Politech: by date

124 messages starting Feb 28 02 and ending Mar 29 02
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 29 March

FC: Green Party sues over Washington DC's Demopublican city mascot Declan McCullagh
FC: Censorhappy Wash. politicos meet the law of unintended consequences Declan McCullagh
FC: North Korea embraces Internet gambling (I am not making this up) Declan McCullagh
FC: Washington state goes censorhappy, bans publishing police info Declan McCullagh
FC: Glenn Reynolds on Dem vs. Republican copy-protection split Declan McCullagh
FC: Legal update: Rulings in Intel v. Hamidi bulk-email and KaZaA cases Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 28 March

FC: ACLU update on schedule for filtering trial in Philadelphia Declan McCullagh
FC: Walgreens drugstore wants to take critical Wallgreens.com offline Declan McCullagh
FC: Google bans ads bought by Church of Scientology critics Declan McCullagh
FC: Robert Gellman replies to privacy study critics, more responses Declan McCullagh
FC: German ISPs may block porn, infringing pages, search engines... Declan McCullagh
FC: Hilarious: Kentucky bill declares war on gambling riverboats Declan McCullagh
FC: CBDTPA hits House: Democratic legislator readying companion bill Declan McCullagh
FC: Texas private investigator replies to Robert Gellman on privacy Declan McCullagh
FC: Reply to Cato panel, Direct Marketing Association, and spam Declan McCullagh
FC: Free-market economist replies to Robert Gellman privacy paper Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 27 March

FC: Privacilla's Jim Harper replies to pro-regulation privacy study Declan McCullagh
FC: Events: Cato spam panel TODAY, EFF dinner 4/16, Big Brother awards Declan McCullagh
FC: Essay on CBDTPA: "Hollings, Valenti, and the American Techniban" Declan McCullagh
FC: Australian government censorware report -- corrected link Declan McCullagh
FC: Former Virginia guv Gilmore waxes libertarian on nat'l id cards Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 26 March

FC: No broad U.S. privacy laws costs "tens of billions," study says Declan McCullagh
FC: Philly dispatch: Photos from courthouse, CIPA trial goes blue Declan McCullagh
FC: CBDTPA bans everything from two-line BASIC programs to PCs Declan McCullagh
FC: Radar-gun vigilantes team up with cops to nab speeders --NYT Declan McCullagh

Monday, 25 March

FC: Should the U.S. government ever lie to its citizens? Declan McCullagh
FC: Australian government publishes censorware effectiveness report Declan McCullagh
FC: Philly dispatch: N2H2 prompts judges to close filtering trial Declan McCullagh
FC: More on Verisign sending deceptive domain registration bills Declan McCullagh
FC: Feds yank 50-year old spy records from National Archives Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 24 March

FC: Verisign reportedly sending deceptive domain registration bills Declan McCullagh
FC: Library filtering trial starts Monday in Philadelphia Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 23 March

FC: More on Internet radio fees may push hobby webcasters off the air Declan McCullagh
FC: House bill orders Detroit to let owners tinker with their vehicles Declan McCullagh
FC: Maryland rejects radar-cameras for speeding tickets Declan McCullagh
FC: AAAS' Patrick Ball testifies at Milosevic trial in The Hague Declan McCullagh
FC: Internet radio fees may push hobby webcasters off the air Declan McCullagh

Friday, 22 March

FC: Congress hears more demands to criminalize human cloning Declan McCullagh
FC: Forget MP3 players: Hollings' CBDTPA regulates software too Declan McCullagh
FC: Everyone hates SSSCA, CBDPTA in comments to Senate Judicary panel Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 21 March

FC: Google still delists anti-Scientology site -- reports were premature Declan McCullagh
FC: Battle Creek retreats, says won't prosecute anti-spammer Declan McCullagh
FC: Text of Sen. Hollings' revised SSSCA, now called the CBDTPA Declan McCullagh
FC: Sen. Hollings introduces SSSCA -- now renamed the CBDTPA Declan McCullagh
FC: Giovanetti and Smith: Battle Creek should jail anti-spam activist Declan McCullagh
FC: FEC weighs regulations on Internet campaigning Declan McCullagh
FC: City of Battle Creek wants to imprison an anti-spam activist Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 20 March

FC: Google bows to Scientology's DMCA request, yanks critics' site Declan McCullagh
FC: Politech announcement: CFP dinner gathering in SF on Tue, Apr. 16 Declan McCullagh
FC: Karl Auerbach sues ICANN to open books, inspect financial info Declan McCullagh
FC: Canada's privacy czar: Cops must "cease" video surveillance Declan McCullagh
FC: House committee asks for views on digital copyright, 4/8 deadline Declan McCullagh
FC: Pennsylvania Internet providers must block illegal sex sites Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 19 March

FC: Federal agencies urged to keep linking to healthy-sex site Declan McCullagh
FC: So-called "digital divide" no longer exists, by Sonia Arrison Declan McCullagh
FC: Replies to Calif's Feinstein cozies up to SSSCA, anti-copying laws Declan McCullagh

Friday, 15 March

FC: Rabbi Mermelstein on Google ad ban: Chill out, life is short Declan McCullagh
FC: California's Sen. Feinstein cozies up to SSSCA, anti-copying laws Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 14 March

FC: Secret U.S. nuclear policy documents appear, surprise, on the web Declan McCullagh
FC: Netscape should stop whining about Microsoft dominance --S. Richman Declan McCullagh
FC: House Commerce committee wants Bush admin to "keep tabs" on ICANN Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN has voted to eliminate public elections --Karl Auerbach Declan McCullagh
FC: Liberty vs. security events: PPI on 3/15 and George Mason IHS 7/5 Declan McCullagh
FC: D.I.R.T. spyware exposed on web, by Kevin Poulsen Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN press release on "at-large" membership resolution Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 13 March

FC: Cato's Jerry Taylor reply on fuel efficiency and dead Americans Declan McCullagh
FC: Consumer Electr. Assn. applauds Rep. Boucher on copyproof CDs Declan McCullagh
FC: Photos of World Trade Center Light Memorial Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 12 March

FC: Google permits ads for spamware, rejects firearms-related ads Declan McCullagh
FC: Peekabooty developer replies to charge of "vaporware" Declan McCullagh
FC: Replies to "Raise fuel efficiency standards, kill Americans?" Declan McCullagh
FC: Calif. gov Gray Davis wants his grinning mug on all state websites Declan McCullagh
FC: Raise fuel efficiency standards, kill Americans? Declan McCullagh
FC: Overthrowthegovernment.org owner arrested at U.S. border Declan McCullagh
FC: Peekabooty vaporware already raises alarums at network providers Declan McCullagh
FC: Senate Republicans urge defeat of stock-option charges bill Declan McCullagh
FC: More on riot after Mexican police end pirate CD sales, verified Declan McCullagh
FC: News Corp accused of secretly breaking TV copy-protection scheme Declan McCullagh
FC: Google refuses business from gun, knife, bulk food advertisers Declan McCullagh

Monday, 11 March

FC: Mexican police suppress pirated CD sales, riot ensues (unverified) Declan McCullagh
FC: Appeals court says mall critic may keep his site online -- for now Declan McCullagh
FC: Sen. Burns blasts ICANN as "flawed, ineffective," wants hearings Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 10 March

FC: We clearly need more spycams: British crooks are evading 'em Declan McCullagh
FC: IRS' "Online Game Show" -- you can be a constant for free! Declan McCullagh
FC: Swedish paper found liable for pro-Nazi rants on discussion board Declan McCullagh
FC: Conservatives complain CDC.gov links to a healthy-sex site Declan McCullagh
FC: FTC and European Union privacy czars expose personal data Declan McCullagh
FC: Criminal lineups use photos from driver's licenses Declan McCullagh

Friday, 08 March

FC: EFF replies to Politech post over linking vs. image importing Declan McCullagh
FC: NPR's Rick Karr replies to FCC chairman at Chamber of Commerce Declan McCullagh
FC: Sell "violent" video games to a teenager, go to jail Declan McCullagh
FC: Rep. Sherwood Boehlert pledges nanotech pork on New York trip Declan McCullagh
FC: Libertarians, ACLU oppose Washington state wiretap bill Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 07 March

FC: Scientific American responds to flap over environmentalism article Declan McCullagh
FC: Senator tells FCC chairman he should be at U.S. Chamber of Commerce Declan McCullagh
FC: Commerce Dept. refuses to bless .GOD and .SATAN top-level domains Declan McCullagh
FC: Dutch ISP wins suit -- spammer will be fined $45 per spam Declan McCullagh
FC: Rep. Rick Boucher wants Congress to regulate copy-protected CDs Declan McCullagh
FC: Virginia legislature won't enact limits on facecams Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN roundup; study says domain name dispute process is biased Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 06 March

FC: Worm uses John Gilmore's open relay at toad.com to reproduce Declan McCullagh
FC: Sweden weighs law controlling employees' electronic privacy Declan McCullagh
FC: Scientific American assails prof who attacked enviro-article Declan McCullagh
FC: Slate 'fesses up: Diary of "automotive CEO" was a hoax Declan McCullagh
FC: RIAA's PR director decamps for Al Gore 2002 campaign Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 05 March

FC: More on House panel vote Wednesday on .kids -- vs. .kids.us Declan McCullagh
FC: Ellen Rony on ICANN's new problem: How to respond to .kids? Declan McCullagh

Monday, 04 March

FC: Transcript of Atty Gen Ashcroft speech on bigger FBI DNA database Declan McCullagh
FC: U.S. House not willing to endorse mandatory copy protection Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 02 March

FC: Censorhappy union that sued member over site now sue reformers too Declan McCullagh
FC: Federal law helps religious filtering firms proselytize Declan McCullagh
FC: Surveillance update: European spycams, Israel's Xacct, Japan, more Declan McCullagh
FC: Montana student with "10 hottest girls" site back in school Declan McCullagh
FC: Peter Trei: "The Original SSSCA," a short story Declan McCullagh
FC: KaZaA to U.S. Senate: RIAA's Hilary Rosen lied to you Declan McCullagh
FC: European Commission considers mandatory digital rights management Declan McCullagh

Friday, 01 March

FC: Civ-libs ask Council of Europe about secret "Second Protocol" Declan McCullagh
FC: Catholic church condemns "radical libertarianism" on Internet Declan McCullagh
FC: Scarfo pleads guilty, ends legal battle over PGP spying tech Declan McCullagh
FC: Senate Democrats love SSSCA -- but GOP says not so fast Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 28 February

FC: Montana school suspends student for "10 hottest girls" site Declan McCullagh
FC: John Gilmore: What to do about spam? Use smarter mail readers Declan McCullagh
FC: Bulk, unsolicited political email isn't spam -- right? Declan McCullagh
FC: Intel VP, bruised in hearing, dashes off letter to Senate Declan McCullagh