Politech: by author

117 messages starting Jan 02 03 and ending Jan 31 03
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Declan McCullagh

FC: Peter Swire's declaration in RIAA vs. Verizon subpoena case Declan McCullagh (Jan 31)
FC: Robert Ellis on how DMCA is "chipping away at competition" Declan McCullagh (Jan 31)
FC: NYT's Jennifer 8. Lee on U.S. visa database open to police Declan McCullagh (Jan 31)
FC: Request from CNBC producer working on P2P piracy story Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
FC: Mirror of proposed anti-spam law sent to Politech Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
FC: Politech asked for help in drafting U.S. anti-spam law Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
FC: ACT's Jonathan Zuck: What's wrong with U.S. backing closed source? Declan McCullagh (Jan 29)
FC: Jamie McCarthy on problems with domain name dispute process Declan McCullagh (Jan 29)
FC: Move over, TIA: George W. Bush announces "TTIC" data-mining system Declan McCullagh (Jan 29)
FC: Federal judge holds Bill Purdy in contempt, gives one more chance Declan McCullagh (Jan 29)
FC: Bill Purdy owns one in three of ALL washingtonpost domain names Declan McCullagh (Jan 29)
FC: Brian K. West discusses his newspaper "hacking" guilty plea Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
FC: Jamie Love on TRUSTe, spam, and industry best practices Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
FC: TRUSTe on spam and industry adopting best practices Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
FC: Bush administration's position on open-source seems... flexible Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
FC: DeCSS, DVD paper: "The Trouble with Prime Numbers" from RISKS Declan McCullagh (Jan 27)
FC: Bill Purdy, bloody but unbowed, registers more WashPost domains! Declan McCullagh (Jan 27)
FC: More on Bill Purdy's looming contempt, tips for surviving jail Declan McCullagh (Jan 27)
FC: Weekly column: Be a P2P pirate, go to jail? Could happen soon... Declan McCullagh (Jan 27)
FC: It was bound to happen: Bush-Iraq parody of Nigerian spam scam Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
FC: One irked sysadmin's tale of struggling against the spam tide Declan McCullagh (Jan 25)
FC: Some defenses of political spam and Sen. Lieberman's bulk mail Declan McCullagh (Jan 25)
FC: Network Solns exposes (whoops!) 85,000+ customer email addresses Declan McCullagh (Jan 25)
FC: Harvey Silverglate's proposal for civilians in police ranks Declan McCullagh (Jan 25)
FC: AP's Ted Bridis: Dick Clarke to resign as WH cybersecurity adviser Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: Tips for Bill Purdy on surviving domain-name contempt in jail Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: Bill Purdy: "I'm going to jail over my Washington Post domain" Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: Denver city councilman buys up his rivals' .com names Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: Archive of Total Information Awareness site, before purges Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: Wife tracks hubby with secret GPS bug in his car Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
FC: President Bush's AIDS nominee Poindexterizes his web site Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Urgent plea to help save Free-Market.net from oblivion Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Senate slaps limits on Poindexter's data-mining plan Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: USACM: Congress should stop Total Information Awareness Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Congressional aide likes Larry Lessig's anti-spam suggestion Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Query from Dan Tynan: Why could anti-spam laws hurt free speech? Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Will Larry Lessig's proposed anti-spam law make spam... worse? Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Local cops in Pennsylvania get "JNet" police photo database Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Bars in Sacramento begin swiping, recording driver's licenses Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: German allows irony on the web after all, court rules Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Lewiston, Maine decides to repeal the First Amendment Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: More on police carcam that recorded cop brutality, dog-killing Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
FC: Israeli ambassador falls for blog "Zionist occupation" parody Declan McCullagh (Jan 22)
FC: More on ADL warning Feds that terrorists use e-gold Declan McCullagh (Jan 22)
FC: Fighting terrorism means banning Internet gambling? from CEI Declan McCullagh (Jan 22)
FC: ADL warns Feds that terrorists use e-gold to transfer $$$ Declan McCullagh (Jan 22)
FC: John "More Guns Less Crime" Lott's Net pseudonym exposed Declan McCullagh (Jan 22)
FC: Verizon must comply with RIAA's DMCA subpoena, judge sez Declan McCullagh (Jan 21)
FC: California politicos sued for blackholing conservatives' email Declan McCullagh (Jan 21)
FC: Malaysia's independent online news agency reportedly raided Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Canada's largest bank chooses to Know Its Customer Very Well Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: U.S. Army: Be all that you can be... in new 3D shoot-em-up Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Justice Dept admits it snoops on library Internet use Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Brad Templeton on Sen. Lieberman, laws, and overseas spam Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Can we stop Sen. Joseph Lieberman from spamming? Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Weekly column: Sen. Joseph Lieberman, spammer-in-chief? Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Confirmed: Google reveals Bush's faux astroturf campaign Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Google reveals Bush administration's astroturf campaign? Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: PlanetReplay webmaster spooked by deposition, deletes info Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Novelist John le Carre: "The U.S. has gone mad!" Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: U.K. politicos yowl about their "offensive" email censored Declan McCullagh (Jan 20)
FC: Military worried about web leaks; on CNBC tonight Declan McCullagh (Jan 17)
FC: U.S. spooks fret about Iraq hax0ring .gov and .mil computers Declan McCullagh (Jan 17)
FC: EFF asks for nominations for 12th annual Pioneer Awards Declan McCullagh (Jan 16)
FC: Russell Roberts: Killing dividend tax will help all of us Declan McCullagh (Jan 16)
FC: ACLU surveillance report: "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains" Declan McCullagh (Jan 16)
FC: What Larry Did Get (just this once, mind you...) Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Polk Wagner: Garage door opener DMCA case is hardly "lunacy" Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Senate bill drafted to put Poindexter's TIA on hold Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Politech photos: RIAA copyright deal, Yosemite, SF Golden Gate Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: DMCA vs. The Garage Door Opener Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: House Judiciary members applaud Supreme Court copyright ruling Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Charles Sims on why Lessig should have lost, Supremes are right Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Text of Supreme Court copyright extension ruling available Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Supreme Court upholds copyright extension law in 7-2 ruling Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: Music-tech industry truce's impact may be limited Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
FC: A criticism of John Gilmore's suit over secret FAA rules Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
FC: John Gilmore's suit over secret FAA regs in SF court on 1/17 Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
FC: Weekly column: Could we be tracked by micro RFID tags? Declan McCullagh (Jan 13)
FC: More on .Mil Hacker Alert! Armed, Dangerous, and Tentacled! Declan McCullagh (Jan 11)
FC: U.K. government starts to spam -- 100,000 email messages Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: Federal judge says Kazaa can be sued in U.S. courts Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: Microsoft hit by class action suit, pays up to $1.1 billion Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: .Mil Hacker Alert! May Be Armed, Dangerous, and Tentacled! Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: John Gilmore, Mark Milone on Hacktivism, democracy, and .doc Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: Charles Arthur's unaccustomed defense of Microsoft (re: Xbox) Declan McCullagh (Jan 10)
FC: Police surveillance cam works: Shows cop brutality, dog-killing Declan McCullagh (Jan 09)
FC: Neo Project apparently resumes work on hacking Microsoft's Xbox Declan McCullagh (Jan 09)
FC: Why did the Neo Project halt work on hacking Microsoft's Xbox? Declan McCullagh (Jan 09)
FC: Lexmark invokes DMCA in suit over aftermarket printer toner Declan McCullagh (Jan 09)
FC: Massachusetts AG serves cryptome.org with subpoena for logs Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
FC: Mark Milone on "Hacktivism: Securing the National Infrastructure" Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
FC: Virginia police raid bars, force people to take sobriety tests Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
FC: Webcast of ecommerce law class at Univ of Ottawa starts today Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
FC: More on forcibly requiring DNA samples -- a German perspective Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
FC: More on Louisiana police forcing 100 people to give DNA samples Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: Louisiana police force all townspeople to give DNA samples Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: Canadian programmers in San Jose jailed five days for no reason Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: Johansen acquitted on all charges in Norwegian DeCSS case Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: U.K. plan to create huge biometric database, from RISKS Digest Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: One attempt to crack the passwords on the TSA's MS Word docs Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
FC: Larry Lessig bets his job on spam law -- with me as judge? Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: Is Poindexter's TIA project not all that bad? By Stuart Taylor Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: More on surveillance: Would countermeasures be illegal? Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: Brad Templeton on surveillance column: "P-Day" is already here? Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: Weekly column: How will surveillance tech evolve in 10 years? Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: Penn (from Penn & Teller) on airport security crotch-grabbing Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
FC: Harvey Silverglate on state of civil liberties at end of 2002 Declan McCullagh (Jan 03)
FC: Act Three of Poindexter's Incredibly Shrinking Site: Still More! Declan McCullagh (Jan 03)
FC: FBI nabs student, charges with stealing DirecTV crypto-secrets Declan McCullagh (Jan 03)
FC: TSA quietly deletes password-protected MS Word docs from site Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: Reuters on TSA's password-protected files: Not a great idea... Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: Steve Mann's struggles with Verisign and modest Perl proposal Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: Query about FBI wiretaps from someone starting a free-email firm Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: More ways I could be violating the DMCA by writing this column Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: Will this column land me in federal prison under the DMCA? Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)
FC: Politech back from hiatus; in SF until Jan. 10 Declan McCullagh (Jan 02)