Interesting People: by date

71 messages starting Nov 01 97 and ending Nov 26 97
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Saturday, 01 November

IP: Washington-area cypherpunks party this weekend Dave Farber

Monday, 03 November

IP: Qwest Dave Farber
IP: Qwest Dave Farber
IP: President names additional members of advisory committee Dave Farber

Tuesday, 04 November

IP: WIRING THE SCHOOLS MEANS BIG BUCKS can you hear the Dave Farber

Wednesday, 05 November

IP: Apple going to sell network computers to China? Dave Farber
IP: Bell Labs Launches "Lives-On" Web Tour To Celebrate 50th Dave Farber

Thursday, 06 November

IP: U.S. cyberterrorism report hit on encryption stance Dave Farber
IP: Re: U.S. cyberterrorism report hit on encryption stance Dave Farber
IP: Neumann on PCCIP crypto Dave Farber
IP: FYI #133 - New Science Legislation Dave Farber
IP: sounds like our schools playground -- "Mom he stole my Dave Farber

Sunday, 09 November

IP: A picture is worth 1K undetectable words Dave Farber

Monday, 10 November

IP: Bell Labs Launches "Lives-On" Web Tour To Celebrate 50th Dave Farber
IP: Neumann on PCCIP crypto Dave Farber
IP: Re: "A picture is worth 1K undetectable words..." Dave Farber
IP: Singapore link Dave Farber
IP: Gads, IBM has it right Dave Farber

Tuesday, 11 November

IP: Vannevar Bush Dave Farber
IP: FARNET's Washington Update 11/7/97 Dave Farber

Wednesday, 12 November

IP: U.N. conference on "hate sites" on the Internet Dave Farber
IP: my reply to Willis Dave Farber
IP: CDA: The Sequel -- introduced in the U.S. Senate Dave Farber
IP: Washington Post on dangers of self-censorship for the Net Dave Farber
IP: CDA: The Sequel -- introduced in the U.S. Senate Dave Farber

Thursday, 13 November

IP: Will the Clinton Administration Permit the Hijacking Of Dave Farber
IP: Magaziner delivers a Victory for the Internet For IP Dave Farber
IP: John Gilmore vs. Barry Smith: Two views on encryption Dave Farber
IP: Re: FC: CDA: The Sequel -- introduced in the U.S. Senate Dave Farber
IP: CR&CL UK Releases new Report, Who Watches the Watchmen Dave Farber
IP: till the courts speak -- "at this time," from edupage Dave Farber
IP: banning landmines Dave Farber

Friday, 14 November

IP: Before the DNS: How I upstaged The NIC's Official Dave Farber
IP: Infowarfare with a set of cutters Dave Farber
IP: Yardeni Senate testimony on Y2K Dave Farber
IP: Anti-monopoly Fervor Distorts Interagency DNS Working Dave Farber

Saturday, 15 November

IP: CRA-B on NSF Appropriations Dave Farber
IP: Internet Casinos Dave Farber
IP: Anti-monopoly Fervor Distorts Interagency DNS Working Dave Farber
IP: snow & Internet Dave Farber
IP: Proposed US Govt Status Quo Policy on DNS ROOT ZONE Control Dave Farber
IP: FOR WASHINGTON DC IPers ONLY -- Seminar announcement Dave Farber

Sunday, 16 November

IP: Hyperbole Fervor Distorts Serious Reporting and Discussion Dave Farber
IP: Literature and Culture of the American 1950s from Yahoo! Dave Farber
IP: Rivals Unite To Combat Microsoft Dave Farber
IP: Re : Rivals Unite To Combat Microsoft Dave Farber
IP: why filtering software deprives adults of information Dave Farber
IP: why filtering software deprives adults of information Dave Farber
IP: Y2K and long lead times on orders Dave Farber

Monday, 17 November

IP: Domain Names -- the "new way" Dave Farber
IP: For bay area Wharton Alum and friends Dave Farber
IP: Information Technology Literacy Dave Farber
IP: WH Press release/Kay Howell to head NCO Dave Farber
IP: Fun time -- Quote of the day (fwd) Dave Farber

Tuesday, 18 November

IP: Geneva machinations - it just never ends... NOT IAHC Dave Farber
IP: mini-review: The Electronic Privacy Papers Dave Farber

Thursday, 20 November

IP: Geneva machinations - it just never ends... NOT IAHC Dave Farber

Sunday, 23 November

IP: State Department Advisory Group on ECommerce David Farber
IP: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism David Farber
IP: a danger to science and the usefulness of the network -- David Farber
IP: a danger to science and the usefulness of the network -- David Farber
IP: MORE ON a DANGER TO SCIENCE and the usefulness of the David Farber

Monday, 24 November

IP: Internet Term-Paper Mills Dave Farber
IP: Yamaichi and Falling Skies Dave Farber
IP: a bit of true humor -- Re: IP: Internet Term-Paper Mills Dave Farber

Tuesday, 25 November

IP: Thanksgiving for the Mandarins of Brussels David Farber
IP: Microsoft's compelled speech David Farber
IP: letter from USACM (I am a member and a co-drafter of this David Farber

Wednesday, 26 November

IP: Faceless Freedom on the Net (from cyberpunks) David Farber
IP: blacklisted mail program David Farber