Interesting People: by date

81 messages starting Jan 01 01 and ending Jan 31 01
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Monday, 01 January

IP: The very last Y2K bug? Dave Farber
IP: Re: : Leave to the FAA Dave Farber

Tuesday, 02 January

IP: FUN READING tech = personalized fines in Finland Dave Farber
IP: Position Announcement -- Fellowship Program Dave Farber
IP: Position Announcement -- Fellowship Program Dave Farber
IP: the joint plans of disk drive manufacturers and content providers to provide copy protection based on cryptographic means embedded within the drive technology Dave Farber

Wednesday, 03 January

IP: Yahoo diversifies revenue stream, cedes right to free speech:: Good Morning Silicon Valley Wed Jan 03 11:45:12 EST 2001 Dave Farber

Friday, 05 January

IP: TECH GURUS EDUCATE BUSH.: What's New for Jan 05, 2001 Dave Farber
IP: Ros: enhanced security for Linux (FWD) Dave Farber
IP: NSA abandons "remarkable, expensive, incomprehensible" goodies Dave Farber

Saturday, 06 January

IP: nothing changes --TECH GURUS Dave Farber

Sunday, 07 January

IP: Hemming in the World Wide Web: Technology Headlines from Dave Farber
IP: Religious Right Made Big Push to Put Ashcroft in Justice Dept. Dave Farber

Monday, 08 January

IP: White House 2001 - Envisioning the Next WH Web Site Dave Farber
IP: A watershed event has occurred with no fanfare... Dave Farber
IP: Re: A watershed event has occurred with no fanfare... Dave Farber
IP: Judge Jackson rips Gates; Sup. Court nixes Virginia porn appeal Dave Farber

Tuesday, 09 January

IP: Instant Messaging Dave Farber
IP: Steven Levy's "Crypto" book reviewed; NSA documentary Dave Farber

Wednesday, 10 January

IP: Fact Sheet on Export Controls on High Performance Computers Dave Farber
IP: Nader wants global U.N. Net-regulation body Dave Farber

Thursday, 11 January

IP: 'INFOSTICK': THE ASIABIZTECH NEWS FILE: Volume 172.3:01/11/01 Dave Farber
IP: Re Nader wants global U.N. Net-regulation body Dave Farber
IP: FCC approves the AOL/TW merger with conditions Dave Farber
IP: A new book -- Breaking the Access Barrier (note co-author) Dave Farber
IP: correction on FCC approves the AOL/TW merger with conditions Dave Farber

Friday, 12 January

IP: Unisys, Microsoft, Dell to Create New Voting System Dave Farber
IP: The FCC staff and the merger David Farber
IP: Re: Unisys, Microsoft, Dell to Create New Voting System Dave Farber
IP: BUSH SPOTLIGHT ON SCIENCE? THINK AGAIN: What's New for Jan 12, 2001 Dave Farber

Saturday, 13 January

IP: Ch. Kennard Resigns Dave Farber
IP: The Feds'll Come A-Snoopin': Telecom Digest V2000 #187 Dave Farber
IP: Re: Re: Unisys, Microsoft, Dell to Create New Voting System Dave Farber
IP: Dot-Coms: What Have We Learned? -- Fortune article... Dave Farber
IP: I want to strongly encourage the reading of this series of articles for anyone interested in the internet economy Dave Farber
IP: Mr Internet goes to Washington Dave Farber
IP: No human finger will actually pull a trigger..: Risks Digest 21.20 Dave Farber

Sunday, 14 January

IP: Re: What is IT? Dave Farber
IP: Re: TECH GURUS EDUCATE BUSH.: What's New for Jan 05, 2001 Dave Farber

Friday, 19 January

IP: Advocacy group fights ruling on DVD c David Farber

Saturday, 20 January

IP: Sony's MagicGate technology.... David Farber

Monday, 22 January

IP: Change of "Stay tuned to WAMU Washington DC radio Tech Tuesday" David Farber

Saturday, 27 January

IP: *************************Sorry for the flood but I had a problem with switching sites from DC to Landenberg -- *********************** Dave Farber
IP: Cross-site scripting still a threat Risks Digest 21.22 Dave Farber
IP: Hotmail users unable to retrieve spam for second day: Good Morning Silicon Valley Fri Jan 26 12:00:14 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: DirecTV vaporizes hacked smart cards: : Good Morning Silicon Valley Fri Jan 26 12:00:14 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: from the not-as-think-as-you-dumb-we-were dept.s .... Dave Farber
IP: Remember... :-( is trademarked... Dave Farber
IP: Cross-site scripting still a threat Risks Digest 21.22 Dave Farber
IP: NY IPers -- PUBLIC MEETING: Fixing New York's DSL Problems, Monday, Feb. 5, 2001 Dave Farber
IP: BIG BLUE TOUTS NEW NAPSTER-PROOF MUSIC LOCKS: Edupage, January 22, 2001 Dave Farber
IP: Microsoft blames outage on router misconfiguration, not attack Dave Farber
IP: Re: DirecTV vaporizes hacked smart cards: : Good Morning SiliconValley Fri Jan 26 12:00:14 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: DeCSS lauded as copyrightable literary work: Good Morning Silicon Valley Thu Jan 25 12:45:12 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: The Web No Longer American Dave Farber
IP: Hotmail users unable to retrieve spam for second day: Good Morning Silicon Valley Fri Jan 26 12:00:14 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: Unpredictable consequences of "music locks" Dave Farber
IP: O'Reilly peer to peer conference Feb 14-16 in SF Dave Farber
IP: WEB-FILTER DATA FROM SCHOOLS PUT UP FOR SALE: Edupage, January 24, 2001 Dave Farber

Sunday, 28 January

IP: A Fight for Survival in the Broadband Wreckage Dave Farber
IP: Dave Farber, streaming: Wed. 31.I.2001 8pm_EST Dave Farber
IP: Security white paper David Farber
IP: First Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security. David Farber
IP: Re: DirecTV vaporizes hacked smart cards: : Good Morning SiliconValley Fri Jan 26 12:00:14 EST 2001 Dave Farber
IP: Fwd: the absence of the fantasy---er, Internet [Re: TOKYO ... 3MBPS ADSL ...] Dave Farber
IP: I hear America singed Dave Farber

Monday, 29 January

IP: Wireless Is Getting a Cool Reception in U.S. Dave Farber
IP: Re: Fwd: the absence of the fantasy---er, Internet [Re: TOKYO ...3MBPS ADSL ...] Dave Farber
IP: Say What? [More Press realizing that Cellular Phones aren't going to make it] Dave Farber
IP: Italian court says it has authority to close foreign web sites Dave Farber
IP: New Internet Bills Dave Farber
IP: CERT: Critical Internet DNS Software Found Vulnerable Dave Farber

Tuesday, 30 January

IP: for Valley people (Silicon that is)Steve McGeady * Lessons of Antitrust * CSL Colloquium Wednesday 4:14 Gates B03 Dave Farber
IP: The Brazilian version of electronic voting machines Dave Farber

Wednesday, 31 January

IP: REMINDER for NY IPers Dave Farber, streaming: Wed. 31.I.2001 8pm_EST Dave Farber
IP: radio show tonight Dave Farber
IP: EU CyberCrime RFC Dave Farber
IP: FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth says he's leaving Dave Farber
IP: Bruce Sterling on Cal Blackouts Dave Farber