Politech: by author

77 messages starting Feb 28 05 and ending Mar 30 05
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Declan McCullagh

Why McCain Feingold law "compels" the FEC to limit political speech online [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 30)
Weekly column: Why campaign finance "reformers" are squirming over blog regulation [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Grokster case [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
Joel Reidenberg on Internet borders and getting sued in other countries [econ] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
Nude photos on cell phones lure cops; always encrypt everything [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
Little-known U.S. law penalizes fake info on domain name registrations [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
FBI reportedly visits Alabama activist over post to "Cannabis Culture" website Declan McCullagh (Mar 29)
N.C. government workers complain about horrific, outrageous cuts in their Solitaire playing [econ] Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
Bloggers narrowly dodged federal crackdown this week [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
Ask government for public records, get sued [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
Replies to new national ID card argument; "omits some key facts" Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
John Gilmore on national ID cards and freedoms of assembly, travel [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
Canada edges toward DMCA; anti-circumvention rules on the prowl [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 24)
A critical look at new bank "security breach" requirements [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
New national ID argument: Let's support half of one so we don't get the whole thing [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
FEC releases Internet rules: bloggers can relax? [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 23)
Jon Weinberg on bloggers and I-Visa perils [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Update on FEC Internet regulation: vote on Thursday [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 22)
Maine Supreme Court requires Internet provider to reveal email sender [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
Why bloggers don't want to be journalists: the dreaded I-Visa [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
Handheld license plate scanners a new fad: Brinworld is here [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
U.S. PIRG's Ed Mierzwinski on "model" state ID theft, privacy laws [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
Weekly column: Is it time for the federal e-rate program to die? [econ] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
Dan Solove, Eric Grimm debate privacy laws with Cato's Jim Harper [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
North Carolina college censors student newspaper; request for help [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 21)
Websense on Foxnews.com blocking: blames it on the database [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Don't say "blogger" to U.S. Immigration -- or else [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 18)
Orrin Hatch's new job: Senate copyright czar [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
Museum Security News Net-libel case may finally be over [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
Anti-drug attorney's critique of police using "drug dogs" to invade privacy [priv[ Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
More on Sen. Stevens wanting to extend indecency rules to cable, satellite, Net [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
Cato's Jim Harper replies to Solove-Hoofnagle privacy regulation proposal [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
Computers Freedom and Privacy conference in Seattle from Apr 12-15 [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
Websense reportedly blocks Foxnews.com (but not CNN) as "advocacy" group [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 17)
TSA adds teenagers to prohibited items list (satire) [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
Transcript of Sen. Stevens' remarks on Internet "indecency" laws [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
Senator wants "indecency" laws extended to broadband, VoIP [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 15)
Stanford talk on Mar. 14: customized Web sites that protect privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 11)
Beijing spars with Dalai Lama via email trojans [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 11)
Request for critique: a 16-point plan for privacy regulation [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 11)
Four critiques of FEC's forthcoming Internet regulations [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 11)
Reason article looks at campaign finance history, warns of blog crackdown [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
"My life as an RIAA defendant," by Nick Mamatas [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
Andy Sullivan: "The Internet is Changing Everything" [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 10)
Canadian security firms express concern about DMCA being exported up north [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
McCain, Feingold defend campaign finance law, tell bloggers not to worry [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
Reporters Without Borders says ThinkSecret should receive press protection [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
"Hollywood Hacking Bill" author named Dem. liaison to entertainment industry [ip] Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
David Brin on transparency, sousveillance and reciprocal accountability [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 09)
Bloggers, chill out, says Democratic FEC commissioner [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
More on teachers being videotaped, and where to find video [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 08)
Weekly column: bloggers remain second-class citizens, legally speaking [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
Human rights group starts campaign to support imprisoned Iranian bloggers [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
XS4ALL sues Dutch government for costs of wiretapping [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
A correspondent's tongue-in-cheek report from Apple hearing [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 07)
FEC Commissioner warns of coming blogging crackdown [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 03)
Cops covertly acquired tissue of BTK suspect's relative -- from medical lab [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Teacher recorded mistreating child; school bans videophones [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Airport lockers, fingerprints, and privacy -- more details, questions [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Get your "free" credit report, but be wary of scams [econ] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Not Free-As-In-FOIA: $203, 436 for Social Security Admin. to disgorge files [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
It's good to undelete: Floppy disk led to arrest in BTK killings [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Replies to Ernst Zundel's deportment, some differing views [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 02)
Some airport lockers now require fingerprints? [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
More on indecency rules extended to cable, satellite, Net [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Canada deports Ernst Zundel to Germany after trial with secret evidence [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
"Indecency" rules must apply to cable, satellite, senator insists [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Reporters Without Borders condemns "repressive" nations at U.N. Net-summit [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
World Bank report questions size of "digital divide" [econ] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
"The Concealed I" anonymity conference Mar 4-5 at Univ. of Ottawa [priv] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Indecent FCC Watch: Private Ryan, Angel, Arrested Development OK'd [fs] Declan McCullagh (Mar 01)
Update on John Gilmore's freedom-to-travel suit, from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [fs] Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)
Weekly column: Proposed laws target online dating services [econ] Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)
WashPost's page one story praises sharing music files, lawsuits to follow? [ip] Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)
Iran jails blogger Arash Sigarchi for 14 years [fs] Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)
Politech web site changes, RSS and Atom feeds now up-to-date Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)
Drew Clark on "Spectrum Wars" in National Journal [econ] Declan McCullagh (Feb 28)