Interesting People: by date

76 messages starting Aug 02 18 and ending Aug 31 18
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Thursday, 02 August

If Silicon Valley won't stop fake news, we will Dave Farber
A Buddhism Critic Goes on a Silent Buddhist Retreat Dave Farber
Groceries in 2 Hours - Using Amazon Prime Now for Whole Foods Delivery in New York City DAVID FARBER
The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature Dave Farber
re If Silicon Valley won't stop fake news, we will Dave Farber
Taibbi: Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship Dave Farber

Saturday, 04 August

Help Save Some Of Australia’s Computer History From The Bulldozers Dave Farber

Sunday, 05 August

Magical thinking about machine learning won’t bring the reality of AI any closer Dave Farber
Privacy implications if Roe vs Wade is undermined Dave Farber
Vint Cerf: Traceability Dave Farber
A bit more on -- Magical thinking about machine learning won't bring the reality of AI any closer Dave Farber
The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain Dave Farber
Any Iphone Suica card experts Dave Farber

Monday, 06 August

Facebook to Banks: Give Us Your Data, We’ll Give You Our Users - WSJ Dave Farber
re Vint Cerf: Traceability Dave Farber

Wednesday, 08 August

Ajit Pai admits FCC was never hit with DDoS attack Amazing - for IP Dave Farber
New York City Enacts Cap on Uber and Lyft Drivers - First in Nation Dave Farber
xkcd: Voting Software a to true comment on our field Dave Farber
Re Voting Software a to true comment on our field Dave Farber
[Intercept] Inside Google's Effort to Develop a Censored Search Engine in China Dave Farber
Free Speech Scholars to Alex Jones: You're Not Protected Dave Farber
Re Free Speech Scholars to Alex Jones: You're Not Protected Dave Farber
re Voting Software a to true comment on our field Dave Farber
Deepfakes are coming. Is Big Tech ready? Dave Farber
Chelsea Manning on the far right, state surveillance and their lessons for Australia | US news | The Guardian Dave Farber
re Voting Software a to true comment on our field Dave Farber
Re Deepfakes are coming. Is Big Tech ready? Dave Farber
Re Chelsea Manning on the far right, state surveillance and their lessons for Australia | US news | The Guardian Dave Farber
NP again Re Chelsea Manning on the far right, state surveillance and their lessons for Australia | US news | The Guardian Dave Farber

Thursday, 09 August

Re Deepfakes are coming. Is Big Tech ready? Dave Farber
A giant floating trash collector will try to scoop up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch DAVID FARBER

Monday, 13 August

Russian Military Spy Software is on Hundreds of Thousands of Home Routers DAVID FARBER
The Lessons of the Seattle Plane Crash DAVID FARBER

Tuesday, 14 August

Alex Jones is far from the only person tech companies are silencing - The Washington Post DAVID FARBER
Is Blockchain Technology the Future of Voting? Dave Farber
8-8-18 will go down in history as the day the first amendment died sent with approval of Guy Dave Farber
Re Alex Jones is far from the only person tech companies are silencing - The Washington Post Dave Farber
re 8-8-18 will go down in history as the day the first amendment died sent with approval of Guy Dave Farber
Re Is Blockchain Technology the Future of Voting? Dave Farber
Intel’s SGX blown wide open by, you guessed it, a speculative execution attack | Ars Technica Dave Farber
re 8-8-18 will go down in history as the day the first amendment died sent with approval of Guy Dave Farber
Los Angeles Is First in US to Install Subway Body Scanners Dave Farber
For those who thought Australia was no longer a penal colony Dave Farber
From laboratory in far west, China's surveillance state spreads quietly DAVID FARBER
A $40 Billion Plan to Cash Out Of Bitcoin DAVID FARBER

Wednesday, 15 August

blowing spy networks Dave Farber
From box office to Oval Office: can a film ever lead to political change? Dave Farber
Re Los Angeles Is First in US to Install Subway Body Scanners Dave Farber

Thursday, 16 August

Russian Hackers Reach U.S. Utility Control Rooms, Homeland Security Officials Say Dave Farber
A Free Press Needs You Dave Farber
ISPs say they can't expand broadband unless gov't gives them more money Dave Farber
God Mode backdoors Dave Farber
New DARPA initiative: Safe Documents (SafeDocs) ... dealing with potentially compromised docs Dave Farber
EFF's Advice on How to Deal With the Latest Phishing Scam DAVID FARBER
re God Mode backdoors Dave Farber

Saturday, 18 August

Alexa vs. Siri vs. Google: Which Can Carry on a Conversation Best? Dave Farber

Sunday, 19 August

At Tokyo station Dave Farber

Monday, 20 August

Our politicians have no idea how the Internet works Dave Farber

Wednesday, 22 August

Summer weather is getting 'stuck' due to Arctic warming Dave Farber

Thursday, 23 August

Starwood/Marriott merge Dave Farber

Friday, 24 August

Turn On, Tune In, Start Up Dave Farber
Why Universities Need ‘Public Interest Technology’ Courses Dave Farber

Sunday, 26 August

Does $60,000 make you middle-class or wealthy on Planet Earth? Dave Farber

Monday, 27 August

New study on Google's data collection patterns Dave Farber
The Student Debt Problem Is Worse Than We Imagined - The New York Times Dave Farber
New details released on Huawei's intent-based network Dave Farber
Meet the 'Change Agents' Who Are Enabling Inequality Dave Farber

Wednesday, 29 August

Is citizenship of the country you are born in an absurd privilege? Dave Farber
Is citizenship of the country you are born in an absurd privilege? Dave Farber
The NSA Continues to Violate Americans' Internet Privacy Rights Dave Farber

Friday, 31 August

Hearing on the draft & draft registration, Thurs., 9/20 in LA Dave Farber
US and UK days away from European Parliament ultimatum to suspend data transfers to the US Dave Farber
Five Eyes and Privacy?? (via Mike Nelson) Dave Farber
FCC can define markets with only one ISP as "competitive," court rules Dave Farber