC: Nasty new "W32/KLEZ.H" worm thrashes Microsoft Outlook users Declan McCullagh
FC: Replies to cops don't need warrants to bug, track vehicles Declan McCullagh
FC: Bush administration is cool to Sen. Hollings' copyright bill Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 27 April

FC: Emory U. prof who wrote guns-were-rare book says email was forged Declan McCullagh

Friday, 26 April

FC: Cops don't need warrants to bug vehicles, Nevada high court says Declan McCullagh
FC: North Korea takes reassuringly hard line against... typewriters! Declan McCullagh
FC: Pedro de Alzaga: Spain's website regulations are worrying Declan McCullagh
FC: Viacom loses bid for mtv.com.sg, Singapore says MTV is "generic" Declan McCullagh
FC: So much for the domain name gold rush: Verisign stock cut in half Declan McCullagh
FC: Chicago cops surf for child porn, lose Internet privileges Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 25 April

FC: Michigan cops get to search homes without revealing why Declan McCullagh
FC: Jose Guardia on Spain's website regulation plan: Not that bad Declan McCullagh
FC: Is "321 Studios," challenging the DMCA, truly a spammer? Declan McCullagh
FC: German railroad threatens Indymedia over links to "Radikal" site Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 24 April

FC: "321 Studios" that filed anti-DMCA lawsuit is a spammer Declan McCullagh
FC: Canada announces mandatory privacy assessments for gvt agencies Declan McCullagh
FC: Ad-supported multimedia player deletes spyware monitor Declan McCullagh
FC: Council of Europe and perils of "balancing" anonymity, free speech Declan McCullagh
FC: Council of Europe on May 14 debates limiting media, speech Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 23 April

FC: Penn. AG threatens child porn charges against Internet providers Declan McCullagh
FC: Bob Barr readies bill to disclose Feds' privacy practices Declan McCullagh
FC: Another DMCA suit: DVD-copying firm sues for right to sell product Declan McCullagh
FC: Valenti to Congress: "350,000 movies pirated online every day!" Declan McCullagh
FC: WSJ Opinion Journal pressures MSN to yank anti-Israel groups Declan McCullagh
FC: Ohio compiles personal data on all students, locals protest Declan McCullagh
FC: Congresscritters urge lower webcasting music rates Declan McCullagh
FC: "Golden Dot Awards" to be handed out at net-politics conf 5/20 Declan McCullagh
FC: International update: Cuba, Spain, Australia, Bahrain, India, Japan Declan McCullagh
FC: AOL, News Corp. to testify Thurs at House "digital content" hearing Declan McCullagh

Monday, 22 April

FC: Copy of Bill Gates' testimony in Microsoft antitrust case Declan McCullagh
FC: Joichi Ito on privacy in Japan: National ID cards and legislation Declan McCullagh
FC: Whit Diffie's new job as Sun Microsystems' chief security officer Declan McCullagh
FC: Dave Touretzky on consequences of "morphed" kiddie porn ruling Declan McCullagh
FC: Vietnam arrests man for posting "What is Democracy?" essay online Declan McCullagh
FC: Watching the watchers: "Observing Surveillance" in Washington DC Declan McCullagh
FC: Annoy.com's Clinton Fein on CDA, reporters, and poor news coverage Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 21 April

FC: Gore Vidal on the new war on freedom: Give me liberty or... Declan McCullagh
FC: Ben Edelman: 4,525 different domains lead to one porn site Declan McCullagh
FC: Annoy.com's Clinton Fein on Mary Landrieu's ".p0rn" bill Declan McCullagh

Friday, 19 April

FC: Bill Gates is scheduled to testify in antitrust case in DC Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 18 April

FC: Privacy villain of week: HIPAA & Dept of Health and Human Services Declan McCullagh
FC: Sen. Mary Landrieu wants to force ICANN to create ".p0rn" Declan McCullagh
FC: Canadian high court rules 4-3 to limit copyright's reach Declan McCullagh
FC: Nat'l Research Council report on kids-porn-net to appear May 2 Declan McCullagh
FC: Eric Flint on copyright, ePublishing, and the Baen Free Library Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. senator plans to make secret videotaping a federal crime Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft pulls an Oracle: Passport to ID nearly all U.S. citizens? Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 17 April

FC: Where to find archived video for Senate hearings on National IDs Declan McCullagh
FC: Singapore moves toward "broadband filtering service" Declan McCullagh
FC: Bosnia backs down: Internet firms won't monitor, police users Declan McCullagh
FC: German nat'l railroad readies linking-suit against Google, Yahoo Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. Patent Office awards patent for swinging on swing sideways Declan McCullagh
FC: ACM's Barbara Simons replies to Politech on DMCA-paper policy Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 16 April

FC: More on did Supreme Court truly overturn "morphed" kiddie porn ban? Declan McCullagh
FC: IEEE editor replies to Politech post on DMCA-free papers Declan McCullagh
FC: Did Supreme Court really overturn "morphed" kiddie porn ban? Declan McCullagh
FC: Surprise! Supreme Court nixes "morphed" kiddie porn ban 6-3 Declan McCullagh
FC: CFP conference pre-report from San Francisco; Politech dinner Declan McCullagh
FC: DOJ: States have right to pursue Microsoft, but it would be stupid Declan McCullagh

Monday, 15 April

FC: Judge orders XS4ALL to remove two pages, mirror sites sprout Declan McCullagh
FC: New York Times article on Fleishman-Hillard vs. Politech Declan McCullagh
FC: XS4ALL sued over hosting "Radikal" radical-left magazine Declan McCullagh
FC: Federal court rules ban on "junk faxes" violates First Amendment Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 14 April

FC: IEEE says authors must certify papers to be DMCA-violation-free Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 13 April

FC: More on hoopla.com domain reportedly stolen via fax to Verisign Declan McCullagh
FC: More on webservers in Palestine reportedly disrupted by conflict Declan McCullagh
FC: Senate confirms anti-porn crusader to top Justice Dept. post Declan McCullagh

Friday, 12 April

FC: Wired News summer 2002 internship opportunity Declan McCullagh
FC: Hawaii ditches "Talivan" van-mounted speeding cameras Declan McCullagh
FC: Privacy villain of the week: It's -- surprise! -- the IRS Declan McCullagh
FC: Domain heist: Hoopla.com reportedly stolen via fax to Verisign Declan McCullagh
FC: Thomas Jefferson Center muzzle awards go to DOD, NYPD... Declan McCullagh
FC: Webservers in Palestine reportedly disrupted by conflict Declan McCullagh
FC: NPR debate on banning cloning next Monday at 2 pm ET Declan McCullagh
FC: EPIC letter to Congress: Office of Homeland Security is stalling Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 11 April

FC: Allow song-swapping, pay the RIAA a $1 million fine Declan McCullagh
FC: European Parliament votes 460-0 against mandatory censorware Declan McCullagh
FC: National Academy of Sciences on national IDs: "More study needed" Declan McCullagh
FC: EFF Pioneer 2002 winners: Dan Gillmor, Beth Givens, Jon Johansen Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI, DEA classified databases now open to local cops, Ashcroft says Declan McCullagh
FC: Petition: Therapeutic cloning should NOT be banned Declan McCullagh
FC: News Corp: CBDTPA already is spurring anti-piracy standards Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 10 April

FC: CBDTPA update: Gateway, Libertarian Party slam copyright bill Declan McCullagh
FC: Authors urge Amazon to limit sales of used books Declan McCullagh
FC: Fleishman-Hillard apologies to Politech, won't block mail Declan McCullagh
FC: Congress lards up federal budget with technology pork spending Declan McCullagh
FC: Orin Kerr replies to John Gilmore: USA PATRIOT Act not that bad! Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 09 April

FC: Politech members reply to Fleishman-Hillard PR firm's threats Declan McCullagh
FC: UK wiretapping "traffic" vs. "contents" a sham, by John Gilmore Declan McCullagh
FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, Politech Declan McCullagh
FC: ACT letter says Congress must not set digital rights standards Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI interrupts Chicago 2600 meeting, alleges link to cyanide-terror Declan McCullagh

Monday, 08 April

FC: More on UK firms can't police personal email during office hours Declan McCullagh
FC: Should video games be required to come with warning labels? Declan McCullagh
FC: More on sex sites, DMCA, celebrity names, and AdultCheck Declan McCullagh
FC: Colorado high court won't order bookstore to turn over records Declan McCullagh
FC: China condemns U.S. as a terrible example for human rights Declan McCullagh
FC: House committee will vote on ".kids" bill on Wednesday Declan McCullagh
FC: Speaking at Stanford University on Saturday, April 20 Declan McCullagh
FC: Godiva responds to Politech subscriber over buy-chocolate spam Declan McCullagh
FC: UK firms can't police personal email at work during office hours Declan McCullagh
FC: DMCA means sex sites must not mention celeb names, AdultCheck says Declan McCullagh
FC: First-person account: Israeli army shutters Palestinian TV station Declan McCullagh

Friday, 05 April

FC: Dave Touretzky replies to direct marketing group over Godiva Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 04 April

FC: Direct marketing group replies: It's nutty to boycott Godiva Declan McCullagh
FC: Time to boycott Godiva for spamming customers? By D. Touretzky Declan McCullagh
FC: Israeli army denies pornocasts aimed at Palestinian TV viewers Declan McCullagh
FC: DOJ, ACLU relied on junk science: N.J. racial profiling a myth? Declan McCullagh
FC: GAO makes dubious claim: No privacy problems with SSNs & DMVs Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 03 April

FC: More on Yahoo, seeking revenue, defaults to marketing-email-OK Declan McCullagh
FC: ACM letter to ICANN: Scale back, pare down, get real Declan McCullagh
FC: Anti-spammers now targeting "open proxies?" Declan McCullagh
FC: Philly dispatch: Librarian says that filters are Stalinist Declan McCullagh
FC: Public Citizen defends embattled jerryfalwell.com humor site Declan McCullagh
FC: "Controversy" surrounds Hamas website glorifying suicide attacks Declan McCullagh
FC: NASA's secret shuttle launch time -- exposed on website Declan McCullagh
FC: They Need A V-Chip: Palestinians reportedly hit with porn on TV Declan McCullagh
FC: RIAA responds to "hidden" privacy issue in Internet radio fees Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 02 April

FC: Democratic tech CEO joins DNC, plans to catch up to Republicans Declan McCullagh
FC: Washington state wiretap bill dies in legislature Declan McCullagh
FC: More on censorhappy Washington politicos ban publishing police info Declan McCullagh
FC: The "hidden" privacy issue in Internet radio fees Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft's anti-Unix website runs, well, Unix Declan McCullagh
FC: Yahoo, seeking revenue, now defaults to marketing-email-OK Declan McCullagh
FC: Elcomsoft asks judge to dismiss charges in San Jose hearing Declan McCullagh

Monday, 01 April

FC: Virtual fantasy game kingdom may be richer than Bulgaria Declan McCullagh
FC: Did Florida's Jeb Bush spam voters by using Democratic mail list? Declan McCullagh
FC: Did Microsoft foes bribe states to pursue antitrust suit? Declan McCullagh