Politech mailing list archives

FC: Google refuses business from gun, knife, bulk food advertisers

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:10:39 -0500

[Google confirmed to me that the facts as laid out below are true. They understand that the Bowman's Brigade business does NOT sell firearms, but they feel that the bulk food, survival gear, and replacement parts (like weapon sights) are close enough to firearm sales to, ah, trigger that prohibition. --Declan]


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 16:12:29 -0500
From: Todd <tmz () paonline com>
To: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Subject: Google Refuses Business from Gun and Knife Advertisers

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Hi Declan,

First off, thanks for all the excellent reporting over the years, as well as
the politech list.  I've enjoyed both immensely.

Here's an interesting story about a problem that Bowman's Brigade (which
appears to sell hunting/survival supplies) reports having with Google and
their adwords program.  Obviously, it's Google's prerogative to allow any
ads they want, but it's also good to know about these policies when using
their service.  I have not yet verified this by contacting Google at their
adwords-support () google com address, but I plan to do so momentarily.

I've looked at the "Terms and Conditions" page for any reference to what
might be prohibited.  All I see is:

    "4. Spam and Other Prohibited Uses. You agree not to use the
    Google Web Site or Partner Sites to impression or click SPAM
    the Advertisements nor to advertise substances, services,
    products or materials that are illegal or violate Google's
    Ad Policy, as it may be revised from time to time. Ads that
    link to websites with substantially similar content may not
    be targeted to same sets of keywords. Further you shall not
    submit Advertisements where you are an affiliate partner to
    the web site targeted in such Advertisement, and you do not
    provide content at such web site that is substantially
    reflective of the Target(s) being used through the AdWords
    Program. Violation of the above policies will have strict
    negative consequences. We will immediately and permanently
    terminate your AdWords Program account. In addition, you may
    be subject to state and federal penalties and other legal
    consequences under applicable law and Google may, at its
    option, assist appropriate authorities in imposing such
    penalties or take legal action against you."

There's no mention of weapons, guns, knives, or firearms.  They do reference
"Google's Ad Policy" but there is no link to this document and a quick
search, on Google, of course, produced nothing relevant.

The Bowman's Brigade side of the story is at the following URL, part of
which is included for your convenience.


    On March 7, 2002 Bowman's Brigade placed the following three
    paid ads on the Google search engine.  They are listed in
    exact order with the responses from Google

    March 8, 2002 - Their Response to this ad: We are not able
    to run the following ad(s) in Ad Group #1, of Campaign #1
    you have created using the Google AdWords Select Advertising

    Thank you for advertising on Google. At this time, we are
    not running ads for sites that sell pistol barrels or gun
    parts. We review ads on a case-by-case basis and reserve the
    right to not run certain ads, or certain categories of ads.
    Due to our current ads policy, we are unable to run your ad
    on Google.

    Google believes strongly in freedom of expression and
    therefore offers broad access to content across the web
    without censoring results. At the same time, we reserve the
    right to exercise editorial discretion when it comes to the
    advertising we accept on our site, as noted in our
    advertising terms and conditions. Please note that the
    decisions we make concerning advertising in no way affect
    the search results we deliver. We will continue to show
    search results for equipment and supplies and related
    products.  Please feel free to email us at
    adwords-support () google com if you have further questions or


    The Google AdWords Team


- --

If laws worked, there would be no crime.

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Comment: When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


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