Interesting People: by date

126 messages starting May 01 17 and ending May 31 17
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Monday, 01 May

An ER doctor’s final frontier: Tricorders could be coming to a sick bay near you Dave Farber
Re Cities Seek Deliverance From the E-Commerce Boom Dave Farber
Re Cities Seek Deliverance From the E-Commerce Boom Dave Farber
Priebus: Trump Considering Amending or Abolishing 1st Amendment Dave Farber
Facebook helped advertisers target teens who feel “worthless” [Updated] | Ars Technica Dave Farber
Re Open Internet order Dave Farber

Tuesday, 02 May

Google Is Making Sweeping Changes to How We Keep the Internet Safe DAVID FARBER
Congress Stands by Science in Final Budget Deal Dave Farber
Poll for IPers: Have Recent Events Involving Airline Passengers Affected Your Choice of Airline? Dave Farber
Australian man arrested in US for overstaying visa by 90 minutes Dave Farber
Net neutrality is boring us to tears Dave Farber
Re Australian man arrested in US for overstaying visa by 90 minutes Dave Farber
Re Net neutrality is boring us to tears Dave Farber

Wednesday, 03 May

Net neutrality may be poised for a Supreme Court showdown Dave Farber
DARPA: "Warfighter Analytics using Smartphones for Health (WASH)" Dave Farber
The Guardian's structure Dave Farber
An DDoS attack seems to have taken down California's (and maybe Nevada's) Common Core tests this week Dave Farber
Re An DDoS attack seems to have taken down California's (and maybe Nevada's) Common Core tests this week Dave Farber
Well worth reading .. : Rolling Back Net Neutrality? Dave Farber
Re. An DDoS attack seems to have taken down California's (and maybe Nevada's) Common Core tests this week Dave Farber
Huge (and Dangerously Convincing) Google Docs Phishing Scam Is Targeting the Media Dave Farber
The FBI Director Thinks a Law Against Encryption Is Possible Under Trump Dave Farber

Thursday, 04 May

Re Australian man arrested in US for overstaying visa by 90 minutes Dave Farber
paper: Privacy Threats through Ultrasonic Side Channels on Mobile Devices Dave Farber
Is China the World's New Colonial Power? Dave Farber

Friday, 05 May

Nasa runs competition to help make old Fortran code faster Dave Farber
Get government out of the Internet’s business - The Washington Post Dave Farber
Re Get government out of the Internet’s business - The Washington Post Dave Farber
Using AI-Enhanced Malware, Researchers Disrupt Algorithms Used in Antimalware (Michael Kassner) DAVID FARBER

Saturday, 06 May

Bloomberg: Blame Hipsters for Making These Foods More Expensive DAVID FARBER
The hijacking flaw that lurked in Intel chips is worse than anyone thought Dave Farber
What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber
Re Get government out of the Internetās business - The Washington Post Dave Farber
Re What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber
Looking for input on VR and art galleries Dave Farber
Re What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber
Re What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber
Re What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber

Sunday, 07 May

using big data for psyops, a.k.a., how we got brexit and trump Dave Farber
Re What the Republican Health Plan Gets Right Dave Farber

Monday, 08 May

Roger Penrose On Why Consciousness Does Not Compute Dave Farber
The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked Dave Farber
FNN+ Verizon $20B+ 5G network really is building Dave Farber
DARPA: We're Moving to Merge Humans and Machines Dave Farber

Tuesday, 09 May

Vendors approve of NIST password draft Dave Farber
US may expand laptop ban to European flights: report Dave Farber
Cyber-privacy: States, Corporations and Citizens Dave Farber

Wednesday, 10 May

A bot is flooding the FCC's website with fake anti-net neutrality comments | ZDNet Dave Farber
Re Get government out of the Internetās business - The Washington Post Dave Farber

Friday, 12 May

Stephen Hawking And 32 Top Physicists Just Signed a Heated Letter on The Universe's Origin Dave Farber
FBI: Our Oath of Office Dave Farber
Re FBI: Our Oath of Office Dave Farber
Dozens of countries hit by huge cyberextortion attack Dave Farber
At LA airport's new private terminal, the rich can watch normal people suffer DAVID FARBER
$400 Philadelphia Ransomware Complete With a Marketing Video Dave Farber

Saturday, 13 May

Is Popular Theory of Cosmic Creation Pseudoscience? Dave Farber
A British researcher says he found a kill switch for the malware crippling computers worldwide - The Washington Post Dave Farber
The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber
US-CERT: Indicators Associated With WannaCry Ransomware Dave Farber
The Internet of Ransomware Things... Dave Farber
Re The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber
Lauren's Blog: "WARNING: Antivirus sites may be helping to SPREAD the current global malware ransomware (WannaCry) attack!" DAVID FARBER

Sunday, 14 May

Why does air travel seem so miserable? | TheHill Dave Farber
Re Why does air travel seem so miserable? | TheHill Dave Farber
Re The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber
Re Why does air travel seem so miserable? | TheHill Dave Farber
Defense Against the Dark Arts of Copyright Trolling Dave Farber
Re The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber
FTC cracks down on internet tech support scams Dave Farber

Monday, 15 May

Lyft and Alphabet’s Waymo Reach Deal to Partner on Self-Driving Cars Dave Farber
Re The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber
Follow the data: does a legal document link Brexit campaigns to US billionaire? | Technology | The Guardian Dave Farber
"Australia's National Broadband Network is an international laughing stock" DAVID FARBER
Robotexting Law Violates Free Speech Rights, Facebook Says dfarber

Tuesday, 16 May

NATO Frantically Tries to Trump-Proof President’s First Visit David Farber
They hate the US government, and they're multiplying: the terrifying rise of 'sovereign citizens' Dave Farber
Under Trump, inconvenient data is being sidelined Dave Farber
UK gave Google's DeepMind access to patient data without legal basis DAVID FARBER

Wednesday, 17 May

US Senate approves encrypted chat app Signal for staff use Dave Farber
Everything you ever wanted to know about Bitcoin Dave Farber

Thursday, 18 May

Podcast: Dave Farber on Title II ISP Regulation Dave Farber
I forgot to post the link to the Podcast: Dave Farber on Title II ISP Regulation Dave Farber
Tesla factory workers reveal pain, injury and stress: 'Everything feels like the future but us' Dave Farber
Lack of Civility: The State of Air Travel Today Dave Farber
Net neutrality going down in flames as FCC votes to kill Title II rules Dave Farber
Power Protector: How Blockchains Can Bolster the Grid’s Cyber-Defense Dave Farber
Apple Is Lobbying Against Your Right to Repair iPhones, New York State Dave Farber

Friday, 19 May

IBM tells thousands of remote employees to come back to office or find new jobs Dave Farber
Trump’s FCC Apologizes After Reporter Is ‘Manhandled’ by Security Guards - Motherboard Dave Farber
UK: Theresa May to create new Internet that would be controlled and regulated by the government Dave Farber
Technology and change in health care Dave Farber
Breaking down the NSA's announcement about 'about' searches | EFFector DAVID FARBER
Results from (IP) Airline Customer Satisfaction Survey - Wi-Fi is Travelers' Greatest Concern Choosing an Airline Dave Farber
The Thinning Line Between Commercial and Government Surveillance Dave Farber
Re Results from (IP) Airline Customer Satisfaction Survey - Wi-Fi is Travelers' Greatest Concern Choosing an Airline Dave Farber

Monday, 22 May

Re The labels said 'organic.' But these massive imports of corn and soybeans weren't. Dave Farber

Tuesday, 23 May

EFF: The FCC Pretends to Support Net Neutrality and Privacy While Moving to Gut Both Dave Farber
Comcast tries to censor pro-net neutrality website Dave Farber

Wednesday, 24 May

Republicans want to leave you more voicemail — without ever ringing your cellphone Dave Farber takes DNA ownership rights from customers and their relatives Dave Farber
Rre takes DNA ownership rights from customers and their relatives Dave Farber
Re takes DNA ownership rights from customers and their relatives Dave Farber
Worth reading New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's speech at Gallier Hall last week Dave Farber

Friday, 26 May

Is Privacy Still a Big Deal Today? - Knowledge@Wharton Dave Farber
Why we won't relent when our journalists are attacked Dave Farber

Saturday, 27 May

Phoenix Comicon Prohibits Simulated Weapons/Props Dave Farber
British Airways cancels flights as 'catastrophic' IT failure causes worldwide delays Dave Farber
Walt Mossberg's last column Dave Farber
Trump Budget Cuts NSF by 11% Dave Farber

Sunday, 28 May

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI Dave Farber
British Airways Colossal IT Systems Failure: It's Not Just Delta and United Dave Farber
Betsy DeVos has invested millions in this 'brain training' company. So I checked it out. Dave Farber
The Judy Malware: Possibly the largest malware campaign found on Google Play Dave Farber

Tuesday, 30 May

Re Comments? Re New York Times defends hiring extreme climate denier: 'millions agree with him' Dave Farber
NYTimes: As Computer Coding Classes Swell, So Does Cheating DAVID FARBER
Re Comments? Re New York Times defends hiring extreme climate denier: 'millions agree with him' Dave Farber
INSANITY: Man guilty of libel over Facebook 'likes': Swiss court Dave Farber
Re Comments? Re New York Times defends hiring extreme climate denier: 'millions agree with him' Dave Farber
Caught in the BA Computer failure Dave Farber
Re Caught in the BA Computer failure Dave Farber
No Changes to Amtrak Acela Schedule Planned During Summer Track Repairs at Penn Station Dave Farber

Wednesday, 31 May

Supreme Court Rules Patent Laws Can't Be Used to Prevent Reselling Dave Farber
Re Supreme Court Rules Patent Laws Can't Be Used to Prevent Reselling Dave Farber
Former FCC Commissioner Uses Terror Attacks To Make Worst-Ever Argument Against Net Neutrality – Consumerist Dave Farber
The Neutrality Delusion Dave Farber