Politech: by author

104 messages starting Feb 29 04 and ending Mar 31 04
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Declan McCullagh

Why service sector jobs are better than manufacturing jobs Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
New paper on collective vs. individual expectation of privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
ITAA on impact of offshore IT outsourcing on U.S. economy Declan McCullagh (Mar 31)
Excerpts from speechifying at U.N. Internet summit [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Senate Maj. Leader Frist condemns EU "intolerable" Microsoft decision Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Two replies to proposal for .xxx top-level domain [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Mark Kernes on why .xxx is bad for adult entertainment industry [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Reply to patent claim over online testing [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
IEEE on impact of offshore IT outsourcing on U.S. economy Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Lesson from Martha Stewart: Don't ever talk to the FBI Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Replies to FBI, key logging, and wiretap double standards [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Privacy International on dangers of biometric passports [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Weekly column: Should the United Nations run the Internet? Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Privacy villain of the week: "Registered traveler" program [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
U.S. Net gambling ban violates international trade laws Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Company claims patent over online testing [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Appeals court hands police more search powers [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
With election nearing, Bush talks up broadband Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
More coverage of FBI, VoIP and CALEA [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Plaxo meets privacy criticism at PC Forum conference [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
Judge dismisses John Gilmore's ID-required lawsuit [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
United Nations wants a big piece of the Internet [fs][priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
RIAA likes plan to give DoJ new non-criminal piracy enforcement option[ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
Does ICANN need an ombudsman? Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
Bernie S on Feds, key logging, and double standards [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 26)
Eurocrats put the antitrust smackdown on Microsoft Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
Feds charge man for using key logger (only they can do it) [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
MPAA plans "global piracy issues marketing campaign" Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Reason magazine on Supreme Court Hiibel case Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
More on interview about ex-Bush cybersecurity coordinator Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Grover Norquist's star fading among limited-government conservatives Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Replies to IEEE USA's relatively protectionst views -- or not Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Weekly column: the battle over .xxx [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Open voting consortium demonstrates free election software on 4/1 Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
A reply to f--kamerica.us and free speech rights [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Congress questions extension of deadline for biometric passports [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Seattle Times on Silicon Valley offshoring all but management Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Wiretap, CALEA comments due to FCC by April 12 [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Supreme Court hears arguments in Hiibel anonymity case [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Replies to John Walker, NATs, and lights going out on Internet Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Michael Geist on impact of Canadian copyright decision [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
GigaLaw.com's special report on pop-up ads and the law [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
F--kamerica.us owner wants to sue Neustar to keep anti-Bush website [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Transcript of interview with ex-Bush cybersecurity coordinator Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Consumers Union launches financial privacy web site [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
News roundup on air travel privacy, CAPPS II [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
John Walker on NAT and "lights going out across the Internet" Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Georgetown Univ. video surveillance conf on March 23 [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 19)
Mercury News column on benefits of offshoring jobs Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Business Week on FBI's CALEA Net-tapping petition [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
IEEE's relatively protectionst views on offshoring Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Michael Geist on Internet execs and criminal liability [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Roger Clarke on "identity management" problems Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Judge: Because of Internet, names and addresses in suit must be public [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
U.S. military contemplates drafting "computer experts" Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Congress and the "Broadcast Indecency Act of 2004" [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Judges rule on subpoenas, procedure in P2P litigation [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Fox News reporter wants to find a spammer [sp] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
How long to jail spammers, from profs Goldman and O'Hear [sp] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
RFID industry tries to debunk "exploding $20 bill" myth [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Move over Sherman Austin: it's time to jail librarians [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
WashingtonPost.com on evil new "Phatbot" hacking tool Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Politech gathering in San Francisco at 7 pm on Wed March 10 Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
Harvey Silverglate on Patriot Act, right to travel freely [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
California children fingerprinted to ride the schoolbus [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
How online activism affected Senate firearm debate Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
Canadian Sup. Court favors users over stronger copyright rules [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
Textz.com owner accused of German copyright crimes [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
Interview with Go Daddy CEO about Verisign v. ICANN suit Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
How info-theft in Japan is setting price of personal data [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 05)
John Kerry secretly data-mined info on campaign volunteers [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 04)
Northwest Airlines defends handing over passenger data to Feds [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 04)
First-hand report from Asia Pacific "Net abuse" conference [sp] Declan McCullagh (Mar 04)
Ricin recipes, redacted U.S. patents, and the war on terror [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
James Lewis on current legal restrictions on publishers [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
Miguel Helft on rapacious sales and use tax collectors Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
IEEE, NYTimes, & CRS on election integrity Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
In SF next week Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
Avi Rubin's story of his day as an election judge in Baltimore Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
Two replies to John Gilmore on right to travel freely [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Reply to Public Knowledge over House database bill Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
321 Studios's campaign against court ruling over DVD ripper [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
More on Toyota's concept car ratting out speeders to cops [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Replies over electronic voting machines, Diebold, and security Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Peter Suber's list of references of Fed pressure on publishers [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Thomas Lipscomb on fighting back against censorial Feds over IEEE Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
An election judge replies to Politech over secure e-voting Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Robert Gellman on Texas attorney general and privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Thanks to some U.S. senators, Internet access taxes are back Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Feds warn IEEE editors of criminal prosecution re: Iran articles [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Verizon employee in trouble for spoofing state bureaucrat's email [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
First-hand report of problems with "secure" e-voting Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
John Gilmore on Americans' right to travel anonymously [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Public Knowlege urges action to oppose House database bill [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Is Continental Airlines protecting its customers' privacy? [priv] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Clarification to amicus briefs filed in Internet anonymity cases [fs] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
House Democrats criticize Bush over "cyber security" efforts Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Announcement for Internet Commons Congress in March in DC [ip] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Dutch government tussles with pirate radio stations [fs] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Toyota's concept car rats out speeders to the police [priv] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Greenspan on the Internet, intellectual property rights [ip] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Questions for the Dept of Homeland Security on CAPPS II [priv] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
India tries electronic voting -- with 668 million people Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)
Texas atty general sides with open government over privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Feb 29)