Honeypots mailing list archives

Re: Need your helping defining honeypots

From: Sergio Pozo Hidalgo <sergio () lsi us es>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 08:49:44 +0200

Christian Kreibich wrote:
Enough babbling -- here's my attempt:

"A honeypot is a decoy computer resource set up for the purpose of
monitoring and logging the activities of entities that probe, attack or
compromise it."

I dropped the "studying" part as I think it's redundant; clearly
monitoring and logging are pointless without later studying. Also it's
not the honeypot that does the studying -- that's still up to us.

Hi Christian,
I think that it is the best definition right now (a better written definition than the mix I did yesterday).
Good work!

                  Sergio Pozo Hidalgo <sergiopozo () us es>
                Quivir Group <http://www.lsi.us.es/~iq2cp/>
               Department of Languages and Computer Systems
                      University of Seville (Spain)
          PGP Key http://www.rediris.es/cert/servicios/keyserver/

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