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From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 10:15:18 +0900

Good analysis djf 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chuck McManis <chuck.mcmanis () gmail com>
Date: August 17, 2018 at 08:27:58 GMT+9
To: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>

[for IP]

I am not a big fan of the Intercept's journalistic style, I find calling Google's leadership 'bosses' to be 
needlessly inflammatory for engineers. That said, as a former Googler, and having worked inside of Google for four 
years, the interesting bit for me is the sudden awareness that perhaps Google isn't the place the engineers thought 
it was. 

As with any discourse, underlying beliefs can be different and the same facts can be seen in very different ways.

I see Google as a company that has terminal cancer but is putting on a good face while it searches for a cure. The 
cancer is that search advertising, the only thing that makes any money inside of Google at the margins they need to 
maintain their lavish environment, is dying. The symptoms that are out there for all to see; their CPC numbers (the 
cost per click is the money they get from advertisers for a click) has been going down for nearly a decade now, their 
search 'quality' (the reason that people would pick their search results over a competitor like Bing) has remained 
stagnant while Bing's have improved, and the amount of money they pay out per quarter for search traffic from other 
sources (phones, web browsers, etc) has skyrocketed. Advertising only works if you have eyeballs on your ads. Google 
has been adding more and more ads to their own sites, reducing the amount the pay out to partner sites, and paying 
more and more money to third parties to send their search traffic to Google rather than Bing.  For me, I see these as 
signs of a dying ecosystem.

If you can accept that my view of what is going on at Google is 'true', the Chinese search engine makes total sense. 
There are more eyeballs in a strong economy in China than anywhere else in the world. It is the one place where 
Google doesn't currently play, and even if their margins on Chinese searches were half that of the rest of the world, 
it would be additional air in the pipeline while they continue to fight for a new business that can supply the 
margins they need to avoid losing their staff.

Do they know their employees would hate it? Of course they did and they tried to keep it secret. How desperate do 
they need to be to risk all of that? Very desperate.

If on the other hand, you believe the party line (which is the view that folks I know who are still at Google will 
share with you) then Google has never been stronger, and is crushing it on all fronts. Everyone wants to be "Google" 
and all the cool kids are there. There is no cancer here, no existential risk to the company, and no reason to worry.

The problem then is this, if you've convinced people that the company line is "true" then their argument that they 
are going into China with a search index that caters to the Chinese governments authoritarian whims is antithetical 
to everything you stand for. 

That puts Google management in something of a bind, either explanation is bad. Either the company is dying and in 
fear for its life so its compromising its principles to extend its runway, or the company is evil and at the height 
of its power it is selling services in an authoritarian regime and supporting the goals of that regime for filthy 

There might be a third explanation that fits all the facts but I haven't figured that one out yet.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 3:37 PM Dave Farber <farber () gmail com> wrote:
I have forwarded the whole item since I believe it raises IMPORTANT points


Ryan Gallagher
August 17 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Illustration: Soohee Cho/The Intercept
GOOGLE EMPLOYEES ARE demanding answers from the company’s leadership amid growing internal protests over plans to 
launch a censored search engine in China.

Staff inside the internet giant’s offices have agreed that the censorship project raises “urgent moral and ethical 
issues” and have circulated a letter saying so, calling on bosses to disclose more about the company’s work in 
China, which they say is shrouded in too much secrecy, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter.

The internal furor began after The Intercept earlier this month revealed details about the censored search engine, 
which would remove content that China’s authoritarian government views as sensitive, such as information about 
political dissidents, free speech, democracy, human rights, and peaceful protest. It would “blacklist sensitive 
queries” so that “no results will be shown” at all when people enter certain words or phrases, leaked Google 
documents disclosed. The search platform is to be launched via an Android app, pending approval from Chinese 

The censorship plan – code-named Dragonfly – was not widely known within Google. Prior to its public exposure, only 
a few hundred of Google’s 88,000 employees had been briefed about the project – around 0.35 percent of the total 
workforce. When the news spread through the company’s offices across the world, many employees expressed anger and 

Now, a letter has been circulated among staff calling for Google’s leadership to recognize that there is a “code 
yellow” situation – a kind of internal alert that signifies a crisis is unfolding. The letter suggests that the 
Dragonfly initiative violates an internal Google artificial intelligence ethical code, which says that the company 
will not build or deploy technologies “whose purpose contravenes widely accepted principles of international law and 
human rights.”

“Google employees need to know what we’re building.”
The letter says: “Currently we do not have the information required to make ethically-informed decisions about our 
work, our projects, and our employment. That the decision to build Dragonfly was made in secret, and progressed with 
the [artificial intelligence] Principles in place, makes clear that the Principles alone are not enough. We urgently 
need more transparency, a seat at the table, and a commitment to clear and open processes: Google employees need to 
know what we’re building.”

The letter goes on to demand “an ethics review that includes rank and file employee representatives”; the 
appointment of an ombudsperson to oversee the process; a plan for more transparency to be instituted across the 
company so that employees can make ethical choices about what they choose to work on; and “ethical test cases” 
assessing the Chinese censorship plans. The effort to write and circulate the letter was partly led by a group of 
Google employees who previously protested the company’s work with the U.S. military to build artificial intelligence 
that could identify vehicles and other objects in drone footage. That protest was successful and led to Google 
allowing its contract with the military to expire.

Many Google employees are members of the Association of Computing Machinery, the world’s largest organization for 
computing professionals. The ACM’s ethical code states that its members should “take action to avoid creating 
systems or technologies that disenfranchise or oppress people” and “use their skills for the benefit of society.” 
Two Google sources told The Intercept that they felt the Dragonfly project clearly violated the ACM’s code of 
ethics, which has led them to support the protests inside the company against the planned China censorship.

Google’s leadership has still not spoken to employees about Dragonfly, according to the sources, who spoke on 
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to contact the media. Publicly, Google’s press office has 
declined to answer any questions from reporters about the censorship, and has said only that it will not comment on 
“speculation about future plans.”

The silence from Google bosses appears to have fueled anger within the company. Discussion has raged among Google 
employees, with some questioning their managers, only to be told that details about Dragonfly cannot be shared. It 
has emerged that at least one Google staffer who worked on Dragonfly left the company partly due to concerns about 
the project, and another employee who was asked to work on it refused to do so.

This week, hundreds of Google employees shared an essay authored by Brandon Downey, a former Google engineer who 
says he worked for the company on an earlier version of its censored Chinese search platform. Google launched a 
censored search engine in China in 2006, but pulled the service out of the country in 2010, citing Chinese 
government efforts to limit free speech, block websites, and hack Google’s computer systems. Downey’s essay, which 
he published online, criticizes the censorship, and calls on Google not to “make the same mistake twice” by 
launching Dragonfly.

“We have a responsibility to the world our technology enables. If we build a tool and give it to people who are 
hurting other people with it, it is our job to try to stop it, or at least, not help it.”
“I want to say I’m sorry for helping to do this,” Downey wrote. “I don’t know how much this contributed to 
strengthening political support for the censorship regime in [China], but it was wrong. It did nothing but benefit 
me and my career, and so it fits the classic definition of morally heedless behavior: I got things and in return it 
probably made some other people’s life worse.”

“We have a responsibility to the world our technology enables,” Downey adds. “If we build a tool and give it to 
people who are hurting other people with it, it is our job to try to stop it, or at least, not help it. Technology 
can of course be a force for good, but it’s not a magic bullet – it’s more like a laser and it’s up to us what we 
focus it on. What we can’t do is just collaborate, and assume it will have a happy ending.”

Google is facing mounting pressure both inside and outside the company. The Dragonfly plan has been condemned by a 
bipartisan group of six U.S. senators and several human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human 
Rights Watch.

Google has not yet responded to questions posed by the human rights groups or senators, sources said. However, the 
company has in recent days engaged with the Global Network Initiative, or GNI, a digital rights organization that 
works with a coalition of companies, human rights groups, and academics.

Google is signed up as a member of the GNI, which means that it has committed to implementing a set of principles on 
freedom of expression and privacy. The principles appear to prohibit complicity in the sort of broad censorship that 
is widespread in China, stating that member companies must “respect and work to protect the freedom of expression 
rights of users” when they are confronted with government demands to “remove content or otherwise limit access to 
communications, ideas and information in a manner inconsistent with internationally recognized laws and standards.”

Google will have to explain to the GNI how its plan to launch a censored search in China is consistent with the 
initiative’s principles. In response to questions from The Intercept, the GNI refused to discuss its interactions 
with Google. However, Judith Lichtenberg, the group’s executive director, said in a statement: “All member companies 
are expected to implement the GNI principles wherever they operate, and are subject to independent assessment, which 
is overseen by our multi-stakeholder board of directors.”

Cynthia Wong, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, is one of the representatives on the GNI’s board of 
directors. Wong told The Intercept that Google “owes the Chinese people an explanation of how the firm can launch 
Dragonfly without being conscripted into human rights abuses.”

Wong added: “Google earned a lot of good will from the human rights community with it stopped censoring search in 
2010. Yet the human rights situation has only deteriorated in the years since. If it re-enters now without any clear 
strategy as to how its services will improve human rights, it would be a victory for [President] Xi Jinping’s regime 
and will only serve to legitimize the government’s abusive approach. We haven’t yet heard any such strategy.”

Google did not respond to a request for comment on this story.

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Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal
Ryan Gallagher

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