Politech: by author

45 messages starting Dec 03 03 and ending Dec 19 03
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Declan McCullagh

Don Boudreaux: Why it's moral for firms to outsource overseas Declan McCullagh (Dec 19)
Verizon gets surprise win in RIAA subpoena case over DMCA [ip][fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 19)
Kazaa is legal! Netherlands Supreme Court says so [ip] Declan McCullagh (Dec 19)
President Bush signs first federal spam law, takes effect Jan. 1 [sp] Declan McCullagh (Dec 16)
"Secure on the Net conference" in DC in February 2004 [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 12)
University of Ottawa's new anonymity research project [priv][fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 12)
Canada levies tax on MP3 players, says P2P downloading is OK [ip] Declan McCullagh (Dec 12)
U.N./ITU convenes world Internet summit this week in Geneva [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Yahoo endorses anti-spam "trusted email" technique [sp] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Peter Swire replies to Larry lessig, Jim Davidson on anonymity [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Do-it-yourself Poindextering -- of ret. Adm. John Poindexter Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Risks and vulnerabilities of Ohio voting systems, via EFF Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Update on SCO v. IBM case: Judge orders SCO to turn over code Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Roger Clarke replies to Lessig on existing anonymous systems [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
How to delete your child's DNA from databank in Michigan [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Paul Levy: Mirror this site before it is too late! [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
Stu Baker: Congress did not just outlaw inbound spam filtering Declan McCullagh (Dec 08)
A reply to Lessig on anonymity: string the bastards up! [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
Reply over Lou Dobbs and IEEE's views on overseas outsourcing Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
Diebold Election Systems responds to critics Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
Larry Lessig replies to Politech over limiting anonymity [fs][priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
British government seeks supermarket loyalty card data [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
Report from Canadian Supreme Court on online music tariffs [ip] Declan McCullagh (Dec 05)
Paul Levy on Ninth Circuit, CDA, and online publisher liability [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Suresh Ramasubramanian on Lou Dobbs, outsourcing, and tech workers Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
French report on the future of electronic voting Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Replies to VoIP, taxes, and FCC's Michael Copps Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Why freedom can't be preserved by ending anonymity [fs][priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Did Congress just make inbound spam filtering illegal? [sp] Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Charles Mudd on WiFi, Canada, encryption, and "theft of services" Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Anonymous commercial speech and federal spam legislation [sp][fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
States forciby collecting DNA samples from newborns? [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Are cops constitutional? -- a law review article wonders Declan McCullagh (Dec 04)
Update on Paul Trummel's ongoing legal battle [fs] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Canadian music group wants blanket annual royalty from ISPs [ip] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Michael Geist's study of governments and domain names [ip] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Request for help in suing the pants off of 132 spammers [sp] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Windows worm infected Diebold ATMs Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Weekly column: Adam Smith's lessons for technology firms today Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Interview with Skype's Niklas Zennstrom on privacy, security [priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
How Diebold may hack the vote, by Paul Krugman Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
FCC's Michael Copps suggests levying taxes on Voice over IP Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
NPR: Computerized grocery cart shocks, horrifies union officials Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Economist, Lessig want to preserve freedom by ending anonymity [fs][priv] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)
Another round on what Congress spam bill actually does [sp] Declan McCullagh (Dec 03)