Secure Coding mailing list archives

Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

From: list-spam at (Benjamin Tomhave)
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:23:38 -0700

Matt Bishop wrote:

Instead, what you can do is frame the issues as "good programming". When
teaching for loops, teach the idea of a "limit" (upper and lower
bounds). Then when you get to arrays, it's natural to discuss bounds
checking in the context of iteration (I don't phrase it that way, of
course). When you grade, you check for it. Presto! Now you have taught
what is commonly considered a security requirement without ever
mentioning the word "security".

I would agree with this, as I think it again syncs with what James
McGovern talked about earlier, too. A graduated approach to "secure
coding" (for whatever definition we might insert) is the only logical
progression. However, as you conceded, we have to be very careful just
how much we introduce and when. I remember the disconnect in the mid-90s
when the CompSci curriculum switched to OO. Some of us got caught in the
blender where our first CS class was non-OO and our 2nd class was
suddenly all OO and we didn't know what the heck was going on. It seems
we're perhaps still in this transitional state to a large part.

By the way, you can do this very effectively in a beginning programming
class. When I taught Python, as soon as the students got to basic
structures like control loops (for which they had to do simple reading),
I showed them how to catch exceptions so that they could handle input
errors. When they did functions, we went into exceptions in more detail.
They were told that if they didn't handle exceptions in their
assignments, they would lose points -- and the graders gave inputs that
would force exceptions to check that they did.

Let's just hope that the code isn't compiled with -O3 or similar,
creating an unintended bug. :)

Most people got it quickly.

Getting it and applying it IRL are of course two completely different
things. I still find it somewhat absurd that we even need to have this
discussion still after how many decades of curriculum development? :)


Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
falcon at

[ Random Quote: ]
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
Sir Richard Steele

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