Politech: by date

108 messages starting Nov 30 01 and ending Dec 28 01
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 28 December

FC: Politech on vacation until Jan. 2 Declan McCullagh
FC: More on FCC wants to yank Kevin Mitnick's radio license Declan McCullagh

Monday, 24 December

FC: "World Sousveillance Day" today -- Watching the watchers Declan McCullagh
FC: William Safire on a national ID card: "Beware!" Declan McCullagh
FC: Surveillance news: Implantable microchips for humans, GPS tracking Declan McCullagh
FC: More on FCC wants to yank Kevin Mitnick's radio license Declan McCullagh
FC: Judge dismisses Ford suit against 2600 for fuckgeneralmotors.com Declan McCullagh
FC: Politech readers reply to Univ of NC student-professor flap Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 23 December

FC: Annoy.com invites Politech members to SF reception Jan. 3 Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI and Pentagon quiz Microsoft on Windows XP security flaw Declan McCullagh
FC: Dan Geer on Microsoft, 4-mo delay, and problems with so much code Declan McCullagh
FC: FCC wants to yank Kevin Mitnick's radio license Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 22 December

FC: Univ of NC student's father replies to Politech: "abusive and libelous" Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft asks for 4-mo delay before antitrust punishments levied Declan McCullagh
FC: 2600 wins against Ford, federal judge denies injunction Declan McCullagh

Friday, 21 December

FC: Microsoft fesses up to huge security breach in Windows XP Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 20 December

FC: More on Univ. of NC, private email, and a twist on open records Declan McCullagh
FC: Did Univ. of NC at Wilmington divulge a professor's private email? Declan McCullagh
FC: Audio replay of Larry Lessig vs. Hillary Rosen on NPR available Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI refuses to tell Congress aide about "classified" Magic Lantern Declan McCullagh
FC: Larry Lessig vs. Hillary Rosen live on NPR Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 19 December

FC: Author of bin Laden radio communications article replies Declan McCullagh
FC: Lord of the Rings review: There's still nothing like the book Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 18 December

FC: Wired News spring 2002 internship opportunity Declan McCullagh
FC: Explanation of audio gear, digital out, RIAA, and copyright law Declan McCullagh
FC: Followup to Audiophiles. RIAA, and electronic merchandisers Declan McCullagh
FC: Embattled Texas mall critic returns with plaintiff's-lawyers-suck website Declan McCullagh
FC: Chuck Schumer wants to invade privacy of gun buyers, open NICS database Declan McCullagh
FC: Audiophiles find Washington ally in electronic merchandisers Declan McCullagh
FC: German font maker reportedly flexing copyright muscles online Declan McCullagh

Monday, 17 December

FC: Newsbytes reports an Al Qaeda suspect claims Win XP is hacked Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI reportedly wants Badtrans worm's pilfered data --Rotten.com Declan McCullagh
FC: More on bin Laden's radio communications system, clarifications Declan McCullagh
FC: DNA tests show federal officials planted fake evidence of lynx Declan McCullagh
FC: U.N. meeting hears proposal for global human database, ID #s Declan McCullagh
FC: Raided cypherpunk on probation replies to Politech post Declan McCullagh
FC: National ID card proposal gaining support --Washington Post Declan McCullagh
FC: More political, post-Sep. 11, corporate bailout Christmas carols Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 16 December

FC: Cypherpunk visited for making "derogatory" remarks about Feds Declan McCullagh
FC: Al Qaeda terrorist manual tells how to use PGP crypto software Declan McCullagh
FC: Details on bin Laden's radio communications system Declan McCullagh
FC: "How the Feds Stole Christmas," by Gary Krist Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. Army was source for anthrax spores sent to Capitol Hill Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 15 December

FC: Nanotech group comes to DC, begs for billions in federal $$$ Declan McCullagh

Friday, 14 December

FC: More on Americans love surveillance: Spy on us, please! Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. phone eavesdropping software open to spying --Fox News Declan McCullagh
FC: Utah porn czar stands up for free speech; obscenity law targeted Declan McCullagh
FC: Americans love surveillance, poll says: Spy on us, please! Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 13 December

FC: House approves spy, intelligence, wiretap bill Declan McCullagh
FC: Dmitry Sklyarov can go home -- but must testify against Elcomsoft Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 12 December

FC: The odd Usenet trail of "American Taliban" Walker Declan McCullagh
FC: Madcap manuvers halt Microsoft hearing on Capitol Hill Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 11 December

FC: More on Symantec, McAfee, loopholes, and espionage-enabled 'ware Declan McCullagh
FC: Rep. Meehan wants to ban kids from buying smokes online Declan McCullagh
FC: California court rules unwanted spam can be unlawful trespass Declan McCullagh
FC: Symantec, McAfee backpedal furiously on espionage enabled-software Declan McCullagh
FC: Dead Interior websites begin to come back online Declan McCullagh

Monday, 10 December

FC: More on U.S. Customs tracking "computer encryption" purchases Declan McCullagh
FC: NarcoNews wins libel case brought by censorial Mexican bank Declan McCullagh
FC: Essay tries to unmask anonymous ranter through writing style Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. Customs says terrorists buy "computer encryption devices" Declan McCullagh
FC: More on Israeli teens accused of creating "Goner" worm Declan McCullagh
FC: N.J. federal judge rules sex offender info can't go online Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 09 December

FC: Mirror of "sucks" site criticizing Texas mall, from Wayback archive Declan McCullagh
FC: Thomas Greene: A Windows hack for web-surfing privacy Declan McCullagh
FC: Update on Texas mall assailing critical website with similar name Declan McCullagh
FC: Photos: Justice Taney, 9-11, rally, Aspen, Maroon Bells, Monticello Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 08 December

FC: Update on E.U. plan to log Internet traffic for police use Declan McCullagh
FC: Israeli cops nab teens suspected of creating "Goner" worm Declan McCullagh
FC: Ashcroft likens criticism of DOJ power grab to "aiding terrorists" Declan McCullagh
FC: German government plans to ban Net-porn except from 11 pm - 6 am Declan McCullagh
FC: Groups draft principles they say military tribunals should follow Declan McCullagh
FC: What were motives of Bible-quoting Corinthians.com owner? Declan McCullagh
FC: Kevin Mitnick links up with prosecutor who put him in jail Declan McCullagh
FC: Department of the Interior pulls plug on all websites, email Declan McCullagh

Friday, 07 December

FC: Clarification on KPMG: Tax firm is not same as consulting firm Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 06 December

FC: Events: Press Club in DC (12/6); SF 12/11; Lessig v. Valenti Declan McCullagh
FC: Bible-quoting Corinthians.com publisher replies to Politech Declan McCullagh
FC: Acxiom's modest proposal: Background checks on air passengers Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. appeals ct: Bible-quoting Corinthians.com owner keeps domain Declan McCullagh
FC: Responses to Eric Lee Green and what "cyber-libertarians" don't get Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 05 December

FC: Be worried about new MEHPA anti-terrorism bill, by P.Weyrich Declan McCullagh
FC: Fred Heutte explains recent changes in privacy law, DMV data Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN director replies: Tell me how to obtain financial info! Declan McCullagh
FC: KPMG says nobody can link to kpmg.com without permission Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN replies to board member's attempts to review financial info Declan McCullagh
FC: Eric Lee Green on what "cyber-libertarians" don't get Declan McCullagh
FC: Pediatrics academy accused of "misstatements" about media violence Declan McCullagh
FC: More on Secret Service and phone calls to Internet essayists Declan McCullagh
FC: Responses to California sells birth records of its citizens Declan McCullagh
FC: Kuro5hin.org reader reportedly investigated by U.S. Secret Service Declan McCullagh
FC: Details on European Union directive to regulate cookies Declan McCullagh
FC: California sells birth records of its citizens Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 04 December

FC: An ICANN board member's yearlong quest to review financial info Declan McCullagh
FC: Digital Angel launches human, animal GPS tracking system Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI reorganization highlights anti-computer crime efforts Declan McCullagh
FC: New Jersey editor drops anon posters from suit; hearing Fri. Declan McCullagh
FC: WSJ: College survey firm surreptitiously sells student data Declan McCullagh
FC: New website offers P3P analysis, privacy benefits and drawbacks Declan McCullagh

Monday, 03 December

FC: Photos from "Walk for Capitalism" on Sunday Declan McCullagh
FC: Responses to IT revealed, Dean Kamen shows off mystery device Declan McCullagh
FC: E.U. plans "suspected protester" database --Statewatch Declan McCullagh
FC: IT revealed: Dean Kamen shows off mystery transportion device Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 01 December

FC: Swedish police reportedly doctor video evidence, admit it Declan McCullagh
FC: Cameras nab DC city cops, send speeding tickets to miscreants Declan McCullagh
FC: ACLU letter to Congress on Bush military tribunal order Declan McCullagh
FC: Jim Bell update: "AP" author moved to Lompoc federal prison Declan McCullagh

Friday, 30 November

FC: Gore humor, alas, not true: Reuters retracts restaurant story Declan McCullagh